On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast, I have Kami Guildner on the show.
Kami is all about helping Extraordinary people connect.
On the show today we talk about,
What does it mean to be Extraordinary?
How do you move from mediocrity to extraordinary?
What does feminine leadership look like?
How Kami created safety for herself to step into a more feminine leadership space vs the hustle hard masculine space?
How do you create a network of extraordinary people? And how do you nurture that network?
And so many other juicy tidbits.
If you are looking to step into your leading edge this year and looking for some inspiration to shine even brighter, you will love this episode.
Enjoy the show.
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Keri Norley
On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast I have Kami Guildner on the show with me. Kami is all about helping extraordinary people connect. On the show today we talk about what does it mean to be extraordinary? How do you move from mediocrity to extraordinary? What does feminine leadership look like? And how can we created safety for herself to step into a more feminine leadership space versus the hustle hard masculine space? How do you create a network of extraordinary people? And how do you nurture that network and so much more so many other juicy tidbits. So if you are looking to step into your into your leading edge this year and looking for some inspiration to shine even brighter, you will love this episode. Please enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. I am your host Keri Norley and today I am superduper excited to have the absolutely beautiful and amazing Kami Guildner on the call with me. Kami and I met in a networking I don't even want to call it networking this beautiful connection group called the dames that if you guys have been listening to the podcast, you would have met Megan she's on here earlier on the show. It's really beautiful organization that we met through and as you've been a beautiful, beautiful light in that group and I love seeing you show up online. I love the energy that you bring to your work. And what I love about Kami is that she is a successful woman in business who also brings in the spiritual, deeper energetic side of business as well and and is doing it very successfully financially. And so I'm superduper excited to have you on the show today. Kami I will do a little bit of a bio for you. She believes that women's voices matter absolutely she is a connector a storyteller a business coach for change maker Women of Influence. Oh yes, her journey was sparked by the breath of a horse of a decade ago. She has a really cool deck of horse cards to which is fun. She is She was so full inspiration into mindful business strategies helping your clients uplevel their businesses with decades of leadership marketing, strategic planning and business growth expertise. She is the founder of and this is pretty cool. She's a patent founder of the extraordinary women Ignite conference. extraordinary women connect events and extraordinary women radio, a podcast featuring wildly successful women making an impact on the world. Her podcast was named Best Business Podcast boom in the 2018 People's Choice Awards, and she has featured guests such as Tosha silver Sark Nice. Beth Comstock, Lisa Rankin, and Kami is the author of fire dancer, your spiral journey to a life of passion and purpose. She was named as the 2020 25 most powerful women in Business by the Colorado women's Chamber of Commerce how amazing Kami congratulations on all that. That's wonderful.
Kami Guildner
Thank you so much, Keri and it's an honor to be here. Ah, it's
Keri Norley
so good. It's so funny because I was listening to kameez podcasts, you just did a an end of year wrap up type thing. And one of the things you were talking about was the spiral and the way that you spiral life it was so interesting, because I was like when I heard it, I was like, wait a minute, I should have the spiral because one of the things I do in my work is is a 10 week session like experience that where I take people through this concept of a spiral where you go through each of the chakras and you clear out all of the energy associated emotions associated. So we go through like 2020 different emotions through each of the experience each of our chakras and clear them all out so that we can have a different frame of talking about this. I was like "what?". So cool, because there's so many ways that we can look at spiraling.
Kami Guildner
There's so much magic in the energy of spiral. And it's, it's really interesting, I started my book with a chapter of me sitting in the dirt on the top of a mountain in Tibet, you know, like, I don't know, 16,000 feet elevation, and I'm digging through the dirt, just playing because I was out of breath. And I found a seashell. And it was a little spiral seashell. And I wrote the story of finding that when I was writing my book, and I wrote that before, I really knew how spiral was gonna fit into the mix of it. And it wasn't until the very end of the book that I, you know, came across the whole, the golden spiral, and you know, all of the, the magic that that exists in spirals, and I was finally able to tie all of that into it. And it was something that I've been doing naturally in my business, just kind of like you playing with the spiral and how we journey through our lives through our businesses. And when you can connect that into that energy that is so universal, we can really expand so much more quickly.
Keri Norley
it's so interesting. I've been having these experiences lately. Okay, I gotta share this, I'm gonna have these experiences. Well, you know, when you like, really surrender into life. And life gives you the most amazing things, right? And what I've been finding is like, the mind blowing, right, so like, you put your mind out to like something new, like, I'd love to have this person on my podcast, I have no idea how I'm gonna connect to that person, right? Because you and I both know, like, there's people that we reach for that you're like, I don't know, I don't know how I'm gonna get you. But somehow, like, degrees of separation, just gonna show up, right? And so like, in the craziest ways, I'm like, you just think about it. So I'm starting to do this right now. Like, you just think about it. And then all of a sudden, the craziest things line up. And I'm like, you couldn't make this up if you tried, right? Like, I couldn't have sat here and thought this was the path it was going to take for me to have that happen. Right. And then I'm sitting in a spa yesterday with a hot springs, and I'm sitting in a hot springs, in my bathing suit, and I'm going to meet the guy who's gonna, like connect me with like, really. And then the thing I also keep finding with it is like, the more that you surrender into, it's like, because I was doing something joyful for myself. And this is something we'll talk about too, right? But like, the more that we bring ourselves into these joyful places where we do things that they that take care and nurture our souls, like the world provides for us. And so I keep asking for me to, to create those experiences of, I'm going to surrender and I'm going to take care of my body more. And in doing so, I'm going to actually grow my business in a far more useful way.
Kami Guildner
That's, I swear, it totally works. When we make the space for ourselves and we can slow down and we can be in this this good care of our body. I call it our our factor how we resonate, right, we're tapping into how we resonate, taking care of our body, our mind, our how we spirit, being in the right communities, all those sorts of things, opens up the door to our businesses really thriving and all the universe getting right in behind us and supporting us in our growth in our expansion. And it's, it's magical.
Keri Norley
It truly is. It truly is. It's truly amazing when we just like are. And I think you know, it's one of the hardest things that we can talk about in the manifesting principles. But it's like also, like, when you really, I mean, I've been talking about for years, and I get it and ever anything. It's one of those things that like you can get on deeper levels and all the time. And right now it's happening so fast that I'm like, every day I'm like, okay... We can do is be grateful, right? Just because the more you're grateful around those little magic moments is sitting in the hot springs. And that shows up. It's like, so they're like, Okay, they're ready to receive this. And this, it keeps flowing your way. So beautiful. So I'd love to have a conversation with you about, like, so much of your work is based around extraordinary. So would you like to share a little bit like how you got to this place? And what does extraordinary as a What does extraordinary mean for you?
Kami Guildner
Yeah, yeah, so extraordinary really means to me, someone who we've all got this wide in us, right? We all have this bright light of who we are, and in how we're meant to make a difference with our light. So it's about really finding the clarity in this in who we are in this light within us. And then stepping out and stepping in stretching into spaces that feel a little bit uncomfortable, to really use the gifts of who we are to make an impact on the world. And that to me is what is extraordinary is about and that's it from the very getgo it's always been about this light inside of you right i mean the fire dancer inside of you and letting The gifts of you show up in the world to make a difference. And you know, there's, that's what extraordinary is when women are doing that. And I believe that women's wisdom as a medicine our Earth needs right now. And it's such an what we have how we show up in the world, how we lead in the world is so important. And so really following those, our purpose, why we're here helps us do bigger, do better make an impact on the world.
Keri Norley
I think right now, especially, you know, so many of us women are showing up as we have this feminine rising in the energy of the world. Yes. And as we show up, and it's really beautiful to see the shift, I would say between, I'm giving quote unquote, for those of you listening on the podcast that are quote, unquote, feminists, right into these feminine leaders. Yeah. And I think there's a very big difference. Yeah, energy of the shift that we're seeing right now. And it's interesting, because I think equally men and women are equally important at this point in time for leadership. But it's been really interesting. It's been my journey recently to actually like, peel back as a woman stepping into actually love to hear your thoughts on this, this because this is your work, right? As a woman, as a woman stepping into leadership, what I have found in the last years, because I did a diploma in creative expression, leadership is six years ago. And whenever we're talking about leadership back then, and I don't know, if you found this, a lot of people look at it like it's a corporate like leader. Yeah, right. And it was, it wasn't a word a woman really wanted to be, quote, unquote, known for write an X what I what I was finding in my research from a entrepreneurial space, right? Because I didn't look at it as a positive, like an empowering experience. But when I started to break it down, and look at that, I was like, Yeah, but like, if we consider where women learned lead, it was from this masculine space, because all we had was examples of leaders was really men in the business world, right? And so I'm curious to hear from you like, where do you use? Like, how do you how do we play with stepping into this feminine leadership role.
Kami Guildner
I am really passionate about this topic. And you know, I came from 20 plus years, in the corporate world, where leadership was really important to me, I wanted to be a great leader, and I was a good leader, I was a really good leader, I had, you know, teams of people around the world who I lead, and I was good at it. And at the same time, there was a part of me that really showed up in all of my masculine, and I lead with a more masculine bend, if you will, I think there was certainly some elements of my leadership style, that that, you know, the connection piece was really important to me and how I showed up with my team members, I, I got to know my, my team members on a deeper level than probably my male counterparts did. And but at the same time, I still lead with a very linear, very masculine approach. I mean, I hands down know that that was how I showed up. So I wasn't really showing up in my brightness of light in that space, right. And it wasn't until after I left the corporate world, and I really started to explore this, you know, who am I really at my core, the very essence of me this very, you know, that I started to realize that there was a whole lot that I was kind of keeping hidden beneath the, you know, my my persona, if you will, my corporate Persona Persona that I was really putting myself out there to be. And it wasn't until I became an entrepreneur that I learned to let that down, and show of the all of me. And when I started do that, you know, and I'm extraordinary women connect was truly my so my community that I've built over the years, that is me stepping into my leadership, right. And I stepped into that with all of my feminine, and all of the light inside of me, and didn't have to, like dim some parts of me. And that was, you know, that was a big learning for me a big journey to be feel safe enough. Absolutely. The trust that and to say, you know, oh, can I show up like this. And so it's been a really interesting journey for me, but now I am. I'm a big, big believer that we, each and every one of us are leaders in the space that we serve, we have an important message to put out into the world, in the only way you can get your message out into the world is if if you own that leader and you if you own that gift of who you are, and start to learn to stretch into that and to feel into that and to grow into it because it always gives us the opportunity to grow and stretch when we start to step into a leadership role. And that means bringing all of us our feminine or masculine, you know, all of us to the to the front of the room to show up in our best light.
Keri Norley
It's interesting what I'm hearing when you're talking about this is like the math Feeling feminine dynamic. And when you were talking about creating safety, like where I'm like going, in my mind, I'm going, and I'm gonna say this because I don't know that every other person who's listening, his mind would go here, when I look at the masculine, the masculine job is to hold the feminine, right. So when we talk about this, from an internal perspective, like I am masculine and feminine, can be as masculine, feminine, we all have a masculine feminine aspect, that wouldn't when Kami came from this, this corporate experience where she was deeply in her masculine, then at some point, and I'm going to ask you that I'm curious to hear this piece for you, you were creating safety for yourself, at some point that masculine has to decide to hold the feminine to allow her to be seen. And I think that place can be really tricky for us, I would say a lot of our alpha go getter women in the world who have been conditioned to do this from a very masculine place. And I love this actually come into like last year and your business, you took it even deeper into this, right? You took it even deeper into this feminine because the feminine for those who are listening, when you're in your business, your feminine is your magnetism, it's the flow is the water that like that moves things that is not the rigidity. And I say rigidity, not in a negative way, or the structure and in the in the systems that create your business to allow the water to flow through to allow you to flow in your own space. And so with that, it is also the feminine, that is our energy that wants us to be more nurturing for ourselves and for others, but for ourselves for this for this experience that we're talking about here. And so last year, Kami, when I was listening to this interview, we were talking before you got on cam, he really made a a choice to slow down, meaning also to be more in your feminine. And so with that, it's interesting, I'm really curious to hear like how you've created the safety for yourself, because a lot of people are afraid to actually take that leap. Because they think that a it's all gonna fall apart. Because the masculine without the masculine driving, you're like, what's gonna happen, it's all gonna fall apart, this is subsidiary, I've got all these 100 plates in the air, because most of us go get a women do, right, but all these plates in the air, and if I slow down, they're all gonna fall and it's all gonna fall apart. And everything that I've worked so hard for is going to be gone. But that's not necessarily the truth. And so I know, hear how you shifted this.
Kami Guildner
Yeah, and this has been, this has been something that I have learned over the years, I think I'm, you know, 12 years into my business at this point. And when I found my business that was very much about trusting to go into that inner wisdom to slow down to listen to, you know, be in that space, and then I feel the the driver may kick in that masculine, right. And I know how to get shut down. I mean, that's, that's, that's certainly that is part that is that masculine side of me knows how to kick in and do. And the practice of being in my feminine is something that did not always come naturally for me. And it still does, I mean, it's still a place where I have to consciously think about am I making that kind of space for myself, because I, by default, I can go very much into the linear approach of getting things done. And what I know is where the magic really happens in my business is when I slow down, and I listen, and I feel, and that's where the biggest expansion always happens. So I mean, when I go back to 2020, and I think about all the things that, you know, I that well, actually 2019 I was I was traveling a lot, I was on a lot of stages, I was moving, moving, moving. And it was awesome, because it really did bump my business and in a big sort of way. And at the same time when 2020 happened, and we slowed down, and that part of my you know, my life went away where I was on a plane all the time. I actually was like, a big sigh of relief. And, you know, and then there I could really tune into what was it my clients were needing in that space? How, you know, how are they feeling? What was that, that that space that they were in? And how could I support them? How could they give to me support my community? That was a question I was asking myself, and I was asking them the same thing. And what was beautiful was the expansion that took place for me, and the expansion that took place for my clients by that slowing down and staying off of a plane. And you know, choosing different ways to be in my business. And that's where I think the beauty is it's a dance, right? It's a dance back and forth between the two in that space to tune in to listen and then to move into action. And that's kind of how I see it from the masculine feminine side of it is that I don't know that I feel the being held in it because I feel like that. For me. The masculine side of me is the one that just drops out there and it starts going right go. Like my word this year is a very feminine where it is it's the divine. Yes. Hmm. You know, and so it's like, where's the divine? Yes, where am I being called the play? Where am I? Where am I getting those really solid yeses for my business? And then I get so excited about stepping into it. And then we can get busy. And we can do the things that do that. But it's, it's a dance, right? It's a dance between both sides of it. I love that. That's so beautiful.
Keri Norley
I think you know, and I think it's beautiful as well, because it's basically how do I use my intuition in my business? Because that's what's happening. It's like, how do I get, but like, ultimately, we have to give ourselves the space to allow ourselves to hear things. And when I hear people that are like, I mean, and I know they're out there, write their books, like 10 hours a day, and I'm like, I don't I my first of all, I'm a manifested human design. So like, period, end of story, I don't have the energy for it. But number two, I'm like, but where's the space to hear yourself?
Kami Guildner
Yeah, you know, a time when, like, I right now, I am taking probably two hours every morning, that is my space. Before I ever do anything, you know, so I've got space to, to meditate to journal to move my body to, you know, have a cup of coffee and slow down and be in the day. And I think one of the things I'm really practicing this year is to not rush between things. So if I'm doing a podcast with you, I want you know, before this, I had space and time to be able to just be before I moved in with you, you know, so making that kind of space in between my, my calendar and my events, and being cognizant about that. Where do I want to show up in my best light? And am I making the space to I loved how even before we got on you said, you know, you made the space for us to, to, you know, just come into being our best to serve the people who are listening to this, you know, you had a beautiful little saying that you took us through a little, you know, a little, a little poem, prayer kind of thing. And it was like, it felt so good. I was like, Okay, I like that. So thank you for that. You're welcome.
Keri Norley
Yeah, I agree with you. I think it's, it's such an important thing right now to just give ourselves space. And it's really funny when I see, you know, I'd set my calendar time, like stuff ups that I should have 15 minute gaps between people. And when they show up together, back to back. My whole body, like goes into it. Cuz I'm like, No, I want to speak is just, it's nice to have like the time to like pull apart and breathe and like decompress one to the other. And I used to run them back to back all the time, too. But I'm just like, No, I don't Yeah, you know, and the efficiency factor of it.
Kami Guildner
I've got an appointment with my VA. And I mentioned that to you that I've got that right after but that wasn't originally planned. It was we were supposed to meet earlier in the day and something came up, we had to shift it and the only time we could shift that was to there. So you know, sometimes things are going to, you're not going to always be able to do that. But if you're trying to be cognizant about it. And that's one of my goals for this year is to be cognizant about making more whitespace on my calendar.
Keri Norley
And from there, so like I'm with you, at this point in time, I'm like, my mantra right now is the more that I look after my body and myself and my like, you know, my me, the more money I make, and it's not necessarily about money. For me. It's like it's of course its impact, right? Yeah. But for me putting those two together means that I will look after my body. Because the part of me that was like, Oh, I just gotta keep working. Gotta keep working. Gotta keep working was like Carrie, what about your body? It totally forgot. So it's like, no, you can have both, you know? And so I'm connecting them both. And to me more money just means more impact when people have touched more. Yeah. All right. So here's another question for you. We were I mentioned to you before we hopped on I love I love that you talk about extraordinary women, and something that somebody recently, like really grabbed my attention in online. And she mentioned mediocrity, and she was ultimately like, most of you think you're all in you probably think that you went all in on your year. But let me ask you, did you really? Or were you playing mediocre? And it kind of hit me like, Oh, right. Like it kind of hit me in the garden? Because I was like, Well, the truth is, I mean, you and I both know is a type driven women, like are mediocre is still fucking epic. Right? Or mediocre is still like compared to some people in the world. Like if I actually like take my hat off of like what we do in this world and compare myself to don't compare anything but like to other people that are like just, you know, moving through life. And like, oh, it's pretty amazing what I've done. But if I actually give myself the internal reflection, am I really going all in? Or am I showing up a little bit mediocre? And could I do better for myself? Then I the answer was I've been mediocre like I have not shown up in the fullest capacity, especially in this part was looking after myself was where I would say I was be the most mediocre, and hence shifting this year, right. But I'm really curious to hear from you. Because I'm sure there's many people who show up in your field who are like, oh, yeah, I totally want to be this extraordinary woman who of course we all are internally like we are all that light already. But it's like we can't we still we can sometimes be in the dim space of that light.
Kami Guildner
And it's it's the stretch For me, when I think about, you know, how do you really get to that, beyond me mediocre pace, it means that we're stretching into places that are uncomfortable. And we're, we're doing it anyway. It's like, okay, I'm, you know, I'm, I'm doing the big stages, or I am, you know, really showing up, it does serve my community. And this is always a good, you know, just a good test. And this is a question I asked my clients all the time, as their thinking is like, first, you got to take care of you first, right? I mean, that's the most important thing we can do. But the last couple years have given us an opportunity. We have had this this laboratory, if you will, this lab, to, how can we best show up and serve our clients? You know, how can our light really shine for somebody to help them really shine. And this laboratory that we're in, it has been just an amazing laboratory between 2020 and 2021, that, you know, everybody's worlds got shook up in a big sort of way. And you could go hide during this totally, and a lot of people did. Or you could take care of you first. And then you could step into, okay, how am I really going to serve my clients? What do they need? How can I show up in bigger ways, so that more people can can hear my voice? Because at the end of the day, there's right now there's people looking to find you? Totally, and if you're hiding, they can't find you. So it's like, how are you being visible? How are you showing up in ways that people can find you and where are you stretching into spaces. And if you're don't feel uncomfortable, on a regular basis, you're probably not stretching, right? So it's that uncomfortable stretch that helps us grow, and that helps us get out of being mediocre.
Keri Norley
I think it's sometimes like for me when I think of the journey is on entrepreneurialism is ultimately getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Yeah, I mean, that's it's like if I could trouble being uncomfortable, and you'll be good to go.
Kami Guildner
If you stay in that place of comfort all the time, you're not stretching and you're not growing and you know, you'll just, you'll just stay there. And you know where that where the growth happens is where you take those big leaps of conversations with the people that you want to be serving, you know, and then you're really you're getting out there in a more visible way.
Keri Norley
Hmm, totally. I also think I would love to say at this point that, you know, I think for me, sometimes the first step in looking at that mediocrity piece would be like just accepting like, you know, even me just saying to you guys, right, like I took a sock like it was an acceptance of, I'm doing really great stuff like there's no doubt about it. And where's the places that I am playing mediocre? Yeah, because I think at some level, all of us go through ebbs and flows of different places where we show up for socializing way and where we can be better for ourselves. This is it You know, anything new, but like notice that and then have compassion and love for yourself told no. Like, there's one other piece to this, that is that's coming up for me. And that's about you know, we can show up in our message and be. And we're just gonna say lazy because we think that we've, we've got our messaging all down, right. And if we just start coming out and we're talking about what we are working, we're communicating with our audiences in our communities, but it's pretty flat level. It's not getting them to stretch and grow either, right? I mean, it's not getting them to think differently, it's not getting them to act differently. And I see this a lot on social media where there's a lot of pretty memes and a lot of pretty Sainz. And they're just like, Oh, my God, it just adds to the noise in the world, right? versus getting really clear about what it is that you want to stand for? What's the change that you want to create with the gifts of you? And how can you get people to move and act and do differently because you're bringing some inspiration to them. And that's a stretch in their growth in your message and how you're showing up. And sometimes it's uncomfortable to go into places, talking about something that gets that makes people stop and go, What did you just say?
Kami Guildner
Yeah, just think about even your topic, you've got an A really, you've got a topic that is edgy, and it's got, you know, you've got people, you know, starting to think about money in different ways. And you know, all those sorts of things. And it's like, so you get at GE there, I see you getting edgy there. And that's what you know, you're wanting people to move, enact and do differently. And if you just keep in a pretty mean picture with nice quotes coming out all the time from you, it gets really boring, and there's no stretch in that. So really finding what's the stretch in your, in your core messages that you're taking out into the world.
Keri Norley
I love that you said that. Like for me when I when I think about that. And everything you've just said is you know, I like you said you could either hide or you could expand. And for me, when when people had to stop working when we went into lockdown. It was like all of a sudden, something activated in me that was like this is your turn Keri This is every single thing you frickin prepared for was to help people through this. Because you know how to do this, you know how to help every single one of these people in this world to not fall prey to the lack of security that happened because we do not have to depend on any of the things that we were being told we had to depend on. If we start to look within and go, Okay, well, how can I shift this? And how can I take responsibility? And how can I do this to myself? And how can I expand out because money is everywhere. Like we have resources and we have Infinite Wealth all over the frickin universe energy anything like to tap into? And so it's just a matter of like, how am I showing up and allowing myself to receive this and opening up to these different ways. And so for me, it really started me on this, like, it was like a lightning bolt that hit through me. And I was like, Alright, let's go girl.
Kami Guildner
Yeah, and you know, you can't sit still with that, right? And when you have that kind of an experience, it moves you into action, and you start talking about things you're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe I just said that. Right? It feels a little bit uncomfortable. Yeah, and go cool. And it's okay, because that's where the stretches. And so the stretch can be, you know, the stages you're getting on and that sort of thing. But it also, when you start getting, bringing messaging out that's got an edge to it, that, you know, has people thinking differently with it. That's, that's a stretch, and totally as an MD, keep moving into that space.
Keri Norley
And sometimes I think, you know, people in this in this experience, sometimes we want to stay in the safe place, because it's scary to say what we have to say because of what the people closest to us will think. And I know for myself, first of all, when I started talking about wealth, I was like my family is gonna, like hate me for talking about wealth and sharing my story because they're involved. Then when I start talking about crypto, I was like, Oh my God, they're gonna think that I'm like, some devil like demold you know what I mean? Because it's so completely opposed to not just their beliefs, but the reality is from a majority of the populations beliefs, right? And then I'm gonna be like, and then they're gonna judge me for talking about this. And so it took me some time to like, feel, right, like, it's okay to, like, feel into some of these things. But like, when, I guess for me, something that I share with people a lot is when we get into messaging, it's the thing that's burning inside of you to say, no matter how you think how other people are gonna think of you that you must say, and when you start speaking that magic happens.
Kami Guildner
Yeah, and underwriting are gonna follow you right? People are gonna find you, you know, and we're gonna polarize the people who are not like I am polarizing people right now.
Keri Norley
And I guarantee you I'm polarizing people that are like, I can't You are such a winker for talking about this. This is bullshit data, whatever they want to think am I great leaves the field go find someone else. Let it have space for other people to come who are ready for this? ignite ignition and into this new experience of life you mentor. Right? Absolutely. So it's so and yeah, it's like, it's so simple to say. And yet, it's one of the more true things. And I know that, you know.
Kami Guildner
You have to keep doing your own work, right. And that's so that you can stay in your truth, you've got to make that space for yourself, to do the self care for you. You know, with your mindset, with your body, with your how you spirit with your communities. So you're continually and continually paying attention to what's there for you doing your own work. And you can continue, you know, when you catch yourself, because you do we do get the stories, right, we do get the little stories showing up for us telling us who are you to say this. And that's where you step into it anyway. And that's learning how to shift those stories, those those Negative Nelly stories that show up in our heads, and move beyond those and learning that skill set?
Keri Norley
Absolutely. Okay, so we're gonna switch a little bit, because one of the things that I've noticed about you, Miss Kameen, is your amazing ability to be a connector. And this is something you want to share in common, a lot of people will look at me the same way, and we both will somehow managed to be surrounded by it. And I want to say somehow manage is if it's by luck. Which we know it's not to be surrounded by epically amazing human beings. And I would say, and I think you would agree, it's not what you know, it's who you are. And so I would love to hear a little bit about for you like, what this, what this aspect of your life is, like, how do you create these connections? You know, how do you nurture connections? How have you created this amazing web around you? And I say that in a really empowering way to support you to create your vision and your dreams of all these extraordinary women connecting?
Kami Guildner
Yeah, you know, it's, it's been a core value for me for many years. I mean, that's extraordinary women connect was built built on the foundation of connecting great women, great women. I mean, that was what that whole philosophy was, I started, you know, meeting one great person to another great person, I'm like, Oh, my God, I need to know each other. So I would make this connection. And so I got to be known as somebody that was always making amazing connections. And one day, I was like, Well, gee, should I, you know, bring this together and community and, you know, it evolved and grew from there. So that I mean, it was it was a core fundamental piece of who I was, as an entrepreneur, I didn't do that back in the corporate world, I can tell you, I was not the magic connector back in those days. So there was a time where I really learned this skill set. And it was very natural. To me, it was it was fun. It was, you know, people, the people it was relationship building, it was, you know, it was real heart to heart kind of thing. And that, to me feels like such an intricate part of who I am, and will always be. And as I think about the community that I've that has grown around me, and the women, what they're doing the impact that they are making with the gifts of who they are, I'm so blown away by, you know, just how how it's a powerful ripple effect of, of, you know, the work that I help them do the work that they help their clients do, and it just becomes this big, gigantic ripple, and it's beautiful, and it moves me and it's, and I don't have space for kind of any bullshit when it comes to, you know, if somebody is going to talk bad about somebody, I just, there's no space for that, in my, in my my community. And I'm also very aligned with, if you come to an extraordinary women Connect event, there is you're going to get a variety of people in the room and I get, you know, women at the very upper echelons of a corporate job next to a, you know, a seven figure business owner to a 20 something year old new business, or somebody who's starting up and what happens is they all have amazing stories to share with another they all have something to to connect and there is no like raising an eyebrow. Who is that person? Why are they here? And I love that about my community because it's the you know, there's, I have I have nieces that I adore, in their 20s. And they go to that event and they have people that I know have opened doors for my nieces in beautiful ways. I have clients who have daughters who come to those events, and you know, somebody else is helping that their daughter move through new doorways, right? And so it just becomes this empowering space of women supporting women. And to me that is like the most beautiful thing that I can you know, that can happen from my community.
Keri Norley
So beautiful. Yes, people connecting with each other. It's always there's always magic and power in it. Yeah. So you said there was some learning skills that you had in order to open yourself up to from the corporate into this space of really being a connector? Could you give us some of the things that were like, Okay, what if I want to be okay? And I'm sitting here thinking like, if I'm somebody, I've never really broken this down for myself, it was just strange. But if I'm somebody who is wanting to learn how to connect with people, that this often will happen, right? When you're like in this stuck in your kind of like realm, and you're wanting to shift into a new level of clients, or new connections to bring into your network, that kind of thing. And you're looking to go, I'm like, Okay, well, I'm seeing around me that these are the people, but I want to go to that level of person. And I want to talk to those types of people. And we see resistance to go through this because like, I don't know them, how am I gonna find them? Where are they did it? So is there ways or steps or things that you can advise people on that are like, Okay, this is the way that you can go out and connect with new people that maybe are not in your circle right now?
Kami Guildner
Yeah. What I will say, when I transitioned from being in the corporate world to being an entrepreneur, that very first year, I had 220 Coffee dates that year. That was an intense, you know, and it was, you know, this was, you know, several years ago, so it wasn't COVID time or anything like that. But it was a live coffee dates. It was real live coffee dates, and I was diligent in it. And, you know, I would go to those those conversations with clarity around, you know, what was, you know, having done research on that person? And how can I in asking the question, How can I help you? And so there was a giving back in that conversation, I wasn't there just to to, you know, take from that that conversation that I have with people.
Keri Norley
Where did you meet these people?
Kami Guildner
Some of them I started with people I knew, and then I would ask, Who else do I need to know? And they would tell me, you know, here's, and there wasn't, there wasn't the kind of communities at that time that we have available to us like the dames or like, extraordinary women connect or mean, those kinds of communities just weren't really around. In fact, that's why I started extraordinary women connect eight years ago, was because I wasn't finding those communities. So when I think about when I think about, you know, the the lesson off of that was it was one person by, you know, at a time was one person at a time conversations, showing up really to how can I support this person? And, you know, and being open to the Ask of who else do I need to know, you know, asking that ask, that really started to grow that. So a very organic, very boots up approach that I took in that. And when I think about what what comes next off of that is like, Okay, well, how do you really build connection? As you as you, you know, start to have people it's like, Okay, well then get known for being that connector get known for showing up to serve and support other people. And if you're showing up in service to others, your community is gonna grow.
Keri Norley
Totally. And it's funny, because it actually answers the question I was gonna ask is like, how do you nurture that community? How do you nurture these connections? Yeah, to be of service? Yeah.
Kami Guildner
Yeah. And it's, you know, and even now, it's like, you know, extraordinary women connect as a, as a virtual community now, and I don't get to speak to each person individually and know them. And all of their light always right. I mean, and so that's part of it's like, I look at my community now and go, Okay, how can I better show up and know people in a different way? What kinds of things can I bring to that community that creates more connection within it, and even extraordinary women connect events that I host, those, we host small tables a conversation, right? So every person has an opportunity have to have voice in that circle. And you know, the number of tables has grown over the years, how many circles we get going in at a single point. But my point is, is not to just like, present information to people and to you know, be all outward conversate or communication from me, but really do create connection within those circles around the room. And that's really been a magical piece of what's grown a really unique base of women. You know, I think that show up for each other.
Keri Norley
I think that's actually some of the foundations of was we started this conversation, the feminine leadership, right? Yeah. Like in the fact that there is, you know, if we look at masculine there's a lot of competition in the masculine energy. Yeah, right. Yeah. And if we look into the feminine, it's like, well as feminine beings, like we want to be nurtured, supported, loved, like in circle. And so the thought of like separation in the way that we would move forward doesn't even make sense in an innate way within a within a woman. I don't think right. Yeah. And so I love what you're saying. Ultimately, it's like, how can we create these deep lasting connections? And how can we actually move I am the same way like I actually have my like one of my taglines, I use this together, we rise. Yeah. Because I really believe that as we move into this new feminine era, as we move into this new way of feminine leadership, and I say feminine leadership, because even for the masculine men in the world, we are moving into this feminine leadership era, right. And so it's about collaboration, not separation. And, and so it's really beautiful to have these spaces where we can come together and connect. And instead of looking at the person next to me and going, Oh, you're my competitor, I couldn't possibly connect you with anyone, you go, Oh, I totally have this person that you should meet. And, and I know so many people in the money and wealth industry, I know people in the crypto space, I know people you know, and you would only people in the leadership space and in the business coaching space, like they're infinitely around us totally. But we are all such different beings. And like I've had my own place right now, as I as I'm launching this new, I call it crypto web 3.0 d phi NF. T. Everything. World mastermind, right, and I, and having the and it's like the real thing, the comparison, itis of me to my mentor, my mentor is amazing. He's brilliant. He's been at this for, you know, a long time, quote, unquote, in crypto years, right? And, and I'm like, why wouldn't they just want to go to him? And I'm like, because they're not...
Kami Guildner
And you, you have all these unique gifts, who you are, and your own perspectives. And I always tell my clients all the time, there's no such thing as competition, if you are isn't brand from the inside out, and how you serve, there's nobody like you.
Keri Norley
there isn't. And like, when we can fully own that, then we can all be in this space like this. And this has been the work right? For me. It's like, I mean, I know that a lot of the people who were attracted to me would have no desire to work with him. Right? You know, and, and that's the beauty of it is that we all can be and it's like, we can all be in our own lane, in our own path. And it's our energy that is igniting and sparking something in somebody else. And so because of that we can have such amazing collaborations, like I even look at real estate agents who are in the field. And they're like, you know, it's like, there's all sorts of different real estate commercial and you know, family. And there's also different and investing real estate, whatever it right. And so all of them can be collaborating together and be like, Yes, I have your client. Yes, I have your client, yes, together, we rise. And so I think ultimately, it's like, I love how you said, it's like, how can I serve? How can I be of the most service? And when I think of nurturing my relic, the relationships that I have that are, you know, you and I both are, we have both some pretty amazingly phenomenal human beings in our lives. Generally speaking, it's like, oh, well, how can I serve? How can I support? How can I and then I know it will come back, whether it's from that person or another person, or wherever it is. And we can't always expect that it's like, oh, I gave to kami because she needed some help. Right now. I don't, I don't like have the like, Oh, she's gonna help me back.
Kami Guildner
Showing up for each other and, you know, knowing each other and getting to know each other on a deeper level. It's all beautiful. Right? And I think that's why I love podcasting. Because, you know, it's, you know, you get to you get to have conversations like this, which are really rich, you know, whether it's whether I'm, you know, I have somebody on my show, or whether I'm on somebody else's show, it's like, there's just it's like the, the web of people. And I love that you use that because it is a web of people that grows from from those conversations from real conversations with real people about real things is is really what makes our world go around.
Keri Norley
So beautiful. All right, my dear, I know we have to wrap this up. So I'm going to ask you two things. One, you have anything you'd like to add to wrap this and two, how can people find you? And please share your your certainly women Connect event? I know it's not until the end of the year, but still, you know, this is okay, forever. So go ahead and share the things.
Kami Guildner
Yeah, yeah. So one thing I want people to know is really step into your voice. Have you right, know what your message is, step into it. And really keep that stretch going always and know that every year you're going to be stretching into new messaging new. I mean, I'm right now I'm sitting here thinking, I'm working with my team, what's the next level of stretch with my message? Where do we take this? And you know, it's powerful to just keep stretching that and keep showing up in big ways. Because right now, the world needs you, your gifts, your message, your all that you're bringing down to the world is your wisdom is meant to really make a difference in the world. So keep stepping into it. Our world needs you where you can find me. My Facebook community is extraordinary women connect and it's a great community of connecting great women.
Keri Norley
Great, it definitely is going there. It's free. It's awesome. Lots of great women to meet there.
Kami Guildner
Yep. So come join us there and I do have my extraordinary women connect events three times throughout the year. So my next one is March 10 is a week of international women's week. And so I'm super excited about that event and that is the one we're talking about where you come together in small community circles and get to have conversations, meaningful conversations about meaningful things in our world. So come to that. And then my big event is extraordinary women Ignite. That's my conference that is in November, and it's November 10 through 12th 2022. This year, it's all it's all set. The dates are set in stone, and we're already starting to think about it. It's amazing room to come into and really take raise up your voice, your visibility and your business. My website is kamiguildner.com
Keri Norley
Beautiful. Thank you so much. I love thank you so much for being here. It's been an absolute pleasure. I love what you're doing in this world. If you guys have resonated with us do please go check out kami go find her on actually on are you on Instagram, Facebook.
Kami Guildner
I am on Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, new for me. It's like I just started doing that about six months ago. Finally, it was like, Okay, I'm going to do it. But now I'm actually really having fun. And so I'm on Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn. So all the channels there. My podcast is extraordinary women radio.
Keri Norley
And she's got awesome conversations happening there with obviously extraordinary women. So I highly recommend you go check her out on her work and have a wonderful day evening, wherever you are in the world listening to this and go and do whatever it is it's going to really help you to like just ask your body ask your soul, what is it that's going to help me Ignite and align and light up my life a little bit more so that I can live more into this extraordinary woman space of going into this uncomfortable? Where are you not getting uncomfortable? That's the question, right? Where are you not getting uncomfortable so that you can go be the most extraordinary woman that you actually already are. Until next time, see you later. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise, please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at @KeriNorley And on Facebook Carrie Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello, I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well
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