Do you ever think to yourself “who am I?”
Questions: Do you ever think to yourself “who am I?” And you may run off labels… but when you get to the core of that question… you don’t know.
Do you want to know the answer? Do you want to meet your inner self? Do you want to do the work and go within and reveal your truest self? The you that is your lightest self The you that doesn’t have so many conditions placed on them. The you that is raw, vulnerable, love, joy, authentic…
Do you want to journey home?
It sounds scary. I know. It was when I stood at that ledge. And still is when I move again to remove the next layer… and stand even more authentically… in my power.
But in doing this… everything changes. Everything comes to life. You wake up. You see everything you desire all around you and you are empowered to create your dreams. EACH AND EVERY ONE of them.
So to me… the journey in… is not an option. It’s the only way. And what I know to be true… the journey inside takes a teacher, a mentor, a space holder… and often more than one. It’s my greatest investment and where most of my money goes… to my journey inside… and I can’t imagine it any other way.
I keep running into people at the beginning of this journey and it makes my heart smile… knowing the enlightened path before them. And makes me wonder… who is standing here… wanting this but having no idea where to go to open into this space…. who is here… ready to go inside?
Let me know in the comments below or PM me.
I’d love to hear from you. And what would help you to do this work? How would you like to be served?
Big love to those of you with the courage to own this… to step into this… to journey in.
Photo Credit: The Photo Forest
Original Date Written: March 9, 2018