I’m feeling so blessed for this beautiful life that I live..
I had two girlfriends swing by today. Nothing planned. It all just worked that way. In ease. My heart feels so full. It’s been so long since that happened.
And two nights ago my cousin was here, last minute… for dinner and then stayed the night. With ease.
It feels like forever since that has happened in my world. And it feels so good.
In sydney… I had the most wonderful friends and we all spent so much time hanging at each other’s places. Popping round to say “Hi.”… have an Aussie “Cuppa”… Spending quality time with each other. Relying on each other, depending on each other… helping each other out with kids… it was so nice.
I have felt so alone here, for so long. And today… my cup feels so full. To get to spend time getting to know some incredible people that inspire me. Each in their own way.
And… I was raised in a family of entertainers… I love having people over. LOVE IT. It lights me up.
And so it was so nice not to meet somewhere, but to have people into my home. i love my home. I love getting to share it with people that I love. (I’m Taurean too )
ALSO today… i had 2 of the most incredible conversations with BOTH my mothers.
So anyway… just feeling super blessed to be surrounded by such incredible people, living gorgeous lives, doing wonderful things, experiencing LOVE… Willing to take risks, follow their heart… Love you all.
(Yes… I love that mirror image, thank you.
I’m feeling so blessed for this beautiful life that I live… that only gets better and better every single day, because I love myself more and more… and I open my heart to my dreams… And I surrender… trusting the process… with joy in my heart.
Feeling high on life… It’s amazing how good life can be. Truly. Love and abundance is EVERYWHERE.
***** Look for it and you will find it. ****
PS: DOORS OPEN for Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. Open your heart and soul to abundance and love EVERYWHERE. You create your reality. Are you ready to make all your dreams happen? Then join me. Apply today in the comments below or PM me.
Original Date Written: April 1, 2018