On this episode, I share my personal experience with my second Kambo journey.
Kambo is a frog poison from the Amazon jungles that is used for health and well-being. It is ethically sourced and animals are not harmed for this. 😉
It’s been a beautiful and profound experience that I wanted to share more about on the show today.
So come and listen to what Kambo is about and how the power of the collective allowed us to have a beautiful and peaceful for journey with this experience.
I also talk about finding stillness and letting go of control to find alignment.
It’s been a beautiful journey i wanted to share with you.
If you want to connect with Geronimo Redfeather, who held space for the journey, let me know, I’m happy to connect you.
His instagram is @geronimoredfeather.
If you are interested in learning more about my Wealth Codes or New Wealth from Crypto programs, please reach out to me on insta at @kerinorley or email me at keri@kerinorley.com
Enjoy the show!
Resources mentioned:
Keri Norley 02:11
So I just wanted to share a little bit for myself my own heart and that's what we're going to talk about today. And so I really want to share about this journey that I've just been on over the last week and a half but it's taken months to get to this place. And last week I was on a retreat with eight other women. It was one of the most beautiful weeks of my life.
Keri Norley 04:55
And I really wanted to share about the experience of it and it started actually simply just because someone had posted, Phoebe, and who is on another podcast episode, you should definitely check out she has a podcast on here probably about five episodes ago about human design and marketing. And she was posting one day saying that she had just done a Kambo ceremony. And there's a bunch of us were like, I want to do that I want to do that. And so we actually all got together and did it, a bunch of us who knew each other and some who Yeah, it was beautiful. It just part of the whole journey has been even just organising and getting these, you know, amazingly powerful women who could run retreats on our own and everything to come together into the space and, and allow into the surrender of what was to be, who was its own. It was its own journey of itself. And then when we got there, we were working with a gentleman called Geronimo red feather. He is amazing, he will be on here as well. He is phenomenal, phenomenal, phenomenal human being on this planet. And so yes, watch out, I'll eventually interview him to be on the show. But he was the this divine masculine experience for all of us to really surrender into and it takes a heck of a man to be able to hold space for women. And I he cooked for us, he did the plant medicines with us. He held space, he kept the space clear, it was so freakin phenomenal. And it was so beautiful for a bunch of women to be able to walk in and just trust and surrender with no plan. A bunch of people who would plan out a retreat with no plan. And the plan was to show up, the plan was to show up and trust and surrender. And so I just want to invite everybody into that to like into that space of where in your life and regardless of retreats or not. Where in your life, are you not showing up in the willingness to trust and surrender, that all will go okay. And they will all will go perfectly as it's meant to be. And we don't have to plan everything. We don't have to plan everything. And so it was really quite phenomenal that we showed up and he cooked for us. And so it would just be like we'd get up we would you know, meet for ceremony, we've moved the day, there was such a beautiful rhythm and flow to it. And so that in and of itself was such a such an incredible experience to be with a bunch of women and be in sovereignty. And I think this is such a powerful thing. You know, I think there are so many female woman wounds in the sisterhood experience. And I invite you and I and it was a really healing experience for me because I got to we all got to show up in a way that was in our true sovereignty, like each of us were sovereign beings for ourselves. And then we all expected every other person to be a sovereign being. And then we came together and had this collective consciousness. And that's ultimately on a global scale. That would be amazing. And because it works so well. We had the there was not one bickering moment at all, it was so phenomenal, it was so peaceful. And I wish that it could ripple through the world. Because that is what it is. It's like if we all stand and make our own choices and do what's right for ourselves, and also consider the collective, the world would be a very different place. So yeah, so we did that. And some of the really interesting things about Canva and I want to talk about Canva because it's something that I know a lot of people don't know about it was my second time through a cambo experience like this camera is a frog poison, and it is collected ethically from the jungle from the frogs. No One No frogs are harmed doing this. And ultimately what happens is you for and I'm showing this for you too, but for those of you who are listening, you're gonna have to trust me on my arm. There are nine dots where you get burned and then it sounds horrible but it's not hurts for like half a moment and then they put the the frog poison right onto that burn so that you have direct contact with your direct contact. And it just goes right into your body right in your bloodstream and then the medic the frog poison takes effect pretty immediately. And a lot of times what happens is there is a purging effect from this. If anyone if you do any research on cambo most people who've done it before who have experienced it who talked about it will talk about the fact that the one of the reasons you take this is for the purging for
Keri Norley 09:50
it's a release what's no longer serving on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual level. And it was really beautiful and I want to share this because this is the power of the collective. This is To the power of the collective and again this is another reminder not only for in this space right there was 910 of us there but like globally just consider this Okay, so with that in mind that generally speaking camera was quite a purgatory thing hurt her I don't even know if I'm saying that word right makes you want to vomit. Um, that Geronimo had said to us before we even got there you guys it doesn't have to be that way it doesn't have to be so violent it doesn't have to be so intense and anyone who's on camera will go huh really ah but he was very very adamant about it. And so when we got there he really held this anchored space for love and for peace. And when I tell you the first day was the only day we do these three days in a row you sit in ceremony three days in a row for this and some people will do it over three times within a month if you haven't locally you can do it that way but we were in circle together for a week so we did three days in a row and the first day we had somebody who who purged and somebody because the other way can purchase the other end so it came out that as poop like I'm trying to say it in nice ways but you know what we're gonna talk about we're talking about vomit we're talking about food and and that was it the other three days nobody had any any releasing of any form and some people will say didn't even work and the whole point for him for drama was of course it works the medicine will always do what the medicine gets to do. And so it was this really amazing experience of again this collective consciousness so he sets the intention that that's what's going to happen and we all surrender and again another piece of surrender and if that's what he says will work then let's see how it works. Right? Okay, let's trust him. And let's trust the medicine to do what the medicine gets to do without being violent. And his comment was, and this is something to consider for everything like how often do we make things into more than they have to be? How often do we create more drama around stuff that doesn't have to be how often do we create these violent reactions to things when they don't have to be that way? You know, and we talked a lot about the different types of plant plant medicines that get used right now in the world and how often it's created is this like it has to be something like vomiting and all this stuff and it's like doesn't really doesn't really and when he questioned us doesn't really we all went I guess not let's try it. However, however it works for us. And for me, personally, the impact of that was that I got to experience for me one of the things I deal with and I know I've talked a lot about this throughout the podcast has been mental health issues, anxiety, depression, all that kind of stuff. And especially anxiety for me, my body can feel really intense at certain times and have a lot of like I've had definitely had many panic attacks in my life and all that kind of stuff. And so my journey lately has been How can I clear my vessel to feel at peace so that my nervous system or whether I'm like really working my nervous system should be at rest. Because all of that even for me now like I've eliminated a lot of anxiety in my body and a lot of anxiety in my life. But there was still there's still this like I'm gonna say this underlying sometimes like this underlying tingle, right? And all of that stuff within our body can create a disharmony. And when I talk about things like manifestation and bringing it through our body, if there is this disharmony in our body, then it can then it can be a jingle jingle, I'm like unless a sort of loss of words for things right now, you guys, it can feel a little bit wobbly to bring in things when the channel isn't clear. So if you think of your body as a channel, we want to keep that as clear as possible to bring the energy through of the manifestation through your body. because your body is the human is the physical form on this earth that is here to experience the manifestation, right? So if it comes through, we want to see if we can keep it as clear as possible. So that's been my journey for a while, right is to clear out all my trauma and anxiety and it's not I mean, it's a lifetime's work right. Just a quick break from the show to let you in on a new exciting and free training for you. You have been asking and so I am delivering. I am going to be running a free five day intro to crypto live experience.
Keri Norley 14:55
So when I sat the second day the first day I still had a lot of physical reaction I didn't vomit but I still have a lot of physical reaction from from Cambodia so the second day when I sat kanbar and I didn't it was peaceful. It was really peaceful I had almost like I could feel the medicine in my body but I had very little reaction and I looked at him afterwards I mean like I got up and dance like if anyone said kamma would be like what really we could walk around with it it was wild it was wild like it was really peaceful experience and it taught me that if my body can have a toxic poison running through it and find peace where else in my life and this is true you guys this is true for anything in anywhere and you can bring this in now this is why I'm having this conversation with you. You don't have to have plant medicine for this experience Okay, so if I can have toxic experience toxic thing which isn't right it's toxic in the fact I want to be really clear it's not toxic like I'm going to be sick from it it's toxic and it really freakin amazing way to help us heal. Assuming Gosh, there are some words here we don't need to heal right we're already healed we're already whole and we're already perfectly amazing as we are if I want to say even better words for this, but like to help us to come back into this harmony and into a clearer impure stage. And so if I can have this frog poison, which again is not necessarily it's a good thing, right? So it creates good things in ourselves and it can run through my body and it's supposed to be like this violent experience and I can be in peace with it. Where else in my life can I have toxic energy coming through my body and I can be at peace with it. Now that goes out to think about that is your emotion your EMF 's stress conversations people being around people's energy that you're like oh, and you're like you're just like oh you walk in healing right? There's so many places in life that there are things that we walk into that energetically can feel really toxic in our body. Sometimes we don't even know why right? And still feel peace So I invite you to really consider this How can you have this energy that doesn't align with your body move through it and still have peace? How can you have energy move through you and still have peace? So really consider like where is that energy and again it was me sitting in this in this space of allowing this energy just move allowing this this Kimbo to move like I said it wasn't that it wasn't there I could feel it in my body right just like when you walk into a room you're like oh there's some energy that I don't like the way that it feels okay so how can I sit and be at peace with this and let it move through me but not affect me the big one Okay, so that's my first question and it was a huge experience and like coming back now my husband even like two days in was like Harry you just sound different like he he wasn't with me it's like you sound different I like this. And so many people have had that reflection for me lately because since I've been back because of the softening because Okay, now I can just sit here and allow stuff to move through. And and know that I can like without a shadow of a doubt. Right. So that was number one. This was another funny thing that happened to this was another really amazing lesson that I learned this week that I want to share so so I showed you the dots if you're on the video if you're on the podcast, just trust me there's nine dots on my arm. And each day you get three dots. Different people will do it different ways. Some people do more some people will do less depends on the practitioner depends on you depends on your journey. And for this journey, there was three dots each day and on the second day, my my challenge to myself was I said to draw them out okay, tomorrow when we do this, you get to pick where the dots go. Which for me because these dots because your skin is burned, they are well for some people. If you have you know skin that scar you might not have permanent burns but like I've had this before three or four years ago, four years ago I think three or whatever it was three and a half years ago and my my like you can still see on my skin where I've had my my camera down so I know this will this will be on my body for quite some time whether it's permanent or many, many years whatever. And
Keri Norley 20:23
and so I said to him, you can put it wherever you want. And for me trusting somebody to put something on my body that's going to leave a permanent mark was a really big step into my surrender. And I laughed because the next day I reminded him I was like remember you can put these wherever you want. And I laughed the first thought he put on was in perfect alignment to the rest of the other things and I just looked at him and giggled and he's like what did you think because he's a button pusher. What did you think was gonna happen Carrie? What do you mean? He's like, what do you think was gonna happen you told me what you wanted and so I'm going to give you the opposite. And I laughed and at the end of it I looked at him and I said you gave me the most beautiful lesson and I want to share this with you here because it's true whether you've had dots put on your skin or not I surrendered control and in surrendering control it came in perfect alignment. So he finished the dots all in the beautiful pattern that he was already creating and it was in perfect alignment with the other dots I surrendered control and it still came in in perfect alignment. Here it again surrendered control and it came in perfect alignment so often so often in our manifestations and our dreams and what we desire to create in the world we strangle it and we wish it to be like me and we want to control it we want to work it and think that we that we have like the it's it's up to us right you must put it here you can put these dots here don't put it that way data to that these perfectionist traits the overachiever things I've talked about this with other people on the podcast and oftentimes when we do that it doesn't necessarily work out how we think it's gonna work out anyway right? Things go all over the place. And so it was such a beautiful lesson like if we just let go everything works out perfectly anyway. Everything works out how it's meant to be anyway and when there is a divine plan the plan always works out if we just surrender and let God in so today I come here and I just share these few stories to say, you know, where are you able to surrender a little bit more let go a little bit more control and allow yourself to come into more alignment Were you able to let stuff move through your body, you can do it through music, through movement, through dancing through walking through breath through sitting and just letting it move. What are ways that you can move things through your body so they don't get stuck in tracks and so that you can have peace within some really important questions to ask yourself and to really allow allow space for anything else I want to say about my my journey I recommend for anyone who's listening if you are wanting to experience I mean like this is not the first episode I've had on here around plant medicines. I know I'm talking about a frog it's not a plant. Um, there was another episode with Danielle she I don't know she's probably in like the 20s and the 20s I would say and we talked about psychedelics and and other medicines and we talked about them in sauna Robin sauna was something I've done early this year to is phenomenal, phenomenal phenomenal. I'm a huge advocate. And not all of them are psychedelic you guys like this I'm saying to you cambo isn't open sauna isn't there's some really beautiful medicines that you can utilise to really help you to live your best life to be in your in your highest vibration to be in your Divine Self to clear out the rubbish that is no longer serving. And I can tell you that from even days later from the girls that were there the ladies that were there. All of us are messaging each other like oh my god, I'm just everything like I'm bursting with love. I'm bursting with love and heart open and things are just shifting so amazingly. And so these things can be really amazing tools and also the story the message that I'm sharing here today can also be amazing for you to just sit with here and now and how can you do it even without it and if you want to do it with it, there are people there people around me reach out to me I can connect you with different people. I can connect you with Geronimo or Danielle, I know other people who are in the industry doing other types of medicines and other ways of working with plants. So they are they do exist. So if it's interesting to you You're and you want to know more, please do reach out and I'm happy to share share the love. Certainly not something that I hold space for. It's not my jam, but it is my jam to use. And yeah, and I think that's kind of all I want to share today, I feel I feel really blessed to be alive on this planet at this time,
Keri Norley 25:20
I feel really grateful to be here and I know part of part of what came up for me this other piece was actually a piece on silence and stillness. There's not enough of it in this world. And for me, it took me a lot of retraining over the week to be okay with being in stillness and reminding myself that there is nothing to do right now except for Be still, you are okay to be still and again, you do not need to be on retreat for this. You do not need to be away with women for this you don't need to be on plant medicine for this, it is still a constant reminder and myself right now. It's okay to be still. It's okay to be still. It's okay to be still the rewiring of the nervous system. It's okay to be still. It's okay to be still and move through life. It's okay to take time to literally sit and be still it's okay to walk through nature. It's okay to look at nature. It's okay to be still it's okay to close your eyes and feel the breeze on your face. It's okay. And if today, right now you take a moment to just take a few breaths and find stillness from that place. So much magic can happen. stillness, there was funny that pause. So much magic can happen from stillness. And all of us in this time, we most of us did not work. And most of us had leads and clients coming in, and we're all telling clients like, wait, you just got to wait, you're just gonna have to wait. I'm not talking right now. I'm on I'm away. I'm not working in the stillness without doing anything for it. And we've done much before in the past, I want to be clear, right to be in the place where people are showing up for us. But we weren't actively out, like looking for clients. In the stillness, magic happens. So I'm hearing my children, they just got home from school. I'm gonna wrap this up. And say thank you for listening. Thank you for hearing a little bit about my journey and where I've been over this last little while and what I've been integrating and what I will be integrating and how I can bring more stillness into my life every single day. And come even more from a beautiful heart, heart, heart, open space, I feel so in love with life and the world and people right now. And I just want to say thank you, thank you for listening. Thank you for exploring all of these topics with me. Again, if you have any other questions, comments that you want to reach out and let me know things you want to hear about please do. I will find ways to bring in more of my own personal journey and my own story. I don't know how Yeah, if there's something if there's something maybe just be like one random one sessions like this, that I share a little bit, thinking about maybe ways that I can bring it on during episodes, even with interviews and things. But yeah, there's just so many amazing things happening in my life. And I and I realised that sometimes I forget to share all the amazingness and all of my lessons. So that's it for now, I hope you have a wonderful day, wherever you are, as you listen to this. I hope that you take a moment to take a few breaths and just sit in that stillness and really take a moment to appreciate all of the amazingness in the love in the world right now. And I know that can be challenging with all of the challenging times going on right now. But if we really look around, there is so much beauty in this world. And the more that we drop into ourselves the more that we take sovereignty as I said to beginning sovereignty of ourselves so that the collective can shift that's how the shifts that's how the world shifts, taking sovereignty and taking full fuckin responsibility for your own self. That's how the world will shift. So if uh, speaking of if you are wanting to take some more sovereignty in your life coming up soon I will be opening doors again like we are already on week five of the new wealth from crypto, I should actually do a whole episode on what's going on in there. It's frickin amazing. Um, we already on Week Five out of eight lessons from New Wealth for crypto so that will be opening again soon. So if you're interested in learning about decentralised finance and getting safe and stable returns and creating full financial sovereignty, getting yourself like literally you hold all of your money, or however much money you choose to invest in in this and this way. Please do reach out to me I'd love to support you. It's it's been the most amazing journey and a part of my journey of sovereignty in my life has been around really looking at the sovereignty of my finances. or money is a beautiful reflection of so much of our lives. So if that interests you, please do reach out. I'd love to connect with you about it. Otherwise have all wonderful day where ever you are in the world, and I'll talk to you.
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