On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast, I have Kim Barrett on the show with me.
Kim helps people scale their biz to 6, 7, and 8 figures and we met in our crypto/Defi training. So on this show we dive into it all.
If you want to know
Things to consider about your scaling readiness
First steps to take in automation
The emotional and mental ride of scaling your biz
And more
You are going to love this show.
We then turn and dive into bringing crypto in your biz and what’s the importance of doing this now and where do you start
This is a powerful conversation.
Please enjoy the show.
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Keri Norley On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. I have Kim Barrett on the show with me. Kim helps people scale their business to six, seven and eight figures. We met in our crypto defy training. And so on this show we dive into business and defy and how it all works together and the importance of it all. If you want to know things to consider about your scaling readiness, first steps to take in automating your business, the emotional and mental ride of scaling your business and so much more you are going to love the show. We then turn and dive into bringing crypto into your business. And what's the importance of doing this now and where do you start? It's such a powerful conversation, so please enjoy the show. I love Hello and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of the show and today I have my friend Kim Barrett on the call with me. And I'm super excited for this call Kim and I met in our crypto decentralized finance new money mentors training, and we've been in a mastermind together for over a year now. And he has been a light in my life and in the group. He's brilliant. He's into so many amazing things. And he is always use bio. He is a world renowned million dollar marketing strategist with focus on Facebook. He's an international speaker and trainer, having taught marketing around the world and helping businesses grow to six, seven and even eight figures. He's the founder and CEO of your social voice and Australian based digital marketing agency established in 2015. That helps businesses get heard on social media and most importantly, build engagement generate leads and more sales. But it's all a lot to say Kim is a really cool guy and knows how to build a business. So welcome to the show, give cool stuff and he makes some money and helps other people do the same. All the marketing in the world from two people who could write copy that all was that too cool. So glad to have you on the show, you have been such an inspiration. And I love I love all of your insights and nuggets and the generosity that you bring into the group. And so I am excited to hear a little bit more about your story and like how you got into your business, how you've learned to be able to scale this. So start there.
Kim Barret Yeah, well, I mean, I can, I'll start at the beginning of like, how I got into business, how I got into doing marketing. So I mean, when I when I go back, and like there's many things I kind of saw that like led me to being like into business and marketing and things like that. But when I was young, like the story that always kind of like to me is probably one of the first ones where I realized like, you can make money on the internet. And that was like really what kind of led me into the world of marketing and advertising online was when I was 15. So I used to read aquarium fish. Right. So aquarium fish are really cool. By the time I'm sure all the 15 year old girls love hearing about my aquarium fish. Not really. But so we me and my dad would go and you know, we would go to these events and meet people and we would buy fish and we would breed them in our fish tanks, and then we will sell them and back in the day before Facebook. You know, depending on how old you are, when you're listening to this, they will forums right so all of the cool information. And all of the people that when they hung out was on forums. So people would have their own website. There'll be a forum on there literally logging in. Yeah, you would go and chat on there and everyone would have their own profile and you would talk to each other. So one of the forums I was on I was like a moderator because I was on there all the time. I cuz obviously you had to keep away all the girls after talking about fish for so long. So you know how all this time so I was hanging out on there and they said, Kim, we want to raise some money because there's a lot of it's expensive and like the this forum had like a fair amount of traffic. And back in the day, it wasn't like you can check up a Wix website for $9.99 like traffic and servers and hosting was relatively expensive. They will look we need across the entirety of the year to fulfill everything we want to do and do everything that we need to do and pay all the bills we need to pay. We want to generate about $40,000 of sponsorship or and money to be able to help us facilitate and do everything that we need. Because pretty much everyone that works on it was like a volunteer, we didn't really get paid anything. And I was alright. Why would people give us money? Like why would people do it? They're like, Well, look, we have all this traffic that comes in every single month, like quite a bit. And if people have fish shops, if they have stores if they have products, like they probably want people that come to our forum, and also Alright, cool. Do I have? Do we have information on that or and they're like, look, this is the back end of the site, and it shows all the numbers. And I was like, screenshot that. And I'll put it into like Microsoft Paint or something like that. And I just took that piece and I was alright, how can I go and get this out to these people. So as our app, or within Google, like Australian fish shops, Australian fisheries, and I pulled all these lists of all these different places. And I was like, great. Today it was 10 o'clock at night. So opened up my you know, Hotmail account as it was at the time that I started, like, copying and pasting all these email addresses into BCC. So I was like, well, at least if I put it in BCC, they don't see each other, or one email and see what happens. So I think I pulled about like 5050, stores, email addresses, and was just like googling for ages. And taking all the information as much as possible, wrote an email, it's very simple emails, like, as I Hey, I am from such and such forum. We currently have and we what we used to do then was banner ads, right, which is like the normal anymore. Yeah. So there's like little banners at top of every website that we have the space for 10 Banners across the top of our website. So we have 10 spaces available. Currently, I am sending this email to 50 of you, here are the stats of our website. And this was I put the picture in front. And I was like, if you would like to have your store, have one of these banners, please respond with the donation amount that you'd be willing to give us. Or here's our Pay Pal address is $4,000 for the year, in either cash or like committed goods that we can use for raffles and sell raffle tickets, etc. And I was like, however, please hurry as I will not be here this weekend, because I was like, going away camping with my family and whatever it was whatever 15 year olds do.
Keri Norley That was it. And then I like to say 11 o'clock at night, send that email, went to bed woke up the next morning, check my MSN messenger as we did at the time and see if anyone had messaged me overnight. And then one of the one of the admins was like, Hey, what did you do last night? And I was like, What do you mean, I was like, I sent the email to get us sponsors. And I was like, Why is there a problem? And I was like, like today like not BCC everyone? Did I do something? Do something bad? And he's like, No, we have like, we have over $40,000 of commitments or money in like, sent back to us. And I was like, really? And I was like, How much do I get? And it's like, well, not as Oh, for the whole for the site. But I was like, okay, all right, cool. Well, that's fair. That's fair. But what that like told me was I was like, well, people willing to spend money on the internet, like on internet stuff on internet awareness on eyeballs. You know, as for the site, I was able to get Yeah, I think was about 40 $45,000 of like commitments, and money in to cover all those things. At the time, I didn't know that I was like, copywriting an email, and I was using, like scarcity and urgency, it was legit, I was like, we only have 10 spots, I'm sending it to 50 of you, and I am going away this weekend. And so like it's all, you know, it was just common sense that I would include that information. But that was like the very first thing that got me into like online marketing and seeing what the world of the internet would have. And then like, you know, fast forwarding now a couple years, almost probably seven or eight, went through different things. And I thought, though, that I was going to do online advertising and stuff for businesses are gonna be like a business consultant and work out like a big consulting company. Because I got into I was going to university and all that sort of stuff. And it didn't realize that there was like 50,000 Other people like me graduating every year with the same idea, which was ridiculously hard to get a job in any of those companies. So I worked around in a few different things. And then I decided to quit my full time job and then I went full time as a full time marketer for my now brother in law for his company, and started like exploring how to do that. So basically, he was my first client. I worked with him for a year got really good. And then at the end of that year, that was 2015 started. It started your social voice and wow, I bought full time, full time internet stuff.
Kim Barret Wow, I love that, you know is inspiring to me as a mom to a, my son turns 13 In three days as of recording this on the fourth watch 30 I can't believe I have a 13 year old and he, you know, it's so beautiful raising this generation to like give them the wings to actually consider the fact that, you know, I've looked at him because he's a manifester in human design. And I'm like, Robbie, you're not going to be an employable unemployed unemployable. You're not going to want to work for someone, let's get really real because no manifester does a bad fit. Anyone who hasn't nobody even design go look it up. manifestos are not the people you want to have underneath here. You want to have them in your business, like giving you sparks of information and having them leave. Or sitting on a board but don't have them doing the things. So anyway, he. So I you know, it's interesting, like even knowing this stuff, and knowing like children, and these, you know, these things, I look at him and I'm like, you know, you're really not going to want to be employed. So what are you going to start to think about now at even 13 years old, I'm like, and I know this is like a big thing to even consider because even like just what do you want to do? Like, but I'm just going to direct you in your what do you want to do isn't necessarily going to be go to university and get a job. So as you start dreaming about what you want to do, like, start to consider how can you even start to make money and he's like, I want to start doing YouTube things and this and that. And I'm like, we can totally work with that. And it's so beautiful to see them get the creative spark and allow that spark to go. Because when I hear what you're saying, it's so powerful to start so young. And to have that like there's this limitless limitlessness that happens when it's so easy for you, you're like there was no, there was never a point where you were like, well, I can't send out an email make 40k. And when you have that mindset, going into things, like it's such an empowering place to go from, right, and then you just keep going. So that's amazing. So I'd love to hear from you. Because I know so much of what you do now is automation, is helping people scale their business and help through team like, I know you have an amazing team and that supports other people. So I would love to hear what you what your thoughts are, are like tips in ways that people know that it's even like, even when they know or like why do they want to start scaling? And when is it time to start scaling your business? I mean, it's, it's, it's a hard question to answer because it is different for everyone. But always, to me, it stems back down to what the goal was like, well, first of all, figure out if your goal is to scale your business, because the worst thing to do start scaling something and then figure out halfway through that you don't want to scale it and be like, Oh, damn, like here the come the floods, waters, you know what I mean? It's, you don't want to do that from that perspective. So
Keri Norley how would you know? So how would someone know if they want to or not wanting to scale their business?
Kim Barret Well, I think it's about deciding on because I think if you want to have as many people that kind of have a business that probably for them is really a lifestyle business, to justify paying for their lifestyle, and it facilitates everything else that they want to do. And then they try and scale it, but would still like the lifestyle vision on it. And they still like remains. So you just have to decide like, do I want a business that is big and scalable, and lots of team and lots of responsibility? Do I want a business that facilitates the lifestyle that I want to have? And when it gets to that point, like I'm actually quite happy, like letting it kind of sit at that level? versus going whoa, do I want to bring it in scale and bring in mass, more mass market, bringing in much more awareness, build more responsibility and put that on my shoulders. So and then.
Keri Norley And more outgoings, too. It's interesting, because I was talking to I was I was being interviewed today for someone else's podcast. And we were talking about this concept of growing our wealth. And I said if we if we were talking about money mindset stuff, and I said that if if I had cleared all this stuff in my system, right? Like if, if I had done all my work, and I'd gotten to this place where like there was no more work to do for our money, shit, right? I was like, I would be the richest person in the world reality speaking, right? Because I'd have nothing that would stop me from creating the most infinite amounts of abundance. And then on the other side of that the flip side is though, like, do I want that? Like, do I need that? Do I care? Do I want to actually have the responsibility? Because for somebody who's who have created those multiple billions of dollars, there was a lot of sacrifice to hit that. There wasn't like, I'm just gonna work a three day workweek and go hang out and have two weeks off a month and it doesn't work.
Kim Barret That's the thing is like, because some people think that they like they think that that's the end outcome of growing and having a big business potentially. But it's like, well, if you know what your goal is, it's much easier to say like, Should you not necessarily everything that can be scaled should be scaled. So if you know that your goal is to have a bigger business, bring in more people and get it to a certain level, you would kind of intrinsically know that yourself, you would not if someone told you about scaling, you'd be like, yes, I want to scale and I will do anything because then it's like, that means you probably have to do, there'll be times where you're pulled back into doing some of the work like maybe even sales calls or, or structural things or like hiring and firing and all that sort of stuff that you have to go through to enable you to be able to scale and then bringing on responsible team members, then then letting go of responsibility and being like, Oh, now you're responsible for that. Like, that's, that's all 100% of you, and you report to me on those things. So it's, it's a big learning curve and journey, I think, for a lot of people. But generally, I think people will hit that around about the, the, from my perception, and what I've seen from a lot of our clients is like, once they hit around about 500k a year, they'll generally hit the point where they're like, huh, I want more and do more and I'm ready for or they're like, actually, I'm kind of pretty good right here, like I don't want a whole other heap. And then I think it kind of kicks in again and about a million dollars. Then you're like, okay, cool. Like, I can probably like I can see $5 million, like not far away, then aside, that's when you've got bigger and better things to implement it and bring into scale. But I find for a lot of people, because it's like you can you can kind of force yourself to the point of 500k a year you can like force and drag yourself along to that point, without necessarily maybe needing a ton of team and outside support. But I think once you get to that point, it's like that old saying of like, What Got You Here Won't Get You There kicks in. And then I think the same kind of happens at about about a million dollars from what I've seen from most of our, our clients that we've had experience.
Keri Norley hmm, okay, so then, what would you say are your most important first steps for the automation to be able to start doing these scaling, and I think at this, like, even if we, you know, I think sometimes I go, I wish I had known as I was building things, what I needed to be doing to be considering for the automation pieces to be building towards, because some of that stuff, even if it's not perfect, it can be like, Oh, I needed to think that I needed, I needed three emails, I could have done them at the time, right. And now you've got to go back and retrace through like, that's where I'm at right now as I set up automation to be able to scale things, right. And they're like, of course, in order to do this, I need to have automated email accounts and series ended. And I'm like, Oh, my God, I wish I had done that in the time because in my head was in that space. Right? And so it's not that we can't go back and fix all these things. But like, I'm curious to hear for you like, where are the places where as we start to consider the scaling process that we can start to look at what do we automate first? And what are the I guess the easiest places for person who's in that, like, I, you know, solopreneur, to getting more and more and more team or solopreneur, with a VA to getting more and more team, right?
Kim Barret The big thing to think about is like what, and a lot of people will go, oh, let me do all these email sequences or all this back end stuff and whatnot. But it really to me comes down to like, what do you spend most of your time on, like what takes the most of your time away from like, money generating activities, or from Business Growth activities. And that's what I would start with is from that perspective is ascertaining great like, every day I do these five things. One of them actually helps my business grow. The rest of them are things as a byproduct of having a business that I do. They're all the things that try and automate as much as possible. Like you're saying, like an email sequences are great, but if you're not sending emails every day, probably not too much of a stress. But if it's something that every day, you're like, oh, I have to remember to send emails to these people about this. And this get that gets in the way of me doing content or taking sales calls. And absolutely, like get that off your plate immediately in order to automate that. But otherwise, it's because it is hard to kind of try and structure a automation path for yourself, based on the scale that you want to maybe get to that you're not sure of if you're going to get there yet remain is that you come back. Well, I should automate and put six emails in my email sequence for this, but it's like, but we but that's what I think I'm gonna need when I get there, but I'm not sure quite yet. Yeah, for me, it's always about like, what distracts you from doing what you do best to help grow your business. That becomes portacot number one, way down.
Keri Norley Sometimes it's even like the cleaner or, you know, this is this is why you know, I've been working with Kate grand Jeff Slater for the last couple of months, actually. And Jeff would say like, you know, your cleaner start getting your food delivered, like all of these things that actually, I mean, they really don't require you. But they consume time every day, you know. So where can we start to automate things in our life necessarily, they can all So helps that we give the time and the freedom to our business.
Kim Barret Yeah, 100% I think that's always like first port of call, we start there. And then like, because most people want to automate, like the technical, like stuff that they think is going to be amazing. And it's like that will come but versus like, what gets in the way, and then you can work your way back from that perspective.
Keri Norley And then I have, I'm curious to hear your thoughts to having that you've done this for so long with so many different people at this place. Because I know for me, and I've had a lot of support through it for the last few weeks. There is a stretchy point, that is an emotional expansion that is so freakin uncomfortable. I'm gonna speak for myself. And I will also say that when I reported it, I don't think I've shared this with the podcast. So I'll share this, I don't think I've told you. I had done Kate and Jeff, I was like, I was overwhelmed. I was in this place of overwhelm total, like expansion and the emotions were going and I was like, breaking through ceilings financially. And all these things were going on. And I was like, I can't go any. And I didn't have the systems behind me, right. And so the sales, or the sales conversations I didn't like they were all crazy, right? It was all like too much for me. And I was like, okay, I can do this, I can do this. And the next thing you know, I'm literally vomiting. And Kate and Jessica, Jeff goes, Yeah, carrier rewrite in the right spot kick does it almost every time about a load. And I put it up with the group. And like, I'm not kidding. And I put it in another group of women, I miss that six or seven figure business owners and I put both in the both these places. And they're both like, yep, done it been there. Right. And every single time they go through it, I mean, like so many people could, could resonate with me in this place, that there's this really stretchy, uncomfortable place. And so I'm curious to hear your perspective on this, having worked with so many people and seeing like, what's that? What does that look like, for you, as people have moved through these places on like, a mental, emotional, spiritual level, to help them move through that?
Kim Barret I think like what you said, there, the biggest thing is that people understand that it's like, it's not just them. Like, I think that's the biggest part for most people, which helps them get through is like, it's like, it's like, welcome, like, because this is this. This is what exactly what it's like, your domain, it's like everyone else's at all. But like, I must be like, completely different. And this happens about bananas, like, I don't know, welcome to the party like us. Like that's, that's, that's what it's like. And I know, there's people like that, I was trying to explain to them about how, like, their business is going to have cycles, and the cycle cycles of revenue cycles of clients cycles of off team, because they had like a couple of really amazing months. And then their business, like they lost a few clients. And they kind of took their foot off the pedal a little bit, and then it went down. And then they got a few more clients. And it was like, like this, and then no on the phone, and they were like so upset, and so worried about and I was like, but this like I was like, first, like, welcome. Second, like, this is what I told you was going to happen you you have to go through it to then realize, but it's like, of course, it's like you can't ever have anything that is going to be purely vertically growing. By no decline, like just like straight up. And I was like, I was like, but that when when that happens, it's like you must zoom out, right? It's like, remember, when you were down here, when you had like, zero clients, and you were like, you also had no responsibility or cares or anything like that. But you had zero clients. It's like, yes, like you've had periods where you've had like, tremendous, you know, 100 plus K months. But then like, you're really gonna get upset when you dropped to 60k months, when they listen to you, like you're at like, 10 knows, it's gonna be like, it's it's the cycle. And I was like, Oh, now, you know, this time of year, this is when clients start to reconsider their spending, you know, this time of year when clients start to maybe go there's like a period of time when they go on pause. And just like for what we do at work a lot of service based businesses, the big question always comes up around Christmastime, some people like Oh, I'm gonna pause, or even coaching, I'm gonna pause and I'm still doing things bla bla. So for us, we pretend that in advance, like, hugely prior to Christmas. So if we're talking about our Christmas plans in like October, so that we can basically make sure that there's no stress and pressure. Well, I call this like, we're good. Like we already ascertained that people are going to have that. So we'll remove that because we've been through the cycle and been like, Oh, cool. First Christmas have my business. I was like, Eric, I was like, Can I please pause? Can I stop payments? Can I start back in January? Can I started later, like, Oh, I was like I was I haven't gone by Christmas presents this year. I was like everyone this year is getting love for Christmas. That's That's my gift to you all. Handwritten cards is that piece of paper folded in half I stole from the library. So that's how we're doing this Christmas. But then the following year, I was like, Christmas I'm going to make my biggest month. I I'm going to crush Christmas, like, I am going to make December the biggest month in my business. And ever since then I've done it because I knew I was like otherwise I will hit that cycle, I'm going to hit the cycle of crap, Christmas time is coming, and everyone changed their mind. So I get on the front foot about when I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't gone through that, that first cycle.
Keri Norley I love that. Thank you. I think it's so you know, I do believe that it's such an important thing to actually talk about. Because I think so often, we feel alone. And when I said it, it wasn't mean, like, literally, I just laughed what I said to that, but I vomited in there, like yep, she does it almost every time and I'm like, man, and then other people were like in there, and I'm like, wow, like, I get it. And I knew, but at the same time, there's something about the camaraderie to know that like, it's just part of the journey. And so I think also knowing is we do this, this increase, and we allow ourselves to expand for our business, who we're reaching for the finances that we get to come in and all that kind of stuff that we we realized there are ups and downs to it, and we don't have to beat ourselves up over the downs. You know, I think that's where people can get really in their negative in their space and sabotage, you know, not realizing that there is going to be the ebbs and flows. And then it doesn't make you a bad person. Like we don't have to take it personally. People don't have to be thing for everyone that I find this, like, we all think that the problems that we have belong only to us, like every problem that we have, has already been experienced, has already been had and probably been sold by someone else. It's like unless you're like Elon Musk, or you like putting someone on Mars, right? It's like most of us for what we do. It's like, it's, it's, it's been sold before, and most of us, I'm gonna assume I could be wrong. Maybe most probably not like brain surgeons or heart surgeons. So it's like, against, like, if we have a little problem, it's like, cool, at least we didn't like accidentally cut something wrong thing in someone's brain? Well, actually, let me take that piece of the heart out of your domain. It's like we we have the benefit. I think as, as, as business owners, when we're not in those spaces, it's like, we need to remove some of that expectation that we put in ourselves and the stress and pressure. Because it's like, well, you know, we're not we're not reinventing the wheel here. And if we speak to the right people, we can solve, we can solve the problem. And someone's had it before, but most of the time, we all need to hear it's like, it's okay. Right? Totally, you know, we've we've all had that problem. And then most of the time, it's like when you shit like, There's a great saying it's like a problem shared is a problem halved. Because you say, like, oh, and most people be like, I've had it. I've already experienced that or just saying it and you're like, actually, it's not that big of a big of a thing. You know what I
Keri Norley mean? Just a quick message for you about a new mastermind called unplug that I am inviting you into, there is an amazing buzz around the crypto space. And with that comes a whole new language and an education to be able to take advantage of early adoption as we move into this amazing space. So many people think that you have missed this early stage, but we are still there and you still most definitely have time to get in and dive deep. This is why I created unplug. I know many of you want to learn to take the cash you are making and get it working for you so that you can create another form of income and eventually financial freedom. I also know that there are many of you out there that realize the financial system is corrupt and not designed for us and you want a way out the crypto space is amazing and also a learning curve. If you don't know what you're doing, you can run into all kinds of mishaps that will lose you money. So if you want to accelerate your wealth creation and learn how to decentralize yourself and your biz, so that you can become sovereign unplug is for you. I will show you how to get returns that range anywhere from 5%. Up to I had 61% compounding interest in one of my counselors a few weeks ago. This is not always available, but it definitely exists. We will be learning about NF T's defy privacy and learning how to make smart investment decisions and getting your biz crypto and web 3.0 ready and more. There are so many amazing people already signed up and getting moving in the caliber of people coming into the space is amazing. Not just the participants but also the guests I have lined up it's not just about me this is a mastermind where everyone will learn and grow in this new space together. If you are ready to leap into the new wealth and break free of the banking system, this is for you. Please message me on Facebook or Insta for more details. Our first call begins on the 26th of January. If you are hearing this message after that please do still reach out and let's see how I can support you to get into the crypto space and now back to the show. And the other thing that I found as I've been going through this has been the fear of as I expand and I think it's I was like dancing it today. So you know I dance my my dances and I was dancing the messy middle and like being okay in the messy middle and like sometimes things are gonna fall and it was I was dancing because there was a client who ordered a book for me, and she, it was just messy, like the whole thing was a messy experience for her. And I owned it like, Yeah, I mean, it was a really messy experience. And I'm really sorry. And it didn't go so well for you. But like, it's part of this growth piece is going like there's going to be messy pieces. And we've got this messy middle. And it's okay to be in it. And I think for me, the thing that I have started to really learn into it is first of all in this messy middle as well. It shows us where the cracks are. But then it also goes, Okay, where do I need help? And what I have found in that is, and I go, I need help, like I literally even just by saying, I'm not coping right now into these groups, right, I'm not coping, I don't know how to deal with this, then all of these like angels showed up, right? And even if it was like the moment of you're okay, take a breath, go do this right now in this moment, so that you can actually get through this. And then the other people that would that showed up for me right now. I'm like, all of a sudden, I talked to the guy who was doing my podcast, and you guys will see, you'll, by the time this podcast comes out, that I stopped doing my little video clips, and I started putting YouTube stuff so that I could take the people who were doing that because it wasn't wasn't doing enough to grow business, or we weren't seeing a return on it enough that we're like, if I take that and I go, Okay, let me go hire some team, I don't have to pay more. And I get different things. And so like this revaluation. And so it was like taking that breath and going, what's working what's not, and then asking people for help. And then I was like, Okay, I said to the guy, I was like, I need help. And he's like, Great, I'll go hire some people for you. And all of a sudden, I have this team. And I'm like, I don't even know where they came from what I'm going to be doing with all of you guys, this is amazing. But there's so much support. And there's just other person that was in my life that I was like, and you and like all these people that have just shown up that I've gone help. And then all of a sudden, I actually feel more supported than I have probably ever felt in my business. But it was only because I finally could come to that place of like a cracking point of like, I can't cope anymore. And I'm going to be self destructing this business, if I don't get help. Right. And I think sometimes we actually get afraid at that point to ask for help or to go. I don't want to look the fool. I did it. And it took like it took a moment. So I had to tell people like you guys, this is so messy. I'm sorry, I'm showing you this. And I'm sure you're not the only person like I say this to someone who's picked up businesses and gone. Oh my God, I don't know how you've survived to get to this place. Because it's messy. Right? And it's at those points so that we get to ask for that help, and then lean in and allow people to show up and help us. And I think that's a really important thing that most people, you know, get sticky around, saying I need help. Not doing well.
Kim Barret Exactly. Because it's like, when you like you mentioned, you've got a young kid, as well as like, when you're at school, if you're in the middle of a test, you're not allowed to ask for help. Or you're conditioned to not think you have to not ask for help, because it is bad. And it's like, but in the real world, you need to ask for help. Like, you can't just be like, like, in the middle of a test to me like excuse me, like, I don't understand this question. Can you help me get the answer? Right? You like fail? Like, don't talk, you're out, you know, versus like, when you're running a business, it's like, the only way for you to actually succeed is to be like, hey, please these things. Like, let's fix that.
Keri Norley It's so true. So true. Okay, so I want to spin the conversation. Thank you for that piece. I've loved that. That was I think this is going to be such a helpful little section right here. For people who are listening. I think they're gonna, it was awesome. Thank you. So the next piece, guys, I met Kim and my crypto training. So of course, we're gonna dive into some crypto stuff here. There's no way that we've been talking about crypto for a year and not gonna not talk about it here. But I would really like to talk about it because I have explored crypto many, many ways on this podcast. What I have not started to explore on this podcast yet I'm very curious to hear your thoughts around is where we think it's going in business and why it's important as a business owner to to understand, utilize and start researching and looking and in educating ourselves into how we can utilize this in business. Because if we don't, I think we're going to start to get left behind as you know, business owners. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on first of all, you can also share like you've created your own project, please feel free to share that amazingness and how that would help as well. Like just go in. Tell the story. Tell the story, sir.
Kim Barret Yeah. I mean, well, first for business owners. I think that the underlying technology that's coming through in a lot of different spaces in NF T's in in crypto and all that sort of stuff, and you know, with Facebook rebound brand into meta and all that sort of stuff, and meta verses and digital lands and all that sort of stuff. I think that that is obviously like a new frontier. And I think that the more that business owners can be in front of the more they can take advantage of being an early adopter. So you know whether or not you get into it now versus in a couple of years, at some levels why make much of a difference, but other levels will make a huge difference. So if you were one of the first people that was on running Facebook ads, you were getting ridiculously cheap leads, you will get Yeah, you're getting people clicking on your stuff for nothing.
Keri Norley Banner ads, right, Google better as it were paid Exactly.
Kim Barret And now it's like you pay $10, for someone to click one thing. It's ridiculous. So the same sort of principle, I believe, it's like, that's what happens if you're a first mover, if you get on board. It's not fully rectified, it doesn't work yet. Like, that's the best time because you get the advantage. And as a business owner, you need to have as much positive advantage for yourself as possible. So I think those that do and lean into it more are going to be set up. Absolutely. When it comes to the future, when it becomes more mainstream now where people like, I need to run ads, and I got a while, you know, Google Facebook, like they're the main platforms. And you'll still get good results on them, of course. But it's like, how much of a better result would have been for your business? If you're an early adopter and understood how they worked and utilize them? It's the same as I can tell every business exactly how they would utilize and be able to leverage their identity and crypto because everyone's going to be different, however, could everyone? Absolutely there's a way to figure out how to integrate it with your business if you're a coach and consultant. And it's like me had a program or anything like that, who's to say that you couldn't have a NFT certificate of completion. And they gave people access to certain things and unlock certain things for them, or build your own ecosystem of like a reward token that you know, use a free platform that didn't cost anything. But you could use that as a like form of rewards and reward points for your clients and customers and things like that, and use it as a way for them to track how how engaged they were with your business. Like there's so many different things that you could do, just off off the off the off the cuff. And then for, for us, and for me, like what we wanted to do was, we found that like, apart from a very few select great groups, and obviously were a part of one, it's hard to find good education that's structured in a good way for people to be able to be on boarded into the world of crypto. So we wanted to build a platform that kind of alleviated that issue, which we did called platform called Tech Tree. But as a part of that, to expose it to more people, we decided to do an NFT launch because NF T's had been much more topical. There's a lot of attention on them at the moment. So we thought like let's build something for that. So we built a platform called inventors NFT event is NF t.io. And that really covers that whole aspect where we give people education, hold them amplify their learning make it smooth, easy and a good process for them to do but at the same time, like educate them through crypto where they have the possibility to earn as well. So learn to earn is kind of the angle that we've we've taken with it as well where you know, there's a all the funds that come in from the mint are some reason I don't know why these people trust me trusted to me to manage in a yield farm, where I'm basically building it and growing it and and helping a kick out reward. So because your smile. Yeah, sounds smart. Anyway, I must be apparently
Keri Norley I think we learned a thing or two in the last year, maybe we should able to.
Kim Barret Exactly. So when I speak people are like, Oh, this is great and good. And yes, let's let him have the monies. So of course I'm safe and secure that don't get me wrong, I'd be I make sure I abide by the trust that I've received. But yeah, so like, I get to play with that and show people what we're doing how we're doing it, get them to, to follow along. I literally before we jumped on here, I just finished a one hour session teaching people that over zoom for that sort of 90 minute session, breaking that down for people into the spaces where people can really get the full benefit of that. So we wanted to try and spread the word to more people. And you know, we thought that NF T launch would be a good way to do that. And also put some pressure on ourselves, see how well we can manage and deal with it. And yeah, it's been it's been a huge learning experience, which is good. I'm always a big advocate of like, learning and fail fast. Yeah, fail fast and figure it out. And yeah, it's been it's been hectic, it's been good fun. It's been lots of lots of learning and yeah, we're only just kind of getting to that or whether we've got a lot of good advisors on the on the back end helping us and helping us propel things forward and just going on slow and steady. I think is the biggest thing in the space is like if you're if you're a business owner or anyone jumping into it slow and steady wins the race, like you know, like we weren't going to go down the avenue of trying to mint out in one hour on the first day or anything like that. It's like it's slow, methodical and just building waves and you know, like on on Monday I did a call and I think of that in some way. It was a weird timezone for the US. There was 15 people on to watch me I deployed funds and showed them how I did it today which was a follow up to that where I broke it down even more so and did a bit like masterclass you stole at 45 people on that one So it's like it's again, it's terrible was a terrible timezone. And it was like, it's like the in two days triple demounting triple the amount of people on wanting to wanting to hear from me because everyone was 15 Or like, everyone needs to be on this and then they're like, we all want to be on this.
Keri Norley You know, we're pretty smart, we learned to think you're too I sometimes forget Kim for reals, for reals, I sometimes forget how much we've learned over this last year and or whatever, you know, I for me, it's been over a year and a half. And like I sometimes take for granted. And I'm like, I gotta go teach something. I'm like, that's just so simple. And I'm like, Oh, I forgot how hard that was for me to learn when I learned that. Like, I mean, literally, I know I've had I had a client who actually was on it was a doesn't matter. I had a client, who she was, you know, listen to stuff. And he's like, my head hurts Carrie. I'm like, I know, it's because you're rewiring your brain, like my head hurt many times as I've listened to this and tried to learn this, because like, really, like you are fully rewiring your brain as we start to think about what the future of what this all looks like, you know, and I think this is the other exciting thing as far as business owners. You know, a lot of us in this space are entrepreneurs, we're visionaries, we're here to create new things. And so when we hand people in this space, the blockchain, right, it's like, there's so much that can be done in this space. And there's, there's so much creation to be had. And so when you're at the beginning of this, it is such a creative process right now for people to get in. Because the world is truly your oyster. Like we are literally rewiring our brains, we are literally rewiring the DNA of this planet, we are creating a totally different consciousness, I think the blockchain and wave three has its own consciousness that we're all rising to meet, you know, and, and so when we start to look at it from that angle, it's like getting now to be the forefront so that you can put your your your aim your imprint your impact into what we are actually creating, which is the future technology of the financial industry of the world. You know, and like, how frickin exciting is that and especially as business owners, because and and most so many of you know, so many people who are listening your influencers, your people who are have a message to share. And so then you get to use utilize this in your space, too. And it's endless, the possibility of what you can do in your business. And, you know, I find it really interesting, like one of my things now is to see, can I pay you if I if I sign up with somebody, can I pay in crypto? Right? Like, are you ready as a business owner to be paid in crypto because the amount of people then they've been like, let me get to you and did it. And I gotta go figure this out and give me a week to do that. Right? I'm like, No, you need to be ready to take my money. Because my money wants to be in crypto. Right? And so like, as business owners, we need to start thinking about this and especially like, more than ever before, let's talk about the current state of the economy. When we have banking systems, I mean, banks that are like literally shutting down, we can't get access to the or to the you know, people, how many people have the objection, you would have heard it? How many times infinite amount of times? What happens if the internet shut down? I'm like, if the internet Shahzad were way more screwed than it is having anything to do with crypto. And if you think that it's going to be the internet that shuts down, that's the crypto the problem. Like let's look at banks, it's going to be the same problem. And we're seeing in the last week, we've had Canada shut down their their banks, we've got Russia going like I mean, who the fuck knows what's gonna go on without over there with the Swift systems and banking. And it's, it's crazy. You know, we've had both in Russia and Canada, they had fundraisers, that through GoFundMe, and Patreon that got cancelled because the government didn't want to give the money to them. Right? Was it the quote unquote, violation? Oh, come on people. Right, but what gets it there? Crypto, I can send crypto to anywhere. And so if you are not ready to be receiving crypto or sending crypto, you're doing yourself a disservice in this space. Because what's gonna happen when you can't access your bank? When the banks freeze your accounts, there's lines in multiple countries around the world right now, people trying to get cash out of ATMs because they have no access. And yet people are freaking out. Like, what if I can't access my crypto? I'm like, Yes, what's actually still working people? Right.
Kim Barret Exactly, exactly. As you say, it's, it's crazy, but it's um, yeah, like, that's, that's the real world example of it as well. anything can go wrong. And that's the thing. People like, Oh, what about this or that? And it's like, anything can go wrong with anything. So like, you can't silo it to one thing?
Keri Norley No, no. And I actually had somebody say to me recently, something about stable coins we were talking about, because you know, there's some interesting things even in stable coins that we have to be aware of. And even as we choose the stable coins that we have, and like every every asset that's in the crypto space like this is why Kim and I are mentors and why we teach what we teach because if you try and come into this alone, you're sure to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter at some point.
Kim Barret And that's only because we've already had that happen to us. Learn from our mistakes.
Keri Norley but it's not I mean, but it is it's like if you don't know what you're doing, but that's like if you went into the stock market, if you went into housing, if you went into any investing experience or business without any experience or any mentorship, you were sure to end up making bigger mistakes, losing more money wasting more time, we see more energy than you would if you had a mentor period across the board. And, and so that's why we do this, because there's so many, there's so many ways that we can support people to get into this space without having so many hiccups. Stable coins, so we've got to be careful of the stable coins and the thing, the concepts being right. Like somebody was like, Okay, I'm a little bit nervous. I'm like, Well, I can still get my stable coin. But Can somebody at a bank get their thing? They're gonna be problems on any side of what we look at right now. Right? Like crypto has its own dodgy places that we have to be able to navigate the banking system that people have trusted for so long. Also, Has it started in places that we have to navigate? And so it's just a matter of which side of the forward thinking coin does a person want to be on?
Kim Barret 100% agree, like, yeah, everything's always going to have its issues everywhere. So just you got to choose which choose which battle you would rather be a part of this is going to be a battle with everything.
Keri Norley Yeah, so Okay, so I'm gonna say, What would you say if somebody was in business, and they're wanting to get into the crypto space, they've got their teeth wet their, their lips where their mouth wet? They've started to taste it? And they're like, maybe they've got Coinbase? Maybe they don't even have Coinbase yet, right? But they've got their maybe they've got the first Bitcoin or eath? Maybe they haven't. This is kind of where they're at the beginning of the journey. Where do you think is the most important place for someone in business to start to go to help for themselves for the personal and their business? Like? It's interesting question, right? Like, where's the first step? Would you go?
Kim Barret Just go to Keri to help you.
Keri Norley Intro to crypto trading.
Kim Barret That is pretty much the answer is like, otherwise, like we just said, You got to figure it out yourself. So it was like go to at least a trusted source of knowledge that you know, will help you like unbiased because there's like, you can go to Google, you can go to YouTube, all those things. However, do you know the biases of those producing content? Like it's hard to tell? Versus someone who's a educator in the space? That's like, cool, why you can you tell us like, the way that they do is they give you good content, and then they will probably help you out by doing more personalized content help, and they charge you money for it. Rather than the person. I'm always wary of the person that gives you everything. And they make all these weird annotations, and all sort of stuff. And I'm like, but how do you how are you rewarded? Because yes, obviously, we all want to do content and help people in the spaces are the ones where you're like, you just have this ridiculously big YouTube channel. And suddenly you talk about all these things and tell people that they should buy into these things. Pretty evidence, like, they're like, they've got to be getting paid somehow, or they're getting paid by the token, or they're getting paid by something. Like, there has to be a way for for value to be extracted. So for me, I go, I would much rather give my money to someone who I know makes money on education, because they have, they have to give me good information on education. And the way they are paid is by me getting more info from them. So they have no biases on the on the things that they told me about and show me about, like you like you can't, like, you can't steer me wrong if you like, if you're like, here's how you get a stable coin and earn a yield on it. Like there's no one at USDC or USD, T B and my thanks Carrie for recommending us here. Let me give you like, you know, like when you go in there, like, this is the next coin that you should buy. And it's gonna go 100 Extra. Yeah, cool. Like, how much? How much have they paid you to say those things? Hence why I'm like, find the educator, which is what I believe is what I do for anything. Like because they if they like then they're at least unbiased on the things that they tell you within the education most the time.
Keri Norley Yeah, for sure. And, okay, so then, and this was I think more I'm gonna ask the question more specifically, and I'm not sure a little bit of what I think and see what you say. Where I'd like to say is like, is a business like, there's so many different avenues within the web three space. So we have things like defy and FTS, Dows, crypto in itself, all that kind of stuff. Right. And so for me when I think of that, what I believe and then you can tell me what you think as well. What I believe if you were just starting out, like just start, right, you know, go to my intro to crypto trading, go do the thing. And start learning it's free like, you know, just go and then from there, I think defy is the premise, the basis, the crux. The beautiful thing that anchors all of it together, you know, because for me, once you get a foundation that is a solid foundation of growth, and a growth asset that's going to be consistent, and not getting into volatile assets that are going up and down, up and down, up and down, and you never know where you're going to be in your portfolio. I think that's the foundation, if you're just starting out, and then from there, you know, there's so much even as you guys are doing this, right, like you've even said, like, you didn't know what would happen, because there's so much buzz around NF T's right now. But the truth is, right, this is why it's good to get in at the beginning. Because eventually, like everybody's going to have one and it's not going to be an exciting thing. Like it's going to be like going to the dollar store and having art right, you know, like it's in, there will still be valuable things and they're still going to be you know, yadda yadda, there's also going to be so many other utilities that come from NF Ts, there are so many ways to use NF T's. I think art is actually like the smallest little corner of it, right. But it's not the crux of you being able to grow your wealth. It's not the crux of if you're an entrepreneur that wants to take your money and make it work for you. That's still quite like, I mean, it's speculative, you know, can we even set it I did this thing, and we're gonna, we're seeing like, how many people can we get to buy it? Because how many people are going to be interested in the NFC space? Will this NFC be valuable or not? How many people are out there that are like, I'm gonna make so much money on NF T's? And it's just like, it's like, they're, you know, it's like, if you had a piece of art sitting on a wall in the garage, and nobody's seeing it, right? Like, it's, it's, it's about the community, and it's about your way of marketing it. And it's about getting in front of people who actually have a freaking clue what any of this means anyway. And so, you know, it's like, when I start to think about it, it's the layers of that would be really fun. And that's a cool thing. And let's try this out. And let's go buy some things. Let's go flip some things. Let's go try an art exhibit, whatever it is. And then, but the crux of it is like, this is where my foundation is, you know. And so I agree, is the I mean, there's a person probably doesn't know, I consider him a mentor, but I consider him a mentor guy called Nick, Nick Peterson. And he always has he said, there's a three step process, which is, I mean, to get certainty, sorry, clarity, certainty, and then collapse time, which is like you need to actually know what you want to do. Be certain in the way you're gonna get there. I like mean, dimension defy and whatnot. And then you can go about things that will speed up the process, but mostly trembled at first. Right? But it's like, no, no, get clear. Be certain about how you're gonna get there, then you can go about all the crazy things that you want to do. Wish but I mean, like, you know, and I apologize for the marketers that do that to you guys. But market is always good at making you feel FOMO and pushing all the things that probably not what you should start with. But as you mentioned, I think what you mentioned, I think, is like wholeheartedly, like, that's how you should start and get the foundations. And then from there, you can build once you're on track, but don't try and go and you can't like get to the end of your destination without first sitting in the car. And putting petrol in the car. Yeah, starting the engine, and then putting your foot on the accelerator after removing the brake. Like, that's the only way for you to start. You can't just blow up, boom, away. See you later. Right. I mean, it doesn't work like that. So you've got to get to take the process.
Keri Norley Yeah, it's interesting, because you know, and it's such a beautiful timing, so don't have to wrap up now. But you started in when you're talking about business stuff of it slow and steady, right? Like, just keep going. And as you keep going, things will evolve, and we'll find our footing. And it's not the I would say it's not the hair that wins. It's the tortoise, right? And you said it again here. And I think there's something to be said about it. And it's no surprise, let's be real, that you and I are both in defy world in that belief system, right? Because what I see and I know you would agree is that when we go into business, or when we go into investing, the people who are going guns blazing, and all in completely, I want to say volatile, but I want to use that as like, there is a lot of risk. There is a high amount of risk, like they've just thrown a sort of Dart at a wall and hope for the best they've tried and throwing this 10 grand here. They've seen if like this, maybe this business, maybe this network marketing, maybe this automated bots gonna help me maybe that NFT is going to do the thing. Maybe I'm gonna check my money at Facebook ads, but I'm not even ready for it and see if that's gonna be my answer, right? And so all of these things that are like they're, they're a higher risk level, if we don't have the foundation for it, like ultimately, it's that hair. It's like the step by step by step that's ultimately like Warren Buffett, right? Like, that's how he gets there with step by step slow growth. He's one of the richest men in the world. He didn't get there by taking a lot of bets. Right. And I think and I think that's what we can take away like I take away from this whole conversation is that no matter what you're looking at, is you're scaling as which is another leap in and of itself, or if you're leaping into this crypto space and you're taking yourself into the space from a business perspective, go slow. You know, like, it took me a while to start putting my money like a lot of my money into the crypto space not just like, you know, I'm gonna Little bit of here and a little bit there. Because go slow, like make sure that you understand it, make sure that you're doing it and then it will create the rewards, much like business. And I've noticed for me too, with scaling, like, I had to take a breath and take a step back go slow. Like when I was hurrying, it was not serving anybody was like, Oh, if I could just step back a second, take a breath go slow, step by step by step but those things over there that are not so relevant right now and focus on the exact steps in front of me. Magic Happens represent. So on that note, is there anything you would like to add to finish off this amazing conversation today? So So, I think we've we've we've mentioned it all. I think like as I say, like just just with that listen, and if you need help get help. Like I say if you're if you're venturing into the crypto space, get in touch with carrion and start understanding it and dip your toes in the water go slow goes smooth, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Just do that and you will be having happy days.
Keri Norley Fantastic. And also you can also go check out Kim's NFT project and his business too. So let them know where they can find you for either of those pieces. Please. As I said for the NFT project inventors NFT in ai n ve and t o r s inventors i pronounced sometimes Australian inventors was inventors. Mentors, and ft.io is the URL for that. And then for any of our business stuff, head over to our free Facebook community. www dot join my group.com.au Beautiful domain there are secured. We've got everything you need from a business growth perspective as well.
Keri Norley Fantastic. Thank you so very much, sir Kim. It's been an absolute pleasure having you on the show today. And everybody else I will see you next week.
Kim Barret Thank you.
Keri Norley Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise. Please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley And on Facebook Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well
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