On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast I have Jeffrey Samorano on the show with me. Jeffrey is a client and we talk about his experience in getting into the world of DeFi. As a client, Jeffrey just got it and ran with it and it has changed his life. Learn how it shifted everything for him about the way he could see his retirement and creating generational wealth. DeFi is a gamechanger for this who are willing to take the time to learn and utilise the power of compounding interest. Have a listen to us as we dive into something we are now both so passionate about and hear how it can change your life too. Enjoy the show. Please enjoy the show! You can find me at: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram & LinkedIn Grab my book on Amazon Visit my Website Grab my Free Intro to Crypto Experience here Contact me: Keri@kerinorley.com To find Jeffrey Samorano, he’s on: Facebook Instagram Linkedin ¡Let him know that you heard about him on the podcast!
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Keri Norley On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. I have Jeffrey Samorano on the show with me. Jeffrey is a client who I have loved getting to help get into the world of defy and we talk about his experience in doing so. As a client Jeffrey just he just got it and he ran with it and has totally changed his life. Learn how it shifted everything for him about the way he could see his retirement and creating generational wealth. defi is a game changer for those who are willing to take the time to learn to utilize the power of compounding interest. Have a listen to us as we dive into something we are both now so passionate about and hear how it can change your life to enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. My guest today is that tech guy that you want in your back pocket. He helps coaches and course creators reclaim their leisure time through automated launches and nurture sequences. He can help any entrepreneur bust through the tech barrier of creating the launch lifestyle that has your business running on autopilot I can 100% say that he is amazing at this he is amazing at demystifying the world of confusing technology and choosing the right technology without needing to take out another loan. That's true as well. He is a true talent for helping others turn busy work and into an effective automated system. This is a really good bio. Because it's true. Because let's face it being busy sucks. Yes, he's helping me figure that out. He's a fun analytics certified and has more than 17 years of experience connecting clarifying and automated digital systems in both marketing and business sectors. He's the creator of WordPress in one click and online Do It Yourself automated WordPress No Do It Yourself WordPress website and one day. He does all these other amazing things founder of make Chico a local boutique marketing automation and web development agency. And they also have the launch squad with Katie and his wife. And it really is amazing to help solopreneurs coaches and course creators launch the right way. Please welcome a client, beautiful human being who is also helping me through all of this stuff that he just said in my life and business. He is truly amazing. An angel in my life, a friend, a crypto enthusiast and an amazingly epic human being please welcome Geoffrey Semoran. Oh, it's wonderful to have you on the show today.
Jeffrey Samorano Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited to be here. I honestly since we've met I can't stop talking about crypto. It's good deed. It totally is.
Keri Norley I love it. Okay, so today what I have Jeffery on the show. I mean, he is as you've just heard really brilliant at all of the things that he does in his own business. And the reason I wanted to have him on the show today is to talk to you about the transformation and the the stuff that we've been doing together to help him set up his crypto experience. And I know there's been so many people who have been wanting to get into the space and have a lot of the same hesitancies that I had, that he's had. And so I wanted to walk you through like what it's like to really step yourself into this space. So that you can see the wherever you are right now, you're probably not alone. There's many of us who've been there, we've walked the path. And we're here to help you because that's what this is about. And it's one of the things I think, you know, we can bring into this to Jeffrey I mean in so many ways, like I just said I rattled off. We're like intermeshed with each other like our conversations right now we're like, which composition are we having for which aspects, but this is truly like collaboration, collaboration, just find this and I think this is what is so beautiful about this space. And so, so yeah, so that's what we're going to have a little bit of a chat about today. So I'm really curious to hear from you, Jeffrey, to start with, what had you interested in crypto in the first place? Like what got you to be like, Oh, this is something that's sparking something inside of me right now?
Jeffrey Samorano Well, first, I'll say that on one level, I don't really know. It's this conversation. It's this topic. I mean, crypto is not new. It's been around for a long time. I heard about Bitcoin before it was Bitcoin when it was being created. And I didn't I didn't have that spark. I didn't latch on to it the same way. I did. No, but we had you on our podcast. And for some reason, something just clicked something stood out to my mind as this is truth. This is relevant, and pertinent. Don't ignore this, like I had that little voice in my head really, really, really loud. And as my wife will tell you, don't ignore it. Don't ignore that little voice. So honestly, I don't really have a logical reason why I just jumped on this. It was all feeling it was all you know, just following my gut. And the deeper I dove into it, the more and more obvious it became, you know?
Keri Norley Totally. It's so beautiful. I love like, by the way, everybody how we met, like, like Jeffrey just said, I was a guest on his podcast. And by the time we even finished the podcast, you had signed up and I was like, Jeffrey, doors are closed. We like partly through my defy program, like the doors were closed. I was like, you're not supposed to just signed up. Too late, but like, all right. And so it's been beautiful. Like, I love again, this was this, like, you know, I really honor you for actually saying that you had that spark, and you listened. And I think what I would love to bring to this attention is I know, there's a lot of people who are listening to this, who have had the spark, who didn't follow through, right, or who have danced around the outside who said, Okay, I'm gonna go and you might have listened to one of my podcasts or a few of my podcasts on this, but you haven't even listened to maybe the intro to crypto training. Have you gone and done that if you haven't gone and done that, go to Keri norley.com, forward slash crypto intro and learn? And if you've gone through there, have you then gone and put your money into Coinbase? And if you've done that, and you've started to buy things like, Have you stopped there, because a lot of people are stopping at that place where it's like this is quite actually when I show you guys that in the intro to crypto, you know, Jeffrey and I both say it's quite, you know, right now, if you don't know anything about it, it's daunting, but when I actually show you it's not very hard step to make to get into crypto. But then beyond that, there's so much more. Much more
Jeffrey Samorano right, this rabbit hole isn't getting any smaller. That's
Keri Norley no it's not. And so it's a question of whether or not you then take that next you know, if you listen to that gut feeling Are you going to go down the rabbit hole and really look at what this is from a very holistic perspective around the decentralization of our life and and how important this is for our planet, not just some crazy investing scheme. And so what I'm inviting you for in here if you're listening and you're getting that like I don't understand what I'm getting myself into, I just know I have to get into it, take this step do whatever it takes go to these places start learning and like just start start somewhere and it doesn't matter if it's going to you know, some people can jump in and it's going to take three days and they're going to sit there with like not watching anything else but crypto stuff for three days. Some people it's going to take three months to get that place because they can only watch 30 minutes a week. Whatever it is for you start right yeah yeah yeah, so what so then you Okay, so you got the Inkling you're like yes. Okay, I'm in let's do this. Tell me about some of the hesitancies that you had when you went to go start learning and like actually having to make these moves to get into the crypto space
Jeffrey Samorano that hasn't it has since that it was real money. Right? It's real money. There's a lot of stress there. There's some feelings right? All kinds of feelings and then when you hit the go button finally after breathing through it, saying oh my god, okay, I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this. I've made the decision. I'm gonna do this. You hit the button.
Keri Norley And nothing happens that minute. That minute. Oh, my God. Where's the money?
Jeffrey Samorano Where's the money? Where's Oh, my God is between it's not in my possession anymore. Where did it go? Yeah. And then and then you know, you give it a little minute and then there it is. It's over there now. Okay. sigh of relief. Oh my Got it, thank God, I didn't lose all that money. Right? It's real, and it's a real thing it is. And once you get past that, and you start trusting it a little bit more things really do start to ease up. And then And then here's one of the things that really helped me is to get over to the side chains quickly, right? Because then then your transaction isn't, you know, a couple 100 bucks to do this, and, you know, 150 bucks to do this. And like, suddenly, everything you're trying to put into the market or into the space is eaten up, right. But then if you go over to the side chain, Polygon, Phantom, avalanche harmony, there's more, there's more, you get over there. And then suddenly, the transactions are pennies, less than pennies sometimes. And then it's really, really a lot easier to explore. You still got to do your due diligence, you still got to do your research, you gotta know what you're putting your money into. But it allows you to try more things. For a much cheaper cost. Now you can play with 100 bucks, and it goes a lot further than in some of the Etherium. Protocols and things like that.
Keri Norley I never said I would just want to say I'm sitting here. I know people are not, you can listen or not seeing the smile on my face. But it's a giant smile on my face as I listen to Jeffrey talk. Because this is this is it. And I'm gonna, it's like he just talks some Techie Talk, and I did not stop him take a techie talk that you guys probably have no idea what the heck he just said. And it doesn't really matter. Doesn't really matter, because he's right what he just said. But it doesn't really matter whether you understand that or not. The point that I'm going to make right here and right now, is that six months ago, he could not have said any of that. Absolutely, there is not a word of that that would have come out of his mouth. And I want to say this, because a lot of people when we talk about hesitancies is that when you first come into the crypto space, there is a lot of new language you have to learn. And a side chain means nothing to some to most of you listening to this, and it doesn't matter because you don't need to understand that right now. What you need to understand is that the more that you learn, and the more that you allow yourself step by step by step by step to learn it, you will eventually understand it. And the way that I explained this, it every given point in time right now is it's like saying, if I was to start speaking Spanish, and it's a new language for me, then I can't expect that in three weeks, I'm going to be fluent in Spanish, that's not going to happen. So instead, we can look at it and go, Okay, so it might take me a year to be able to speak Spanish fluently. And I'm just gonna keep showing up and I'm gonna mess things up on I'm gonna say the wrong word, and we're not gonna understand it. And I'm gonna mess up the sentence structure. And that's okay. Because you're learning. And it's the same thing, when you first come into the crypto space, you're not going to understand at all, you're not going to understand what the heck a side chain is. You don't even know what a blockchain is, maybe. And that's okay. Right. But this is the process to learning. And you're not going to understand necessarily what it means when we say we're staking something. It's not going to understand all of this terminology, and it's okay, you just take a breath, and you take each day to time, and you start to learn things until until it's embodied in you. And then all of a sudden, like now, Jeffrey, and I can sit and have these conversations. And I remember the first time and I'm gonna say this because I remember the first time I went last year to the first crypto conference, I went it was June last year. At that point, I had been studying for a year but deep in my studies, at least for about eight months. And and so yeah, I just over that. Right. So whatever was something like this, and I remember showing up going, Oh my God, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to speak to these people. What am I going to say? I'm gonna like, I'm such a new person. Can I keep up with the conversations? I still don't understand anything about this. And I got there. And it was like, oh my god, I had all these conversations with these people. And then some of the speakers not know what word of a lie. Some of these speakers on these stages came down. I started asking them questions and they didn't know it was about defy, because there's so many people who are into Bitcoin, the Bitcoin maximalist and all these things, they don't understand d phi d phi is a really, really, really tiny targeted market within this space. And I can promise you that more people than not in the crypto space do not understand how to use it. Yep. Right. So it's, yep,
Jeffrey Samorano that is a really, really good point to make. Because that's something that I didn't understand quite at first. And when I have conversations with people, they have no idea that there is two vastly different worlds in the crypto space, right? There's the volatile world. And there's the defy space. Right? That volatile world is like the stock market except scarier. Right. It's ridiculous. You can have
Keri Norley the last word when it's true, right.
Jeffrey Samorano 90% gains or losses losses in a day,
Keri Norley like an hour.
Jeffrey Samorano You know, it's true. Stuff like that is crazy. And I, you know, of course, if you have the head for that, that's an amazing opportunity to make a lot of money really quickly. But if that's not your space, if you're saying to yourself, oh my God, that sounds like a nightmare, I don't even know the stock market. Why would I want to fiddle with that? You don't have to, because there's this whole other world that's completely unrelated to the volatility of the market called decentralized, finance.
Keri Norley So mainly different, totally different, totally different. And so when I showed up at this event, and I'm talking to these people who are on stage, that should be quote, unquote, smarter than me, let's be honest, right? That's what matters, right? And I'm talking to them after stage and I'm like, Hey, have you considered doing this, this or this, like, I don't even know how to do that. And I was like, oh, and it was at that point that was like, Oh, my God, by God, I have learned something people. I must know something now. And I'm saying that because I still felt like, like, I have no idea. And if you asked me today, the truth and honesty, I will still tell you that compared to when we go into comparison itis right? Compared to some of you who are listening right now and know nothing, I know a shit ton more than you. It's hard. Not to brag, but it's true. I do, I've spent a lot of time and energy and money invested into learning this right, and I'm gonna teach it. So not to brag, and it's true. Now, compared to people, some of my mentors, some of the people who are out there that I know that I'm learning from and the leaders in this space, I feel like a tiny little ant in the in the realm of the space, right? But that doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Because there's always more learning growing to do and we're on the forefront of something that tomorrow, none of us could know what's going to happen. And something new will show up. And we're all gonna have to learn something new, right? And so, this is the journey. And I want to say that because no matter where you are on this journey, just show up and start learning and when it feels overwhelming, take a breath. When you don't understand it's okay, ask questions, and keep coming back and learning. You know. So that was I think that's a really good thing. Any other hesitancies that you've had, sir. I have one gone hesitancies? Well, honestly, to beat to be fair, the the learning curve was steep, but I will say, you let me until the year after I purchased after it was closed, somehow I got in there. It was literally by the grace of God, I got in there, you allow me to view the recordings. And that really, really fast track it really fast track some of the most fundamental parts of understanding this. And, and then I knew like, okay, cool. I've got some guidance on this. I can do this. I'm just going to start where I am and dive headfirst into it. And I think that was huge, because you know, that your what was that? What was that the newest from crypto new wealth from crypto. Like it was really the introduction, the quick introduction to all the things I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't know. Yeah, right. So you started saying these things like gas fees, and stablecoins and all this other terminology? And I'm like, Okay, well, let's go to YouTube. Let's find out what these things are. Let's go to Google, let's find out what these things mean. Let's go. Let's start diving deeper down the rabbit hole. But I couldn't go down that rabbit hole at all. Until I knew what I didn't know. Right. So I think that was huge. And that was really for anybody else out there who's feeling that nudge? Because they're hearing it from everybody. Right? This is a topic of the of the century happening right now. I mean, we're right right rushes we're now talking about Putin Putin, using Bitcoin and stuff like that. So it's happening. If you're out there feeling like, oh, gosh, this is interesting. I don't want to be left behind. Am I too late, but it's really interesting. I want to learn about it. Yes, find a mentor, find a guide. So you can at least know what you don't know. That makes the journey a lot quicker and a lot easier, because you actually know what questions to ask and what to Google right
Keri Norley and a lot safer because this was the other hesitancy I was gonna say that is very fair and legitimate. You should be afraid. That's the truth, right? Yes. You should have fear around this. This is like you know, if there's a lion coming at you, it's a good time to have fear and fucking run. Right? This is a good time to educate yourself. You should have fear getting in the crypto space because you can get scammed very easily right now like someone I was actually asked to do a market research call and someone was asking me some things today. And we were it it was something about like around when you got into the market space to now, is there more scams or more fear of being scammed than there was and like this is two years ago for me right that I really started getting into the crypto space. And 100% 100% There are more scams and more ways that you can be scammed than there were two years ago. And there's way more people out there who are trying to like fuck with the system. And it's not the system. I want to say this, because it's not crypto, it's not crypto 99.999% of the times, it is human error. Yeah, right. But someone is really smart to show you something that you don't know to watch out for. And so you get tricked. But you gave that away. And this is the really important thing. And why this space is so freakin powerful, but also why you have got to be careful, because it is truly decentralized. And it is about self sovereignty. And when we talk about self sovereignty, this means you take full frickin responsibility, which means you have got to understand how people are going to scam you what it's going to look like the things that are going to show up for you that you've got to be mindful and wary of so that you are educated enough to be able to protect your your finances. Right and until you've gotten to these places you're throwing and I was wrote a post about it today, like until you know how you're going to look at creating your portfolio like how are you doing this? Do you have an idea of what your strategy and your structure is? If you don't, all you have done is basically thrown darts at a wall and hope for the best. You know, this is part of what I teach in New England crypto is part of what I teach and unplug. Because just having the money or just being in the crypto space is like you know, you can gamble it all the way just like I could walk into frickin Vegas and put it on a table. Yeah, right. And so if you don't have these foundations, then you are still gambling. And so it's why it's so important that you educate yourself. Because the second you decide to actually be in sovereignty, you are in sovereignty, and there's no one in the world that you can blame besides yourself. And you're gonna want to blame crypto, and you're gonna want to blame so and so on. You're gonna want to blame the Jackass scammer that did it, you know, but it's on you, right? And so this is one of the reasons why I teach what I teach. Because there are so many people who are afraid to get in here and hesitant, right? Fully frickin. So by scams, right? I start talking a little bit about it and intro to crypto in my day three of it. So that's definitely there for you guys, if you want to hear some overview stuff of places to start to look out for. But again, like how many times Jeffrey has it come up and even unplug almost weekly? Yeah, right. There are something that one of us is throwing in there that we're talking about, hey, check out this, make sure not to go there, Hey, there's this thing happening, oh, my God over here, this is going on, right? Because there's a lot and I'm not saying this to scare people off. But there's like, and when you just go into Coinbase and you just buy some coins, you don't really have to worry so much about this, right? But it's when you start diving deeper into the depths of all of this and you really get to play in the currency of what we are creating. You need to understand how to navigate it. And you need to understand how to do do due diligence. And it's why I teach what I teach because it's worthwhile to learn it to be sovereign. Right, here's the thing I'm going to add to that, like a way to mitigate that risk is to find a community you trust. And this isn't necessarily like hey, just pop into a discord channel. Or, you know, start following people on Twitter. Find a community that you can have dialogue with and get to know people in the space that are doing it that you know, you can share stories you can start establishing trust and things like that because I had an experience where I was in a discord channel and I was having trouble with my wallet. And I popped it in there and I was like, Hey, is anybody else having this issue and somebody direct messaged me and said yeah, I can help you do that just put your here's go to this website and put your seed phrase into this thing. And it'll clear it up. And you know, I was new I was new I was I considered doing it. But lo and behold I had Keri Norley has a little voice in the back of my head that said don't ever ever ever, ever ever, ever give out your seed phrase anywhere to anyone under any circumstances ever. And I have that in my back of my head so I kind of like was like okay maybe this is not legit night you know went to a my community went to my friends. Hey, is this a thing? They're like God no, don't do that. He's trying to scare Um, you know, of course, it's like having that community is so helpful. If something feels off and you have a community that you can go ask about that can really mitigate a ton of the the risk, because really the big the biggest risk is falling for somebody's prank or, you know, their their con. That's the word falling for somebody's con, right? I've got more than one story on this. I don't know how much time we have. But, you know, there's all kinds of right? There's actually I have a good story about this, which it look doesn't always turn out this way. But I actually ended up making $2,000 from somebody trying to scam me. But that's not the norm that don't. Don't try to
Keri Norley do that. Don't Don't try to
Jeffrey Samorano Yeah. But that's real. It's a way to mitigate the risk and just to have a community trust and say, Hey, I don't feel right about this. Have you heard about this? Is this a scam? Is this a scam? You know, that can mitigate a lot of the risk?
Keri Norley Yes, yes. 100% community is very important. And I think this is what you know, this is how I started, like, assuming this conversation was saying about collaboration too. And I think that's one of the most beautiful things about the crypto space when you're in communities that are truly here to advance and I think I think honest to God, you know, like when we talk about me, you know, as being a wealth Alchemist, right, and so I'm here to shift the wealth consciousness of the planet. And when I found this technology, when I found defier, when it found me, I should say, right, I start to see it as part of the shift of consciousness, it is its own consciousness. Right. And so the people who are here who are building it with the consciousness of collaboration, which anybody who truly understands the decentralization, that's the only way that we do this, the only way that we create this economy and this next level of experience on planet Earth, and this next ascension piece, which is which is encoded with this blockchain technology, or layered in with it is that it's through collaboration, like, together we rise, you know, it is literally decentralization. So if there's one person, it can't work, it's, the more decentralized it is. And the more people who are on board, the more of it, it works. And so when you really get this into your head, you can't you can't possibly, like, want to walk away from it. Because why would we want to be alone? Why do we want to be alone? Why do we, why do we want to be in this in this fucked up world that we've been living in, that is from the top down as corrupt as fuck it is based on a few frickin individuals holding all the power and all the money to try and control and manipulate us, when right now we have a technology that literally allows us to completely decentralized themselves ourselves, so that those people don't get the power and the power actually literally goes to the people. Yeah, and when you understand it from this perspective, it's like it's worthwhile to understand how we do this. And to move through learning the safeguards to keep yourself safe. And to help be a part of that together, we rise the collaboration.
Jeffrey Samorano And that is, to me, the single most beautiful thing I've seen throughout this entire discovery of crypto and decentralized finance, is how uniting this can be an every stage in in every community. And at every new level. I see another example. Or another way that this can be a uniting factor, not just in the United States, but across the entire globe. Case in point. Shout out to my cousin Jason, who we disagree on everything politically. Except when it comes to talking about crypto and how it can be that catalyst and that unifying thing, we I just bought him a subscription to Audible just so he could start listening to some of these books that I've been reading or listening to. And for the first time, we've talked about politics for years, and it's always just like, head buttons. Right? It's head butting. I love the guy I love this guy. He's He's a great human being fully loving, He's dedicated he's a great human being and I think that's the, the why we get along and and I'll quote unquote fight so much is because we both know, we're both good people and we love each other, but we disagree on so many things. And it's always about them. wanting the same outcome, but disagreeing on how to get there. Yeah. And lately, the more and more I get him to understand and read about and learn about crypto, the more and more he's like, okay, I get it. This is a way. It's not the left's way. It's not the right way, the right way. Right. There's this other way. There's an entire different system that doesn't even exist in our political structure right now. Right. Right. So and, and, of course, volunteerism is kind of the name to it, right? I guess we could. Yes,
Keri Norley Mark. Anyone wants to mark Gober? Who's in a podcast interview on here? I don't know when maybe the 40s I think is his podcast? Yeah, go look it up above voluntaryism. It was an amazing podcast episode for sure. Yeah, it's totally fill you in that.
Jeffrey Samorano It's huge, I feel it's a uniting factor, the more and more I look at it, it's like this is a way to detach from the status quo to have a system foundation that nobody has to trust. You don't have to believe in it. And you don't have to convince people this way or that way. It's just it's just the underlying facilitating mechanism, if you will. I know this is really kind of sounding strange to a lot of people, but I mean, this is why I'm so bullish on it. It's just because the more you dive down the rabbit hole and you start to see how blockchain itself can be implemented, how decentralized finances is, is leveling the playing field of wealth, accumulation of generational wealth. It's the fundamental foundation of change in my totally,
Keri Norley totally 100% agree and I've said it since since we started since since last time, you guys can believe it's two years ago. I mean, like literally two years ago now. Because it was Robbie's birthday, when we went into lockdown two years ago, and I remember I remember at the time soon after, like I remember when it first came when it first happened. There was so much unity because it was like the first time the world had to come together get something right. Yeah, very quickly. It turned to not unity. And we all know what's happened since then. And very quickly didn't last long, unfortunately. And I remember even thinking two years ago when it all started to become so when I went to write my book actually was June because that's when we had Black Lives Matter movement happen. And we started to have this, you know, such fighting. And I kept saying at the time, and I still say it to this day, it's not right or left, it's not yours or mine, it's up, it's always going to be because nothing that's on the planet currently, in our political systems and our financial systems, and our education systems, and our health care systems, and any of our systems are designed to actually bring people together, they are designed to separate they are designed to make people stupid, they are designed to control and manipulate they're designed to keep us unhealthy asleep, you know, like, zoned out, so that we can just be controlled, right? And so when we start to look at that, it's not neither, neither side is good people. Like, it's not like, yeah, your side is better than mine is like, No, neither side, how can we rise above it. And this is the, you know, like, this is, again, this hashtag that I keep using together, we rise because it ease it's not a matter of his side or my side, it's a matter of how do we go above it and create something new, because it's the only way forward, otherwise, we will continue to be in the cycle of abuse, really planetary abuse, right? And, and slavery and suffering. And it's horrible what is here for us and control and manipulation and lack and scarcity. When if we come to this other side, and we come into this collaborative unity side of it, we also get to have all this abundance of freedom and choice and love and bliss. And like, what if, you know, I look at so many of the crypto projects that are happening now, you know, it's kind of like, the internet era. And I look especially because I've been is, you know, Jeff has been in so many of the different crypto conferences lately, right? So I've been in a meeting so many people with so many different projects, and some of the people who have me, I'm like, Oh, my God, that's gonna be amazing project, and I can't wait to see that, you know, flourish. Some of the people I meet, I'm like, yeah, if you get that for five people, I'm like, congrats to you, you know, like, and it's, it's with all the love, like, we all got to start in a garage somewhere. And if you got the passion to do something with a project, like go for it, you can just send sometimes the ones are gonna get the ones that are gonna get going, and the ones that are not really going to get going, right? Yes. And so but either way, even the ones that aren't gonna get going, are going to be somewhere if that spark happened there somehow in some way like that thought will eventuate in some in some way, shape or form at some point in time, right. Absolutely. And and I think this is what's so exciting about right now is we have this ability to create so many different pockets and avenues to create a whole new way of experience of life on this planet, from our governance, from our finances, from our health care, or education from people who are looking at okay, so how can I create a system that is regenerative that is we pay as we get, you know, our food, the farmers get paid more, as, you know, like, we bring more and more money into third world countries right now we're looking at how can we get I was just listening to I think 98 Just before this 98 I don't remember, don't quote me, you guys. But 98 countries around the world, this is what she said, my friend, Jay 98 countries around the world where women cannot she said women so it wouldn't because it's Women's Day today. That's why she was talking about women. So it's no offense to men, this is not an anti men thing. But I'm sure in those 98 countries, I'm sure men have this, you know, similar problems, that women cannot get bank accounts. Do you know how hard that is to like, actually have any sort of freedom if you cannot get a bank account? Yep. And all you can do is carry cash in most of these places, I'm sure like, if you're carrying any cash, you're gonna get pickpocketed or ripped off, or someone's gonna come in, you know, and so you have no way of actually getting you're getting out of immense poverty.
Jeffrey Samorano And here's the thing, let's, let's compound that problem. Because if women, if it's known women can't get bank accounts, then we know that all criminals out there know that women are walking around with cash in their pocket. What better way to make women targets? Right, right.
Keri Norley Yeah, that's so. So good. Two daughters, I gotta protect them. Right? We do we have to protect the women of the world. So when we start to think about this, like this is what we're creating is we're creating a such a completely new system in this in this experience. And so I, you know, like I bring this to the conversation, and I know Jeffrey and I both agree that there's so much that is happening besides this as some sort of investment thing, that it's worth going through the hesitancies. It's worth going through the fear, it's worth going through pushing that button the first time and wondering if you're going to make some money. It's worth going through wondering because both of us can say this. Most of us are incredibly busy people in our businesses. Jeffrey has multiple businesses. And we both somehow find the time to completely nerd out on crypto. In the midst of like conversations about business stuff that are happening, we're both like, Hey, did you check out this thing? Hey, Did you see this crypto piece? Oh my god, did you watch this video, right? And we're both in it. And the thing is like when you get it, once you get this bug, you're gonna want to understand it too. And you've got to allow yourself the time and space to be able to go down the hole because it's worth it on the other side. And actually speaking about the other side, Jeffrey, I'd love to have you share a little bit about like, what's transformed what's shifted in your life, because you've taken the pill, thinking the crypto pill,
Jeffrey Samorano okay, first and foremost, money shows up for me every day of the week. Right. I think that was a quote I heard you say on our podcast, and I was like, cut what I, what am I missing? Obviously, I'm missing this because I would love for money to show up for me every day of the week. Now to add to that money shows up for me every day of the week, without doing a damn thing about it. Boom, boom, that's huge. I can work every day of the week. And that makes money show up every day of the week. But this is money that shows up without my input.
Keri Norley It's so amazing. Like, when I finally when I first watched the money, because this is right, like you and I both agree like the first weeks that you watch this that you you will usually you look every single day like Is it real? Does this really happened? And it's like, Oh, my God looked at it. It's true, though. If you look in 10 minutes, in some of the platforms, you'll find more money like true story. True story, true story. Some of the platforms, you put these in and within by the time you've closed on the platform, you're already making money, true story, trade. And so this is the exciting thing in the amount of times when I say to people like this will settle your nervous system. Because all of a sudden, I know so many entrepreneurs in the world who your mantra is, I make money every single day of the week. Are you making money every single day of the week and are you doing it without having to do a goddamn thing for it. Because once you learn this, you can set it up and it just keeps coming people treasure when you have this right and you have this hesitancy This is why I'm like I want to scream through the bone at you that you're listening to the computer however you listening right now, it's worth going through the trials and tribulations and the OH MY GOD and the fears and the hesitancies that we've already spoken about to learn this because once you understand this, and your nervous system is making your mind you're making money every single day your nervous system is like, ah, and the dreams that you have can be dreamed so much bigger all of a sudden. And it's not to say I want to say this to like it's not to say that all of a sudden, you're gonna go I'm going to put $1,000 and I'm going to be a millionaire overnight, you're not, right, like the amount of money that you're making is proportional to how much money you have to put into the space. But there is something so cool to be said that even if it's only $1,000 that you have to put in right now. Watch it like see what happens for you. And your abundant mindset when all of a sudden you're making money every single day. And then think about and then this is the other thing I love showing people and you can talk about this part too for you is what happens when because this was a huge aha moment for you. This was actually a really big aha moment for you like you like, like seriously we're like holy mothertrucker um, when I showed you the calculator around how quickly you can actually retire yourself by allowing yourself and this is really big because we're talking about Jeffrey brought up earlier today volatiles and and effectively defy or are compounding interest, right? Safe, safer compounding interest. And so a lot of people who are probably even listening to this are so bullish meaning like they're they're headstrong on all these volatile assets and they want to go and they want to buy the Bitcoin eath and all these alt coins the doge coins and the this coins and then that coins in the I don't know what's your buck coin that somebody else made down the road because my best friend said it was the best thing in the garage and that it on. So she's using it, so I'm going to use it right, which is the stupidest frickin way to invest your money by the way. Don't do it that way. Don't do it that way, educate yourself. But with all of that. When you start to look at I just totally lost my train of thought investing the calculator or the calculator, right? So so people think that if you go into these highly volatile places, you can flip your money in, you're gonna make 50% more in like two days or three months or whatever, like, trust me, they're probably going to pull the rug on you and you probably end up scammed. If that's the high percentage that you're looking at getting. Right, you are far better. Look at Warren Buffett going long term, slow growth over time, we'll win every time. Every time if you put all of your money into the high volatile basket you will lose over all highly likely unless you are really frickin skilled and know what you're doing. And even then people lose a lot of money. So the beautiful thing about defy is the long term growth around this. So when I showed you this, right, long term growth, consistent growth slow over time, what happened when you saw that
Jeffrey Samorano Listen, I'm going to start this out by saying, I don't have a retirement plan. I'm an entrepreneur, right? I'm making my retirement. That's what I got to do. So, when you showed me that calculator, it's basically like every it, it's, that's when the switch flipped. Put it all here. Right? It doesn't need to be anywhere else. Maybe I'll leave a few bucks in a bank, for groceries, but it doesn't need to be anywhere else. Like, why? Why would it be anywhere else? When I can make 15 to 30%? annually compounded? or more? I mean, why? Why? Why would I do that when I can literally retire in? I don't know, 712 years, maybe, depending on depending on what to start with. And what I can introduce later on, like, that calculator was like, Okay, this, this was, that's okay, I'll say this. This was that was the first time I thought I could actually retire. Right? Because I mean, I'm, I'm stretching myself across a few different businesses, right? So I'm trying to build that. But it's slow going. It's, it's a the the cost, the cost of doing business versus what the business is producing. It's it's slow, I mean, then we're looking at 25 to 30 year plan for retirement, right. But I didn't start these business early enough to really, I mean, it'd be 890 92, three, I don't know, four, or 567 70s, and 80s, before I can retire on that schedule, right, versus getting this plan in place, doing the defy and retiring at a reasonable time.
Keri Norley So we just been cut off, I'm going to start back to wherever we were, and say that I was talking about the compounding interest calculator with Robbie and I looked at this calculator, and I did a demo with him. And I was like, if we just put in this $1,000 A year with whatever kind of like, you know, extra spare cash that they would be, you know, getting in and working with just adding on top of it. But by the time that they were in college, there was going to make you remember the exact number, but there was like 100k in there or something crazy. And then it was like they were gonna actually be making, like 14k a year or something like this, I can't exactly remember all the numbers you guys saw, like, I'd have to like come back in here. It's been a while since I looked at it. But it was significant that it was like you guys, like this is what we're setting our kids up with. And it's not that hard to do that, then they would actually be able to grow with that too. And I said to Robbie, when I was talking to him about it. If I if we did this, and you have that money when when you turned 18 or 20 or whenever it was that we decided that you could have this money, what would you do with it? He's like, why would keep growing it mom, because I know how long it took me to make that money in the first place. And I think Isn't that the most powerful thing that we can do is we can start looking at how do we actually set our kids up to be able to have generational wealth, because I specifically think more than ever before we have AI technology coming in Period, end of story, we are going to start losing jobs more and more and more. And the kids of our generation for my children right now. We've got to start thinking I'd say laterally or vertically or something right as to how these kids are going to actually be able to have jobs because jobs are gonna look really different. Like even if we start talking about Metaverse, right? Like there's jobs that are gonna be in the metaverse that don't exist right now. There's, there's going to be all sorts of things that completely change, there's going to be like driving is going to be done on its own some car is going to drive itself, we're not going to need even Ubers because there's gonna be Ubers that already out there that are driving on their own. Right? There's kitchens and restaurants that are run by robots right now. This is not like a futuristic, this is already happening. Right? There's kitchens that they're setting up that like I can hire, I can put a kitchen into my house. That is a robotic kitchen, I would never need to go out because the food would be prepared for me every single night by a robot that will be frickin amazing. And it looks and tastes the same every time. Yep. Right. So we are
Jeffrey Samorano eliminating jobs left, right. Boarding or what's his name? Right.
Keri Norley Exactly, exactly. Right. So there's these jobs that are like changing. And so what are kids going to do? And so when we start to look at being able to create this generational wealth by not actually being like, oh my god, this is a completely crazy idea. I'm not talking about like, let's go and put hundreds of 1000s of dollars but like, over time, compounding interest is one of the most powerful things you will ever experience in your life. And it is why the banks do it and why they don't let us do it because they want the money. They don't want to give it to us. Buried in the story.
Jeffrey Samorano I was having a similar conversation with my daughter who's 15 and I was just like, hey, how much money are you going to have when you're 40? And, you know, she's I don't know, I don't even have a job like that, wouldn't that question that concept and didn't occur to her? And I was like, well, let's let's, let's play with some numbers. And we did sit down with accountant, the calculator and all that kind of stuff. And she got, she got so excited when I forget what the input was, I forget, but it was like, it ended up being like five or $6 million. I think she put in something like 100,000 200,000 is that, you know, like, if she put that in today, and then just see the wheels start turning like, what this but I didn't work for it. It's growing without me doing anything. Like, wait, how does that work? You know, like, just to see those gears start turning. I'm like, I wish I had the same. You know, I didn't even Yeah, I missed it. I missed it.
Keri Norley So it's so amazing. Yeah, but you're giving it now as you're giving it out. That's what matters. And it's never too late. Um, okay. It's never too late. It's never too late. It's never too late. So the next thing too before we wrap this, because I know I have another meeting I have to run to and I know you have other things as well. Two more questions, a few more little bits. One is words of wisdom for people sitting on the on the ledge, right? It was only six months ago that you leaked. So words of wisdom, you guys, this isn't far off. And we're having this conversation, right? Like, it doesn't, it doesn't have to take a long time. But also, if it takes a little longer, that's okay, too. But words of wisdom for what people are sitting there.
Jeffrey Samorano I would say get off the fence. First of all, get off the fence, find a community start. Even if it's nothing more than watching some YouTube videos, right? Find find the ones that resonate with you or something, find a community, start asking questions. Start, you know, understanding the language. But start get off the fence is step number one, just get off the fence. And when you make that decision, the universe is gonna provide the answers. That's how it happened for me. And I feel like, I feel like I'm a great example of this. Because as soon as I said, I want to know about this. You came into my life. And it was like snow. It was a snowball after that, right? It is this cascading avalanche of knowledge and questions and answers and videos and everything. And it all happened so quick. It doesn't have to take forever, it really doesn't have to take forever at all
Keri Norley doesn't. Doesn't especially when you have people to guide you. Actually tell them Jeffrey, the name of your podcast and then they can go find my app. There's other amazing things that you can listen to on different podcasts. But you can also go in search. We actually know I think it was 40 Episode 40.
Jeffrey Samorano It is the Lighten your launch podcast. You can find it anywhere Apple, Stitcher and what's the Spotify all the places all the places like me launch podcast, it's all about launching, but we talk about all kinds of cool stuff.
Keri Norley Yes, awesome. Um, and so yeah, get off does anything else? Get off your button? Do the thing. Anything right? Get
Jeffrey Samorano off the fence, find a community and find a mentor. Like find a guide, find somebody who's a few steps ahead of you. And follow in their footsteps?
Keri Norley Oh, I don't know. You might have some of them sitting right here listening to me talking to you right now. You might have a community.
Jeffrey Samorano Here's the thing, Carrie and I will talk about this stuff all day in our sleep.
Keri Norley We will we will reach and speaking of speaking of finding communities, can you share a little bit about your experience with unplug? Because it's a pretty epic community. If you ask me.
Jeffrey Samorano Oh, yeah, it's huge. This is, you know, how do I say I know this path isn't for everyone. Because there's a lot of people who would find you know, jumping all the way in, you know, daunting, but with this community and like this, just the experience of being able to share knowledge. I guess that's why it's gone so fast. Right? Of course. We're sharing knowledge. We're trying new things. We're experiencing the downside, we're experiencing the upside, we're able to share it in a safe space. In You know, it's that again, it's that trusted community where I can say hey, do you guys know if this is legit, right. And if it's not, they're gonna say something Out
Keri Norley comes. The other thing about it that we haven't really started until today today actually have to run because I have to go and talk to Paul in a second. But today, we have Paul Hollen coming in to talk about market cycles and reading charts for defy not for trading, because I do not teach trading and unplugged. And I don't want people to have to worry about trading, because that's like a full time job. And way more way more training than than I know about and that I want to teach that you need to have to be able to make money in this space. But he's coming in for basics of understanding how do we understand market cycles? How do we create investment strategies around micro cycles so that we understand the choices that we're going to make in different places, and basic chart readings so that you understand like when you're buying in when you're leaving when you're because again, sovereignty, you have to be able to make your own decisions. So that kind of thing is happening. We've got speakers coming in talking about finding volatiles and due diligence around that, because what did we talk about earlier, you need to understand how to do your research, to be able to make the choices, but most of you have no idea. We've never learned how to do research. So we're going to teach you how to do research I've got coming up in April, there is the NFT weekend that we're having. Yeah, so I have amazing, phenomenal I'm talking like one of the women who is going to come in and speak is was trained by Vitalik. Who did who's the owner of who created eath. Right? So you know, there's some really amazing, amazing people who are coming in people who, who've made money flipping NFT's, people who've minted NFT's, we've got all of this stuff that's coming in. I've met people who eventually we're gonna get to that we're going to be talking about Dows and different ways of, of governance in this space. How does this work in your business? How does this work in your life, and literally, it's about decentralizing your life. And so it's a really important, I mean, like, to me, it's like the university degree of decentralization of your life, right? If you want to, like, come in into this space, if you're inspired by what Jeffrey and I were talking about on the show, this is a space for you. And yes, it's not for everyone, because not everybody wants to dive into this space. And I get that. But for those of you who really understand this is our future, and don't want to be in three years time or actually, even in two years, or even in one year. You guys like the amount of growth in one year, right?
Jeffrey Samorano Six months, this is ridiculous, right?
Keri Norley Yeah. Crazy. And so if you don't want to look back in six months, or a year or three years ago, oh, Carrie, I should have listened to you then. Like, because that's what you're gonna do? Yes, it is right, Jeffrey. Like you're gonna go fuck, it's like somebody right? Now, if you're listening, and you went, I wish I did. But But bought Bitcoin three years ago, like, then buy it now. Learn now, so that in three years time, you don't go, Oh, I knew about it three, six years ago, and three years ago, and it didn't do anything. And all my friends made all this money, and they're totally decentralized. And their businesses are accepting crypto. And they totally understand this. And they're like down the rabbit hole. And they're creating NF T's. And they're able to, like completely help with the environment and regeneration of wealth and all these things. And the kids have got more money and blah, blah, blah. If you want to be in that spot in three years time, this is the place for you to be now.
Jeffrey Samorano And here's the thing, if if the if that isn't enough reason. I'm gonna say let the math speak for itself. Let's say you put it in today, you put 20,025. Today, you're earning 17% times three years, you've got an extra 10,000. Like, how long are you going to wait to make that money because it only happens in three years if you started today,
Keri Norley right now. 100%. And for the amount of times, I will say one of the biggest lesson and I've said this in the group. And I'll say it and I'll say it on the podcast, I'll say it a million times. And one of the things that if I had any regrets around this, any regrets? It's that I learned it and didn't act fast enough. The amount of times I have lost money by not acting fast enough by not putting it in going. I know this is time to put it in and I didn't act fast enough and then the growth happened. And I went Ah, Gary, I knew you should have done it. You didn't listen to yourself. Right? This is the journey of learning how to be sovereign and investment in everybody will do it. If you're sitting here listening to this, you will do the same thing. It's just part of the journey. But start now so that you're still making money in a few years.
Jeffrey Samorano And if you can find the community find the mentor, join Karis mastermind fast track the educational curve. You
Keri Norley know what I was thinking about the other day Jeffrey I was thinking I think that if you do not join educational places where you are actually guided in doing this, you will probably lose whatever money you are going to invest in that space. You will probably But we lose it in crypto.
Jeffrey Samorano It's, you know, there could be you could get lucky. But man, the odds are stacked against you
Keri Norley the stacked against you, you know,
Jeffrey Samorano they often say it's like the wild wild west. And it's true. It's really it really is true, like people are mining for gold, right? And if you look back at what, what the laws were like back in the wild, wild west, people still go all the time people got robbed all the time. And did they ever get it back? No, because there's no laws for it. There's no regulation for it. This is the wild wild west. So if you're gonna go out there and do it on your own, just don't be surprised if somebody steals your shit. I'm just gonna say this. Don't be surprised,
Keri Norley right? It's right. It's true. Hence, why having mentors and education and platforms and different ways that you can really learn with people that you can trust is so critical, don't do a little.
Jeffrey Samorano It's a lot harder to rob you when you're surrounded by a bunch of knowledgeable people than just some solo out there, like, Hey, what's your seed phrase? Oh, that's
Keri Norley right. And the other thing about it is, you know, like, for those of you who are putting in $100, or a couple $100, and like, you're really just playing with it, like, you're, you're putting it into Coinbase, and you're buying a few tokens, you know, like, don't freak out there, you guys, you're not like Coinbase isn't gonna rip you off, I'm not that I can see anytime they they're totally like regulated. They're, you know, a public company, they're not the place that you really have to worry about. If you're just throwing a couple 100 bucks in like, I don't want to frighten you off so much that you don't go do those things. It's when you start making bigger moves into the defi space that most people won't be able to do without educating themselves. Anyway, that's the truth. In most people who I've met, if you're in this place, like you've literally stopped, and I know because I've talked to you, and you've gone, I really want to go figure out this whole staking thing. But I'm a little bit this is the spot for you. Because you there is reason to be hesitant. There are platforms that will scam you. And there are things that we can teach you to help you prevent yourself. And especially if because there's a lot of people who are listening to this right, I have six to seven figure business owners who are here listening, you're putting substantial amounts of money into the space, like be smart about it take the time to learn. And I've had people who said to me, Well, can't I just give it to someone else to do? Well, why would you? Seriously, that's not like, this is your money. It's your money, you know, and I've given my money to other people to manage for a long time. And it was time for me to start to really learn to do this for myself. You will i I'm gonna say I'm an advocate for learning, do it for yourself. And even if you learn it to the point where you then you might want to turn it off to somebody else at some given point in time. Sure, right. But learn enough to know that you understand what they're doing. Before they take all your money from you.
Jeffrey Samorano Yeah, okay. And on that note, like I come from the automation background, I help people with marketing and websites and launching and stuff like that. I tell people all the time, you don't have to be the one that ends up doing all the things. But if you know how all the things work, you're a better business owner. Right? And the same thing is true here and defy. You don't really have to be the one that you know, moves the money around and does all the investments and does all the things but if you know how each other how it all works, you're a better more sovereign individual.
Keri Norley Totally, totally. Okay, so I have to wrap this upside. Is there anything else that you would like to say to to feel complete to wrap this.
Jeffrey Samorano Just to reiterate, get off the fence, find a mentor, get in now. Don't wait.
Keri Norley Don't wait, don't wait. And we're here to support you. We'll talk about this all day long. We'll talk about all day long. Ah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Jeffrey, from my whole heart. It's been I mean, like I said, when I started this whole thing, Jeffrey is a true he has shown up as a true angel in my life. And we have we are we are collaborating in so many ways, right? And it's beautiful. It's beautiful. I love having you in my life. I love the work that you do in the world and helping people with automation. If anyone is here listening, I know that we didn't talk about automation today. Maybe we'll have to have you come on and talk about it another time. But we didn't talk about it much today, but he's freaking brilliant at it. So if you're in the space that you're needing to figure out how to automate your business and grow and be able to have do less and actually get the shit still working for you. So that you can free yourself to go learn about crypto and do the fun things that you really want to do in your life. Jeffrey is the man for you to do that. And not only that I am so proud of you. I have loved watching you dive into this journey. It has been a true pleasure and a true honor to be able to hold the space for you and witness you and see you step into these places in your life that you haven't been able to go before and to see to see everything lined up for you Got a whole new way of passion and purpose and it feels like to me it's open doors not only for the way that you look at your kids in the way that you look at the financial future for yourself in generational wealth and all that stuff. But it's like a spark that like lit up inside of you of like, oh my god, we can actually make a difference on this planet. And, and that is priceless. And so thank you for, for following your gut for listening for diving in for being you for going all in and for being with me on this journey. I truly adore you. I think you're an amazing human being.
Jeffrey Samorano Thank you. I receive that. And to your to your case. You're a great teacher. So thank you for showing me.
Keri Norley Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So until next week, everybody, have a wonderful week and go create some magic in your life wherever you are. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise, please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley And on Facebook Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello, I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.
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- Published On: January 15th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025