I’m starting a new ritual…
Everything about THIS makes me happy. I’m starting a new ritual… ceremonial cacao in the mornings. The smell of what is in these bags literally arouses me. It is magic for my senses.
Historically… Cacao is the drink of the gods… It was used in ceremony and also the Mayans used it for currency, it was so valuable.
As time went on…cacao beans began to get processed and we now have cocoa, which is what is left after being heat treated and the cacao butter removed.
So what is actually a very incredible whole food, full of wonderful minerals and vitamins has been broken down to commercialise it. And in this process, they add a crap ton of sugar to make it taste good again. But also make it terrible for you with all the processed sugar.
One of the wonderful experiences I have had since starting my shamanic study is a ton of ways to create ceremony and rituals to help us move through life. One of them is with cacao ceremony.
In it’s whole form… there is so much magic in those little discs. AND so much full body yes deliciousness.
I love that in the pamphlet when talking about cacao ceremony he says… if you can drink it before a walk in nature, doing art, simply creating “space” to allow the effects of it to take full hold… you will feel a different effect each time. And the effects can last hours.
Oh… to start my day with my all time favourite flavour in the entire world and have it be such an incredible ritual… a breathing… a time of silence, prayer, gratitude, intention setting… while sipping the drink of the gods…. it’s feeling like MAGIC.
I am so excited to wake up tomorrow morning and do this.
And… over time to experiment with different flavours and ingredients… AND for sure… with the weather getting warmer… we are wanting to have some people over to sit around a campfire and have cacao ceremony. SO POWERFUL.
Loving the unfolding of life and space I am creating for daily rituals that fill my cup (literally). YES!
Oh… and this is full of cacao butter, so think of it like a super delicious bulletproof (without the coffee since I don’t drink it).
Bring on this delicious, sensual, arousing, divine magic…
OH… BTW- anyone in Denver… if you want to join me for cacao ceremony around a campfire… let me know. I’ll keep you posted!
#chocoholic #ritual #shaman #ceremony #space #creativeflow #meditation#gratitude #sacredspace #grounding #intention #mornings #cacaoceremony#sensual
Original Date Written: March 5, 2018