From that moment on… NOTHING would ever be the same again.
Down on my knees…
Broken in pieces.
Rung out.
Drained of it all. In the depths of the darkness.
In the intensity. In the pain… wrangling with surrender.
It had me so tight. The fight. The push. The strangling of my dreams.
In the deepest parts of my being it held me so tight I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t even stay in my body.
I wrangled it. It hurt. It was AGONISING. I sat in the depths of the darkest pain… and I let go.
I let love.
I surrendered.
To the greatest unknown.
The relief overcame me…
Sun pouring on my face… love radiating from my being.
The crisp smell of Sedona air, the birds singing… the waterfall flowing… and wind chimes blowing…
In that moment… BLISS. Ecstasy.
I couldn’t feel where I ended and the rest of the world began. All senses… all of my body and soul.. floating… in the divinity of love. Of ONENESS.
From that moment on… NOTHING would ever be the same again.
I hear, see and feel things in an even more heightened way. I stand more firmly in WHO I AM. ALL OF ME… to the depths where I was holding back showing before.
It’s time to speak the deepest of my truths…
Nothing less.
I fell to my knees…
And let Love in.
*** Pic taken of the deck… exactly where it happened… in those chairs… minutes after Kambo came off… MAGIC.
Thank you Simon Scott of Kambo Cleanse for holding space for this. You are a gift to the planet.
Original Date Written: March 20, 2018