In this episode of the Wealth Alchemist Podcast, I talk about what this podcast is all about – how to grow your wealth and leave a positive impact on the planet.
I invite guests from many different walks of life to share their perspective on mindset, energy and wealth.

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Hello and welcome to the Wealth Alchemist Podcast.
I am Keri Norley and I am your host for the show.
I am super duper excited to finally be launching this. Actually, it's a really long time coming, and this episode I'm just gonna share with you what is this all about, where we’re headed, what is this, what are we gonna be talking about, and into all of the juicy details coming from the podcast.
Who is this podcast for? This is for those of you that want to grow your wealth and leave a positive impact on the planet.
It's for you if you are an entrepreneur, maybe you’re a trust fund baby, or inherited money in someway, shape or form, or maybe you've been divorced and never had to take ownership of the money that you have because your partner always did or maybe does and you simply want to learn to become sovereign around your finances, meaning you get to be the one running the show.
If you resonate with that, then this is for you.
It is my passion and my mission on this planet to raise the consciousness of the world.
Unless something changes, then it's going to stay the same, right?
So the conversations on this podcast are here to help you to become sovereign around your money, wealth and finances.
Isn't it time that we get to bust through the barriers that are stopping you from creating that what you desire?
These conversations are here to bring you to a new awareness as to where our financial systems are heading.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but we are in unprecedented times and what once worked is not going to be the same moving forward.
So what do we do?
Today we will be talking about new ways of working with a relationship with money, wealth and finances. We will be talking about vibrations, energy, mindset and what it takes to be sovereign with your money.
What does that even mean?
We will be talking about magnetizing abundance, holding your wealth and leaving a legacy on this planet.
For me these are some really pivotal points of the conversations that I bring to the world, and I love, love, love talking about it because some of this is rarely talked about anywhere else.
I love having conversations about money because again we get to have this really beautiful heartfelt conversations around money.
Let me say it doesn't matter what level you're at, you are sure to gain insights from the podcast.
We all know it - each level we bust through in our wealth creation, there are more shifts and changes that we get to move through so that we can welcome in even more.
Let's be real I'm sure that if you're attracted to me in this podcast you know it's not really about the money, it's about what you get to do with it.
I was born into a family with wealth and I know the amazing impact one person can have on this planet.
In your heart I know that you have a desire to bring positive change to the planet in whatever way that you can.
There are many ways to do it but the more money you have, the more that you can give.
So let's break through the lack and scarcity that is around the world… and for me, because I know many of the people follow me are in the spiritual World, in which it says that “you have to be a martyr to make a difference” simply is not true. Let's break through that. Everybody gets to be and create whatever level of wealth they desire.
You can grow your capacity to receive and hold wealth, and be able to give from a space of overflow.
it is so magical. There are many layers to the show, and I'm excited for the amazing conversations that we bring to the space.
I have already interviewed some phenomenal people, and who else is showing up is blowing my mind. The caliber of conversations that we're having honestly - I'm honored to be able to bring this to the world, so that you can really open yourself up to a new way of being.
There are some really amazing stories, and some really amazing tools. It's just going to be so inspiring from the things that I talk about, and also from the interviews that are already locked in and coming and the ones that I don't even know yet.
Whilst we can leave a legacy, of course, this is also about growing your own wealth for your own personal dreams and desires, because of course we get to have our own wealth, ambitions and the things that we desire in our life.
So I ask you - what dreams are you striving for? How do you want your health, your relationships and your career to look? Maybe there's some more travel in your future? A new home? What is it for you that you were dreaming about?
Yes, there are dreams so big, the only thing that is missing is you! - otherwise you wouldn't be dreaming it.
If you can see it, you can achieve it, and it takes digging in, and finding your courage and strength, to take the actions that will get you the results that you are dreaming of.
It will also take clearing and activating your field to a whole new vibration. We've been conditioned to suffer - and in order to create the life of your dreams, you get to do the work to remove the conditioning that is telling you that you can't do this right now.
It's time to tell those BS stories to leave you, and you get to stop listening to them and create new stories that guide your actions instead.
I speak of this because I know the journey, I have been stuck, debilitated, unable to move forward in my life.
I have felt hopeless and like I couldn't get out of bed for weeks on end.
I have been so anxious that I've had panic attacks that made me think I was having a heart attack... and I used to scratch myself until I bled... especially in social situations.
I have been erratic, and all over the place, letting my stories, emotions and conditioning run my life.
Even though I was still creating an amazing life on the outside, on the inside I was miserable and beating myself up.
There were stories in my head that did not serve me, and they Zapped my energy.
It is a choice.
It is a decision that we choose another way, and in the show I'm going to share with you the tools and insights to help you do that. I'm going to be bringing you experts that can help you learn strategies and tips for wealth creation, elevate your energy.
Again it doesn't matter where you were at in your journey.
I'm still doing my own work, and this journey never ends.
Everything is perfect.
It is a shame and judgement free zone.
It doesn't matter where we come from, we all have our stories. Now its time to let them go and let me show you the way to the new wealth.
I firmly believe that we are in the most exciting time to be alive.
This is such an important conversation, so I ask that you help me share these conversations and help me get this to more people in the world.
I have a vision that we reach a tipping point where the entire consciousness and paradigm of this world shifts.
That will take millions of people choosing a new way of being on this planet.
Please help me in sharing this. Please help me in getting this message out to the world and when you share these stories on Instagram stories. For Instagram you can tag me - my Instagram handle is at @knorley, if you share this on Facebook my Facebook page is @kerinorley1.
Also if you have a request for a topic, please let me know in the DM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for listening, I am truly honored and it is an absolute pleasure to be bringing this conversation to the world, and sharing my heart with you.
I'll be back with the first episode of The Wealthy Alchemist - see you then!
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- Published On: March 12th, 2025
- Published On: March 12th, 2025
- Published On: March 12th, 2025
- Published On: March 11th, 2025