By Published On: October 11th, 2018

I was literally just thinking about this!

I was literally just thinking about this! I was thinking about how I used to push clients away energetically because I didn’t feel adequate to coach them because I am going through my own stuff too.

And then I got over myself. LOL

I am human AF.

I mess things up.

I sabotage things.

I disagree with my hubby.

I yell at my kids.

I have recently paid off a ton of debt we got ourselves into when we moved.

I laugh.

I cry.

I hurt.

I create my dreams.


The list goes on.

And when I stopped thinking I had to have it all PERFECT in order to help others, my business started growing.

My clients are reflection of me.

If I see things in them that trigger me… I know it’s simply a reflection of me that ‘I’ get to work on.

Or sometimes… I get to learn lessons in boundaries or in how I teach, etc.

And I laugh at the times that I reflect things to my mentors and coaches knowing that our interaction was needed for them to learn something too.

our soul’s are aligned to fulfill the most beautiful soul-aligned contract so that we can both move forward and grow in in some way, should we choose to do the work and see it.

So… when I got out of my own way in thinking that I had to somehow be LESS human than my clients…

And I stopped caring about other’s judgements etc… Life and biz shifted and only gets better and better.

Thank you Sacred Dreams for the beautiful reflection of the thought I was literally thinking.

It takes work to get to this place in your evolution. But it’s so dang worth it.
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