On this episode of the Podcast, I have my soul sister Angie Kraft-Meldahl on the show.
Angie is a purpose and prosperity coach and Akhashic records teacher and guide. We talk about what it means to have multiple timelines running at the same time.
We dive into the multi-dimensional universe and what the heck that means.
And then we share how do we create multi-dimensional manifestation.
This is a fun show that is awesome if you are wanting to get a better understanding of playing in the other realms.
This is stuff we love talking about on our walks. Hope you enjoy listening in.
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Keri Norley 03:00
Welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of this amazing show. And today I have one of my dearest friends in the entire world Miss Angie craft Mel doll on the call with me. And Angie and I met I'll give you a little brief intro about how we met we met actually at Mile High church in Denver. If you don't know of it, you should go check it out. If you're in Denver, if not look up spiritual centres for living. I think it's what it's called right? globally, they can check out the things but even still online, there's Mile High stuff that you can check out. We met there at a class and I'm pretty sure I took the class to meet Angie and one other woman and she's become one of my dearest dearest friends in the entire world. And if you want to find either of us late at night, the two of us will most likely be up talking about with each other. But dragons, crystals dimensions all things spiritual and also life itself. So without further ado, oh, and she is purpose and prosperity coach and akashic records teacher and guide. So actually before my lead to say it before we actually open the show, she's actually opened up the Akashic records. So we are channelling the Akashic Records today. Actually, maybe do you want to just start in G by saying a little bit about like, what the Akashic records are. So welcome, by the way, welcome to the show. It's great to have you here.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 04:27
Absolutely. Thanks for having me. This is awesome. I'm really excited. So yeah, we open up the records for a minute just before we were signing on. And psychiatric records is a huge, vast library of everything that you've ever done as a soul. Everything has a record. So every object person, business, everything has its own record, and it's all stored within our DNA and so it's a fascinating place to find fabulous information that you might not always be able to access consciously in your just normal day to day moment. So I love to tap into the records for insight and to help people to discover things, blocks that are holding them back resistances things that they have within their records that they want to bring forward different gifts in this life. And so it's just a huge vast library of tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of very, very helpful information from your consciousness
Keri Norley 05:35
100%. And she, by the way, is an amazing practitioner there of it and she is my favourite person to work with for the Akashic records. So, okay, so today, we want to drop in I, ultimately, Angie, and I have these conversations day in and day out. And so we've been sitting here prior to getting on the call trying to figure out where we want to go with the vast knowledge that we love to talk about. And the reality is, I'll probably have her on the show again, because we have so many amazing conversations. But today, what I wanted to talk to Angie about is kind of we're going to talk a little bit about the evolution of consciousness and moving towards our potential as humans because it's really interesting. One of the things that both of us will say like even though we work very intimately both of us with channelling things and quantum, quantum physics and knowing there is no time and space, and we know different dimensions are the things that we're going to tap into on the call, we also have the deep recognition that we are humans in human form. And so how do we bridge these these worlds. And so to start this, Angie, I would love because one of my favourite people to talk about and I learned so much from Angie in this too. And it's one of my favourite things about our friendship actually, is that we both learn a lot from each other. But one of my favourite things to learn from Angie is talking about the quantum aspects and the different dimensions. And so to start with, like one of the things I've probably mentioned on this podcast so far, I haven't really gotten too deep into quantum physics yet. But in quantum physics, there is no time and space there is there, it doesn't exist. And so I'd love for you to share a little bit in G about that concept, and the multiple timelines that we can be living on at one time.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 07:18
Okay, thank you. So, as so as it relates to the Akashic records, the way I see the Akashic Records is existing on every dimension simultaneously, okay. So we, when we're working in the records can, whatever information that we're needing, we can move into whatever dimension we need to access that information, right. So that could be higher dimensions or dimensions, similar to where we are right dimensional consciousness. So we can kind of move through those levels of consciousness. And so the as it relates to the quantum field, so I believe that the so the quantum field is existing, outside of time and space reality, like Carrie was saying, and so this is really the place where everything is first created in the quantum field. So everything that you have as a thought, or desire or whatever, you impress that on the quantum field. And then as you're working that energy, over time, you'll bring that into your physical reality. So I don't really know if that answered the question. In a roundabout way. It did.
Keri Norley 08:41
So you talk about the different dimensions. And I've never I know, I haven't talked about this yet on this podcast. So let's talk a little bit more about what that mean. So like, right now we are living in a three dimensional reality. Okay, as a human fourth or fourth? Yeah, I would come right over. Okay, good. Okay, go ahead. You share. So like, explain this, like how we have these different dimensions, like ultimately, like to start with two dimensional is a piece of paper like there is no, you know, like, there is no dimension to that, right, this flat things three dimensional, obviously, we have more form, right. So our body, I would say is in the three dimension. And so then we move up and up and up up to I don't know, how many do you know how many dimensions are actually our I don't know,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 09:23
from the earth perspective, we're working with 12 dimensions. So in this planetary expression, there are 12 dimensions.
Keri Norley 09:31
Okay, talk a little bit more about that and what that all means,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 09:34
okay? So as you're moving through the dimension, so you can come in and have an experience, say, as a rock, right? And you'll have that experience as a rock and then you'll go through that experience and you'll say, Okay, how did I do with a rock and sort of rate yourself right? And then make a choice as to what you want to do next, right. So you so you evolve through the dimensions of reality. Okay, and you can access in your human form, the really amazing thing about being incarnate, right, is you can reach all the way up to the highest dimension from where you're at. Now, in between incarnations, you can't necessarily do that you're staying at the level that you've incarnated to. So say you've made it in one of your lifetimes to save seventh dimension, right? So in between lifetimes, you'll hang out in seventh dimensional consciousness until you decide to evolve further to incarnate again, and try to take yourself higher, right? So what is the next level that you're trying to reach in that next lifetime or series of lifetimes, right? So you might come back in realising that you had made it to seven. Okay, so you might come back into the physical body with access to all the dimensions lower, and then of course, you would be able to access seventh dimensional consciousness because you had evolved to that level. And then you might have a goal, like, I want to reach ninth dimensional consciousness, right. And so the unique thing about the experience that we're having now is we're moving toward fifth dimensional consciousness from fourth together, right? And we're taking our physical body with us, right, so we're all going to bring our physical body with us, and we're going to be able to do different things with our physical body than we were ever able to do before. Right. So we'll have that ability to by locate, and things like that in fifth dimension. So there's all different kinds of experiences that you can have in each dimension. And like I'm saying, our consciousness, whatever dimension we've been able to open our consciousness to is available to us. And this time around, we're going to actually take our physical body into the fifth dimension. So we're gonna have a physical body ascension, which is different than what's done before people have died in order to ascend their body to the fifth dimension, right? We're actually create, we've created a light body, and we're going to be able to move our body from this dimensional consciousness to the fifth dimension. So it's a really exciting experience for all of us. And the difference in that is that hasn't been done before. Right? So we're actually doing this together, we're becoming lighter, our DNA is becoming crystaline. So that we can have this experience together. So this is going to be really, really amazing and a completely different place for humanity to live from in the fifth dimensional expression than how we've had you know, the denser physical experience in the past, we're going to have a lighter experience. Now it doesn't stop there, right? Everybody thinks that, here's about this, like, Oh my gosh, that's the ultimate like, that's the end. We keep evolving from that space, right? We don't stop. So we go through the evolutionary process of earth through all 12 dimensions, right?
Keri Norley 12:58
So what's the difference? I'm going to, I'm going to say a few things. You're actually I love I love that you bring in that we're moving into the fifth dimension. I talk about that in my book, the new wealth, magnetise abundance, hold your wealth and leave a legacy is like the whole thing for me the new wealth is us moving into what other people may say is the new earth but into this fifth dimensional experience of which we are infinitely abundant, we have far more expansion and infinite, full of things joy, love bliss than we can possibly have in these physical human forms where we ultimately the way I would say it is we currently are living in hell on earth, and we are moving into heaven on earth. And so that's number one. Number two, when you talk about you said crystaline buddies, I want to just quickly say to people, like when people say crystaline buddies for me, because I'm going to help break down some some big language here for everybody who's never heard this before. It's like, we become like a crystal. So if you know anything about crystals, whether you believe in their magic or not, they come from the earth, and they become like, I've got, of course many of them here, right? And then they all like they all I don't know, they're just magical experiences. And then they create an energy, they are an energy, they are a vibration, each one carries its own vibration. And then we start to like they channel through and they have so much information in these and we become these crystalline bodies connected with like a crystal connected with all that is and I think ultimately it's kind of like we hold that coding as well. And I think each of us will hold our own different crystaline coding in our bodies and then ultimately become a channel for bigger things would be I guess, I've never really thought about it now and I had to explain it but I think that's a good way to explain it you can you can interject and tell me if there's more. But the other thing I want to ask after that as well for you is what's the difference between because you you like quickly golf course there's so many different dimensions. We can go and access all these different things in different dimensions. But why would we want to different what's in different dimensions is there different things In each of the dimensions that we want to access as we ascend, and why is it important for us in the ascension process?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 15:07
Okay. So to your first question, the reason so yeah, so of course, there's different things that we can access in different dimensions. So as you're evolving in your consciousness and your, you're activating more of the parts of you that have been dormant, right, so we've been working with 4% 5% consciousness, like right about there. And so there's 95% of our consciousness that we can access that we haven't been able to in the past. And this experience, like Carrie was saying, third, fourth dimensional experience that we've had and even lower right for a second, whatever. So now, with this opportunity, this rapid evolution that we're part of, right, and it's the more people that are becoming part of this and consciously evolving, the faster it's getting right looks like we're on this fast moving train. It's been so
Keri Norley 15:58
it's like, if anyone's noticed really quickly, this fast moving train, like all of a sudden time is weird. Like, who this year, right? If you're listening to this podcast you can relate to Holy moly, where did this year go? Like, it's either gone really fast, and you're like, I don't even know what happened to time, or like a week feels like a month or like six months sometimes. Right? It's time is so weird right now, like, only three days ago, but then that day can feel like a really long day. And it's like the time right now is expanding in the strangest way. And I've heard it from so many people like, was that really only a week ago? I feel like that was a lifetime ago. So that's the concept of how we can kind of stretch time, or how time is kind of a weird phenomenon at the moment. So go on. Sorry, I interrupted before.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 16:38
Absolutely. And I think that's that is evidence that we're moving into the fifth dimension, and into higher, some people are moving into higher dimensions right now beyond the fifth, right? So I think that's a great indicator, what you're saying is that time is an illusion, and it's not actually linear, everything's happening at the same time. So too, as you're moving along, in this process, you're going to experience time as being an illusion, right? You can expand it, contract it like you can really work with it and mould it the way that you want to, because the construct of linear time we're leaving behind, right? So going back to the question, what is the advantage of expanding your consciousness into these higher dimensions, right? So like you were touching on earlier, to move into a life of ease and bliss, and joy, and all of these things, right? When you tell let go of the older programming that we've been holding on to Right, so the the construct of third dimension, fourth dimension, and those lower dimension so that we can open up our consciousness to what exists on these higher dimensions. So when you can tap into the higher consciousness, you really can be, like you were mentioning, opening yourself up to those states of bliss. And those states of higher consciousness, because you're not stuck in the programming, the lower programming that keeps you from accessing that higher consciousness. So right now, it's kind of what and especially what I've noticed in my life is even being on this journey for a while, right is really letting go of everything we've been told everything we've learned, even if it was after, and during our awakening process. It's just like, let everything fall away. Because this is really the moment when we're opening up to even higher levels of consciousness. And if we are too firm in our programming, of thinking something was the be all end all then we're not expanding into it's even beyond that. Right? It never ends. There's always more. So I don't know did that? Yes. And yes, I think what you had a two part question. Can you repeat the second part of the question?
Keri Norley 18:49
No, I think you answered it. Okay. Because the other part I was talking about was crystaline. And I was like, Okay, I agree with what I said, like, do you have anything to add on to what I was saying about the crystaline body?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 18:58
So it's just a higher vibrational so that we can sustain that fifth dimensional experience? It's a higher vibrate, it'll be a higher vibrational body. Yeah. Yeah.
Keri Norley 19:10
Like I think it's that's what I was saying, like Crystal Light, like crystals are so high vibrational, it's like, that's what it's like, we become this magnetic vibration of amazingness. And magic. Really? Absolutely. Yeah. And the more and I think ultimately, it's the more that like you said, the more that we let go of our constructs, you know, that allows us and something I wanted to add to what you're saying. It's like when we start to look at timelines, and collapsing timelines, so many people in the who believe in this current reality that there is like, at eight o'clock, nine o'clock time, right? Or it's going to take me I mean, that's true, right? Like, yes, sure. I have to show up for a meeting at 10 o'clock. That's the thing, right? Like we live in a world of human form, in order to honour somebody else I have to show up at a certain time. Where did that time come from? Who created that? Who knows? Right? And then there's these other realities other concept that I look at, you know, and I see especially having having been in the coaching and mentoring industry for over 15 years or something like that run that, you know, so many people, it's like, I'll set a goal. And it has to happen by this point in order to do that, like we have to backtracking, okay, well, if at a year's time, I want to have my house on the blah, blah, blah, then in order to get there, I have to do this, this, this, this and this step. And it has to be done in this, this, this, this timeframe. And it's a very linear experience of life, right? Whereas when we start to talk about these realms, and these different, like, literally what I call quantum leaping, and enjoy it as well, it's like, that doesn't matter, right? What what logically, my human brain says, it's going to take me a year or 10 years, or 20 years, whatever it is, it's like, actually, I could completely collapse that time. Because none of that matters, because I can all of a sudden be like this in this crystaline body, like it's just here. Right? And and we don't have to know how, right and I think this is where so many people and I've said it for many, many, many, many years, and anyone who talks about manifesting and you do as well, like, needing to know the how box Yeah. Right? Because then we put so many constructs on the fact that it's like, well, I need to know how I'm going to go from point A to point B, which means that I have to do it in this time frame and data that where it's like, actually, I mean, logically speaking, like, for example, my this podcast, right, I remember when I first spoke to somebody about this podcast, I had already had the intentions, I was already reading my book. And I had the intention for my book that I knew that with my publisher that my intention was that it was gonna go international. Well, I knew it was gonna go international bestseller because I have an international audience already American and Australian. But like, I was really intending on this international bestsellers, working with somebody who knows how to do that, to create bestsellers. And so that to me, was the thing. So when I sat down to do my podcast, and I was working with my mentor and talking to other podcasters, I was like, well, what's my, I guess, like, what's my quote unquote, goal? Or my intention? To know or like, not even know, but like, the big the big lights of what's the thing for my podcast, right? And it was to be charting on a, you know, charting your podcast, right? But people told me, I had many people tell me, well, Carrie, you may never or it'll take a year, or it could take months, or it could. So when my podcast launched, and a week later, I was charting in three countries around the world. I was like, Holy Mother trucker. If that's not a collapse of time, I don't know what is. And when I started telling people in the podcast industry, that this podcast, launched in a week later was already top charting. And I mean, like, one of the countries in the top 21 was in top 30 was in top countries in Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. And I think Australia was in top 60, or something like that. I mean, that's not just like, like, That's huge. It's amazing. And so it doesn't make logical sense. I couldn't in a logical way, I didn't do anything differently. I didn't be like, Oh, I'm gonna go do some special thing. And I'm going to lock this thing in. And no, I just knew, I just put my intention out there. And I was like, right, this is happening, I'm going to start charting, and it's gonna happen with ease and data. And I probably did some magic rituals for it too. Knowing me, I don't remember. But like, that's the way that we collapse time, we don't have to understand how we just get to trust that this is an existence. And and I think this is the next piece that we want to move into to Angie is that by showing up and doing the aligned actions that we are guided to do, that magic happens all the time, because we follow that guidance. And I know when we've got on the call, we were talking about the importance of this. And I want to I want to say and send this back over to you, but what we were talking about and and I think this is where so many people and she and I both agree with this. And both teach this to a lot of to all of our clients and people around the world. It's really easy. Even though we're sitting here talking about akashic records, and different dimensions and having these different experiences, and there is no time and space and all that kind of stuff. I find that in the spiritual world, so many people then spend so much time in these realms, right? Because you can go and explore these different dimensions. I know in my shamanic work, you can journey to things and the Akashic records, you can open up the different dimensions, and you can see your different timelines in different spaces and your bodies in these different places and what the experiences are. But if we spend all our time there, we're not being human on this planet. And the only way that manifestation works is if we actually show up in this human form, which is why Angie said that the cool thing about what's happening now is moving to the fifth dimension, that our bodies are coming with us because it means that we are having these magical experiences in this human form, right. So already like we could already I could have I probably already had launched my book and my podcast on some other different dimension, and it was already done. Right? But whether or not I bring this into my body and this physical reality on this on this earthly plane is another story. And so so how do we do that? Like, how do we take these like in your thoughts, right? How do we take these and I know we think a lot like so I love just hearing it from different people. And I think I always used to say, I'm gonna say this. When I first started coaching people were always like you, and you feel the same way. I'll tell somebody this thing, and then they're gonna not do it. And then they come back six months later, and they're like, my best friend told me and I'm like, I told you that three months ago, right, right. And I always noticed from NLP I learned neuro linguistic programming we need most most humans are three times convinced or three times three different ways we need to hear it. So I'm really excited that Andrew is going to tell you guys something, maybe you'll hear it again. And on this podcast, as we go through it, you will hear the same, you will hear the same concepts, different times different ways. And maybe it means you will actually understand embody and embrace this, and really start to bring us into your life. So on that note, Angie, please share what it is like when we start to look at how do we bring these different dimensions, and there's no time and space reality into this planet? Okay. And do you want me to answer for the purpose of manifestation in your life, okay, and wealth, wealth, money, okay?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 26:13
This is a big one. So the way I see it is this, and this is how I help people do this with the Akashic records. So a lot of times, people are really focused on what they don't want, they'll tell you 13 different ways about what they don't want to happen. And so when people come to me, I help them get turned around, because the information they're getting about what they don't want is really information about what they do want, right? So say I don't, so I talked about this in another interview, like a couple of weeks ago, but because I can see it from where I'm sitting, I don't want my lawn to die. There's just one little circle that's patched that dies, right? And I don't want it to die. So if I sit here and focus on I don't want my son to die, I don't want my landed, I don't want my life to die. I'm sending into the quantum that information that I'm focused on, which is dying on, right. I have impressed that information to the quantum. Because what I
Keri Norley 27:08
mean, because the quantum doesn't understand negative, so it's whatever you're thinking, yeah, it's like don't want to die. It doesn't understand the negative. So it will just say long die.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 27:18
Yes, exactly. So I want what do I really want, right? There's something I really want here. And then everything in your life anywhere where you see contrast, which is something that you don't want, there is something that you do want it's information about what you do want, I want healthy grass, okay. I like my grass. So the green and lush. Okay, so what I need to focus on is my healthy grass, I need to be sending that to the quantum. Okay. So as that relates to So your question was, how does this relate to the different dimensions and things like that. So when people come to me, I first get them turned around to what it is that they are desiring we set an intention around it, then we go into the records. And the reason that we do this is because a lot of times there's resistance around allowing ourselves to have what it is we do want, right, because of something that happened. It's all happening at the same time, which is the weird concept for everyone. It's like, how is that possible? But all of your lifetimes are happening right now. Because linear time is just your experience for this focus that we have right now. Okay, so they're all happening at the same time. So we go into the Akashic records, and we work with the quantum field to release whatever it is, that would be your resistance, like, say, my resistance to the lawn, right? So maybe in another lifetime, and this, this is kind of silly, it seems silly, because it's not like a major thing, right? But it'll be kind of funny to say, in another lifetime, my lawn kept dying. Right. So it doesn't matter where you created the belief, you're this huge multi dimensional being, like we talked about earlier, right? that exists, and you're experiencing 4% of the consciousness, but there's 96 more percent of consciousness, right. So these are all your other lifetimes, and all these other things are going on. That's your full multi dimensional being. So we released this belief, and we send something new into the quantum field, right? This thing of the quantum field as like we talked about a little bit earlier, as like this supercomputer and you get to tell it what it is you want for your experience, and it's going to spit back out at you what it is that you're telling it right you just have to remain focused on it. And then it will come back out into your hologram and cheer reality right. So So if I go back with this, say it's me or someone else that I'm working with, right and we clear this belief that everything I grow dies or my lawn, always dies, maybe it's specifically lawn, or maybe you're a farmer in another lifetime and live through, you know, like, the Dust Bowl or something like that, right, we release the energy, because it's really just energy that's tied up in that belief, right? So in your four body system, it could be mental energy, emotional energy, spiritual, wherever this is, it could be more than one, right? So we just released those attachments, right? We release all of that, so that you're no longer attached to that we let go of the beliefs, we send something new into the quantum, which is the intention that was set at the beginning, right? we plugged that into the computer, okay. And then you come out of that experience, and you start to have a different experience in your life, things start to happen differently, because you've given the quantum computer, different information for what you want to receive. And this is happening on your whole multi dimensional self. Right? So this so the way that you get information about this in your life, as you look at your life, what do you like about what's happening? And what would you? Where would you prefer something else to be happening? And where you're seeing that contrast? is really where your greatest gift is for you to say, Okay, this isn't what I want, what do I want? If you could ask yourself daily, if everyone on the planet ask themselves daily, what do they want, and focused on that we would already live in a whole different world in the fifth dimensional reality heaven on earth, the whole thing? So if your one takeaway from anything I said was, What do I want? And actually saved yourself? In the positive? There's your golden ticket?
Keri Norley 31:31
Sure, true. And it's interesting, because I mean, I teach this long enough. And I've talked to even seven figure business owners, and, and people who are just starting in the field, right? It doesn't matter who I speak to, I seem to always ask people to dream a little bit bigger, right? People were like, Oh, I didn't know I could have that. Oh, it didn't work things that big. And this is the thing around our dreams, too. It's like, you know, it's, it's an ever, you know, once you start doing this work, right, it's ever it's like, almost like, I mean, you hit your goals, but by the time you hit it, you've already upped it, right? Like, you've already got to the next thing, because you're like, well, what's the next thing that I'm going to do? What's the next alignment? And the and the more that we can unravel the consciousness that says that it has to be hard that it has to take a long time that it's going to be challenging, that you can't even have it in the first place? Right? Like, I can't you know, how many people I speak to that are like, Oh, my God, it would be terrible for me to have a cleaner in my house. Because why would I pay somebody to do something I can do? Or I can't possibly fly business class everywhere in the world, because that's just greedy. Or now Oh, my God, this one, I don't even know if I want to open this. But this is what's here for me to be saying, how many people are getting pissy over? Like the fact that we're doing a space exploration with Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos, who now just launched the private space explorations. And like, Oh, my God, that's so selfish, they could feed the homeless, and I'm like, or they can go and explore space, because that's what they do. Right? They have the money, and they can go do it. And it's like, if you could dream as big as you want to dream, what does that dream look like? And for them, that's what it was, and is, and how cool for them to say yes, to the thing that's in their soul, because they can. And it really gets to be that simple for all of us. And, and there's a part of me that always, like, when I watch people get really freaked out about that concept, and why they're doing it, regardless of any of the issues that are created. I'm not sitting here talking about that, please. But the fact that they are, that they gave themselves permission to dream big enough that they went out and created that right. And I think that's what is so important when we start to look at our own dreams. And our own ambitions is like give yourself permission to dream, the biggest dream that you could possibly have, and then stop limiting how you're going to get there. Or if it's possible, if I have the money, or dah, dah dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, or that selfish, or whatever the frickin excuses, because we've been conditioned to believe that we can't, right, we've been conditioned to believe that we have to suffer, we've been conditioned to believe that it has to be hard that it has to be linear, that it couldn't possibly done in my lifetime. And I'm like, I'm still of the belief that I'm like, What if peace could be in my lifetime? What if we could be in the fifth dimension? What if we could have infinite abundance? What if we could, and then that drives me every single day to show up here, do this work, share this message, whether or not everybody believes in it? Or how many people think I'm absolutely a frickin nutcase for saying it, right. But if we don't start to believe in the bigger visions, and the bigger dreams, and they certainly won't happen,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 34:26
This is what was coming to me whether your message is triggering people, or people hear it, like even going back to the Jeff Bezos thing. Like if it's triggering people, or people are resonating whichever way, they're benefiting, because it's expanding people, it's making them think bigger. Even if you are emotionally triggered by someone doing something, it's still expanding you so it's still a gift. Or you might be looking out and saying, Well, if they could do that, what could I could do, right? What could I do? And there's a gift in that too. So either way, people pushing forward through evolution benefits, everyone you matter how you're receiving it.
Keri Norley 35:01
Yes. So on that note, what is it like what we were also talking about, in order to create new things, we have to walk a path. And oftentimes when we start to listen, so what is like talk a little bit about in your, in your words, the call of the soul and how that works for us to be able to create this new path?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 37:34
Absolutely. I you know, I think that really this is the way that we're moving into as those of us that are moving into fifth dimensional reality and beyond, what you'll see is people that are living the way Carrie and I live more and more people will start to do this. And what it is, is really being tapped into what whatever you resonate with your higher self, your inner being your heart, whatever words resonate for you, your soul. And it's really being tapped into that bigger part of you all the time. And you know, I call it letting them drive the bus, right? So you're really letting that bigger part of you drive the bus. And they are going to lead you I shouldn't say they but it does make sense that they because we're existing on all these different dimensions, right, so there's the one that's just a little bit higher than new. That's you and one that's way higher, right? So they're all leading you forward. And so it's really about surrendering to what it is that the inspired action steps are like Carrie was saying earlier, you can take an idea and decide how it's going to happen. And make it really complicated for yourself and add a million action steps or maybe you've worked with someone and they gave you a bunch of action steps, you know, like this is the model or template for doing this work, whatever it is right? This manifestation or easy, right? eliminate all that, throw that out. And listen to your inner being your soul, your higher self, whatever you resonate with words there, I like to just say hi yourself, because it's that voice of your higher self. And when you do that, they're going to show you the most direct path what it is that you're desiring through inspired action steps. And the might and this is the thing that Carrie and I talked about this all the time. Because you know, when you really surrender to this journey for you, your ego can be very triggered by the action steps because they don't make sense compared to the programming that you've been told. Right? So sometimes you'll be thinking okay, I really want to expand my you know, whatever it is that you're working on in your life right? So maybe it's let's use prosperity for the example because this is the podcast is the wealth Alchemist. So maybe you're really trying to expand your prosperity, right? There's no right or wrong here. Whatever earthly thing you feel drawn to is part of your evolution. Right? So say part of your expanding your prosperity is you're like you know what I always wanted to have a boat? Right? Like I can resonate with that. So I've always wanted to have a boat. And and there's no, there's there's nothing to think, Well, why would that be oh my gosh, that seems kind of silly or frivolous or whatever, it doesn't matter, it's part of your evolution. And really the whole point of this evolution is to realise that you are on limited. So in or if the greatest way for you to realise that in this moment would be for you to think I would love to have a boat that just seems like it would be really fun, I think I would really enjoy it. It's really a process of you realising that you're unlimited. And so get that registered in the condom, right, you want to vote, you know what you want, you've put it out there, it's in the quantum. Now, the part that you can do next is to surrender to your higher self to take you down that path of how are you going to have that vote, you don't need to know how and that's what's beautiful about this. However, what I will say that this is the part that Carrie and I talk about all the time, the inspired action sets are not going to be necessarily something that your ego is going to say being being being Oh, that completely makes sense into owning a boat. Right? Your ego might say something like, you know, I should really get a second job, because that would help me save the money to own the boat, right? That would be something that would come from the mind. Okay, the higher self might say something like, Okay, I think that you should go to, you know, on to a tropical island like Hawaii, and rent a boat, and have that experience. And you might say, Oh my gosh, no way, that's just gonna take me backwards from owning my book that's gonna cost me $10,000 or whatever. And then that could have been money I could have spent on my boat, but your higher selves, like no, this is the next step, go to this island and rent this boat and have this experience. And believe it or not, if you follow this journey, you will manifest so much faster, you'll collapse time, just like Carrie said, things will come to you from out of nowhere completely. Like a you know, like cats come out of nowhere. I always say it's just like kept showing up, right. So paths will show up in your not literal tabs. But the things that you're wanting to show up.
Keri Norley 42:22
Like, your ego is gonna try and stop you 100 million ways. And it's gonna tell you, you don't have enough money, it's going to tell you it's stupid, it's going to tell you you could get hurt, it's going to tell you, it's selfish. It's going to tell you that could never work. I mean, it's going to tell you so many stupid stories. And ultimately, I think one of the biggest journeys you can start to do is to learn to ignore your ego. I mean, unless there is like literal, like, I mean, we have fear for a reason. If there is literally don't put yourself into danger. Like you don't need to go to a dark alley and put yourself into a situation where you're going to be in absolute danger. Like really, we still get to be safe about things. And our ego is still going to tell us things that we don't want to do. And every time it does, it's usually means I'm supposed to go do that thing. And usually engineer laughing taking deep breaths, and going Okay, so here we go again. And it's the stretchy is part. But the faster that you can learn and have awareness to the fact that this stretchy moment in time where ego is saying to you don't and you're going but my entire because usually it's like I mean, and you'll say to like there's a tingle or there's something like you'll learn your body reaction to there's something that is telling you, oh my god or like, sometimes I even look at it like if there's an idea, right? So sometimes we have ideas that come and they and they go, right. And so sometimes it's like the first the first time an idea shows up for us. Like, Oh, that's interesting. It's just like, be curious. That's interesting. It's an observation, right? And then if like two weeks later, it's still mulling in your system and you're starting to filter and see things and like the world's like, here's like, I want to go on holiday. So here's the here on the back of the bus is the place you're going to go buy the tickets for this holiday. Oh, I should go check that place out discount tickets. Cool. Oh, wow. And then two days later, you're like, Huh, someone was talking just now about going to Mount Shasta? Oh, I'm supposed to go there. I was just thinking about that. How funny and then three days later, someone says the same thing and you're like, Okay, I'm Paying attention, right? Because if it's just an idea, it'll filter away if it's not meant for you, right? If it's just a fleeting thought, oftentimes, it'll come and go, and you'll forgotten it the next day, or maybe two days later. But it's these things that keep showing up. And the universe keeps affirming in certain different ways that yes, this is 100% when I'm supposed to do, then no matter how comfortable it is, no matter how stretchy it is, you get to go do it. And I love also engine before we got on the call, she was saying like, financially, right? I love like, say what happens when when it expands financially, like you've had a really big month, and then you're asked to do something else.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 45:34
Okay, so this is my personal experience. And the reason that I'm just going to preface this with the reason that you need to listen to your own higher self, is because everyone's experience of expansion, and learning that you're unlimited is gonna be completely different, right? So some people might do that through, you know, all different ways, right? Like, whatever through investing or owning a home or whatever, right? So for me, recently, I've noticed this, this is what happens, this is my pattern for expansion. And it's really spirit showing me I can have more I can be more, I can be as unlimited. And this is in relation to my prosperity. So what will happen is all you know, get the message from spirit to invest in something for myself. And so recently, we took this amazing trip and the boat thing was coming up because we run it a boat, and it's fantastic. We rented a boat for three days, and it just was mind blowing, and I loved it so much. And it was expensive. For me, right? It stretched me which is good, right? So maybe expensive isn't the word but it was luxurious. And it stretched me okay. And so I came home realising Okay, you know, spirits gonna handle these charges that I made, like for this trip, I completely trust that. And I just melt into that. And I'm, you know, asking spirit, okay, what's show me what's next in my life. And as Carrie brought up this, now, this Mount Shasta thing comes up, right, which is another investment on top of one that I've just made, right? So spirits saying, okay, your next, you know, show me the next step is what I'm saying. And I'm getting go to Mount Shasta, it's really important for you to go to Manchester, there's healing and activation that's going to take place and lots is going on there. This is your next step. And so what I found in my evolutionary journey is a lot of times I've invested a lot in something that spirits just asked me to do, which is a big investment, and then followed up by another investment. But really, what it's showing me is to expand myself even more that I am Unlimited, right? That there's no cap on how much enjoyment I can have, how many trips I can have, how much whatever that's about for me, right? It could be about multi level things, right? But how much money can flow back to me right to in my experience, so that it can support me and expand me even more beyond that, right? So there's some expansion that's taking place within me where I had limited myself to maybe thinking okay, I had that really pleasurable experience. Now I need to buckle down and allow this in my day,
Keri Norley 48:09
even hold and write. Right,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 48:11
yeah. And pay that back. But it's weird saying no, your biggest expansion is to immediately turn around and have this other experience. So I'm fasting, right? And I know, that's part of my pattern. I've had that happen before. And I've said yes to it. And guess what, I'm still standing, everything worked out, I'm expanded even more than before.
Keri Norley 48:30
And it's What happens, right? And when people don't trust it, then we stay in this, like, you know, this is staying in that lack limitation, that suffering the conditioning, that it has to be hard that it is finite, like, Oh, I made it once. And this is something that happens. I made it once I won't be able to do it again. Or when will it show up again? Or no, it just continues. It's this continuous flow, where we just get to continually trust that if I would take the aligned actions, the result that I desire will show up. Right. So even like we said earlier today with a podcast, if I take the aligned action, which was totally freaking uncomfortable for me to launch this podcast, a month before, I'd been working to launch my book, and I've been working months for that already. And then they were like, Hey, are you gonna do a podcast? I was like, are you effing kidding me? And I will tell every frickin mentor, every human being I think even Angie was like, and we were in the middle of lockdown. And I had my kids at home homeschooling. And I was taking clients and and, and, and and I rebuilt my website, like the amount of things that universe threw at me last year was like, are you effing kidding me? Right? Can I really and I remember asking what I'm like, Can I really take anything else on? I think I might explode. And by the way, I definitely needed a break. It was a lot, but I made it financially I made it. I'm here to tell the tale. We've gotten the results and things are expanding beyond my wildest frickin imagination because I said yes, and the amount of times I can remember looking at you going, Oh my god, I don't know how I'm gonna do this. I literally do not know how I physically am going to be able to have the capacity. To do this, or the finances, or the team, or the or the or the right, because anyone who knows just to write a book was one thing to take it to bestseller was another thing to decide to do a podcast was another to all these things like any person in the world who done any of them will say just to do one of them was enough to do a full rebrand to do a full new website. Any one of those things would have been enough, right? But universe was like here, dude. I'm like, okay, breathe and rock. Nobody saw me for months, I think he might have been the only person and even then we didn't see each other very often. It was like a walk, where can we get a walk in so that I could breathe through this right. But, you know, the universe only will give you what you can handle and then once expanded, and this is what I would say to like, once expanded, you don't you don't go back. Right. You know, like I've been talking about crypto this last week in my intro to crypto training that I did. And the thing I keep saying there is like one scene you can't unsee once I show you this stuff, once we start to break down the financial system, once you start to see what's actually happening, and what actually exists in this other space, you can't unsee that and the expansion starts to happen. And then things will start to drop in into your space. That's like okay, then yes, then yes, then. But it's only when we say no, are we think that we know better than God universe source, our higher selves, whatever words you want to put to that, right? And I think all of them, whatever. But you know, like, it's when we think we know better. That's when we get messed up. Right? That's when we can fall into our faces and not create the results that we desire. But every single time I have said yes, the world has always held me. It might be scary, it might be uncomfortable. But the world has always held like you're jumping off the cliff, no big deal. It's interesting, the story that comes to me as we're talking about this, I was on a panel for authors. Last week, there were some phenomenal authors in this panel about writing best selling books and publishing and all that kind of stuff. And one of the women Her name is Jenny Jones, j e n n i Jones. And she was telling her story. This was so phenomenal to hear the story and this woman who left her marriage because it was I'm guessing not a pleasant place to be. She had a very short time to get out of there. And she was in the UK and she moved back to New Mexico with her family. She had seven kids, seven, seven kids. That's just enough to me. moved into her bedroom with her parents in New Mexico. Before she did that, just as she was about to leave, she'd gotten this, like she could not sleep at night because she had to get up and write a chapter of a book. And she was like, I'm not a writer. I don't know how to type like she was literally finger to finger to finger to finger typing like no idea what she was doing. But the book would not this chapter would not leave her alone. And then once it opened like this cork opened, like okay, then I guess I have to write this book. By the time she got to her parents house, her parents were like, you need to get a job. Logically speaking logic, I have seven children. I'm now on my own. I have to get a job. That's very right, three dimensionally logic thing to do. And she's like, No, I have to write a book. I have to write this and her parents like, Are you nuts? And she's like, No, I have to write this book. That year. She wrote 13 books 13. And since I think it was like, 2006 don't quote me on the year you can go and find her and listen to her story. She has written 50 books. And she's now a screenwriter she has now she's got a new partner. Like the Brady Bunch has 11 kids all together. They've just launched this amazing other business. She's phenomenally well known in her obviously, in our industry, she writes children's books. I mean, but had she not had she not said yes to writing that dang book. Right? She probably and she says it she's like, I'd probably still be in New Mexico and not married to my the love of my life. And living my dreams and having served so many 1000s of people around the world and, you know, changed kids lives and yada yada yada, right? It would have been so frickin uncomfortable to say yes, at that point. Amazing. Right? And that's, and that's the journey. That's the journey that we all get to take is saying yes, when it's really frickin uncomfortable to say yes. And then do the thing, so that we can create our dreams. And it always seems to work out. I have yet to die. And this
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 54:28
It works out no matter how scary Yeah, no matter how false evidence appearing real is coming to mind fear. You know the acronym for fear no matter how real it feels, right?
Keri Norley 54:41
Yes. So I'm getting the message to ask you. And I'm probably I know why I'm getting the message to ask you this. What are some of your favourite tools to shift through the stuff when ego says no or to shift through and collapse timelines faster?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 54:58
Well, like I was At the beginning, or kind of maybe in the middle about the process I use in the Akashic records, I feel like that's been the most beneficial for me and why I turn around and teach classes. And how do you do this process, because I just found it to be so powerful. And I could shift through, especially like, really emotionally triggering situations, because I had a lot of those. And really release all of those triggers, I call them when I when I teach a class, I call it a button. Like you we have buttons installed, right, and people can push them. And some people really know how to push them. Like we all have people like that, right. And some of these things are karmic things that we've brought in. And we can release those buttons, right, so that you can live a more more peaceful life, right? Even though we're going through these expansive processes, you can live it very peacefully, where you don't have to be in the state of, you know, upheaval, and, and being triggered, and all these things all the time. So that's one of the things I love the most about it. So I use your process for going in, like I said, finding the resistance releasing it can be, there's any number of things that I teach in my classes, like what that could look like and the question the right questions to ask. And usually, when you're dealing with higher consciousness, it's always about the questions you're asking right, and rephrasing your questions and just finding the right questions. Because the answers are there. It's a lot of time in our human form and our limited perspective, we just don't ask the expanded questions, right. And so I teach this process for how to release these things, and how to really align with what it is that you want in the quantum level. And it's all just frequency, right? All of these things that you want, they just exist at a different frequency than where you're at right now. So it's like, what the universe is actually doing from the scientific perspective is bringing you from the frequency, you know, you have a dream, you have a goal, whatever it is, like, for instance, your book, right? When you had that idea, you were at one frequency. And then the universe took you through a series of inspired action steps to bring you to the frequency where you had launched the book, and it was an international bestseller, right? Like, you collapse the time in between, which is really just the frequencies in between, right, and you brought yourself up where that frequency already existed that you was already there. You see, I'm saying so you just so I don't know. I hope that answers the question. Yeah, I'm
Keri Norley 57:24
gonna I'm gonna give a direct response to that. And I'm going to give something else. One of the things that is a question you asked me and I love playing this game with you when I get trapped or vice versa. What if, what if? And not what if in a negative What if like, oh my god and everything disastrous, but like, what if? What if we expand out and it's so great, I love when you asked me this question, when I get trapped in my head, carry? What if it could be dieted out? What if it could be this easy? What if it could be what would it look like if you fully expanded out? And I'm like, oh, and it's such a great question to ask ourselves when we get stuck because and really importantly, instead of taking it to the whatever you take it down into fear, but what if what if into expansion? And you'll be amazed at the solutions that you find or the visions that you can see that you can walk towards if you ask yourself the expansive question I love one of those I love when you asked me that question,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 58:14
I the other access to Yeah, whenever you're spiralling down, that's a great process, because when we're spiralling down we're just following a thread down and this is just following a thread up so every time you're I believe this is from Abraham Hicks teaching it don't quote me on that, but I think the what if game is from that you're spiralling yourself up so with every What if you think of something better than the what if before it, right? So what if I could put a treatment on my lawn and it could get better? And then what would be even better than that? I don't have to do anything, right? What if I could just think about my lawn and it could get better? What if I could send healing to my lawn? And next thing
Keri Norley 58:49
I was gonna say so my other favourite tool between the two of us Angie's a partner works with me and Healy. And so Angie, because you are such an expert at it. Now tell us about Healy as well is a really amazing tool. And I love this tool because you know so often. Even when Andrew said like there's things you can learn, you can ask questions, you can dive down rabbit holes, you can go and get akashic records readings. You can work with me in wealth, alchemy readings. There's so many ways that you can work with other people to help shift through stuff. But my favourite thing about Healy, I've got mine here. We're running it right now. Actually, we are running the art we've been running it Actually, I'll say we've been running it for this whole time. So we've been running concentration right now. So anybody who's listening has has had Healy concentration vibes sent their way if you just choose to accept them. But explain a little bit about healing how it works, because it's one of my favourite things about it is you don't need anybody else. You can use it all day long. You can shift stuff through you and it's a very empowering process to have Do you want to share?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 59:51
It's been fantastic. Carrie introduced me to Haley y'all. And I couldn't be more excited about it. And it was definitely an expansive moment because it was one of those moments, right? Exactly like we talked about just invested in something else, carries, like, here's this amazing product. And I was like, I really need to invest in that. And it was an investment on top of an investment, but it has paid off exponentially in my life. Like, I just can't even say enough about it personally, and even within the company of Uli, because it's an MLM that I've absolutely loved being a part of. So personally, wow. Where do you even start physically, emotionally, spiritually, healing has something for everything. And for me, it's really assisted me with some big things that I had asked, you know, soul spirit high yourself about for a long time, like one of those issues was my sleeping, like, how can I improve my sleep, right? Because it just, it was always a thing. And I done a lot of clearings and a lot of work around it. And then Healy pops into the scene, right? This is one of those moments that where it's like, I couldn't even think of the house of how that was going to happen. Right? It could have been something more, it's more complicated, like we go do a sleep study, and I'm going to do these 9000 other things, right? Well, here it goes healing on the scene with the sleep programme.
Keri Norley 1:01:13
Before you before you go before you before you before you talk about that tell him actually what he leads, because we
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 1:01:18
have, oh, I apologise. Yes, Haley. So he is a microcurrent frequency device that sends currents to your bioenergetic fields. So to your your four body system, like we were talking about, and it really assists you to balance and harmonise your energy. So really, all the things that we're dealing with when we're talking about energy and frequency, are, you know, when even when I'm talking about resistance, these are just pockets within our energy that are not congruent with what it is that we're desiring. And really our true nature is amazing health and happiness and prosperity and wealth and success. We're designed for all of that. So anytime we're not experiencing those things, we're just not in alignment somewhere. And so the beauty of Healy is as Carrie and I are just chatting away, just having a blast, he's running and helping us be in alignment, right, it helps you remove those blocks, totally without your having to worry about it, right, you just turn it on, you push a button, and your field is moving into harmony as you speak, right. So you can have more energy, more happiness, more success, I found more abundance right away was coming to me, because the places where I had been in sort of, I guess you could call them like shadowy places where I did didn't see what was really going on with me, cleared away right away, especially because I saw my aura scan, which it gives you some great feedback about what's going on in your aura. And I was already able to commit, you know, after seeing that, too, I'm not going to have that experience anymore. I see now, and I understand and I'm deleting that from my experience. So even just that like from just a mindset aspect. Because of that, and then running aura on top of it, to help my chakras come into alignment with the things that I was desiring, especially with prosperity that was coming up, like I was talking about the abundance thing was amazing like this, there was this car that I had wanted forever, pick out my healing in August, because at the time COVID shipping times were long. And I bought my heli in June and then didn't get it till August at the time. It's not like that anymore, but and then I got my healing in August, and I was getting this car like a week later. And I had wanted this car for several years. And that's how quickly like we're talking about the difference between the frequencies like with your book. So that's how quickly I moved from one notch of frequency to whatever other octave I needed to be at to where I was in that experience of having that car. Right. So and that was just in a week of having my healing. And other things happen to that was just like a big notable thing that I could remember because it's a big item, right? So it was just like that, like, all of a sudden I was getting and it was being delivered. You know, here's your car being delivered to your house. Yes. How much easier does it get than that
Keri Norley 1:04:04
amazing and you were saying sleep too? You were saying I need to do in your sleep, sleep.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 1:04:09
And sleep for me like came through Hayley from so many different factors, which is amazing. Like I love into it. So these are not even related to the sleep programme which really has a sleep programme but like the intestine programme, because I guess, you know, I didn't know this, but, you know, with your digestion, like if something's off in that energetically, you're gonna have trouble with your sleep. Right? So there were different programmes that I was being led to, but actually ultimately have helped me a lot with my sleep even in addition to the sleep category, which is its own category that I love. So there were lots of different ways that things did I was asking for my life which is amazing that Healy and they're in all different categories of my life, was able to bring to me and you know, with the assistance of that now, I did it myself, right. Like I told the universe, what I wanted I put it in the content and did all that. But he really helped me get my frequency there to where I was having that experience of health and vitality and prosperity and abundance and joy and all the things right. It's, it's amazing. It really
Keri Norley 1:05:16
does work off of your intention. So you give Healy your intention. And you just hold that intention and then it will offer you a combination of programmes that would be best for you that day. And then it just helps to shift your your frequency to be in the highest alignment that it can be. I know my husband has definitely had better sleep with Healy as well. And as far as success, it's interesting you're talking about the book I don't even think about it cuz I was not thinking about Healy when we first heard this conversation. But our Healy landed right as i a few weeks before we start my book, and like it was a couple weeks, and then everything like went from there, right. And my business is fully taken off in a way that I couldn't have imagined. Abundance has taken off in a way that I couldn't have imagined. I mean, I did imagine that's not true. I did imagine it. And more. And, yeah, for sure. Like, there's been so many amazing things. And I for me, I'll say like my kids have completely shifted with the help of heli. heli is amazing. And I love that actually, I should kind of actually, like, come back on that it's actually not. What's it called? what's the word I'm looking for? For kids? Like, it's not actually yeah, it hasn't been Yes. Approved your discretion, it's at your discretion, if you'd like I say that like, because I am public and yada, yada. Like I chosen to use it with my kids, it is not approved for kids, my kids have rocked in with it. There are ways to do that. So if you join our team, we will share if you choose that.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 1:06:45
So the thing is it doesn't diagnose treat, here any illnesses or diseases, so they don't make any of those claims.
Keri Norley 1:06:52
Yes, absolutely. So yeah, so that's one of our both of our favourite ways to because you can have it all day, every day on your own. And it truly is a I mean, 1000s and 1000s of people around the world habit and our will agree with us and saying it 100% house people collapse time on their dreams, divisions or health and all sorts of other things. So if that's interesting to you, you can reach out to either of us, and we can totally support you in that. And on that note, Angie, I think it's time we wrap up, because I'm guessing we've been just over an hour already, because I could talk to you for ages and ages and ages and ages. But please, if there's anything else you would like to add, as a last as a last thought it to wrap this up, and then let us know how can we reach out to you?
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 1:07:40
Okay, last thought is just a repeat of something I said earlier. Ask yourself today, what do you want and align your actions and your thoughts with that, right and ask her to show you show you how how do you move in the direction of what you want? Okay. And so that's my wrap up. And then how you can find me is my website is life purpose, Pathfinder, calm. My email is life purpose. pathfinder@gmail.com. And I have a Facebook group if you want to hang out, and it's a fun group of people. And I like to share videos and things like that. It's life purpose, Pathfinders plural, the s on the end, and just say when you're joining it, just as to refer to this group to say Karis podcast.
Keri Norley 1:08:27
And speaking of Facebook groups, you also have a Healy Facebook group,
Angie Kraft-Meldahl 1:08:31
Amelie Facebook group, yes. flourish with frequency. So if you want to join that same thing, just go in and type in flirt with frequency and invite yourself to the group. That's fun. Do we share lots of stuff in there too, but Healy and videos and free events and all kinds of stuff.
Keri Norley 1:08:48
Totally. And she runs frequencies. She's awesome in that group. She does so much amazingness in that group. So thank you. Thank you so much for being on the call today. edgy Of course, I always love conversations with you, everybody have a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world. If you want to find me. I think I've now put this on my my ending. But anyway, if you want to find me, you can also find me on Facebook and Keri Norley. Actually, I'm Keri Kaplan Norley on Facebook, and on Insta at Keri Norley. Otherwise, oh, and hey, I have a Facebook group too. It's called the new wealth. You can come and join me in there too. So that's us for today. Have a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world as you listen to this and we'll see you on the next show. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise. Please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley and on Facebook facebook.com forward slash Keri Norley one or carry capital Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello. I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well
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- Published On: January 25th, 2025
- Published On: January 25th, 2025
- Published On: January 24th, 2025
- Published On: January 24th, 2025