If you are NOT working on your mindset and your energy alignment, you are missing out on what I feel is the most important component to business.
Whilst I have invested probably at least $50,000 in strategy stuff alone over the years, probably a lot more… from learning from the best copywriters in the world, to learning interviewing techniques, sales, marketing, direct sales, internet marketing, video marketing, presentation skills, writing presentations that sell, becoming an author and publishing books… Yeah… A LOT…
What I can say without a shadow of a doubt… that ALL of that, will only get you so far.
If you are NOT working on your mindset and your energy alignment, you are missing out on what I feel is the most important component to business.
Honestly… the strategy part is easy. And mostly… if you knew NOTHING… all you need to do is show up. Keep showing up. Consistently… From now until forever. Never stop. Show up in ways that feel amazing for you. And they may feel awkward and scary at first, but keep going. DON’T LET EGO STOP YOU.
The strategy part is forever changing, with the speed of internet and social media and changing “algorithms”… Which of course would mean nothing to you if you just continue to show up and message, day in and day out. But you gotta commit and find your flow to whatever strategy you align the most with. And when you want to try something new… like becoming a speaker or writing a book, or whatever… invest in a specific strategist that will help you do that EXACT thing.
Beyond that… it’s your energy and mindset. These are the things that will stop you dead in your tracks. You can have the BEST strategy in the world and if your beliefs, your energy, your thoughts… the fact that you are not fully aligned to your choices… is there… you will feel stuck, blocked, like you are banging your head on a forever big wall that you can’t seem to break through, no matter how hard you try.
And this is true whether you are running a 5 figure business or multi-million dollar biz. Whether you are in a biz at all or you are an employee wanting more from your life. It doesn’t matter what path you are walking RIGHT NOW… what does matter…
Are you in love with it? Are you in love with yourself? Are you in love with the journey? Does it feel FLOW based? Are you connecting to your heart and soul to find your own answers or are you looking outside of you for answers that absolutely MUST come from within?
SO OFTEN… people want someone to give them the answer. And as a coach for over 12 years… knowing how much I have evolved and so has my work… People came to me all the time looking for answers, looking for guidance… and still do. But the important part of my work right now… is not to tell you the answer, but to help you find it within yourself.
Business is about so much more than strategy. Business is an extension of YOU. Your life… all of it… is an extension of you. So in order to have the most epic life and biz… you absolutely MUST have it in 100% COMPLETE ALIGNMENT with you. NO WAIVERING.
I know people who have built multi-million dollar empires only to shut them down because they realised… it wasn’t in alignment. And when things are not in alignment… they feel hard, they feel draining, you hit more roadblocks. There is less joy and more frustration. You feel snowed under. never enough time. ALL OF THE THINGS that often feel opposite of F*CK YES AMAZING.
THE ONLY WAY TO THE JOY… The BLISS… The FREEDOM… TRUE FREEDOM… LOVE… that you deeply desire and is your BIRTH RIGHT is to live your ENTIRE LIFE in complete 100% alignment.
I can already hear your excuses coming at me… Family, money, school, debt, mortgage, time, health… You name it, I have heard them ALL. AND… I have had them all myself at one point in time or another. Until the day I STOPPED. I stopped making up excuses to stay miserable, sad, frustrated, angry, lonely, fat, resentful, stuck, trapped… ALL OF THAT and more.
Instead… I made a commitment to myself to live a life of 100% COMPLETE ALIGNMENT.
I decided that instead of acting from my head… to be in my heart. To listen, deeply. And to do what I was asked…. no matter what. No matter how hard or scary it felt/feels at the time.
And yes… that means time away from my family. And yes… that means taking financial risks. I MEAN REALLY… we moved from Sydney to Denver without having planned it and without jobs….AND without the ability for my hubby to work for over a year! YEAH… I know about financial risk…
Yes… it means that you GET TO CREATE TIME FOR YOU. To LISTEN TO YOU.
Yes… it means looking after your body, your health, what you put in your body, on your skin… what you surround yourself with.
Yes… it means looking at the energetic energy of your home/office.
Yes… it means this and so much more.
AND… When you stop creating excuses for why you don’t have the time or money to actually do the deep work that will connect you to yourself so that you live a life of flow and alignment… you will find that life can be filled with so much JOY, LOVE, BLISS, ECSTASY, CONTENTMENT, ABUNDANCE, FLOW, EASE… It’s ALL available to you RIGHT NOW. You just get to CHOOSE IT… and do the work to clear your blocks that are stopping it from coming to you, through you.
This is what will take you from wherever you are now, to where you want to go.
So my question for you today… HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT?
Seriously… on a scale of 1-10… 1 being I don’t really care about my dreams… and 10 being I’m ALL In… I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. Where are you? BE HONEST. Let us know in the comments below… where are you?
IF you are a TEN… ALL IN… and you are ready to take your life and biz to the next level of ease and flow… and you are ready to FALL IN LOVE WITH THE JOURNEY… ALL OF IT… If you are ready to connect into you heart and soul and live from that space in a way that you never have before…
Then… now is the time to create the time, space, and money to join me in Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. Allow it all to be easy to show up for you.
If you are ready to dig in and fall in love with you and your work and live from a place of complete flow and alignment… then PM me or comment below.
Don’t wait. Don’t second guess yourself. I see it happen all the time… and years later people are in the same place they were when they wanted my help in the first place. Maybe you are one of those people and know that now is finally the time.
CHOOSE YOU. COMMIT TO YOU. SAY YES to the voice in your head saying that this is exactly what you get to do to create your dreams… And you DO WANT THOSE DREAMS, RIGHT? YOU ARE a TEN, YES?
So what are you waiting for? Let’s make it happen today!
I have time to talk to ONE MORE PERSON TODAY and TWO SPOTS OPEN FOR TOMORROW about Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp to see if it’s right for us both. GET IN FAST. Let’s do this.