I’m sitting here thinking about NOTHING. NO THING.
I’m sitting here thinking about NOTHING. NO THING.
Why? Because since taking Kambo yesterday, and again today… my mind seems to have so little in it. Clear. No loops playing. No chatter. No telling me nasty things. No thing. Nothing.
Not only in my mind… but today… in my body. there is a quietness. A space. A peace within that I haven’t felt before.
And I have been feeling like writing to you. I have the time and space and energy to do it, but it’s strange… NO THING. Nothing.
And whilst that is strange for me… it’s so peaceful and beautiful and wonderful. Simple.
With nothing… comes LOVE. With nothing… comes TRUTH. With nothing… there is nowhere to hide. Nothing to hide from. Me and my truth.
And ultimately… my truth is… love and peace. At the core of who I am. At the core of who you are… Love.
Love is everywhere. Love is in you.
SLOW DOWN. Calm your mind… sit and do NO THING… and give yourself the space to BE in peace…
In that space… is everything. All the answers… the deepest rawest love for yourself. And from that space… everything is possible.
You are dropped into your heart and you can stand in your truth.
And that… is really all that there is… the most important thing you can do in this lifetime. Stand in your truth. Be you. ALL of you.
Original Date Written: March 18, 2018