EVERYTHING is possible and you have the ability to bring everything to life, faster than you could ever have imagined it.
My foot stomped. Firmly stating… “I DON’T TRUST YOU! YOU KEEP HURTING ME. You keep making me go places that hurt. You brought me to painful people and situations and I don’t want anymore of that. So simply… I don’t trust you.”
In a journey the other day… this is me, speaking to my soul.
Maybe you can relate? Underlying EVERY STEP YOU TAKE… It’s not that you don’t want to trust the universe or your soul… it’s just that BECAUSE YOU COULDN’T HEAR YOUR SOUL BEFORE… You went off track. You strayed from the path. And it hurt. Or… it was perfectly ON PATH… and exactly what you needed to do in order to get the lessons you are here to get so that as you HEAL YOURSELF… you HEAL THE PLANET. That’s what you are here to do.
Your Soul, universe… It ALWAYS wanted you to be in love, abundance, joy, bliss. But in your HUMAN EXISTENCE… you are here to have ego structure… you are here to feel and learn things THROUGH pain. It’s how you advance and integrate… and blast out more light through your shadow.
But there is a language of the soul. And you need… you GET TO learn yours. And if you haven’t learned it… you are not communicating with the deepest part of WHO YOU ARE… in your wholeness, in your completeness… And so your EGO takes you off path… and there is pain. There is sadness. There is frustration. There is uncertainty, doubt, confusion… Things just don’t make sense and things stop falling into place.
And until you learn to communicate with your soul… you will continue to bang your head into walls that you would rather not.
So the other day in a soul retrieval journey I was on… I was lead to tell my soul that I didn’t trust it. And consequently… we have been at battle. Ego and soul. And since I have been wanting to do it MY way… The way I HAD been doing it… and soul was taking me somewhere else… I wasn’t listening… i was ending up in pain… but why… cause after so many times of being led astray… I was angry with and didn’t trust my soul to guide me… even though I keep telling myself that I DO.
This… this is the journey… to self… inside… to heal your soul so that you can LISTEN. For you to become WHOLE so that you can advance in the most powerful way. Without this work… without this inner work… you will stay lost. Because if you are communicating with yourself on the deepest level… how can you possibly know if you are on the right path…and how could you possibly trust yourself to lead you in the right way. There are so many voices in your head… which one do you trust?
You go within… you take time to listen to discover… And you learn to look past your ego self so that you can make decisions from your heart… from the deepest parts of your soul… to live in complete alignment. And from that place… EVERYTHING is possible and you have the ability to bring everything to life, faster than you could ever have imagined it.
Universe/God… isn’t punishing you… it’s helping you see that you are not on the right path and it’s time to MOVE. That you are not on the right path and it will keep delivering you pain until you listen so that you walk through to the other side… which is ease and flow… but you gotta learn to TRUST the process… even when it doesn’t make sense. It will ALL make sense when you look back. To get you to the blissful moments in time where everything is perfectly aligned and ease and flow happens like magic.
It’s all possible… Everything is there for you at any given point in time, Truly. It is.
Are you ready to learn how to listen to your soul? Are you ready to walk the path of alignment? Are you ready to get dirty and do the work? If your heart, your soul is saying YES… then listen. STOP IGNORING IT. It’s speaking to you for a reason and for every decision that you make that you IGNORE that knowing… you go farther and farther off path. UGH!
So… if you are saying yes right now.. and you know you want this level of connection to YOURSELF… then connect with me. Let me guide you. Your life will never ever be the same, in the most wonderful way. Trust yourself. Even if it seems CRAZY! Do it anyway.
Original Date Written: February 13, 2018