Today as I was doing my daily journaling, I was writing about the clients I’m calling in and I had this thought… Not everyone is ready for this level of being held and SEEN.
And as I sat with that and it felt good to OWN my ‘too muchness’.
So often we, as humans, dim our lights and play a smaller game to be what you think you are “supposed to be’ to attract the clients you desire.
But it doesn’t work that way.
You made a soul-contract with people before you even descended down into human form to teach others the lessons you are here to learn. So, if you DO NOT play the game you are meant to play… if you DO NOT STEP INTO YOUR PURPOSE WORK at the deepest level… how will you connect with those that you are contracted to connect with?
It’s more likely, you will bounce around trying to find your way, but never really making the impact that you desire.
I’m NOT for everyone and I OWN THAT.
People have asked me to soften my words, to not swear, etc… to not be FULLY ME. It DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY. Fuck that shit. 😉
It’s in those points you get to LEAN IN and be MORE of you.
If you are a current client or meant to be a client… it’s because you KNOW…
💥I will hold you to the truth of who you are.
💥I will not let you stay stuck in your excuses.
💥I will be honest and truthful, always…. even when the reflection hurts… and especially when I get to RAISE YOU UP.
💥I will cheer you on, like you have probably never been cheered before.
💥I will see you, for all of you… and LOVE YOU.
💥I will probably see you in a way that you have never been seen before… and it’s scary and also soooo beautiful because I see your shadow and your light.
💥I will dig deep to help you find the ‘linch pins’ that when we pull those out through energetic clearing… they don’t control your life anymore and you create even more freedom.
💥If you are called to work with me… I assume you are the kind of person who will SHOW UP and DO THE WORK and so consequently… the transformation will be amazing and beautiful… It’s my favourite part of my work… watching people transform before my very eyes… in so many ways.
But the transformation doesn’t come if you work with someone who isn’t willing to show you the darkest parts of yourself and where you are letting yourself down, because it’s when you can look in those places that that the real, lasting transformation occurs.
The kind of transformation that when I ask you a week later how you are going after the session we had, you forget what the problem even was… even though it had been tormenting you for years, even a lifetime.
MAGIC HAPPENS when you work with me. Of that… there is no doubt.
And if that is TOO MUCH for you… that’s ok. I love you and honour you for where you are at. Maybe one day you will be ready to walk into the fire with me and burn down the shit that is holding you back.
And if that is exactly what you know you need… even though it scares the shit out of you… then say yes to SEEN
Not only will I SEE YOU… And will you be held in a safe space to be SEEN in all your glory and truth…
I will help you remove the blocks that are keeping you from showing up here… growing your business… your influence… your impact… your wealth… and sharing your gifts with the world in the way you are meant to… helping making this world a better place. That is what you want, isn’t it?
It’s time to stop hiding.
It’s time to lean in and play the fullest version of your game of life.
It’s time to be SEEN. 👀
join me. 6 weeks. Group container. Epic QUANTUM ENERGY CLEARING. Let’s get you SEEN. 💋
Big love to you…