On this episode of the podcast, I have Tyran Mowbray on the show. It is such a powerful conversation.
WE dive deep into the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
How to tap into your inner creator.
What it takes to allow for pleasure and to be uber magnetic.
Women, that question so many of you have… when it comes to manifesting, what do you do when your on the spiritual path and your partner isn’t? Wait til you hear what Tyran has to say about this.
What it took for Tyran to go from a wildly partying construction worker to an influencer on helping men and women be their best selves making multiple 6-figures a year in what is his passion.
Al of this and so much more
This episode is deep, raw and real. Tyran brings a masculine presence that will wake you up to new ways of thinking, of that I am sure.
Enjoy the show!
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Keri Norley On this episode of the podcast I have Tyran Mowbray on the show with me. It is such a powerful conversation. We dive deep into the divine masculine, the divine feminine, what that means and also what is divine union and what that looks like how to tap into your inner creator what it takes to allow for pleasure and to be uber magnetic women that question that so many of you have when it comes to manifesting. What do you do when you are on the spiritual path, but your partner isn't? Wait till you hear what Tyran has to say about this. And what it took for Tyran to go from a wildly partying construction worker to an influencer on helping men and women be their best selves, making multiple six figures a year in what is his passion, all of this and so much more ladies and men this is for both of you. Please listen in to this episode that is deep raw and real. Tyran brings a amazing presence that will wake you up to new ways of thinking of that I am sure please enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am your host of the show and today I am superduper excited to have Tyran Mowbray on the show with me. He is a men's sex and health mentor and he specifically works with men around masculinity, relationships and sexuality. He merges the consciousness embodiment in spirituality into easy judge easily digestible practical exercises and rituals so that men can bring sacredness and passion to every area of their lives. He supports men to bring the power of their penetrative force up from the up to their heart and the Definity and love from their heart down to the fellas so that they can overcome their unhealthy immature versions of masculinity and step into the men. They always knew they were tyrant. And I met a couple years ago at Wells spiral in Bali, and we had some really amazing Tyran is an amazing, amazing, amazing man I've been I've been watching ever since then, I frickin love your authenticity, the way that you show up in your heart and you lead by example. And it's not always pretty like things get messy. And life gets messy. And I love that you show up in that space willing to lead by example. And not only it says here by for men, but there's many of us women who follow Tyra and as well to hear the opposite side and to hear what men are doing in their lives, so that we can actually support them too. And sometimes Taryn is very, very sweet to bring in places where women can support our men a little bit better to help them be the kings that they are. And so it is was such an honor and so much gratitude to have you on the show today.
Tyran Mowbray Thank you, Keri. That's a beautiful intro. It's funny when you when you hear your bio written spoken back to you like oh shit, yeah, I wrote that didn't know, like, long ago, like I forget. Um, and yeah, well, spire was was a beautiful experience. And yeah, you're right. It's no, no, it's not, I think it's not always pretty, you know, like I, as a man have had to get really comfortable with the parts of me that are not always strong and not always direct and clear and have clarity and grounded in my whatever. And the more authentically, I've expressed that for whatever reason, the, the, the bigger, the more impact I seem to make, it's really it's really bizarre. It's, you know, like, about men are this and this and this and this and the moment I let all that go, and I started to express what was beneath all that for myself. All of a sudden, my social media platform started to blow up and people go How did you build a 50,000 following without any paid ads? I'm like, I don't know. I just made videos talking about the weird fucked up shit. inside of my brain and inside of my heart, and people started sharing and watching, you know, so yeah, I had to, I read, there's a book by a common breeze named, but it's called, um, defining masculinity. I love that title. And defining not redefining, we're not trying to redefine it, because then we're just another definition for more people to be did not fit, but to undefined masculinity. And that is something that I really resonate with. And yeah, it's been amazing. Again, ups and downs and messy parts. But yeah, it's been it's been a beautiful journey of learning and dissolving and creating.
Keri Norley Yes, I think I'm gonna say I think from the outside watching that, I will say that for me as a woman, watching a man to be able to I mean, ladies, men, this man has cried in public places on social media forums. So if you want to know why we follow him, right? It's because as women want to see men like this more, right, I think many of us women wish that we were seeing men in their full vulnerability. And so to see it is like, Oh, this does exist, you can do this, we can see men break through the patriarchal way of being told that we're not supposed to have men are not supposed to have emotions. Men are supposed to be stoic. And so to see a man not fall into all of that, is beautiful. And from the other side, I think that the, you know, as much as we are opening the world right now to the feminine, rising, the men get to meet this too. And so as men, like, I'm guessing, I don't know, you can correct me if I'm wrong, that men are starting to feel this pole, and the desire to actually open up but they don't know how, and so they see you in this vulnerable space. And they go well, if he can, so can I, even if they don't even know that they're saying that to themselves at some level, that's like an opening to be like, ah, that could feel good.
Tyran Mowbray Yeah. And, and I think, you know, our society is very visual based. And so, you know, in all honesty, I think having a man that has muscles and tattoos and looks the way I look, it also supports the process, you know, like, if, like, you know, at school, I remember, if it was the skinny nerd kid crying, you would make fun of him because he was a skinny nerd. And so like, of course, he was feminine or gay, or whatever, you know, because we, as a society, as a collective group, we categorize and we box people into categories based on how they fucking look, which is disgusting, but it's what we do. And to at least, to have someone that looks masculine, whatever that fucking means. But you know, our society likes to box and categorize. So that looks masculine and manly, be honest, and open and vulnerable and emotional, while at the same time, still go to the gym and lift weights and run 15 ks with a weight vest and be aggressive and powerful in other aspects. It's like, ah, what we're doing is we're widening, widening the scope of what is acceptable, rather than having this narrow, like, this is masculinity, or this is what a man is, or this is whatever, we're widening the scope to be like, it's all inclusive. And I know before, you know, I know you want to kind of drop in the frame of divine masculine or feminine. Go ahead. So for me, like, that's what divinity is, divinity is all inclusive. A lot of people I believe, especially, I've done a lot of conscious relation Tantra studies, whatever workshops, retreats, seminars, trainings, and we tend to hold this idea that divinity is perfect perfection, and there is no darkness or there is no shadow, or there is no, you know, the divine masculine, the divine feminine is just light and love and beauty and compassion. And unlike Bach, that divinity is everything, divinity is all inclusive. And if you study any enlightened teacher, any guru that has ever ever been enlightened, or the ones that we claim have been enlightened Buddha, Jesus, like, whoever they are, none of them have only ever stayed in the light, you know, they have experienced the full breadth of, of our existence. They've just they've gone to the darkest darks, they've gone to the lightest lights, and that's how they became remembered their enlightened state. It's the ability to experience the full breadth. So, you know, yeah, just before the I'm sure we'll go deeper, but so so is the totality of the experience. Not Not this much.
Keri Norley I love it. I love it. And and I 100% Of course agree. So on that, what I wanted to open up to the conversation for everyone who's listening, we're gonna dive into what is the divine masculine and the feminine, we're gonna start to talk a little bit more about these roles that we play, and how we can allow as each human being to support the other. I'm going to say, sex, whatever you whatever you ascribe to as the sex that you currently are in This day and age, to be our best selves to support each other to be our best selves. So to start that, can you talk a little bit about the divine masculine and the divine feminine and how that shows up within each person? individually?
Tyran Mowbray Sure. So I've I get to hold the frame or the context that you are the entire universe, incarnate in physical form, in your physical self, right. So I just I want to frame that, like you are everything conglomerated into this human form that looks the way you look and thinks the way you think and feels the way you feel. So with that frame, what the divine masculine and the divine feminine show up as in our lives is I mean, it's its completeness, like I said, so for me, the divinity is all inclusive. But because our external society doesn't view things like that, men are masculine, women are feminine. So men get told that anything that is feminine, they are not and they should not be. Therefore, anything that we associate as feminine as a man, regardless of what it is, we are going to push away from, right we are going to, we are going to say that is not me. And therefore we over identify as masculine, right to try to be men. Based on our societal structure, women have exactly the same experience with feminine energy, right? Anything, you're a woman, you are feminine. Therefore, anything that we identify as masculine, we tend to diversify, if you would diversify yourself from No, I'm not that I am, whatever. And so but then again, based on where you come from, and your environment, and some internal beliefs and stuff, your version of femininity and your version of masculinity, you're the your your interpretation of like what divinity is, or perfection, or good or bad, will then filter, the way you show up as that. So if you've been told that, you know, good girls aren't slutty, good, girls don't have sex with lots of people good. Get, you know, like, Good girls don't do this, then then, you know, you're going to again, push. So not only are you pushing away everything that's masculine, you're also pushing away a large portion of feminine energy based on what people are telling you and what is socially acceptable in your environments. To be a good girl, or a good woman, or a good wife or a good whatever, right?
Keri Norley Then this usually means, which usually means that we then don't have our needs met, and we end up like doormats. Wow, exactly.
Tyran Mowbray Because you're unpacking living, to be honest, probably about 4% of the potential of life. Not only like, you know, probably only 20% of family, like if you really studied femininity and fat in their feminine essence and what it all meant. You're probably only living about 20% of that. And you're only living hard that 50 Like feminine is 50% of the entire universe. So then you're on your own. I mean, so really, you're living fucking tiny, tiny, which is why we all feel unsatisfied in life, because we're nowhere near the infinite goodness that we are. We are like, tiny, tiny specks of like, oh, I can't do that, that, that, that, that, that, that? That? That, that that and that? And that? And, you know, but so so we just we just sabotage and we pushed away. You know, and so again, this is this. And I think I feel this kind of gender fluidity that's coming through is our consciousness starting to realize that we are more than, like, I'm not I don't fit the box of masculinity, I don't fit the box of femininity. So I'm more than that. And as we start to evolve, we are evolving more and more with and this is why people like I'm not a woman I'm not I'm It's like no, no, you are a woman or Yes, you are a man because of how you're born with the sex genders that like the the biologic biology, biology that you have. But what that means, what, like how that can be expressed through you. That's up to you. That's, that's fuckin up to you that and as because we have tried to understand what the fuck we're here for as humans. So we've gone wild man or this woman or that and it worked for a long period of time. Because, you know, we want to understand things, we need to understand things that way we feel safe. But all of a sudden, as our consciousness is evolving, we're realizing there is so much more to this experience of life, which is why the gender roles are becoming a little bit like hang on. I don't have to do this. I can do this. Well, yeah, you can. But now Now men are earning as much money as men and doing this and blah, blah. It's like well, now the the Rome, the rows in the in the home life are no longer what they have been for 1000s of years, therefore, we're starting to get a bit lost. No, because this is great territory.
Keri Norley It feels like um, you know, I've had many conversations with my husband about it, and it's still it, there's still, you know, stuff around it, I won't, you know, and I don't know that there's ever not stuff I'm gonna say, right. But like, I know for sure that it's been an interesting place as a woman to be the one that's like, right, I'm going to go out and be the face of this, I'm going to go out and create all this and that for him. Like, for me, then to then have to take that hat off. Right, I have to make decisions I have to be very in my masculine a lot of the time is you are when we're out being women in this in this world that are earning and this capacity of leadership, right, it's a very, there are very masculine pieces to this. And and so for those of you don't understand like the masculine being like the action that go getting the like the phallic, right, like the go out the power, the penetration, like this is what we have to do, in order for this message that I speak to hear the world, like there has to be a penetration to get through all the other noise, right. And so in order for me then to take my hat off, like, Okay, I'm done with work right now. Now I'm going to go be the feminine in my relationship, it takes a shift and change in a consciousness as the woman right and I love that you talk about this, because as a woman, if I don't show up and allow myself to go to be in that feminine role, then then that is also a problem, then there's two masculine drivers and we miss that polarity in the relationship or the men can then go into the more feminine aspect and be the receiver or the emotional or the the indecisive right and it goes into this this I would say, I don't know the word, it's not negative, but it's like it's not the the fullness of the masculine that would be holding the space and driven and all this kind of stuff. And so in the relationships, we can start to see this. I love how a lot of people in your space, call it the lack of polarity, right like that we then all of a sudden are missing that drive. And so I've seen it for a while, I think it's a really interesting thing that we play out in, in society right now. And I don't know that there is an answer, because women are being asked, right financially for the like, for a big way. But also because we're being taught we're being allowed to express ourselves in the fullest way in which we weren't before. And so, you know, I don't know the answer to like how we play this, but it is a it is an issue that we have to deal with right now.
Tyran Mowbray Yeah, and, you know, I just want to I guess, touch here on a few. It's funny, right? Like, just hearing you talk about it as well from from your experience, and it's very true, and it's very real. And also, it's like you can I can feel the way that you describe it's like it's it's really disempowering for both people. On some level. When I say really, I just mean it can be perceived disempowering to be like a woman earning money is masculine, because it's taking the power away from the feminine because she had she's doing I mean, so it's totally kind of, we're kind of like off for a woman to earn money and be seen in the world, she's got to be in a masculine, which we call the feminine rising, but it's not as the masculine rising in women. Right? So it's like, at what you know, and like setting, like the man is the indecisive will, it even our language is like, are the feminine, feminine is indecisive, it's like that's like a disempowering word yes. And that's how indoctrinated we all are with what is masculine, what is feminine, which is why I feel there is such a confusion and also just such a like, we still deem the feminine week like as as a collective society, right? Rather than empowering, like, or rather than empowered for her radiance and what she does. And I have seen and I do see quite a lot of women at the moment in my field and other fields that are like, trying to really amplify business from a feminine perspective, right? Rather than like structure business drive, create, you know, is of like, how do I how do I radiate my message? How do I beautify and attract because that's the power of the feminine is that she she? According to our our understanding, she radiates and she's attractive. People think that she's magnetic things come to her. She doesn't have to go and get them. Which, for me, it's not indecision, it's surrender, like the beauty, the beauty and the power of the feminine is her ability to surrender and experience ecstatic pleasure in all things because she can surrender to what she's experiencing, and she can experience ecstasy in all emotion and all sensation or feeling because she can surrender more and more and open herself up to receive what the universe has to give her. And I that's how I like to, I guess identify masculine or feminine the masculine is like you say a penetrative force and the feminine is a receptive force. She can she, you know, there is no such thing as breaking her boundaries, the divine, complete feminine, she can open and surrender to any and all things and transmuted all to love. That's her superpower. That's how I like to categorize it, you know. And that's not to say that you know, that for me that's a, that's a that's a crazy superpower to have, like a woman, or a person that has the ability, that nothing bad can ever happen to them because they can surrender and open to loving every experience. That's beyond our comprehension for most people, like think of some really, some really challenging things in life. If you can open and remove your own this is wrong, bad. No, no, no push, push, resist, it's like if you can just open and surrender to it. Nothing bad can ever happened to you no matter what it is. And that's phenomenally powerful, like phenomenally powerful.
Keri Norley It's so true. I have to say that for me over this last few months, as I've been going through this huge up leveling in the work that I'm doing in the space that I'm in and everything. The thing that I keep coming back to is love, like what would love do? How do I open my heart to this? And every time like, it's a feeling I'm gonna say this for me inside like, it's a feeling like the new the stuff that comes and I'm ready to receive. And like, I can feel like as I move through this because there is that first for me the initial like, whoo, whoo, there's a little bit of that contraction. And I'm like, Well, what's this that I'm receiving? And then I'm like, breathe open my heart love. It's okay. Receive. And for me as I learn this process, right? Because it is a learned for me process I'm sure for most people is what is what it is. It is a return to like, okay, how can I open my heart to this? How can I open it? And it's the question that's constantly in my mind right now is like, open my heart to this. Where's where is the stuff that's like not wanting to open and like looking at hat, like, Ooh, that's a little scary. So why don't I want to open my heart to that? What is that scary thing? What it is, it's often not somebody else, either, by the way, or anything else. It's me. And something that happened for me that I'm like, oh, I want to close that off. That's scary because this thing happened in the past and this thing this that you know, and and it's really powerful. And I you know, I think someone who we both know keys Yeah. One of the things that she talks about is she's on here too, by the way for anyone wants to go listen, Keisha Lee is on here we talk about pleasure as well in this in our in our interview, but she talks a lot about how she's been up leveling right now. It's just like, How can I love more and the more love I have, the more money I make, which I want to talk about as well is like that all of this opens us up to love and money and that's not that they are in intertwined I guess in some ways. It's not like with one you can't have the other with you know. But when we have Boris it's so powerful and one of the things actually I'll lead this into here cuz one of the things I learned that was so empowering for me with you and Kylie Ryan, when we were at well spiral. We like when we were there. If I could explain well spiral in about three three words. It's tantric business retreat. We did a lot. We did it. We did a lot of tantric stuff in that retreat, right. And one of the things that we really definitely worked on our our sexual sensual energy in our flow, and one of the things that you both kind of challenged me to in that was like shifting my mind around it being that it's our lifeforce currency or life currency, or our you know, and in this energy that flows from us from within us for so long, you've been said it like so many women have been shamed into your sweat if you have sexual desires, you're terrible person for God forbid, letting your pussy the wet, like all of these things that we've been told as women are terrible, terrible things. Like we've psychotic for actually having pleasure and desire. Like these are the things that in history we've been told. So it's no wonder when it comes to this may go okay, now in order to unlock the biggest, most amazing force that a woman has in her life, which is her womb, which is her creation, which is her sexual pleasure, her desire, like, it's no wonder we have a lot of problems around doing that as women, right? And yet, it was seriously one of the most impactful things in my life and still to this day, when I'm feeling like contracted or like, oh, I don't know or like things are getting confusing or whatever. Like the first thing I'll do breathe right into my womb. Okay, where's that pleasure center? Where's this? lifeforce energy? Am I even running it? Is it here? Like did I totally abandon myself in this? Oh, it's here. Okay. Turn it back on, turn it back on, turn it back on. So I'd love for you to talk a little bit more about what that is how that like how we can turn ourselves on like that. And what that means for you like this, this lifeforce energy this currency because that to me is like this. It's kind of exactly what you're talking about in that like we have especially well, both Both sexes have this power to open up to everything to receive through this energy.
Tyran Mowbray Yeah. So let's let's take it back. Rather than get to the esoteric with it, take it back a step. So it's made really digestible for everyone listening. When a man and woman come together and have sex, biologically in the physical realm, you have the potential to create human life. Like, that's something that we will not right now just take a moment and think, wow, that we still don't we still, with all the knowledge we have, we still don't understand the fucking science by and how that works. Like, we know the sperm penetrates the egg and then we know there's fertilization, but then all of a sudden, we have human life, and it grows and then consciousness and then, you know, like that. That's how magic we are. As humans.
Keri Norley We are so magical.
Tyran Mowbray It's fucking mind blowing. Really, when you actually think about it, like when you go down, you zoom in enough, this tiny little thing that you need a microscope to see, right, there's two things an egg and a fucking sperm, which you can't see with your natural eye. When they when the sperm penetrates the egg and the egg gets fertilized, from that you and I and me and everyone on the planet was created. And from that, we created the reality we have of like, fucking spaceships that go to outer space and harvesting power from the sun and like, just that, that is fucking magic. And so think about if you're not going to have sex to create a baby. What are you doing with that amount of magic? And so you know, that, that context that frame, now we take a step back and go, that's why our erotic bodies that's why our sensual bodies that's why our ability to tune into our sensual, erotic sexual selves is a superpower to have. That's why we have like, that's why you know, cheesier Victoria red Bard, Lily Lux. Myself, yeah, like a bunch of people are down to some extent. We all work with sexual current and sexual lifeforce. Because think about how many times you've masturbated, I've masturbated we've come or whatever, like, you know, in our lives, and in times that by 8 billion people on the planet, no matter how much lifeforce I'm not going to say is wasted, but is used as an override, to not feel or to, you know, suppressive thing or to not make life. And so you know, when that energy is channeled into something, or at least, calculated and cultivated, it gives us so much potential. And so you know, so zooming in just to give you some framework of like, that's, that's why it's the most potent energy that we can work with. And a woman's womb holds a baby for nine months and cultivates life and lets it grow. That's why it's a magic sacred space. And that's why it's beautiful. A man's phallus, like, you know, and his testicles combinate semen and penetrate the Yoni and then the semen penetrates the egg. That's why masculine essence is penetrative force, right, it moves forward. And without that, and without that sacred seed, nothing happens. So again, like this divine union of masculine and feminine essence, the ability to penetrate and the ability to hold and surrender, and nurture, creates life. So if you're not creating babies, what are you creating? So when you start to dance this inside of yourself, the ability to penetrate and the ability to surrender? Yes, I'm sorry, I don't add men, you're not going to be able to breastfeed or hold a baby inside your body, that's not going to happen. You don't have a worm, you don't have the same milk ducts in your kids. It's not going to happen. Ladies, you don't have a penis, you don't cultivate semen. Like you're not going to be able to show up, you don't have the same muscle structure. Most most women, it's like it doesn't work the same. So, but that energetically speaking, you can practice surrender, and you can practice penetrating. So when you learn to listen and feel and then move forward in the direction you want, and then stop moving forward and surrender and let go and receive. You are dancing this dance inside of yourself. And that's when you start to create magic for your own life. That's when you have abundance. You know, I'm listening to a couple of entrepreneurs right now and how they built multiple seven figure businesses. And every single entrepreneur you listen to especially the men talk about getting gassed out, anxious, depressed, because they hustle and grind, hustle and grind hustle Ryan and then it hits a certain point where you can't keep penetrating. You can't keep hustling and grinding, you actually grinding yourself into dust, you need the ability to surrender and let go. In order to do that you need systems instructions. If you want to scale your business, you need systems instruction. So again, this is the dance inside of oneself of like, how do I create a system? How do I create a structure? How do I create safety, so that I feel safe enough to surrender and receive? So this happens inside with my life with my schedule with my workout routine with myself pleasure practice with my nutrition? It also happens in relationship with a partner. If, if you and I are in relationship, how do I create safety and structure inside the relationship so that you can surrender and vice versa? And then in business, the same thing, how do I create systems and structures so that I can show up through the work I need to do when I need to do it, and the rest of the time, let go and surrender and receive and feel worthy in my receiving and know that it's okay, and you're so there for me, we just covered all three that I know we were talking about this before, we just covered all three internal masculine, feminine, relational, masculine and feminine and business masculine and feminine. Obviously, we I just knocked it out very shortly, there's obviously we could expand in all of those things. But this is how you create massive abundance in your life, system and structure and the ability to surrender, surrender control, give roles to other people, so that they can do that trust your partner to be able to do other things in the relationship so that you can surrender, let go. If you're trying to be hyper vigilant, and you're doesn't matter if you're male or female, hyper vigilant control every little thing. It's not gonna work, right, like there's no surrender in that there needs to be an ebb and flow. And this is how the divine masculine divine feminine show up for men and women both ways in their relationship, in a business relationship internally, so that we can feel in harmony with life. Men don't feel like they have to be the thing all the fuckin time because they will collapse, they will literally break down and collapse. We are beyond that. That's not, that's not what our reality is anymore. So
Keri Norley Beautiful Thank you. So on that actually, I'd love to hear what you have to say around how as women, we can support our men to be the kings that they are so they don't collapse so that we can get the I'm going to say I don't even like to use the words but I'm going to say this like to get the best out of for them. Right like so that we can all be in our best selves. I think that's a good way to say this right? And supportive and loving of each other.
Tyran Mowbray Sure. So I mean, you know, I hold the belief that The feminine essence wants to be loved in her chaos and her wildness, because that's usually the thing that has been suppressed the most in, in in feminine, right? So this is not this is not man and woman, this is feminine and masculine. Okay. So usually the most impressive part of the feminine is the wild chaotic part. That's why witches were burned at the stake their sexuality, their erotic nature, their their chaos, they have their fun, their passion, their emotions, was was the thing that was pushed down. Because it was not controllable. Right, was fucking uncontrollable. So the feminine essence wants to be loved in her wild, passionate, chaotic, sensual. Masculine, who has always been taught to be strong and powerful and contrary, he wants to be loved in his office, you must be loved in his brokenness, he wants to be loved in the part of himself, that doesn't feel. And so if every relationship is individual, and I can't tell you through this for men and work that every single man on the planet, but energetically if a man has always been strong, I've worked with some of the hardest people I've ever met, like Special Forces soldiers and your high level CEOs and people that have passed on and grown and been the thing and done the thing and held the space and done everything. And they get to the point where they're just, they just break and they say I'm sick of being strong, you're like that you want to surrender as well. And I feel like they can in their relationship, because they're constantly told that they need to be stable, Do this, do that. So I believe that that's the feminine wants to be loved and chaos, and the masculine wants to be loved and the softness and tenderness and doesn't mean he will stay there, it doesn't mean she will stay there. But that will usually crack through to what has been. Right. So if I haven't, if I'm a man, and I have insecurity around achieving a thing, the ability to break through my fears of what that thing is. So for example, I want to be a multi million dollar entrepreneur but my whole life experience tells me that I'm nothing and no one bricklayer from color and just nobody in my in my life experience is telling me that, but there's something inside of me and it's like, no, no, there's there's something else. Every time I hit resistance, and I feel shit, for one to be able to love me my softness. And the same time stoke that fire of like worthiness, I will break through my layers of resistance, and I will find that fire. And I will become more passionate, more divided than ever before. Why? Because I was able to break. And I wasn't shamed for braking. And if anything, I was then supported and encouraged to keep following my dreams. So why the fuck would I want to go anywhere else in my life, I have someone there that loves me in my brokenness, and then supports me to like, you know, see things differently and, and drive more success. And vice versa. If a woman has been told she has to imagine too wide or whatever, and a man can sit there and hold while she goes off the Richter and gets absolutely fucking chaotic and does all these things and he just sits there and he's like, I still fucking I love everything about you. Then that's gonna crack her to the vulnerability because what's beneath though chaos is a tender little girl that just wants to be loved. Like, we all have this inner child that just wants to be loved and told that they're worthy. And most of the time in relationship when something's amiss when something's active, it's something inside of us that is asking to be loved. And you know, so again, your relationship dynamic might be different, right? Maybe you hold the masculine as a woman, you hold the masculine energy in your relationship. Therefore, you either need to support your man to be more masculine and you need to practice surrendering, or maybe his feminine is the one that needs to come out and be a little bit wild and chaotic. And like, again, every relationship is slightly different. I can't I can't tell you exactly what's going to work but if you hold the perspective that we will have masculine and feminine, and then identifying what polarity is that is the typical one in your relationship and you can kind of start to work with. Alright, what do I need to work on in here and start some conversations with your partner?
Keri Norley Okay, so if we have men who are still stuck in I can't show these emotions, even though as you just said, like I know every man wants to like it's not Like, underneath all of it, like, there is a desire, right? So if we have men that are still stuck in this, you know, patriarchal, I have to be emotionless, even if we are supporting them to be like, Hey, I'd love to see this in you. What's the next step for a relationship like that?
Tyran Mowbray Well, firstly, I want to say, I don't necessarily agree that it's only patriarchal, because yes, I will say that, you know, unhealthy masculine essence has dominated the planet for a vast majority of years. I will, I will agree to that. But we have let it happen. Right? Like, we as a collective group have let it happen. And so I always have a little bit of like, when people go to the patriarchy kill the patriarchy. It's like, what, why don't why don't we love the patriarchy in his fucking men in these fucked up and keep educating that system and integrate these other parts? But yeah, so this unhealthy masculine that, you know, masculinity is emotions, you know, it's a, it's a big myth. The reality is, men are never taught to process their emotions, you know. And we, as a collective groups of society hold the belief that emotions are feminine, right? Like, to express your emotions is to be vulnerable. Why? Why Why? Why is vulnerability, feminine wise vulnerability, weakness, why are emotions feminine, like, if you don't hold the frame as an individual, so this is where the inner work comes right? If you don't hold the frame, that emotions are weakness, that emotions are feminine, that emotions are vulnerable. If you don't hold that frame, then your relationship will change. Because he may hold that frame, but you don't, therefore, there's going to be a disparity. And obviously, you probably need to hold the frame a little bit stronger than he does in order for there to be change. But, you know, leading leap, definitely leading by example, like if you're emotional, the emotional, like, even, you know, I know you're a woman, and it might be more acceptable, but also look at how often you curb your emotions. You know, look at how often you don't show up fully, emotionally in your relationship and let him hold you, you know, if you're always trying to hold your shit together, but then asking him to break down? Well, you know, and I guarantee you what happens? I wanted to be more vulnerable, I wanted to be more vulnerable, why won't he share? It's like, how often do you do it? You know, how often do you completely break down and show him what you need in that moment? Because I guarantee you start doing that a little bit, and he's gonna be like, Fuck, he's, I mean, it can happen the other way where he'd be like, Oh, now I have to be more masculine, it could potentially do that. But I don't believe so. I do believe that if you are in an intimate relationship with another, and you are showing up honestly, and courageously with your emotions, you are opening a field of permission for both parties to do that. That being said, some very practical guides, guide a man into his body, okay? When men start to feel in their body, and they're told that emotions then a lot of fuel or whatever, so they what they do is they, they go up into their brain, they retreat, and they start to try to analyze everything so that they can make sense of what their what is happening. So that they can sorted out and come back in a grounded way. I gotta make you went through a breakup five months ago, he was you know, obviously distraught. 10 years they were together, very blindsided by it. And the whole time, you know, I was there as much as I could, obviously with COVID and lockdowns and stuff. He was like, you know, I just need to go have a think I just need to go have a thing. I was like, No, you don't need to go and think you're already thinking enough. You need to go and feel. You need to find, you know, so many times when we were together, and I would try to guide him say like, well, what's what's happening in your heart? I'm just, you know, and his whole body would physically contract when I asked that question, what's happening in your belly, you know, and so as a woman, practically speaking, if you want to help guide him, manage his emotions, help him feel safe in his body because he doesn't. He doesn't feel safe in his body. He doesn't feel safe in his emotional expression. So anything that you can do to help guide him into his body. And so just ask him. Hey, what are you feeling right now? And if he can tracks and like, you know, like, be gentle, be delicate with it. Don't say what's wrong, what's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? That's not gonna work. Okay, you're being hyper masculine and penetrative. And he's gonna be contracting and closing. It's not it's not going to work. He will retaliate with anger, frustration, you know, bitterness. But hold a space of love and be like, what do you what are you experiencing in your body right now? What does that feel like? What's what's you know? I'm feeling okay, can can you let that out? No. Why not? What's What are you afraid of? What's that? You know? So being able to guide and this is what I do with my embodied entrepreneur in my embodied men mentor ships. It's like, guiding men into their body to showcase the emotion because the emotion is teaching them something about their current state. And actually, if they harness that emotion, they will find passion like they've never fucking experienced before. It opens up more lifeforce so they can have more pleasure, more fun, more ecstasy, more everything.
Keri Norley I love it. I love it. Such beautiful. Such beautiful insights. Thank you. Okay, so on the opposite. What's that matter of? It's the opposite. And the other question that I had, because this is another question I get from a lot of women, a lot of women have this question. I know you, you hear it as well. It's like women who are on the path, right? Women who are on the path and doing the things and in this conscious work and doing the personal development, all this stuff, and they're like, but my man's not. So how do I and I get the question like, often it's like, Well, can I even manifest and like, of course, you can manifest you don't need a man to manifest in your life. And then the next piece is well, okay, so now I'm in coupledom, and I want to go forward in this way, but he's not with me to go do these exercises, bla bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, right, I know, you've heard these things. So how does a woman like, what's your response to that, as a woman like to be able to show up for herself in that place? Right, but then be like, is there a way that we can help? Or do we just let it be right? Like I in my book, I actually wrote a chapter on this. And for me, it was just like, Oh, do you go to you, woman? Right. Like, ultimately, it's like that. I mean, that's my response is like, we have to just go do be the best that we can be and create the dreams that we desire. And He'll either come or he won't. Right? Like, He'll either come along for the ride, or he won't. And that was kind of like what I started to write about. But I'd love to hear, like, from your perspective, where you were you see this?
Tyran Mowbray Yeah, look, I think we hold too much expectation on that our partner needs to love everything that we do, and be there for everything that we do and have, you know, we need to have the same hobbies. And it's like, fucking, what are you? What are you expecting from your relationship? You know, like, this falsified image of perfection of you and your partner that do everything together and have the best relationship and communication is perfect. And there's never any arguments. And it's like, okay, you might get there when you're 55 or 60, after 35 years together, do you understand how fucking complicated a human is and their psyche, in their beliefs, and they're ingrained and like all the shit they've been through and say, that requires work. And that work is not always done in workshops. And it's not always done on retreats. Sometimes that work is done at home, just you and him or her. And sitting there and going through the shit of like, everything in me wants to puck and run away right now. And I fucking hate your face. And this is not fun. And I don't want to be here. And having the ability to be able to sit through that or sit in that, and communicate those things and be met. And like, that is deeper than any work you do at some bloody retreat on Tantra, or sexuality, your communication skills, right? Like, how many relationships succeeded? Before we started doing these retreats and these practices on meditate? Like so many work? Were they all completely healthy? No, I'm not going to say they were perfect relationships, but learning to accept the person as they are. That that is how relationships are one, not trying to change the person you're in relationship with to suit some model of perfection in your relationship that you want. Now, that being said, yes, that does need to be some common ground that you guys meet on, right? If there is no common ground in your relationship. You're in for a rocky ride. Yeah, like your rocky needs to be a healthy amount of similarities, things that you do together that you enjoy that bring you closer together. And there needs to be a healthy amount of you, do you and I do me. And that's polarity. That's what like, if you do everything together all the time, you lose polarity, you lose it because you become one entity rather than two individual entities. Like you need to find your own vertical current he needs to find his own vertical current. Now, if he doesn't want to come and do your spiritual yogic tantric business programs that you do, I would really encourage like if you encourage him to do the things he wants, and that might be going to the pub every Friday drink with his mates. But if you encourage that, and don't shame him for it, He's only going to love you more. He's only going to love you more. If you don't share it men get shamed a lot for being men, just doing things I do not being good enough not being it not lasting long enough in bed, not making enough money not being whatever, like, we get told what's wrong with us all the fuckin time by everyone. You are not that in his life. He will be devoted to you forever. And I guarantee you, he will probably start to change faster than you trying to manipulate him and make him do things you want.
Keri Norley It was a very big change in the last few months, he and I've been working through our fair share of shit over this last couple years, but especially since locked out and everything. And for a long time, I tried to like have him understand it. Obviously, I did not communicate it in a great way. But when I finally got him to hear this, which was May, I'm not actually against you, I just wish you would go and do what you really want to do with your life. I was like I You keep hearing me say it to you like I'm like I'm a bad person. But ultimately, I know that you're not living in your highest potential right now. And I'd love to see you doing that I'd love to see you stepping into the places that I see you going. And that I know in your heart you want to be. And I'm like so stop getting mad at me for asking you to move into those places. Because I would rather you doing that, then all these things that you think that you're doing to love me, which are not the way that I need to be received in love. I would rather you out, not in my house with me. Go doing the things that you love, so that you can be happy so that when the time we have together, it's like there's magic and happiness, you know, and it took a long time for me to get this to him in a way that he understood what I was saying, and you could receive it as Oh, she really does just want me to live my dreams. And then he went he signed up for his permaculture class and he's doing his permaculture things right now. And it's been awesome. But he just started but like, it's interesting, because I can see the shift in him. When he finally got it. I was like, I really am not trying to be a bad person right now. I actually just want you to go live your dreams, the same way that he's given me permission to go live my dreams? Yeah, right. Like both people have to have this space and get to be this the most amazing, wonderful expression of ourselves. And I love like my friends, my friend, does this work. And like you just said like, there's a one, there's a one and there's a two like it's almost like there's three entities. And if you have a family, I would say there's four, right? The individual, the individual, the couple and then the family with the children. And they all need to be nurtured in their own in their own way.
Tyran Mowbray Yeah. Yeah. And like, quite often we don't ask the relationship or we don't ask ourselves, what does the relationship want? It's very much about what do I want from the relationship rather than? What is the magic that exists between you and I? Like, if the relationship was its own entity, like you kind of touched on it, but I'm just refra ng in a different way. If the relationship was its own being, and you got just you and you were a part of it, but not all of it, because you're your own being yourself. What then what do you show up for in that? And what do you not show up for? Like, what? What's the agreement? And this is we never talk about the agreements of relationships. Like, I love you. Cool. You want to be together? All right, great. Okay, let's now start living together. All right, hey, you're not doing that thing? Well, I didn't know I was supposed to do the thing. I never said you wouldn't do the thing. But well, no, but that's what we should be doing. Because we're in relationship really? Who said that? Are you that's your version of what? Your relationship is different? We never talk about the relationship.
Keri Norley So true. So true.
Tyran Mowbray Bring all these expectations on like, You should do this. Why? Because because that's what my last partner did. Well, I'm not your last partner. Otherwise, you'd be with them. You know, like, my mom and dad do this, right? I'm not your mom and dad, either. Like, I'm me. And if you if you want to be in relationship with me, then maybe we should have a conversation of like, what that relationship looks like and what our expectations are. And what do we want from it? What do you what do you want from the relationship? What are you hoping this relationship will bring? And then can that person meet me in that? And can I meet them in their desire for that we don't talk about any of that stuff. We get swept up in our emotions of love, which don't get me wrong. I've done hundreds of times. And I love it. And it's amazing. But let's bring a little bit of consciousness of like, okay, what do I want from a relationship? How do I want my relationship to support me as an individual? And I think this is really important. And then when you bring kids into it, we start to sacrifice everything for our children. And that's wrong. It's so wrong. And people are gonna get really triggered when I say this. And the first time I heard it, I didn't agree either. And it took me a long time to actually understand what the most important parts of your life if you're married in a relationship with another, that then needs to come second in your life. And then nurture harder need to come. Why? Because if you give up on your relationship and you give up on yourself, just for your children, you're going to be a miserable resentful person, and your partner misses out, and you miss out on life. And so what happens is your children start to grow up. And they don't get the best of the best of the relationship that existed before they were there. They now get this, well, everything's about them. And this is why I think kids are a little bit fucking over like, boat like they're like, lies about me and everything's about me, is that I get told no, and I don't get made, like that, get told or made, understand that. I'm the most important person in my life. And I love your mother. And we are going to take time away from you, for us, because we love each other. And when we are in love with each other, on the same thing, we can raise the best children ever. Why? Because we're not fighting each other. I'm not trying to combat her, and she's not trying to combat me, and we're on the same page as a couple. Which then means we're on the same page as parents, which then means that children can't manipulate the dad against the mom and the mom against the dad to get what they want, so that they constantly control. And then what the children get on a subconscious level, which they will learn later on, is that they are the most important person in their lives, they are responsible for their happiest me as the dad, I'm not responsible for the kids happiness. I'm responsible for giving my children, the tools and the techniques and the practices and the fortitude and the mental ability and the emotional capacity to be their own perfection, to manage life that's going to come at them. And unfortunately, during the adolescent phase, and growing up, they're going to have to learn that don't always get what they want. And that's really hard pill to swallow as a parent because I I'm not a parent, I'm a child of parents. And I've seen a lot of my friends have children, I've I've studied this a lot. Not through books, either because I fucking can't read a whole book from page to page unless it's fantasy fiction. But like I've studied, I've looked I've observed I've witnessed I've been in family environments so much. And it's like, I've seen breakdown so many times now don't get me wrong. You will make compromises of yourself. When you have kids, I get that. And my mom made a lot for herself and I get it and but I went on the journey, I had to self heal many aspects because my mom loved me so much that she and my dad, they sacrifice a lot of their individual Doom dreams and desires. And that passed through to me and made me feel like I wasn't worthy of more. And I've had to let go of a lot of that conditioning to be like, Fuck, I can have whatever I want. And my life's not over. When I have kids, my kids come with me, my kids for the ride, they're gonna learn my failures, they're gonna learn my struggles, they're gonna learn it, they come with me through this process, they're gonna learn that I am human, and I fuck up and but I want my children to know that I went after what the fuck it is I wanted. So.
Keri Norley Yes, yes to that. I 100% agree. And one of the things that I want to say that's been such a beautiful conversation I had with my son actually, this week, this last week. Because I've been traveling a lot lately with work. And you know, I was just in Miami with Miami crypto experience being on the stage I've been I have more places to go more speaking, that's coming, all this kind of stuff. And even just these podcasts are like, all of the events that I'm on online, right, especially with them home, like last year when they were home from school and everything. And they got to really see how busy life and I say busy not because of busyness. But like, you know, we have to show up to do things right. And I said to my 12 year old Robbie the other day, we were talking about all sorts of things. And I and I asked him like, is it okay? Like, how do you feel about mommy traveling so much and doing these things and you know, showing up the way that I'm showing up? I know that I'm not with you all the time anymore. So how do you feel about that? And he's like, Mom, I'm so proud of you. And he's like, oh, like be smiley, but also like teary, like so happy, right? Mom, I'm so proud of you and you keep going because you're making the world a better place for me. And it's okay, and I just want to stay home and I'm going to do my gymnastics because that's what I like. And I was like, Isn't it beautiful that we can both be in the places that we love to be and support each other and love each other. And because we were able to have that conversation with my 12 year old, I don't feel now guilty. I don't feel ashamed. I don't feel like I'm abandoning him, because he's supportive. And I've said to him, like if it ever gets to me to a place where it's like, this is too much or you don't like this, are there certain times where it's like, I have to leave him like I'm gonna miss your gymnastics meet. Is that okay? Like because there's other times that I'm like, Well, I'm not missing anything. So it's okay. But like there's a conversation that gets to happen with my kids. Like, you know, there's certain things are like Mom, I really want this part. can you really be here for this? I'm like, Yes, I can because I'm gonna go next week to this thing. Okay, Mom That's fine. And so it's a really beautiful way that I think a lot of parents don't actually open up that channel with their children. And then we feel this guilt and shame that is actually not there. Right? Like the permission given to me was like, Mom, please go do this. I'm so proud of you, thank God, you're doing this, like you're making the world a better place for me. And so with that, I can now go like with this open, unleash, again, we come back to this open heart, right? Without shame, without resentment without all these things. And I've always said, I've always said that with my kids, to lead by example, every time I've gone to do something, like if I don't do this thing, then I'm showing my kids that I give up on my dreams. And that's okay. And then I'm showing them to give up on their dreams. And then the second that they sit there and try and say to me, I'm giving up Mom, I'm like, over my dead body. You will not give up on this. Because if this is your dream, and it just got hard, it got a little bit hard. What do you think I have been doing you guys these last few years? Yeah. Do you think it got a little bit hard for me at points in time? You've seen me go to the heart. They're like, yeah, like, did I give up? They're like, No, I'm like, now look where I am. It's because it didn't give up. And I can only say that to them. Because I lived it. And I didn't give up on it. And there have been times as a mother that of course, I've wanted to just, you know, I walk that line all the time. Me them parents all the time. But I think it's such an important thing. Okay, so the last thing, and then I know we have to wrap up, I know you have to get going in this, the show has to wrap. But I want to ask you really quickly because of all of this work this like this conversation has been so amazing. And for any of you guys for listening, please, please, please make go follow Tyran. He's got loads of stuff that comes up on Instagram. He's got videos all the time. He's got amazing quotes. And this is like, I mean, when we got on the call, and I said to him, these are the types of things I want to go into. He's like, how long do we have, and I'm quite literally, this is like courses, right. And I know he does courses on this. So he's got masculine courses. But I also know, I'm pretty sure that you just opened up one for women, on helping helping women to actually open up to be the woman to allow their men to be their king, as we were just talking about. So follow him in the first place. That's what I want to say. Second of all, with all of this work, what we didn't talk about to start with is tyrant started as a bricklayer, right? When I say tradie, that's an Australian word to say, but in America, he was somebody who laid bricks, right? He did trades work. And he's had a life that was like, No, I love how you started this actually saying like, he's fully in his masculine, right? Like he is a man's man. And that place has completely transformed this is still a man's man. But he's teaching this work. And I'd love to hear for you to share, like, how has that affected your life?
Tyran Mowbray Yeah, so, you know, I grew up being told what a man was what a man should do, you know, I and I got a job as a as a tradesman, or a bricklayer or a construction worker. And I did that for four years, and, you know, male dominated environment, you know, like, if my father wasn't hyper masculine enough, the construction industry definitely was. You know, and I played Aussie rules football, so again, around in the country, so male dominated environment. And I always sought approval from my male peers, because, you know, I wanted to feel loved and hope. And I got involved in drugs and alcohol, and I started growing marijuana, and I even got involved with Suboxone. And ultimately, that destroyed my life. You know, it led to a place of like, I lost my girlfriend, I lost my house, I lost everything. And I really didn't want to take responsibility for it for a while, you know, probably two years after all that happened. I was still blaming other people when he said that, and they said that and your blah, blah, blah. And it wasn't until I broke down. I had, I had a mental and emotional breakdown of like, I hate the life that I'm living. And I need to change. And that change is still happening. But yeah, it took a while, you know, like, I was fortunate enough. I was working out in the mines at that stage. I took, I quit, I took a year off, I went traveling Europe, and I didn't know what I was doing. But I knew I needed to change something. Otherwise I was going to die. And that that death was either going to come through a very slung labored alcohol drug thing that lasted 20 3040 years. Or I was just going to do some stupid thing that got me killed or I was gonna get involved with the wrong people. You know, I was that's the path I was heading down. And I didn't know what to do, but I've you know, I've booked a one way ticket to Europe and I and I started I just I just and I'm very good at that. That's one of my gifts is like I don't know what I'm doing. But let's jump jump in the deep end with concrete shoes on and let's try to swim. Yeah, that's what I've done. Fast forward to today. I'm an online entrepreneur I coach men around masculinity sexuality and and relationships. I Have a social media following of about 50,000, with Facebook and Instagram together, five, I comfortably earn more than six figures a year working, compared to what I'm used to. Nothing great. Like, I still struggle with the idea that I get paid the money, I get paid to work as little as I think I do. Now, that's a lie, I fucking never stopped working, but my version of work is like on the labor. Like, I'm like, I go for 10 Kilometer runs most days, because I like I need to move my body more, you know, like being in front of a screen and typing working. I'm still working that muscle, I'm still getting better at it, you know. And I've had a lot of trouble being able to receive that, you know, like, my value, my personal value, my personal wealth value worth value was $40 an hour or $50 an hour, you know, it was like $60 an hour when I got paid 80 bucks in the hours as a construction worker or whatever it was like, Shit, yeah, you know, and what did I do, I don't blow it, you know, I gotta get paid four grand for the week, whatever, because we had some epic job, and we got it all done. And we gotta buy fucking April a coke and go to the pub. And like, I'd blow half of it in a night. You know, that was, that was where I was at. And now to run group programs. changement lives, obviously still dealing with aspects of people, you know, affordability and charging and whatever. But realizing it's an while it's somewhat to do with my self worth. It's also, like, other people's worth, you know, like, we all have some worthiness issues. And, you know, I'm currently working with a dude who runs a million pounds a month, right? Like he runs his business, he owns a million pounds a month. And so when I was like, This is what I charge is like, I know what he's done. Yeah, like, what I didn't even bat an eyelid, you know. And actually, it's like, once I'm noticing more and more of like, the knowledge and wisdom that I have, from everything that I've done, it doesn't fit a category, it's for everyone. But that doesn't mean that people value at the same, you know, people value things differently based on their perception of wealth and worth. And I have found it really hard to stay clear for the vision. Because I've always believed you have to work hard for everything that you've got. Now what that means that started to change. And when I set a goal, and I accomplished it too quickly, I feel like I haven't earned it. And so I've had to do a lot of work. Aside from like healing own traumas and understanding this and Bob, I've had to do a lot of work on my feminine ability to surrender and receive, you know, like, can I receive this amount of money for this amount of work, knowing that that amount of work is going to radically transform that person's life? And that that money? Is is a fair trade? If not, it's a bit if not even the word? Really? Yeah, exactly. So I've had to shift my value of time for money, or hours for money as opposed to quality of product. And that's probably been the biggest shift for me and the hardest thing to kind of incorporate. But also then releasing a lot of like, what I need in order to feel happy, is like, now what do I do? Like, do I really still want the $3 million house on the ocean? I'm like, wow, I mean, I do, and I don't need it to be happy. So there's, there's also this, like, you do the deep inner work, and all of a sudden, the goals change, you know, like the, the moat, I'm no longer motivated by trying to get love, I'm now motivated by trying to give love. And the more because I think that's where everyone moves from everyone moves there, I mean, the full of love and giving it or I'm not full of love, and I'm trying to get it. And that's for me, the two way people, everything is an act of love, or call for more love. And I've realized that my job is to fill my own cup so that I'm constantly acting from love. And that's where abundance comes from. And he was talking about opening your heart earlier on, like, that's what it is, for me. It's like I have I've had to understand that me getting up at 5am, doing 30 minutes of yoga and going for a beach run for an hour and a half and then having a smoothie in the breakfast at the cafe. That's me filling my cup, so that I can show up in whatever container I'm in whatever interview whatever video, whatever, whatever. And just be the love that I am because that's what people are paying for. Right? So I realized everything in my life is a is on the mission. Like my mission is to be me. And I that's what I get paid for. And that's what people are attracted to. And at the same time, you do need some systems instructions to be able to deliver the wisdom and the knowledge and whatever to help people feel safe in that.
Keri Norley I was gonna ask. Okay, so my last I think my last thing on this is like, because what I'm actually hearing, what I'm actually hearing is that you've moved from a life that was seemingly, I'm gonna say quote unquote, like, great, right? You had the money, you had women, you partied, you had a great life, right? Like, you weren't complaining about your life at that point until the point. And I think this is true for a lot of people. And I think if you're here, like, congratulate yourself until the point that you wake up one day, and you realize that all the things that you thought made you happy is actually like, you're miserable. Right?
Tyran Mowbray I was 25. I had a missus two dogs, we renovated a house, I had two homes. I was like, now what? I'm 25 I've won life. Now what? Right?
Keri Norley And now you're in this place where there's multiple beautiful women in your life. Sometimes, right? Not always. Right. And you've got all this beautiful love in your world that is full from all the people, whether it's in an intimate relationship, or friendships, right, like you have these beautiful, beautiful people who are surrounding you in your life that fill your cup, and you get to fill their cup, you have this job, quote, unquote, right? That you absolutely love. Even if sometimes I know as entrepreneurs, like we were saying before, I know even if sometimes we can all get a little bit bored of what we do. And like, what am I doing in here? And is this the right thing, but at the same time, it's like in our heart, like, oh my god, I love this thing. And you have abundance everywhere. Right? So would you say that the bridge, right? This this coming into this real divine masculine and understanding your own divine union has been the, I want to say almost like that linchpin. A huge part of this, this this bridge.
Tyran Mowbray Yes. And I would frame it differently, I would frame in the sense of like, letting go. Not not stepping into my divinity. But letting go of the thing that I thought was divinity, like letting go of the identity that I thought I needed to be, allowed me to be what I felt was authentic beneath that. And that is what allowed the abundance to come. And that that is painful. It's fucking painful to let go of everything that you think you are, in order for what you know, it's true to be birthed from that. It's the fire. Yeah, the fight the fire is not like, it's it's letting go. It's the ability to let go into chaos. Yeah, and that that took it took years. Like it took me like, you know, two years to let go fully. And I'm still letting go. Like, can I keep letting go of like, oh, no, 300 years? And Max, I can Can I let go of that? One one committed relationship is all I'm worthy. Can I let go of that? No committed relationship, you know, is what I'm not worthy of any relationships? Can I let go of that it's a constant letting go for me, of any identity that I have, because all identities are limited. Every identity you have is limited. So if I can keep letting go of the identity, and this is this is the work that I've done in the Mystery School of like, can I let it go kind of let it go? Can I give it to the void, we call it the void and give it to the void and give it to the black hole? Can I give it to the universe can give it to whatever you want to kind of give it to God? Like whatever your version of it is? Can I let go of who I think I am. In order to be who I know I need to be in each moment. You know? And that, that's that's attachment Right? Like they talked about in yogic practices all the time, like attachment is the thing that creates all the suffering in the world. So yeah, it's for like I said, and I'm defining masculinity like letting go of the definition or the identity that I have of what is divine and what is not divine. What is right what is wrong. What is okay what is not okay. And that doesn't mean that I'm a doormat that lets shit happen to him without you know, I still have my boundaries I still have my This doesn't feel good. I'm not going to go to that. But letting go but being right or wrong and being like someone is doing something bad to me I've just been like, ah, that doesn't resonate I'm a move over here right so letting go of the you're a bad person you did this You're a piece of shit it's just like no let that go. But but removed myself or put in a boundary that doesn't mean I can't put in a boundary. So I That ability is it was the linchpin of that lesson learning to let go and it's so easy to say and so much fucking harder to do. It's not some fluffy little like, I just let it go. It's like yeah, you do just let it go. But letting it go is not easy.
Keri Norley Ah, thank you, Tyra. And this has been amazing. I adore you. Thank you so much. Again, everybody who's here, go follow him. Tyra and tell them how to find you. Tyran Mowbray Thanks, Gary. Yeah, so Tyran.Mowbray on Instagram, I just started a new one as well called the embodied man inspired embodiment Institute. So that's where all my new mentorships gonna be coming from. It's we're still cultivating it. So yeah, embodied man Institute, we're going to be running programs for the everyday man for embodied entrepreneurs. All male, driven to start with. But yeah, I 65% of my following is women, because women tend to want to learn a lot. So there'll be a few more stuff. A few more things coming out next year for him. But yeah, Facebook, tire Mowbray on there, again, we've got content. We've just pulled back a little bit. But yeah, we've had, there are 1000s of videos on Facebook, we've there hundreds on Instagram. We're going to take a couple of months, we're going to slow down for next couple of months and rebuild and restructure. But there'll be content every week out there. Go check it out. Ask questions. I've always got stories on my questions on my Instagram story. Always engaged, always asking questions for people's perspective and getting people to think about, you know, their own versions of masculinity, or relationships or love or, you know, so. Yeah, come check me out. There's there's lots of engagement happening on those. Yeah.
Keri Norley Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Have a wonderful day. I am so grateful for you being here. I hope that whoever's been listening has I'm sure, you could not make it through this hour without some sort of enlightened experience moment. Aha, we'd love to hear I know both of us love to hear from our audience. So people listening. So whatever's come from you, please do feel free to reach out and let us know what you've taken away from this. And also, if you have found this to be a powerful conversation, which I'm sure you have, if you've gotten this far, then please do feel free to share this podcast. let other people know because this is such incredibly relevant information for pretty much if you're alive. You want to hear this. As Tyran said, right, like this is for everybody. We are all human. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a wonderful day. See you all next week. And he said thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise, please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley And on Facebook facebook.com forward slash Keri Norley One or Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello, I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new wealth.
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- Published On: January 22nd, 2025
- Published On: January 22nd, 2025
- Published On: January 15th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025