Lessons from the dance floor…
Lessons from the dance floor… #1
When I go to dance, I tend to dance to myself or for a few moments with people I know. Even with Hugh and I… we often dance apart for awhile too. It’s medicine for my soul… to move and be so fully present in my body for hours.
So tonight, I got to dance and had the message to dance with people. So I opened my energy field to welcome people into my space to dance.
It was such a cool experiment. In ecstatic dance, talking is not permitted. You communicate with your body. It’s so incredible to be witnessed and to witness in the fullest expression of yourself. And to completely, totally and utterly… let go. This silence also makes dancing with people an interesting dance to be welcomed into their space. Asking with your body and energy, not your words… “Do you want to dance?”
So anyway… In opening my energy field to dance with others, I had the most incredible dances, full of joy and love and such playfulness with complete strangers that I may or may not ever see again.
And as it was all unfolding I smiled in my soul… you see life is always a PERFECT reflection of what you are thinking about, what you are asking for. And right now… I’m calling in 3 incredible human beings who are so totally soul aligned to work with. I know the most perfect people are reading this and will get in touch with me saying, OK KERI… I’M READY. Let’s shift my mindset and take me to the next level.
And the dance tonight was a perfect reflection of that. I got to physically open my energy field to dance with 3 beautiful souls tonight. Making the energetic way for 3 soul mate clients to arrive so that we can ROCK THE WORLD TOGETHER.
People tell me all the time they don’t have time for dance, journaling, writing, singing, walking, painting, sex, self-pleasure etc etc… creative expression. I say… you don’t have time not to.
Using your expression is what helps you tap into your soul and hear what it’s telling you. See that you are on a completely aligned path. And if you don’t take time to do this… you end up WAY OFF PATH… so save yourself pain, time, heartache and tears and take the time to listen to your soul every day. NON-NEGOTIABLE.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about or if you want help putting rituals in place to connect to yourself… If you want someone to help you navigate your path home…
Then be on touch. Let’s do the deep, incredible mindset, soul alignment work that will have you creating every single one of your dreams.
If you are in… you know what to do… message me or comment below. “OK KERI… I’M READY!”
Original Date Written: April 13, 2018