When are you going to let your own fears STOP you?
Opulence. High Society. Immense wealth.
Over and over again… I hear people put it down.
Over and over again… I hear people shun it.
Over and over again… people make money bad.
When are you going to stop?
When are you going to realise money is simply energy.
An energetic exchange of value.
And if you don’t value yourself… you will not allow money to show up for you.
And when are you going to realise…
You can do SOOO MUCH to create a better world, to leave a grander legacy… WITH THE POWER OF MONEY.
When are you going to let your own fears STOP you?
And just do the thing you are meant to do… and allow the flow of money to come pouring down on you?
Also… when are you going to realise… it doesn’t frickin matter WHERE the money comes from or HOW it gets to you… just that you do what you are on this planet to do… in alignment and continue to walk that path… without wavering… and have the universe deliver it to you from wherever it is.
It’s NOT for you to dictate where it comes from. It’s not for you to command. It’s for you to SURRENDER.
Surrender your heart to universal energy… surrender the fact that you think you have any control over what happens… let it all go. And see what swims towards you… Allow the universe to guide the way and just keep saying YES when you feel aligned to the next step.. EVEN WHEN… it doesn’t make a bit of sense… EVEN WHEN… It scares the f*ck out of you. Say YES.
And look at the way you think about the people with money. Look at the way your thoughts dictate your actions. Look at the way you were raised and how that is currently effecting the way you think about money. Is it serving you? Really? If not… you have the choice… here and now… to change your mind.
Instead of talking about how terrible people who live in opulence are… how they should give more… how they spend ridiculous amounts of money on cars, houses, trips, etc… ask yourself… how do they think in order to have that amount of money? What actions do they take? And if you want to get yourself out of fear because you have no money behind you… and you wonder how food will be put on the table… then look at what you are thinking about.
A person who flies first class, stays in 5 star hotels, has luxury cars… they don’t think the way you do. I promise you that. They don’t look at price tags… don’t wonder if there will be enough money… they know how much money they have… they know their budget and they give generously. There is so much more…
But seriously… if you want to create success in your life… stop making money the evil. It’s not. It’s just energy… barely even a piece of paper (or plastic, for the Aussies) these days…
Stop BLAMING other people for your lack.
Stop being a VICTIM to your circumstances.
And instead, ask yourself… what are you going to do about it?
Are you ready to smash through your mindset limitations around your money stuff? YES?! Then it’s time to connect with me and make it happen. If working with me has been tapping you on the shoulder… listen to the tap. SAY YES. If you know your money mindset needs an OVERHAUL… say YES. PM me now or comment below… Life will never be the same again.
Original Date Written: March 28, 2018