Is the love that you desire right in front of you and you are pushing it away?
I don’t know about you… but maybe you are like me…
You have spent much of your life, wishing for, longing for, “needing” love… Seeking this incredible experience that is written about in songs, felt in the best romantic movies and books… and wishing to be a princess that gets swept off her feet, madly in love.
And even more… you are longing for it by your parents, your family, your friends…
Even if they are AMAZING, somehow, something else feels missing… and you keep longing for and reaching for something outside of you. Can you relate?
Here is where we may differ, but that really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are still searching for love, whilst shutting it out…
I grew up in a fairy tale princess life. Truly, I did. My mother loved me and would have and DID move heaven and earth for me to feel loved and safe… and still does. I had the most incredible extended family (and still do). We spent countless days together in pools, my grandparent’s house, yearly family holidays for ALL of us. We smiled, laughed, played and loved our time together… There were castles for houses. I had incredible friendships with different people for all of my life. I had a gorgeous, kind and loving high school/college sweetheart… Looking back… I had everything. (And still do).
But at some point in life… #becausehuman I of course made up stories in my mind, ego, etc… I don’t even know when it started, how young I was… that I wasn’t enough, it wasn’t enough. Even though for the most part everything was amazing… like all families and lives… there were cracks in the walls… We are human. And I was hurt. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. By family, friends, lovers… And I guess at some point… I started to shut out love.
I let “not enough” to take over. And I made myself “not enough”. I made them “not enough”.
I set standards so high I didn’t even know the line. And of course no one, not even me, could attain them. Always “failing”.
And of course…my relationships reflected that.
Plenty of anger and bitterness in my closest relationships. But really all they were ever doing was reflecting the anger and bitterness towards myself.
And over the last couple weeks what has become ridiculously obvious… just how much I was shutting out the love that was right in front of my face. Always there. And I can promise you… I wouldn’t have found this… seen this… been willing to accept this love… if I hadn’t worked on the relationship with myself. If I hadn’t fallen in love with myself.
And now… so much love everywhere. After Kambo… my time in California… my time driving back from California… I was in a bubble of bliss and love. I have never in my life felt like such a channel of light with love pouring through me, radiating out of me. All I could do was smile, feel overwhelmed and cry… experience LOVE. The drive was an ecstatic state of bliss. I have never been so grateful for so many hours alone, allowing myself to experience such bliss.
And of course… this reflects in my relationships. All of them.
And so I ask you… Is the love that you desire right in front of you and you are pushing it away? Have you done the work to fall so deeply in love with yourself that it radiates and you are able to shift the relationships around you?
Are you ready to walk the path that leads you to falling in love with you? Are you ready to go deeper within and see your truth so that you can love it? Are you ready to experience your truth and stand strongly in it… seeing all of you and loving it all?
Then come and play with me.
I promise you… I will be kind and tough all in one breath. I promise that I will shine the light on the places you are not seeing and hold you to be the best version of yourself. I promise to help you stand in your deepest truth and shine. And I promise to tell you the things you don’t want to hear so that you can do what you get to do to go within and move through your fears and triggers and be your best you.
I promise to help you create the mindset and energetic alignment that allows you to create your dreams. Everything can happen WAY FASTER than you are telling yourself when you expect magic and shift your mindset and energy to match that of which you are dreaming of.
If you are getting that heart racing feeling that this is exactly what you get to do right now… that even though it scares you to say yes to YOU at this level… you are going to do it anyway… you are going to send me a PM or comment below… “I want to PLAY, Keri!” And we will connect and see if working together is a perfect fit.
I’m excited to help you walk your path to love, to forgiveness, to manifestation of you biggest dreams come true.
Original Date Written: April 1, 2018