People are searching for the more. Searching for the next thing… the next level. All the time. Myself included. We use it on our copy… we speak to each other in the expectation that you want more… or even that you “need” more.
MORE. More money, more love, more abs, more things, more travel…. more. Looking outside of yourself for your happiness. For the next level to make you somehow magically feel better inside. Like if you have more money, you are magically more on purpose or happier. The two are totally separate from each other. Money does or does not create happiness. You have more ability to look after yourself and do what you love with greater ease if you have more money. But you can be a sad, miserable, bitchy, cranky person with millions and millions of dollars.
So instead of looking for MORE. Look at what you have. Is it what you want? If it is… If you look around and see incredibleness… what more could you want for?
And what you want for… you already have.
Within you.
There is nowhere else to go. Nothing else to do.
It’s all within you.
And today… I sit here and look around at the incredible beauty in my life and feel so fucking blessed.
I am in paradise… driving awesome cars… lounging by the pool… in and out of the sun… writing. Pondering life. Listening to fantastic music… vibing high. Me and my own thoughts.
In 10 days alone… I realise… I really like me. I’ve gotten so kind to me.
I have an incredible husband who didn’t flinch when I told him I had to do this trip. He has not complained one moment… and he’s been trapped at home with the boys and an electric car that can’t leave Denver. He makes my life so much easier and encourages me to follow my dreams. I am blessed.
I have two of the most incredible children. I know… everyone says that… but these two boys… Every time someone looks after them… they tell me how incredibly kind my kids are. And that is what I teach them… day in and out… kindness… gratitude… follow your heart, listen to your heart, speak your truth, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Those are pretty much the rules of the house. They are deeply intuitive, creative and spiritual… they are 2 boys that will light up this planet… they already do. And I’m blessed to have them in my life… looking after me… mirroring me… they are amazing.
I have an amazing family… I love time with all my immediate family. I am blessed to have them in my world… They are all so very dear to my heart. That love extends out to my cousins and aunts and uncles. I have so much love for my family. We all have so much love for each other.
I have an awesome house that is so perfect for us. We have a massive backyard that the kids spend hours and hours in… no matter the weather. We have some lovely neighbours that I am grateful for.
Our kids are getting to follow their heart in their gymnastics training… They love it and are so good at it.
Hugh and I get to follow our hearts and play in gymnastics too…
We all have our health. I spend a lot of time on my health… on all levels… and I am grateful that we are all so healthy.
I am blessed with some of the most incredible friends… around the world… we look after each other. Check in with the other… love on each other… share our deepest parts of our truth. And feel so incredibly safe. I am so blessed with some amazing people around me.
I have delicious, wholesome food on my table.
I get to travel to incredible places
I get to continually educate myself… push myself beyond my limits and expand my mind…
I get to write every day.
I get to channel epic messages for you.
I get to work with amazing clients who are ticking their goals off… So exciting.
I get to explore my spirituality deeper and deeper every day.
I get to feel love and be love.
Honestly… what else is there?
No MORE is going to make any of this different. Everything you want is right in front of your face. And if it’s not there… you get to look within and change you… change what you look for… and when you start to look for different things… you will see them. And when you see them… you can bring them into your world.
It’s that easy.
None of that takes “more”. It takes less. It takes you.
And the more you look within and value yourself… love yourself… the more of that which you want… you will receive.
There is nothing MORE to do or BE… Be you. Listen to YOU. Believe in YOU.
Stop searching everywhere else. It’s YOU.
With so much love…
PS- I’m opening doors to Manifesting Mindset bootcamp again. It’s an EPIC 12 week program that gives you a place to come together and create a life that you frickin love… if that is calling to you … join me. Apply to work with me now by sending me a message or comment below.
Don’t hide anymore. Don’t pretend you can do this alone. Don’t create excuses to continue to play small. It’s time for you to believe in yourself enough to invest in yourself. Seriously… what price are you going to put on your dreams?
If you knew that following your heart would bring you everything you desire… then you would have NO PROBLEM investing in yourself because you know YOU WILL CREATE the return. It’s on you. It’s always on you. And if you really don’t want to invest in yourself… then you better check in with your level of belief in yourself.
This program is ONLY for those who are absolutely 100% committed to creating your dreams. You are ready to play full out. I mean REALLY dig deep full out. You know it’s time to make your dreams a reality. You are so sick and tired of talking about them and you are ready to welcome them in… with ease.
You know that you would rather die walking the path of alignment then think about having to do something else. Because… the something else would feel so horrible as it sucked your soul dry.
If you resonate with this. If you know enough is enough. You know you are done getting ready to be ready… Then let’s play. Let’s change your life as you know it.
Original Date Written: March 22, 2018