By Published On: September 12th, 2018

A LIMITLESS life calls for you to focus on YOU


If there is one super important piece of creating a LIMITLESS life… it’s your energy.


Maybe, like me, you are an empath and you FEEL EVERYTHING. Maybe you aren’t.

Maybe you just haven’t learned how to manage your own energy.

Maybe you have NO IDEA what I’m talking about.

Maybe, like me, you were taught to put a “bubble” around you and that would help you not leak energy or be latched into. Yeah… that one hasn’t worked so well for me, in the past. What about you?

No matter where you are on the path of learning how to HOLD YOUR ENERGY… It’s perfect.

And today, I open a conversation around this, because it’s been one of my greatest struggles and most important learnings.

You see…

A LIMITLESS life calls for you to focus on YOU.

It calls for you to focus on ALL YOUR DESIRES.

It calls for you to take as much energy as you can and dedicate it to creating your dreams.

It calls for you to work daily on yourself, on your mindset, and on your energetic field.

If this all sounds like a bunch of words, but you have no idea what I’m talking about… or if you do know, but haven’t yet embodied this concept… then you absolutely must join me in my program LIMITLESS, but more on that later.

So… in order for you to take every ounce of energy that you can throw at your dreams…

You MUST STOP LEAKING YOUR ENERGY to people and situations that are not serving you. Period. End of story.

THIS… THIS IS the tricky part.


It takes work.

It takes standing in your truth and power in a way that you probably never have (otherwise you wouldn’t be leaking that energy).

So what does this look like, to leak your energy?

You wake up in the morning and have your intention to do your journaling/mindset work, to exercise, to get on top of your work for your business and clients… and everything gets side tracked because…


This doesn’t have to be an emergency. This can be the smallest things. Getting lunches made when it isn’t your “job” that morning, talking out a “problem” with a partner or friend, etc…

It can also be completely in your mind.

Maybe you sense someone in your world is “off” and you spend an hour thinking about them, wondering what’s wrong… how can you help them?

Making up stories in your mind about what you did to create that, how you can help them feel better…

or simply… you just get absorbed into their negative space… for no reason. Just because you do.

It’s not your issue or anything for you to do… but still you feel hooked in and that zaps your energy…

You can’t focus on the tasks at hand, you are tired and distracted and nothing seems to flow.

This happens, in some way shape or form, to most of us, at some point in time.

So here’s the journey…

If you want to live a LIMITLESS LIFE….


It’s one of your most important tools for creation/manifestation.

Your ability to keep a clear energetic field…

Where you create your flow, where you call in your desires, where you bring your dreams into reality…

Is one of the secrets to a LIMITLESS LIFE.

And of course… I show you how to do this in my life-changing 12 week program, LIMITLESS.

If you are ready to take your life to a whole new level…

If you are ready to begin to think about and attract in more than you ever dreamed possible…

If you are ready to STOP GIVING AWAY YOUR ENERGY TO PEOPLE AND PLACES THAT NO LONGER SERVE YOU in a way that is with absolute love for yourself and the others involved…


12 weeks. HIGH TOUCH ACCESS TO ME. You have me on speed dial. Seriously. I will be there for you in the times of celebration… and also… when you implement something into your world that feels scary and tough… I’m there, holding your hand.

Because I know…

If you could do this already, you would have done it.

But it’s likely that you haven’t. That’s why you are still reading this.

And it’s time for you to answer the call of your soul.

How much longer are you going to wait?

Your LIMITLESS life is sitting there, waiting for you to run with it… It’s up to you to say YES.

If this is calling you.. you are reading this and nodding your head and wish you too could break free from energy zapping people… it starts with you.

Answer the call and comment LIMITLESS below or PM me. I’ll send you a link to book in for a call and we’ll chat about if this is a 100% completely aligned fit for both of us.

I am so excited to journey this with you and help you create your LIMITLESS life.




Original Date Written: June 22, 2018

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