On this episode of the Podcast, I have Shayla Locklear on the show.
Shayla is a normalizing woman making millions. She is a high-performance coach, biz & marketing consultant, and founder of the unlmtdagency.
We dive deep into how we can actually manifest deeper levels of wealth in our lives and let ourselves receive more.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Resources mentioned:
Keri Norley
Hello and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of the show. And today I have one of my dear friends and a beautiful beautiful souls in this world. Shayla luckily are on the call with me. Shayla is the founder and owner of Shayla unlimited the unlimited agency and the unlimited brands. She is a high performance business coach and marketing consultant. She teaches performance multi passionate, service based entrepreneurs and corporations worldwide Whoo, how to grow, scale and add leverage inside of their business in non traditional ways. She's passionate about personal development using energy, soul and intuition, business marketing copywriting and helping entrepreneurs build wealth and create their legacy through their businesses. Her mission and this is why she's on this show today is to normalise women making millions Shayla and I met at our quantum healing certification over two years ago if I can't believe it in Costa Rica, and we became fast friends we have supported each other our own money shifts. We have been in the ins and outs and ups and downs of the last few years together. And so and also if you don't know if you haven't heard yet we do clubhouse calls almost every week, most weeks of the year on Fridays. So we have ongoing conversations about money and wealth and so this is Just another one of these amazing conversations. She is a phenomenal human being on this planet helping Amazing, amazing people to make millions of dollars and it's an honour to have you on the show Miss Shayla welcome.
Shayla Locklear
I am so excited to be here. I'm beyond excited to be here. It's like, surreal, but also obviously,
Keri Norley
obviously. It took us a while to get here like, you know, but we're here. It's what happens with busy mamas with kids and craziness. Okay, so before we got on the call, I actually said to Shayla, I had some ideas where I wanted to take this conversation today because again, if you come in here, our clubhouse calls, you'll hear us talk about millions and money and wealth and quantum worlds, from so many different perspectives. But today, what I wanted to talk about, and it's interesting, because we're both going through huge uplevel things in our life right now. And I want to just talk to Shayla a little bit about some of the stuff that happens because so often we talk about the the ways that we can create manifestation, the unicorns, the fairies, the quantum leaps that yada yada and we can talk about it from this really positive, uplifting perspective. But the truth is, in order to move your butt from where you are to actually bringing in millions of dollars, there is some serious stuff that's going to come up for you. And this is the stuff the stuff that we're going to call like the dark nights of the soul, the inner work, the places that you do not want to talk about because sometimes there's shame, there's guilt, there's frustration, there's all of it that will show up for us in the shadow. And so today, I want to bring that conversation to the table because Shayla is phenomenal at helping her clients move through this with so many amazing tools. But also, I know because even though she's just rattled off all these things, she's actually had other businesses prior to this. And as we always laugh at our multiple iterations of life,
Shayla Locklear
so much for life to go.
Keri Norley
So the multiple iterations and so Sheila, I would love to just start, like, where do you see? Where do you see people when they're on their journey getting stuck, like, Where's the first places that people hit roadblocks is they're coming into like, okay, so there may be like a six figure year, you know, multiple, even even quarter million dollar a year, where is the places where people are gonna get stuck moving into because it's a big leap, and a lot of people will hit this like, quarter of a million dollar year mark. And then it's like, they're there. They're hanging in. And I think it's like, I love actually how you talk about the comfort zone. And we get used to this comfort zone, and it gets really comfortable until it's not comfortable. Because, right, it's not a bad place to be.
Shayla Locklear
It's, it's, it's very much like when you go from and we've talked about this before, when you go from not enough to enough when you go from like, I'm unstable to like stable, right? So it's that pendulum swing, where I'm like, Oh my god, where I'm going to, I'm going from, like, surviving to now like thriving. And so when you're there and you're thriving, and you're like, Okay, I'm making more money than probably like my family's made then I've made and everything else. It's great. Like, cool. Like, oh my god, like I when you when you feel like that stability. It's almost like, Okay, this is good enough. I don't want to risk it anymore. Like because I've been at the other side of that shit. So this is good, like, oh, okay, and it's almost like, Can I ask for more? Can I am I okay to ask for more? Is it safe to ask for more? Because that makes me feel like I'm on? What is it? I am not even unworthy. But I'm grateful for, for where I am right now. And that's not true. Like it's more than okay to have more than enough. But that's where people get stuck is that it's enough. It's good enough. Because coming from not enough, like good enough, or like enough feels like super good. It's feel super safe. It feels comfortable, like that comfort zone. And you don't want to rock the boat anymore. You you have gone through the the storms and everything. And you're like, No, dude, I'm good here, like, and so when you are going to be higher level of the pendulum, which is more than enough. It is very scary. Because you're like, what if I don't? What if I can't do that? Like, do I go back all the way down to like, not enough and I don't want to risk it. I don't want to do that. So it's the building of that trust in yourself. And the the permission to have more than enough knowing that more than enough is okay. More than enough is actually available to us. And the interesting part is like as humans, we're the only species that get to have more than enough like nature gives you just enough. Look at nature. Nature will give you just enough like dress Enough, and not in a bad way like the birds don't wander the trees don't wonder like they always have enough. They always have enough. But it's rare that you see nature give you more than enough. So it's a human thing that we have the benefit of that we get to utilise. But by nature, enough is enough. Because that's like, that's what nature will give you enough. So it's almost feels unnatural to go for more than enough. And that's where we get to break the stigmas.
Keri Norley
It's interesting, because I can see how that would happen, whether you're at like, you know, whether the person's come from a $30,000 year place up to 80,000 from or 50,000, or like any of these places, where all of a sudden, you're at more than you used to have, oh my god, now I get to have, like breathing space, then it becomes now I get to have the manicures and pedicures. And it becomes like, an it is an expansion. And I know whenever I talk to people about this a lot, it's like, having come from wealth, I understand like, Oh, my, my enough, was way higher.
Shayla Locklear
Right? Like, very different, right? Like, you're not very different, right? Very different.
Keri Norley
Because I had this on, like, I would say as as most of humanity an unrealistic expectation of enough. And it's not unrealistic, because it was but it was just like, I didn't realise how different it was right? But that is the that's the thing here about enoughness. Right? Like what is enough, right, and if we really allow ourselves to expand out like enough can be that I am overly abundant. And I'm always receiving excess of what my quote unquote needs are. And my needs get to be whatever the hell I want them to be to look after myself every single day of the year, at the highest level. And so, so it's an interesting thing,
Shayla Locklear
that then on top of that,
Keri Norley
have more and more, right, absolutely. And so it's interesting, because when I look at this, like I actually created like a little, like a little diagram circle thing at some point in my little, you know, somehow organising shit out of my brain. And it's like, we get to this place where we're kind of in the restricted construction phase, right? We're like, Oh, my God, how am I going to do this? What's happening that it? And then you move to the enoughness, this comfort zone? And then you move beyond that? And you're like, Oh, my God, things are going really well. And then Oh, wait, no, then you move to the comfort zone. That's right, then you move to the comfort zone. And then the next leaf is what we're talking about here. It's like, you're gonna have to go back into risk. Again, it's almost like at that point, and this is I think, why people get annoyed or frustrated, or it gets hard here is because it's going to require a bigger investment, financially, energetically and mentally than what you've been doing. Because you're comfortable there. It's easy. It's easeful, right? And even in the easeful place, though, I find for me personally, it tends to especially as as the achievers that we are the go getters that we are, it gets uncomfortable, it gets boring, right at some at some point. And, you know, sometimes it gets boring, right? I'm like, I entertain myself in ways but like it can be. And and so then in order to push yourself to the next place, it's going to require extra team is going to require extra, you know, input from different places, it's going to require your energy to go into different things. And so that fear that risk comes because that you're taking this risk again, and going back to like, Oh my god, now I'm in this construction again, and oh, my God, what am I doing? Is this gonna work? And the risk gets higher retirement before shaelyn. I got on the call. We were saying this, because, and I think this is so freakin important to say, because I think people think that once they hit the Roadblock, once they've peeled that layer back and they've got the onion done, you're like, Yes, I've managed this. We were laughing because we're like, and here we are, again, we've had this conversation before, just another level, another devil with more money on the table with more money on the table, you know, and more risk and more to lose. And I think like no billionaire got to billions, because they sat on their button didn't take a risk.
Shayla Locklear
Right? Absolutely. And it is very much so like that. Understanding that growth is never comfortable. And you hear that all the time. But it's true. Because you never know, the way where you're going and what you're achieving haven't done before. So it's comfortable when you've done it before, you already know. But this time, like we always there's always fear that comes up because it's something brand new. And so I think we look at ourselves sometimes like, Oh, I should be over this. And I'm like, should you? Like Really? I mean, maybe you move through things faster, right? Because we know what's coming. We understand this. We know the process now. So it's like just part of the process. And we've accepted that instead of resisting it. So yeah, maybe I move through this faster now. But it's coming. Like it's coming. Don't worry. And learning that like that's okay though. Like, you have to if you want to be wealthy, if you want to be an entrepreneur in life and consistent, you know if this is what you want, like knowing that this is part of your journey and except Think that like this is it's okay like this. It's a never ending evolution of like, what do I say it's an evolution over a lifetime, always, always always. So when you accept the journey is always going to be that then it's like, okay, cool, I don't get my panties in such a bunch when things happen because I know, this is what I signed up for this is what I agreed to. And because of that, then look at the output or look at what I get to receive or I allow myself to receive because of the consistent risk that I put out there. So we talked about like stuff. I, you know, I never say what I like to say I don't say stuck. And like you've stabilised, you've stabilised in a specific area. And stability is what we all go for. Right? Like we want that stable income we want that stable, my want that stable business because that feels good, that feels grounded, that feels safe. So you have stabilised and that's a great thing, but also, to go to that next level to rise above, you have to almost like unlearn again, you have to do stabilise yourself, re stabilise yourself at a new level, and then do it again. And it's
Keri Norley
gonna be something like whether it's like, you know, I know, I've heard people and I do feel this, like as you grow a following and you grow, you expand your, your reach, then like the people who are coming to you, you know, like when we first start, it's like oh, you kind of know some of the people that you're working with, you've heard of them, or they're somehow in your field or you can have this personal connection, then all of a sudden groups are getting bigger. You're following started, you're like, I don't know who you are, what are you doing? Why are you talking to me? How am I helping you like, and then all of a sudden, there's this like, Oh, can I still help people if I don't have that deeper connection with people and like so whatever it is, like, there's always some levels to be moving through depending on where you are in your experience of business. Right? So, where, okay, so if this is one of the biggest things we will have, like where what is, uh, what's something that you help people like? How, how can you help people? What's the tip that you can give people when they're here to move through this?
Shayla Locklear
So, um, one of the biggest things is, is allowing yourself to say like allowing yourself to tell yourself the truth about what's happening and what's going on. For me, one of the biggest things, which is no coincidence, but like, I was looking, you know, a few weeks ago, like, Okay, I know that I'm moving through something huge. And it's going to be for the rest of the year on. And I'm okay with that. But I also know that like, when I do things like this, I desire support, I don't need support, but I desire support. Because we can all do this without anybody. It just takes a little bit longer. But that's why we hired people to help us move forward faster. And so I was like, what what is done looking for in a mentor? What is the next person that's coming into my world and to my business? What is it that it's really going to help me besides the fact that okay, the business acumen, okay, cool. The spiritual act, man. Okay, cool. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yes, yes, yes, someone who's a little bit further along than me, or well, more practice any cool, whatever. Typically, they they're going to make more money than me awesome. But that's not always the truth. Because I work with people who are making eight figures. And I haven't made that yet. So whatever. But what is the key thing? I'm like, What does Shayla need, and I'm like, I need somebody who can hold all of my truths. And so I think the biggest thing for people is finding that or allowing yourself to tell the truth about the situation of what you're going through. Because a lot of times you see online, we talk about the purity of it, right? It's like, love and light. And literally, I just woke up and made a million dollars. Oh, my daughter, and I was like, basically, like howling at the moon last night. And I got 14 new clients, so and so we have this stigma, and people are like, What the fuck is wrong with me? If that's not happening for me? Like how can I can't chill and watch Netflix and make 40 grand? How come I'm manifesting and manifesting and manifesting, but yet not manifesting? How come I'm getting into the energy of the thing, but the thing is not coming ever. What is my problem? And I think the biggest thing is like people aren't necessarily allowing themselves or like telling the truth about the process. Because we want to we want to stay surface and surface will only get you so far, you really have to dive deep into this. And if you start the success with easy then every single person would be making millions of dollars and that's not the truth. So we've got to be willing to dive underneath the surface and look at those things. And it's not this perpetual cycle of like, I've got to kill myself every five seconds. No, like we're not talking about that. But like the real truth behind successful businesses his most successful most not all the most successful business owners, especially those who are making millions have done more personal development type of work and spiritual type of work than you understand because you You have to be able to hold the level of which you're calling in. And that takes a lot of energy that takes a lot of bandwidth for you to be able to receive at the level of millions or billions. So you got to free yourself up from whatever's holding you back. And that's normally the truth. The truth, like tell them the truth is, and we're afraid of that, because they're like, Oh, my God, baby manifestation or baby secret, you know that newbies in the secret will say, if I feel this, or if I say this, then I'm, like, I'm manifesting backwards, or I can't say that, like, no, that's not the truth. Like that's, you know, it's a law of attraction, one on one that people are still stuck on, and when you need to be at like level 105. For me, like that's, yeah, that's surface level. That's everybody reading the book, and they come in, and that's law of attraction, one on one. But you have surpassed that now you need to know the truth about what it really takes. It's a 105 class honey, like, you know, it's the master level class we need to be in versus the baby level. And I don't mean baby in a mad way, if you're just coming in cool. Like we all we all get there. Like literally, we all
Keri Norley
started there.
Shayla Locklear
And then you realise that doesn't work.
Keri Norley
That's why we have jobs.
Shayla Locklear
What Why is it we're working once and you're like, Wait, hold on, I'm not working anymore? What's happening? Or what's wrong with me? Right? Totally. Yeah, it's the truth, the truth of the matter, because, like, I've noticed myself, and this is why I create the containers that I create. But it's like, even in these groups, even in in, even in your one on ones, if you are not comfortable. Or if you don't tell your coach or your mentor, whatever the truth, you're only going to get so far.
Keri Norley
Yep. 100%. And you have to it's interesting because, like right before we got on the call, I was actually just saying to Shayla that I tomorrow this will be way past tomorrow when you guys say this. But tomorrow we opened doors for new wealth from crypto, which is my new programme helping people to get into the decentralised finance space crypto space in a safe and stable way. And I was like, I've just been preparing everything for my first call. And and I was saying to Shayla before. And I was like, I have the nervous jitters, like the excited nervous jitters. And like, the reason that I have that is because I know the capacity that I have to show up, it's not actually the teaching, it's the capacity in which I have to show up to hold space for because I even put a post up today is like the easy part of this is the technical stuff. the easy part is the technical stuff, I could give you some worksheets, you can go and do it. But like, the hard part is being and holding space and the inner part of you that says yes, I'm worthy of being financially sovereign. And that means I have to I get to I get to hold the space for people to be in all of that, and to bring all the shit that we've had, and we've been conditioned to believe is true, which isn't. That has stopped us from being financially sovereign in the first place. I have the chills, and so and so but that's it. Like for me, it's like, I know that I'm preparing myself energetically to open up for hearing the real stuff. Like I mean, it's already planned for tomorrow, I have the chills. It's already planned for tomorrow to open this up. Because I know that if I don't put this on the table right away, and hold the space for this in the container I do. And I know you do this with your clients as well, that we're missing. Like, we'll come in and like yeah, sure, they'll go do it. But like, to the extent No. And then I'm sure as well, like people would also and again, this is going to show up for each person in a group doesn't matter. It's mine or yours or any other persons you're with. Like you show up for it in whatever capacity You are the biggest truth, the more that I look at my own shame, my own guilt, the own stuff that I have around my money. And the more that I have a place to then go and talk to a mentor, like you've just said, that is going to love me through it not shame me not look at me like oh, you fuck that up carry not like but like, I remember two weeks ago, I just talked to my mentor, who, as you guys have all heard before as Roscoe on this call. I mean, you've heard all this before, what's been my mentor. And like I had to show up two weeks ago, and I had to say I had to give him all my numbers because we work defi and business together like he knows more than most people I've ever told in my entire life. And so I had to show up my numbers in investing. I showed my numbers in business, I had to show up in my data. And I was like, I don't want to do this, even though he's been known for six months, like where I'm at like this is nothing new. And when I told him and I was like, I'm so triggered by this, and he's like yes, I frickin love that you're triggered. Let's do this. And I was like, that's the kind of person you want to be with to take you to the next level because they're going to love you through your shit. And the truth is, there is nothing in this world I have heard and I'm sure you have to Shayla. I have heard almost every story From I mean, I'm talking sexual abuse to like, financial abuses to like, if you name something that you could feel ashamed about, I'm pretty sure I've heard it. And I love you. I love you here, you don't even have to be a client. I love you. You are loved you are human. And thank you, thank you for being willing to show up in the spaces to share these things. Because when he releases, like what Sheila said, You're holding the space and your container and your energy and your field and your body that takes up space. The second that you release it, you allow yourself to create the space to bring in the money that you actually desire, because that actually does not serve you to hold on to that. And it's not. It doesn't even like I mean, it matters, but it doesn't matter. Does that make sense?
Shayla Locklear
And that's no, it absolutely does. And that's the same thing where like, okay, it's, it's very key. And like I said something about this online the other day, where I was like, Yeah, I more I, I mentor people who are smarter than me make more money than me, they're farther along in business than me. But why did they come to me? Why? Why does it make any sense? Right? Why? And I'm like, because I've done the work to be able to hold their truth. Like they have never had anybody been able to accept them, for them at the level that I can. So that is why they come to me. But the funny part is like, I've had to do the work on the other side, because I raised you know, as we raise our prices, and things go up, and we are levelling up, and I'm not afraid to say like my one on one for years, 150k there's people making 10 times as much as me who don't charge that. Who don't. And I'm like, well, sounds like a personal issue. But like, Okay, cool. But it's like, I had to do the work to create the space to face this is what I'm doing. And I don't care, like what everybody else is doing. Because this is what my soul calls me and do this is what it is. And it took all of that all my shit to to work through. Like why would somebody say yes to me? What is this? What is it? What makes me different? Or I, I'm not perfect, I have this, this, this, this, this, all this other stuff that happened to me or that I've done or anything else it's like, But why me and work through that to clear this space? So I could be like, yep, I can hold that person and that person and that eight figure person? Absolutely. Come on, I've got room, I've got room to help you to people to understand that. So I think it's very important, like truth, truth is very important. And another reason why like my next programme, or what programme that I have, which is called dynasty, the sister mind is calm is really about, like women, like true women wears a great women's mastermind that's not full of bullshit and love and light, right? Where you are comfortable, comfortable. And I know we talked about comfort as being but where you feel you could really say what you have to say and show up in your fullness without being judged or afraid that that little Missy over there is going to use that against you online, or you know, talk about you everything else. Where's that? Where's it? reading it, because women need that, besides the fact that the sisterhood because we all have like mommy and sister wounds and everything else from that bench in high school, that was super mean to you and like caused so much trauma. We don't trust other women. We don't trust other women. So we go over here to the bros and I love the grown woman so much from the bros Don't worry about it. But it's like, so we go over here because we're like, I don't trust you that I'm not just like I don't like you know, because you didn't you've caused trauma for me. So this is like, this is why I created this dynasty. The system is a two fold thing. It's so that you can be held by women. Because the thing is, I love men, but also why do you think there used to be like sister circles and all of this stuff. It's the secrets of the woman. That's where all of that was told. That's where we learned so much. And that's why we could go back to our husbands and our houses and be powerful women. Because we have to share our truth. Totally enter learn from other powerful women. But we all seemingly have. No,
Keri Norley
yeah, absolutely. And I think if there's one thing you guys can take away, even if you're not joining either one of us any of these programmes, or if you are like if you want to, but like truthfully, like just listening to this podcast, like go in if you're stuck in some place, go in and look at your truth, like deeply right? And it's not easy, even if you want to hold yourself in it and look yourself in the mirror and go girl, you are not showing up like this because because the truth is, well, you know, it's like I wait, everyone's talking about weight, right? I'm gonna bring it to weight here cuz it's an easy one. I was not tipping my weight training. So funny that I put weight on I was eating chips and chocolate chocolate funny that you put weight on, like get real with yourself, right because it's in getting real with yourself that you can go Well, that's why so I can either sit here and continue to do that and be fat or love, right? Or I can make a change. And so since I was like, Alright, well I better go start training. So now I'm training every day you're the same way, right? Not that you're saying the same story, but like both of us hit a point with our financial with our bodies that we were both like we're not being the kind of store bodies and most of us have gotten on a real commitment to like, right doesn't matter what else is going on in my life, I'm also going to take care of my body and for me has become like, the better I take care of my body the more money I make, like it is a mantra to me now. And so I make sure that I do it but it's like it's the truth. I had to look cold hard at my face and be like, well, it was really because you stopped Gary, you stopped looking after it. Right and the same thing with money like start looking at like where are you not? Are you not getting on your Facebook Lives and doing that? Are you not waking up and showing doing sales? Like if you're not selling something, you're not making money? burying?
Shayla Locklear
It hurt, it's not good. And it's about it's not about downing yourself like let's just be real, like of course I can talk you know, I Shayla sometimes isn't the nicest to Shayla, right. She'll be like, what are you doing? But, you know, but it's like the realness of like, Okay, let me look myself in the mirror. And I think the thing is, like, Can I look myself in the mirror, tell myself the truth and still love me. I know that I'm worthy of whatever it is that I'm asking for. That's the hard part. Because we think like these things make us worthy when intrinsically we are, or me no matter what, but we have told ourselves that that's not true. So when you're looking in the mirror, and you're fucking crying, because oh, my God, which we all do, it's because I, I made this to be so difficult. I can, I can mess up and I'm still working. I can gain weight and I'm so worthy. I can I do a plethora of other things that I'm still worthy,
Keri Norley
I can spend money on something that is totally useless and frivolous, and worthy.
Shayla Locklear
Just because I spent money on smartly doesn't mean I don't deserve more. Just because I've been horrible with money my entire life doesn't mean I can't earn more and learn to get better. Just because I gained weight doesn't mean I'm not beautiful and worthy of more like it. None of that matters. It's whatever you decide matters. And so when you can really get honest with yourself once again, the truth about it and and the reason why is like Carrie can make money overweight, if she feels like it's not gonna stop her, but she doesn't want to. That's a difference. I don't want to I want this. This is how I'm going to have it in order to get that this is what I'm going to do. Okay, but that doesn't mean Carrie, where she is right now is less than No, I just wanted this way. Yes. All right. Better, and I show up even brighter this way. So really, we're gonna have it this way.
Keri Norley
Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay. Speaking of that, I want to bring another conversation that the two of us have been that we have both been engaging in this conversation offline with each other because it's relevant for both of us at the moment, right. And speaking of having it all, I wanted to bring the overachiever conversation into this. And so I noticed Sheila definitely has a lot of her clients are overachievers. Because yes, like the types of people that she works with. And something that has been showing up for me. So I've been doing work on my vices lately. And the thing that has shown up for me recently is like I you know, I think in a lot of ways we think being an overachiever is is a I don't know, it's a good thing. Like it's a powerful, it's like, I just want to go go go. And yes, I can do things and give me at all, and I can do it. And then all of a sudden, recently, I was like, wait a minute. But there's a downside to this. There's a part of this, that actually is keeping me held back. Right. So I think there is a plus just like everything in life, there are goods and Bad's to everything. And so I really want to bring this conversation because Sheila actually knows a lot about the overachiever archetype in this. And so I'd love to hear from you like some things that you have seen in working with overachievers over the years, the pluses, the minuses, and how we can get the best out of being this overachiever and overachiever for me being like the person who thinks BRING IT THE FUCK on, right? Like, come on, what do you got for me? I'll take it. Let's go. And how many plates Can I throw? And you and I both do it. How many planes Can I throw in a frickin air? And it's so common, especially for moms. Right? Like, this is for everybody, but I'm gonna say huge throw children into this mix as well. And they, like level next level of overachiever status, right? And it's like, and I know you do too, like you homeschools one of your kids like there's like, and, and, and, and, and, and like some of the things that we do is just a mother's or some of the things that we do in our business or some of the things that we do and just different aspects of our life. It's like, I mean, I have people who Look at me like I don't know how you did one of those things, nevermind seven of them in a matter of three months. Right? That's the overachiever piece that's like, yes, sure it gets our shit done, but also, but also, sorry, go ahead, Miss, let's hear some of the thoughts.
Shayla Locklear
Okay, so one of the things that like high performers are great at and overachievers are great at is like, we don't like to talk about this, but like, we love creating problems to solve. So it's like, it's this like, amazing thing where it's like, like, I call it the like, what do you think your? How do I want to say it's the um, we Some of us have very procrastinators at work. natures were like we are, I'm very great procrastinator, wait till last minute, you know, last minute for everything. And then I slide into home base. It's that like adrenaline rush of like, yeah, I can do this. We love to create our own problems. We love to create problems in general, because we that's that we thrive off of solving, we thrive off of being the ones who can do what everybody else can't. So it's this like, unnerving thing that we do. Where like you said, I throw an extra 12 plates on there. Because why not? You think I can't handle it. Like, like, Just you watch me. Watch me, I don't care. I don't care, they all come crashing down and putting together with Gorilla Glue, it's gonna be fine. It's this like, really insane nature to like, be the best of the best. And normally, like I wrote about this the other day, like, initially, it may start from a parent or like from childhood, but eventually takes on a mind of its own. And you are just like, it's you versus you just how can I outdo you like, whatever, and you don't even see it, you don't even know it's just, it's just there. And it's this like, this, this on imaginable. And on like fab will drive to like do and be more because why not. And so it is a positive thing. Because through that so much is achieved so much. And like most people will say like, I couldn't have even done one of those things like that you didn't you did all five. And you're like, and I can do 10. Like, don't ever worry about it. And it's because we just are born to like do and be more, we're just one of those types of things. And so it's great, but to understand how to work with that and not against it. Because most of the time what happens is like you're never satisfied, never satisfied. And because of that, it's always like, what's next? What's next, what's next. And you never give yourself the space and the time to even celebrate, to even say Good job girl. And even though we can look at everybody else and be like, I'm 10 times and excuse my excuse me how I say this the most I understand, but like I'm 10 times better than that person, right? And and so great. But then you're like, how can I 20 like, I never want to be seen as like, average average for you is good. Like that's good for you. But for us, oh my god save me a word and we literally lose a shit like that doesn't happen. Like average. Are you excuse me like that's the biggest trigger ever. So it's really understanding that like, here's the thing about it, our souls and this is we're going like esoteric care our souls are like when we are out in the ethers, right like our souls get what we want. So our soul will say I want this and Immediately it happens it has no limitations. But when we decide and agree to come down to earth, in a meat suit in our beautiful bodies, and realise that like our body has a limitation, it's a challenge because when we say we want something, our soldiers to getting it right now, but our body is like, workbench. So it's like learning that like, Okay, I'm always in forever like the the, that's the souls job like that Is it like, the soul is always going to say more and more and more and more and more. That's what it's used to. So don't be upset or don't think yourself wrong for always wanting more. Like, the voice of the soul is desire. You're always going to desire more, you're always going to want more do you let yourself
Keri Norley
if you let yourself Right, right.
Shayla Locklear
Yes, like that. The thing is like, I'm not gonna you never you never run for wanting honey. No, no. But it's understanding like, the linear time this three d of it all. Like we're not we're not there, honey, we're here. We said yes to coming down on Earth. So when saying that, we have to understand that there's and I know we hate this word, but there's limitations. And that's okay. That's fine. That doesn't mean that you're going to stop you're not going to have it you're there's limitations. And in our in the spiritual where we hate limits. I mean, my business is Shayla Unlimited, so real, but understanding within those unlimited realms, there's still limitations that we get to work through. So when you understand that when you give yourself grace, because of that, when you know that Guess what, I'm always gonna want more money. I'm always gonna want more. You relax into like, okay, like I did great. Like, you're not gonna miss out. Trust me, you're not gonna miss out on anything. You have more drive than anybody. Like, you're never gonna
Keri Norley
like you're it's like really like for an overachiever, you're halfway it's still, like more, somebody else's 125%. And we also know that so that's another like backhanded thing that we do. Or we're like, I'm not going to even try because I know like, it's going to be better than everybody else. So that's another like, kind of like, secret that like most overachievers Don't say like, that's why you can slide in it like the end, right? You can slide in at the very last moment, and you're 25% will be like, 100% somebody else and they'll be like, Oh my God, that's amazing. And you're really like, I don't even deserve praise, because I know how to do shit. That's another that's another language. I know. Which by the way isn't true, because you didn't do the shit. And you are amazing. But this is what what gets said. It's like, Michael, are you serious? Like there was nothing, but it's like to somebody else. That's fucking everything. Right? And that I think part of that is like that mental piece of that is like actually stopping that because actually, even if it is like this 25% you are fucking amazing. You did do that you do deserve this. Anything that you're achieving, and we get to celebrate and give ourselves credit for that.
Yeah, it's an okay. And we're like, we try. It's another punishment. we punish ourselves for being great, like a champagne problem, right? Like, if you punish yourself for being grateful, I can't accept I can't receive anything. Because I don't feel like I deserve it. Because I didn't give my all. Well, you gave some honey like, and that's a great thing. Because you just so happen to be one of them. That has the has been given the gift of being able to do that. Not everybody can do that. Not everybody can do that. So we're ashamed of that. So because of that, then I like everything else. Oh, no, I can't accept that. No, no, no, I didn't do my best. No, no, no, I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy of this. So go ahead, go ahead. And that's another cycle that like you said, you talked about where you're not able to, you're not able to receive what what God is universe, whatever is trying to give you and you and you make yourself look bad like you I'm a horrible person for this. I'm but a lot when you can just like, either do it 100% and feel better about your life, or don't do the 25% and still accept that it's amazing. Like, right, well, whichever way you want to go about it. Cool, like, do it. There's no wrong way to do this. But we punish ourselves, we punish ourselves so much high performers punish themselves all the time with these types of things. So then you're like, Okay, let me talk myself on top of myself, which is why you're like, let me do are because I
Keri Norley
like feeling something right. It's like filling something that is it's like and and this comes back to that truth to peace, right? Like it's like looking at the truth. Like why are you actually doing this? This is the piece that I you know, both of us have been just like, I think exploring in this part of ourselves, like, what is driving this, like, where did it really come from? And I know for me, like I know, we both have different stories for it. But for me, it really was like I was expected. This was an expectation put on to me growing up like you will just show up you'll put a beautiful smile on your face. Do whatever is asked of you, and you will do it however it's asked of you and you show up, and you'll continue to do this. And you'll be fucking amazing at it. Yeah. And you will excel and there is no other option. You know, and and I had a conversation my mom the other day, and she was like, well, because we were speaking of mother stuff, right? We were doing, I was talking to him about kids in this, like, there's this heaviness that was coming on to me about some decisions I had to make with my children. And I was like, I don't know, this just feels like a lot on top of everything else that I have to do. And she's like, well, you'll put on a brave basically, she was like, you're gonna put on a face, you're gonna do the fucking thing and go on and do it carry because you're gonna do what you have to do. And I'm like, and there is overachiever. Right? Because when you come from, especially for me, like when it comes different aspects of this, right, like either comes from, I didn't have anything, and so I'm gonna go fucking do whatever it takes to do whatever it takes, and you give it to me, however it is. And I'm gonna go do it, because I'm not going to be the person that was like them. Right? Right, or the opposite of this, which is, this is the expectation, because this is what we already have. So you're gonna go and create it for yourself, by the way. Which by the way, you're supposed to also have like, be a nurse, teacher, because you're a woman. Right? The crazy things that we get put onto, right. And so for me, I've had to really look at like, but why. And also like, the question being like, Is it necessary? Right, like, Is it necessary to go at this pace? Is it necessary to beat ourselves up this way? Is it necessary? And like, you know, there's this other there's the book, I think that's called like, the one thing, I think that's what it's called, right? The one thing and it's like, there's a part of me that's like, What do you mean, the one thing I don't understand that concept, like one thing, I don't know, I'll be like, I'm bored. And it's like, it's like the ultra creatives, right? I'd be bored. But the thing that I keep scaling back right now is like, Okay, what is the minimum that I can do, that still will get the results and actually be more at that 100% level, instead of putting on a cow, but this and this and this, and actually kind of half assed to all of it. Because I'm at a place now that I'm like, I'd actually rather give 100% and a few things, then go crazy with 100 things, and it becomes a decision and it's not that one is better, or worse, or either way, right? Like, I've also noticed, for me personally, in this journey, that it really and like you can hear it even in us kind of talking, it's like the addiction to the adrenaline, the stress that the the cortisol running through our body. It's like, okay, go, go, go, go, go, go, I can do it. I can do it. I can be up until two o'clock in the morning. And then I crash? Like, what if we didn't do it that way? What if we didn't do it that way? What if we actually just took care of ourselves? And like, I keep saying, right, if I take care of my body, and I put my body First I will make more money. And so in actually not doing this working my unravelling this piece of myself, it's like, I think that there's a piece of us that can show up even better, and still be overachievers.
But not it's very much like that, because it's like, Who am I without all of this, right? And so you have that personality and that identity that we know, right? And this is what we've been running the show that we've been running that the pattern that was running most of our entire lives. So it's scary to be like, Okay, what if I take that away, like, Who is she is she's still amazing Is she still is. And so it's like you said, the deconstruction of that. And for me, like it was a huge slap in the face, probably about two and a half years ago, when I was running on that, like, go, go, go, go doo doo doo doo, very super, hyper masculine type of business. Because that's what I learned. That's what I was taught. That's who I was. And all came crashing down. I couldn't do it. I physically couldn't do it any more. And I was like, my loser, like, what's happening? Did I lose every like, why? Like, God, come on, like, what the hell? Like, why can't I do this? What is the problem, and it was a force of me to look in a different manner and do this a different way. And even now, I get a little bit like when I'm launching and everything else that I just had a huge, like revelation come through, and I mapped out everything was great. It was amazing. And I was like, ready to go on it. And then like, the other day, literally half that because I was like, I don't want to do any.
Like, if I'm honest, none of this is good. Like, it's not how I want to run my business. I'm back again in this life. And my body feels that my body isn't getting your body not 100% Oh my god, that I know it's not right. Because if I like if even if I tried to do it, my body will literally shut down. It will be like, No, no, go girl. And so I had to once again get super honest is what is it that I want? Really? And why am I so afraid to put that down? Because I think it's not gonna work. It's not gonna work. What is it? So it is learning that and and like the one thing right? And I teach people like my clients myself as well, like, the one. Here's the thing I used if anyone knows miana like the worldwide amazingness which is really Yes, this is a great metaphor. I love it. Yeah. Like you thought I wrote about this, but I'm like, super important. So reon start out music, right? And we all know her for music. Now, do we know if that was her original life plan or what it was it was, who knows, we don't know the ins and outs, but she started off music, right. And she mastered in the sense that thing, music, she wanted music, music funded her other businesses, right. So she didn't have to get additional funding. But although she worked to have the influence, she worked to have the network she worked to do all of that through music, so that if she wanted to, she had ever she had right for the picking anybody she wanted and the money that she wanted to start her next ventures. So from music, she got to a really great point in music, where she didn't need anybody where she was getting awards for this mat. And then she started her Fenty brand. Which, by the way, let me tell you her makeup brand. Initially, when she started, I didn't I didn't start that didn't randomly come from nowhere. So yes, she was using because what she saw, and she worked in that so hard, but she had the she had the discipline, and creative freedom pockets to work on other things, and money to work on other things, right? She wasn't hard up when she created fantine and funded that all herself. And then she got additional funding because people were like, Well, shit, this is amazing. Like, hear it, like, take it Yeah, I want I want to make money with you. But and now she's like, okay, from that, from that one thing, which was her music, she went to beauty. Beauty, she went to clothing, right? And then she went to lingerie, which is the the Savage pinchy brand, which she then went to perfume because the industry knows that Rihanna smells like heaven. It's been a secret for like years. Everybody says that. They don't know what she smells how. But she smells like it's everybody knows it. So of course you're gonna want to smell like Briana how the look of You smell like heaven, whatever that is. I want that sold out. She recently launched that and that sold out. And people are sitting here like, so where's your music? And she's like, hmm, I'm a fucking billion I don't fucking need to do music anymore. I don't want to like the one thing though. She got good at that one thing. She's a multi passionate entrepreneur, the people that I work with I, you me, we are multi passionate entrepreneurs. But what fucks us up and what makes us like, go good. We're trying to do too much. Because we're afraid we're gonna miss out. And that's not the truth. Because you know, we just talked about this, when we give 100% that's somebody else's 300. So we can focus what just give us give yourself six months, whatever it is, yes, you know, when you focus, it gets done. By the way, when you focus, oh, my God, when you're distracted, shit gets done. So imagine if you focus and how much that can create for you. And then you're free to go do all of the things. Because you focus on the one thing that foundation that's going to help you. And so that's another thing that like overachievers, multi passion, entrepreneurs have to understand, like, We're not trying, I'm not trying to, to shut you up. I'm not trying to cap your creativity, trying to give you more. Yes, I'm trying to give you an out a chance when you follow that. And not to say like I have, I'm a musician, I am a creative as well, I have a skincare line that I'm working on that's coming out. I got a lot of things. So but my focus what funds all of this is my coaching and consulting business. That's my one thing. When I have time where I give myself like I give myself an hour to hour, whatever, I need to work on other things, because that's my outlet. And I know that these are coming to fruition, but hey, guess what, if this one thing doesn't go, none of this other stuff can go either. Not the way that I want it. So my vote except for my focus at one thing. So when we, when we look at all of that, right? And I want to explain it that way. People are like, Oh, I'm like, yeah, we're not I'm not trying to hold you back, Honey, I'm trying to excel you for Yeah, this is the way it goes. This is not this is not the only way because I'm not that person. But this is a really good way.
Keri Norley
Way. Absolutely. It's like I mean, I know for myself just in this last year as I because this is what happened to me last year, like I took on everything with the podcast, launching the book launching my website redoing that, like by the end of the year, I was like, Hey, I just need him on July or do nothing. Right? And so I made the commitment. I'm like, I'm not doing that again. Like it doesn't it like the way that I had done that in such amount of time was amazing. It was perfect. And it was exactly what I need to do is the incubator that was and in many ways it was still the one thing right like I was still working towards this one thing. And because it was such a fast incubator for me, like it bursts so quickly out of me through this and like here I am. The potency of it has been so strong and this is my one thing like there is nothing stopping me from being in this space right now. And you're right from here, like the money's increasing the reaches Seeing the everything Everything is getting so much better and so much more easeful, and so much more of my feminine and so much more like I don't actually have to do all of that I can just I can take the time to look after my body and make that my mission and all that kind of stuff. And, and it really shifts everything when it's like, this is my focus. And if it is, does not sit in this focus, the answer is no. The answer is no. Very quickly. And then sure once this is like once all of the things that I desire in this part are like flourishing without with with breath, which it's getting there actually. Then of course if I wanted to, there's other places to look but I'm not sure I want to yet I'm still like I love I love this zone. I mean, actually. So yes, I agree. I love this. I love this. I love this. I love this. I know we have to wrap up so I want to ask before we wrap up. First of all, I just want to say like that piece if there's anybody who just listened to that piece and did not just come send us messages. Like seriously, you had to have taken away some frickin amazing juice out of that because that in and of itself if you are an overachiever is fucking gold. And I hope that you go do your one thing. Right? I hope that you go do your one thing. So, can you give us a few tips for really being like, if we look at like, who How do you become this person to hit seven figures? What are your like, best tips for people to like sink into if you are ready and even Okay, and I'm gonna say this. I mean, we're talking seven figures because Shayla does normalising millions, right. But like, even if you're not ready for seven figures, and you're listening to this, even if yours is six figures right now, or 250,000, or whatever it is, the tips are the same, by the way, they'll work for you to
Shayla Locklear
promise to tell one of the biggest things and you hear this often. But like this is a really big key thing is like following joy and passion. And I know Yeah, yeah, I know, you're like how can I, but you have to learn to go back to trust. So maybe it's trusting yourself. But it's it's the things that light you up, right? The things that light you up, are meant for you to go towards. That is meant for you. Like just how I mapped out another what $2 million. And I just looked at it and have it because I'm like, I am not gonna do this. I know I'm not like I'm just I'm fooling anybody. I'm fooling anybody. I'm pulling myself to really think that I'm actually going to do it. Can I? Yes. Will I know? And really looking at the stuff that like will light you on fire because that is where the money comes from. That is what you will actually do and being okay with it. being okay with Guess what? You're in the middle of a launch and you're like, Nah, bro, this is not it. And I'm all for working through that. Like we I've done it before myself where I'm like, I'm just gonna have to do it like what she does not like we talked about that like, okay, cool, let's do it. But let me tell you, the strain, the despair, the the fact that like, okay, there's 10 people in bed richer, could have been 50 people and I have to actually show up, like, I give a shit. Like it's, and not, not any, you know, everybody got what they needed, right? It's perfect. It was great. But it was like that level of having to push through it and do it. Like it's not fun. It's not cool. It's not of high service. It's really not. So learning to trust yourself, trust your intuition and being okay with like changing things. And like that is okay, seven figure entrepreneurs all the time eight figure entrepreneurs know that the biggest thing they can do is trust themselves. Hmm. And that's the very thing we give away to everybody else. Your coach, your group programme, your friend, your mom, all that stuff, you can't trust you so I'm going to trust somebody else's word against me or about me or whatever else What should I do? And that's another thing that's so funny is because I have you know, at coaching people who are seven and eight figures who come to me and they're like, and this is another thing where it's like, if you another tip to understand like, what is a millionaire look like? Have you looked in the mirror? If you can't see him and yourself nobody else is going to and you have a baby It looks like a certain type of individual honey. No it doesn't. Because I've been behind a lot of seven and eight figure businesses honey where I'm like what me as
Keri Norley
messy as fuck. Messy like imposter syndrome.
Shayla Locklear
You're scaling how shit legs. Well, okay, we're gonna get Through this but what? So you think you you're creating conditions around your success that it doesn't, it doesn't look like anything except for what you decide, like, if it's you, it's you honey and like, that's the biggest thing. Like you've got to be able to see yourself and trust yourself in all of this because like it is you and somebody like you can have millions or billions like there's no conditions around your success. So seeing that and understanding that and this is not about misery loves company where I'm like, okay, like everybody's fucked up. No, it's not that but it's the truth of the matter like it. It doesn't look like you think it looks like and that's why I can look exactly like you like exactly like you There's nothing more or less that you have to become or do or whatever. It's the belief in understanding that like, you get to have this like you get to be this you the Beingness and stepping into that so yeah, you got to learn to trust yourself and know that like nobody knows better than you so when I'm coaching people and and these are high level individuals and cool who still come to me with these questions like What should I do? And they already know I'm like, what, what's Shayla gonna say? You already know this. What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Why don't you do? What do you want to do? Telling not allowing yourself tell the truth about it? That's the thing you think like if I tell the truth about this one thing? Oh my god, it's a horrible thing. I can't say this. No, you can. Because the truth is where transformation begins? Yes. I can't help you. Unless you're gonna tell me the truth about it. Yeah, it's like that's it I can't because from from not knowing is a lie. But from whatever you're telling me is what I'm going to base my my knowledge and my, my guidance on. And yeah, I'm pretty intuitive. So I can know when you're bullshitting me as well. But, but also like, cool, if that's the way you want to go with the honey, let's do it. Let me show you how that works to like, I'm your mirror. So let me show you how that works. Absolutely. So I think those are the two biggest things is really understanding like seeing yourself as that million dollar or billion dollar or six figure seeing yourself as that like right now. That's you. Yeah, you right now. Exactly. You, you have to be able to see that. trusting yourself. learning to trust yourself in the decisions that you make. And knowing you can't fuck this up, honey, there's no wrong way in your business in your life. Yeah, like this is you? And right, like, you can't I mean, it seems like you can but not really. Like, you're still here, right? We're good. We're all good. And then and then really understanding like, you get to you get to have it your way. With joy. Your Way, and pleasure and joy. And following that and bliss. And, and, and knowing Hold on. Let's I didn't say this before. Knowing that bliss and joy and pleasure sometimes initially feels like shit. It feels scary. It feels impossible. It feels like you're gonna throw up because you're like, I can't have this can't have
Keri Norley
or it's not like it couldn't possibly be this good. Couldn't be.
Shayla Locklear
Couldn't be let me just throw a wrench in there. So it feels normal. Like, let me just,
Keri Norley
there's that. There's that drama.
Shayla Locklear
There's my nervous system fucking up again. Yes. I'm used to that. So good. It's like there's that dopamine hit. You suck. Yeah, yes. Oh, God. It's so good. That's what I needed. But it's true. We're so used to like, we're like wins the ball. I'm gonna drop wins. Well, there it is. Yes. Okay. That's what I know. But learning to like, that's another thing is like learning to thrive off like the, like peace. Yes. Off the ease. Yes.
Keri Norley
Yes. It's a huge part of the journey is to be like, how do I be in the middle? And even in the ecstasy and even in the bliss and even in the hard moments? It's like, actually, how do I stay neutral in the middle again has been a five year journey for me to learn this is a huge
Shayla Locklear
lie still. Money as well. Like, you know, the truth of the matter is like they're like your your emotional state dictates your money not the other way around. And so often we allow our money to dictate our emotional state when we had it. She says thank you God, life is grand, let's go have a party. And we don't it's like life is hard. I can't I'm gonna die everyone around me is going to die
Keri Norley
like and then we create the drama so that I could get the fire under your ass to go and fucking do the thing that you had to do but you could have just done it from the minimal
Shayla Locklear
right and and that's money loves that the money loves the the neutrality like if you can become neutral with money you can earn so much more. And and not just that you can't earn these you can, but it's a really nervous system II type of dramatic life. But when you learn to create neutrality around money, and this is not that you're not excited, right? It's not that you're not thankful and grateful for it, but you can receive 100 grand from a client today and you're like, your bank account, go to zero today, and you're like, Oh,
Keri Norley
so true. So true.
Shayla Locklear
And then money knows, like, I can't fuck her up. Alright, so true.
Keri Norley
So true. But that's, but that's that piece of like, letting go of attachment to it. Like it's not it doesn't it doesn't it's, it's just, it's energy. It's nothing. It's everything. It's nothing. It's, it's it's just it is energy, but like, the more that we attach to your worth of whether I'm worthy because I have some or I don't, is like, well, that's pointless. It's pointless.
Shayla Locklear
Yeah, it's another thing like, my favourite statements are just because the statements if you're ever in a funk, just because statements will help you get out of it. It's like this thing. So it's like, whoever's listening, who maybe is just starting a business, or if you're obviously way beyond, you know, starting your business or whatever else. But one of the things that like, I've always been somebody who, who was the outlier, like I was the one that like, the averages didn't count. So like when a lot of people start their businesses, they started, you know, lower, lower tier, you know, start lower, grow up, you know, everything else, you start with the $97 programme a lot. All that stuff never worked for me. So I had to find a different offer, you know, a different option. And yes, I've had businesses before, but like going online, it's very different. So when I started out, I started out with $13,000 programmes, and they're like, No, you can't do that. Like, that's not how it works. Like, you got to grow yourself up. And I'm like, yeah, that's not exciting to me. And it doesn't work for me. I tried, nobody understood about me. So I'm like, let's start with where I want to start with. So I started selling $13,000 programmes, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. So just because I'm new, doesn't mean that people aren't going to pay me like premium prices. Just because at the time I probably couldn't have afforded to pay, it doesn't mean that other people can't afford to pay me. Like, just because doesn't, you know, equals, so this thing is like, just because, you know, I'm having about right now, just because I'm overweight, not now, just because I feel abcdefg right now, doesn't mean that I can't receive doesn't mean that my business can't thrive doesn't mean that anything. So when you just because yourself, literally, you'll get yourself out of the funk very, very quickly. And you'll realise once again, it's you putting conditions around your success. It's never the universe universe. It's not like you have to do this. And you get that it's just waiting to say, Hey, can you can we match here on the energy so that I can hand you what you want? And you're like, no, because I'm no, I actually don't want it, I actually want to make this very difficult. So I was given so many conditions around myself. And like, that's what's going to be and he was like, cool, because he, you know, got into his university free. Well, we have free wheels. They're like, cool, if you want to do that, I'm gonna support you in it. Like the universe is always supporting you no matter what. Like, if you want to do it that way, universe is like, awesome. Let me help you. Let me help you do that. Let me add a few Arlo. Sprinkle some over, that's what you want to do. Awesome. I'm here for it. You get to decide that
Keri Norley
you want 100% 100% Oh, so Eugene, I want to add that one thing that I thought was you were rambling through in the best way rambling through all of that was freaking amazing. Actually, I mean, more and more and more and more gold here. The one thing I want to add, because you were saying about like the joy in doing what what you're called and listening to your truth. And I know for me, in my for, in my story in this like in standing in this work and doing my money and wealth creation work. I mean, if you if you'd known like if I had really said yes to this years ago, I would have been doing this years ago. Right. But because of my family because it's like I've always known like Hello, look where I grew up. Like, of course, I was supposed to be doing this frickin work. I was doing coaching and manifestation work. I just had to add this like, really own carry that you're gonna help people with money well, like seriously. And I made all these excuses, right? Like, I made all these excuses. And all of these stories in my head and all of this, like, Oh, well, what about what do they think? What about this? And like, seriously, I could have saved myself years, years had I just not like truly listened in and done and removed all of the stories. And I know this for so many people, so many people listening, like the thing that you know, you are supposed to do that you are not doing right now. Because you have whatever story excuse thing in the world that you are telling yourself or someone else telling you that you're stupid or that that's not right, and all those stupid things. Tell them to go fuck off and go do that thing. Because that's the thing. It's going to get you where you want to go. And I can tell you the insane amounts of joy and love and bliss and fucking excitement that I have that I wake up for every single day to do what I do now. Is I mean I get chills, but it's like I truly love Meet the fuck up and I cannot imagine that even just now I said it one thing I cannot imagine right now even taking anything else on because I love this in every aspect of it so much and is it any surprise that my business is taking off in a way that it hadn't before? Nor is it a surprise that my finances are taking off in a way right like norm without having
Shayla Locklear
along with you? The very thing that's wrong with you is the very thing that's right with you and I think that's the thing that we don't want to see the very thing that you thought was like Carrie you always knew we were like no no that's wrong. That's not right. That's like looking at a no like my family saying it out. No, the vet when you said when you finally allowed that very wrong thing or whatever you thought to be the right thing. Oh my god. Oh my god. And that's and that's what we have to understand is like that all the the I don't say I don't wanna say wrong but the things that we thought were the worst things are our worst characteristics and all this stuff are very, very right. Very right. Like one of my mentors says every every tears paycheck, like every tears of paycheck because it's like, it's it's it's wanting to come out like and we get told so much that like, no, this is the way No, no, no, you're wrong. No, no, no. And we know our patterns, right? And there's things that obviously we get to work through. Like I'm not saying that but like there's things that we have known for years since probably birth that we push away, push away, push away because like no that that can't possibly be right. That can't possibly be rich. And it's like I look at myself it's like the money troubles the money Trump's like gone through like, Oh my god, like I people don't have the stories of that. And I'm like, but then me me working with millionaires and billionaires becoming a millionaire billionaire myself, which I said like by 55 billion by 50 I don't know how I'm gonna do it is happening. But that's the new goal. But I'm like, it doesn't make any sense like me. How am I doing that? How am I loud? When I've had so much so many challenges so much trouble with money the very thing that I'm amazing at helping others but if I will continue to deny that then what good would I be to the world? Half ass teaching something that I'm good at but not my truth.
Keri Norley
Ah Hmm. I love that shade. I love this. Okay, so how do people reach out to you How do they find you my love?
Shayla Locklear
Um, so I have a beautifully undone website. I'm very truthful about it. And that is a Squarespace cover page because we've been working on this for a while because I'm very indecisive. I'm working through it. Okay, it's the it's the perfectionist in me when like this works. We're gonna do all new pictures. But you can go there and get on my email list and and to be Shayla locklear.com. You can also find me on Facebook, which is Shayla Tila, Claire or on Instagram, which is Shayla unlimited one of those three places I will absolutely be I love connecting with new individuals. I love hearing your stories and just being able to be myself and be enlightened in some house and wait I'm disturbing you in whatever way that has served you so that's where you can find me guys. Those are the three places that I am if you go on LinkedIn, I'm probably there but I don't check it
Keri Norley
and I will tell you
Shayla Locklear
that I'm not sure Hey, totally hear that.
Keri Norley
Um, and I will say because I love reading Shayla. I don't read everybody stuff but Shayla is I absolutely adore reading her her copy. She I mean part of what she does is email marketing and copywriting and so her copy is amazing. She tells phenomenal stories she will she's just go follow her go find her go follow her go be in her field. And and it's short a short to ignite your life and of course, because it's the two of us if you want you can always come and join us on clubhouse on Fridays at noon Pacific we are there most Fridays we talk at the quantum wealth room we talk all about this wealth quantum fields money, sexuality we track everything and to be honest, you will get us real raw and like there's a few of us that go and we're there every week and we ignite each other we ignite the rooms people walk out with pages of notes every week so if that excites you come and join us over there get to know us there as well. Otherwise, Shayla from my heart I fucking love you are an amazing one. Yeah,
Shayla Locklear
this has been so fun. I'm It's been long overdue. So fun and and eventually you will be My podcast which is coming up soon. I know I've talked to you about it like 90 years ago I'm like, but it's been really heavy in my field like literally everybody up like talk to you recently. They're like your voice your voice your voice, you have a podcast, you have a podcast and I'm like, okay, I hear you.
Keri Norley
They're so fun. So fun. You'll love
Shayla Locklear
it and you're done so well with this like, I mean, obviously anyone who's listening know she's fucking ridiculously successful at this thing and, and it's been an honour to watch and also like, a spark under my ass to like, do the damn thing. Yay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Carrie.
Keri Norley
So much love. Alright, have a have a wonderful week everybody. See you next week on the podcast until then, thank you Shayla. Have a great day, everybody. Thank you so much for listening to this episode.
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- Published On: January 27th, 2025
- Published On: January 26th, 2025
- Published On: January 25th, 2025
- Published On: January 25th, 2025