On this episode of the podcast, I talk about Overcoming your Crypto Fears.
You are not alone with your fears. The question is, will you let them stop you from becoming
financially sovereign?
Your fears may be valid. There are scams in teh crypto space. There is stuff to watch out for.
But there is everywhere in many industries across the board.
It is in educating yourself that you can make aligned choices without keeping your head in the
Join me on this episode as we have a heart to heart around fears.
FB: www.facebook.com/kerinorley1
Or email: keri@kerinorley.com
Resources Mentioned
To get access to my Intro to Crypto training join me here: www.kerinorley.com/introtocrypto as of
4 October, 2021, it is a free workshop I ran that will have you buying your first crypto with ease
and so much more.
To join me in my paid program New Wealth from Crypto where I will show you how to become
financially sovereign in the DeFi space, you can check out more info here:
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on insta at @kerinorley
Resources mentioned:
Keri Norley 01:28
Hello, and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley, your host of this wonderfully amazing show. And I'm excited to be here with you today. Our topic of conversation today I am on a solo show again, I'm going to try and do some more of these solo shows are fun, they also challenged me a little bit which is always a good thing I was on good challenge. So today we are talking about overcoming fears to getting into crypto. And the reason I wanted to talk about this today is because we are in week six of new wealth from crypto with my amazing tribe in there. And I am so proud of them. And I wrote a post on Facebook this morning. It's funny actually, I'm going to say this, I'm speaking to you as Facebook has gone down on the international levels today. But before it went down, I wouldn't have been part of course, and I was saying how proud I am of everybody who is who's in that group because they've overcome a lot of fears to get to where they are. And not only for saying yes to the programme, but also throughout the programme. And I wanted to come here and talk about it because it's so easy from an outside perspective to say and you know, if you've been listening to the show for a while, I mean, this is episode in the 40s. And I know there are good five, or six or seven shows already on this podcast about crypto. And some of them drop in pretty fast. And I get into some pretty technical stuff. And I want to acknowledge fear, I want to acknowledge fear, because so often I sit here and talk about it, like it's the easiest thing in the world to just hop into crypto. And I acknowledge you I acknowledge any of the fears that you currently have. And I know because I've been through them myself and I have supported others to come through them. And I just wanted to bring this topic to the show. Because if you are in fear, if you have hesitancy or resistance, it's not it's you're not alone. It's not I mean, that's a I think it's a pretty good thing to actually have a little bit of resistance and fear to get into this. And, and it's not something to stop you. Right. And so today, I just want to talk a little bit about that and just honour you for wherever you're at on the on the journey. And let you know that you're not alone, you're not alone at all. And I know for me, I have been investing or in some level into crypto for the last few years. And I have had good investments, I haven't had investments that did not go so well. And when I started to get down to the device base, because when I first started in many of the investments that I have made over the years, you know a few $1,000 here a little bit there, it wasn't going to make or break me although some of them still hurt to lose the money or it didn't eventuate to what I'm supposed to. It wasn't until I started getting into the decentralised finance aspects that I really started looking at this like, Oh, this is for real. This is like for real for real and not for real in just a way that is and I know if you've been listening to any of the other shows that I have put on here, not for real Justin like this is an investment strategy. But for real like this is taking over the world and it's here to stay and so I was really, really, really I've become very dedicated to learning about it. Teaching it because of that. And in the meantime, though, I've had to overcome my own fears. And so I just want to you, you know, like, the first thing is like to just ask yourself, like, what are you actually afraid of? Right?
Keri Norley 05:18
What are your fears? Why are you not investing? Is it because you actually are just not educated. And you've heard from your friend on the street who had this thing that happened one time, let's just be real about it. Like there are scams that go on in the space. But there are scams that go on in the banking space, there are credit cards that get hacked, there are things that happen across the board in finances and sales in, in all industries, right? There are scams that happen. And so don't just lump crypto into the space that it's like, oh, because somebody got scammed, I'm not going to do it. Or oh, because somebody put their money in and they lost it, I'm not going to do it. Or because like, I mean, people put their money into the stock market and make a really bad choice or a choice that they thought was a good choice that went the wrong way. And they lost their money. People have put money into businesses, I mean, how many here who are listening that have dumped your money into personal businesses that have not gone where you wanted them to go? Right? There are a zillion places that we can put our money, and not get the return that we desire that we thought we were going to get. So I first invite you into, like, what's the actual fear because if that's the actual fear, then education is really frickin critical, right? It's why I educate. So actually, I will let you know, at this point of recording, I make no promises for how long it will be there. But at this point of recording on the fourth of October 2021. I have a free training in my group, the new wealth on Facebook. It is called Intro to crypto you can come and you can learn. Just come and learn. And I go in there like I will show you literally on the first day how to actually put your money into the space, you can take 50 bucks 100 bucks and just start. I had people on the call within 20 minutes they were in to crypto people who had legit fears just like you who might be listening, that now are in the crypto space and now tried it and gone oh my god, that was actually way easier than I expected. And oh my gosh, look, I'm making money. It's what happens. I'm not always make no promises. I am not a financial advisor. Let me just put all of that here disclaimers. I am not a financial adviser, make your own financial choices, all that kind of stuff. I am just here to educate. And so yeah, so you can go there I go into like what this actually is why this is so important. If again, if you've been listening to the podcasts, if you haven't, if you're new to this podcast, and you're coming in through this go scroll back on this podcast, you will see a handful of shows that go into all sorts of things around crypto, and this intro to crypto course. I talk about the mental space in this course as well around getting into crypto. And so it's really, really important to just educate yourself. And it doesn't have to be just through me either. But if the reason that you are not doing this is because you heard from somebody one bad thing. Just think about how many things like maybe you wouldn't have gone and start your business, maybe you wouldn't have gone as are driving a car, maybe you wouldn't have gone and started anything like so many things have one person that didn't work for, or a person that's had an accident, or let's talk about cars, like if you want to think about the fact that gosh, we should probably be afraid of starting to learn to drive. How many people have died driving cars. But does that stop us from getting behind the wheel and learning? No. Right? Well, I don't know anybody that has stopped so far. It might be you. But I don't know anybody yet. Right? And so I just invite you into the education, right? Because once you get educated and you see, I know that the people who are starting to educate themselves are now starting to realise like, oh my gosh, this is for real. And when you start to get into the defi space, and you start to see the returns, you get you go, Oh my gosh, this is for real. But then another level shows up. And this is what I'm watching my clients go through right now because they're like, Oh, this is for real. And am I really going to do this? Am I really going to do this? And I know I had the same feeling like what if it all falls apart? What if this doesn't work? What if I lose everything? What if What if What if What if does that one go through you I'm because I've had it for sure. And at the same time, I also have it if I was to invest in again, like if I were to angel investments, someone else's business. If I were to put right now with the economy right now, I would have the same feelings about having my money in the stock market because there is zero way that the stock the stock market can stay without having some downfall at some point soon with the economy the way it is Right. It's just it has to, like, there is no way we can only hold a false economy for so long. And so I would have fear putting my money there right now. A lot of it actually. Um,
Keri Norley 10:13
so, yeah, so I would be looking like, what is the actual fear around this? And then the whole Is this for real part is this for real part. And so this is where we start to just test and I tell every single one of my clients again, I'm an educator, do not like you know, you do what's right for you. But I tell every single one of my clients, like start small start where you feel comfortable, and test it. Just test it, see what happens. I don't that's how I started, I started I put a few $1,000 in and I was like, okay, look, this is working. I'm still making money. And months later, I was like, Wow, I'm so many wouldn't so put a little bit more in. Oh, wait, I'm still making money. Okay, so put a little bit more in, right. And now I can tell you a year after I started learning defi over a year after I started learning sci fi. There are times when I'm like, Why didn't I hurry? Why didn't I get in faster? Look at these results that I'm getting? Oh, my God, look at what I you know, what I've missed out on the phone bar, right. And so I say that because maybe that's you and then I would like to invite you to do this, to open yourself to to just educating yourself, right? So that you can make an informed decision about moving forward, versus just staying here. I'm gonna say ignorantly in fear. I'm thinking that it's for other people. Oh, my God, I love this one. They're like, crypto just doesn't call me. And I love that for my spiritual, my spiritual friends, my spiritual listeners. It just doesn't call me Carrie. And I say in my little chuckle to myself, it will call you eventually when it's everywhere. You guys, you can't miss it anymore. PayPal has it Venmo has a visa is coming out to be collaborating with crypto like it is across like El Salvador now has it as its official currency, like this is not going anywhere. And if it was these companies would not be adopting. Right, they would not be adopting it, we're starting to get into this massive mass adoption. And so I don't know that we'll have a time that it necessarily takes over the fiat currency. But I definitely see that they're going to run very side by side with each other. And this will be common language, this will be something like in certain countries around the world already, like Argentina, El Salvador, Colombia, African countries, this is very common, like they transact every day in crypto, because their currency is so through the bottom floor, that the cryptocurrencies are a far better choice for them with transaction. So they're already using it every day. There are fears around well, what happens with regulations, right? There are things that I teach in my programme new well from crypto that talks to you about how you can protect yourself, your risk, your assessments, all that kind of stuff. In order for regulations, um, but one of the things that I always look at with this is there are you know, what's the, it's a peer to peer blockchain is a peer to peer experience. And they can't stop that. Like there's no stopping of blockchain. There. It just it. That's the whole reason for it, right. And so the thing that they can stop if we start to look at regulations, some of the things that are multiple ways that America has started to try and test waters and these regulations in here. But one of the things they could do is stop you moving your money from the crypto space into a bank a bank and say, well, we're not going to accept that which is pretty lame of a bank, let's be honest. But they are they are there are banks that are like putting holes to these types of things. And or moving it into the space like that. It's not that I'm actually I don't know any banks in the I don't know anyone so far in the US it hasn't gotten their money in or out.
Keri Norley 14:01
They haven't put a stop to it yet. Yet. I don't know what the future will hold. But what I do know is that we have crypto cards of which you can literally spend crypto in a store. So people are like doesn't really like can you use it to transact Yes, like you can get a card and spend your crypto dollars in a store, you go to the grocery store and pay with your crypto. So you don't even then need to have a bank, you're already being able to utilise it and they can't how are they going to stop that card is going to take a Visa card. If you walk into your supermarket, then you can go spend it. Right. So if you start to research and you start to look into this, my intuition says and my knowing because I've talked to many of you who have been in this place and resistant, that once you start to educate yourself, you'll be like, Oh, I don't have that. Like there are ways around all of my fears. Or it's not true. Or if I educate myself, I don't have to fall into these traps or that's adapted to that. So I would first of all just start to look like what is my actual fear? And if you're going to go start researching things around these fears, first of all, please feel free to reach out to me. If you have questions about it. If you're things like Carrie, this is the stuff I'm afraid of. Just send me a message at Keri Norley on Instagram. Or send me one on Facebook. I'm Keri Kaplan Norley on Facebook, send me an email Keri at Keri norley.com. K ri, at ke r i n o r l ey.com. I tell you email is my least favourite way of communicating. But if that's how you get me, that's how you get me. And yeah, so if you have those fears, like reach out, like if there's ways or resources that I can give you that can help you to overcome them, or move through them or educate yourself on them, I'm really happy to do so. And if you're going to go and do your own research, I suggest that you go to places like duck duck go. Yeah, clips like that right? As a server, because I think I've talked about it on other shows, it is far less censored. And so you will get a more honest story than you will if you go on to a Chrome and Google. So I highly recommend that you check that out. And you do your research. Look at both sides, you know, because there's going to be stuff on both sides to the story there is in crypto. And it's really important that you start to look into that right. You know, there are like I said, there are scams that are out there. And you do have to be careful of that. It's why I chose to educate when I wrote my book. When I wrote my book, the new wealth, magnetise abundance, hold your wealth and leave a legacy. I'm sure I've told this on the podcast. But for those of you haven't heard, I imagined a world where we would have very different financial situation and system. And I knew we had crypto. But I also didn't know that we had defy within crypto borrowing and lending because I was like, well, crypto in itself. If you go into the volatile assets of crypto, then it's not necessarily a new banking system, because we can't like on a volatile asset. It's like saying that the stock market is a banking system. It's not, you know, it's a place where we buy into companies. And or, you know, however you're however utilising the way that you choose to invest in the traditional fiat currency. And so then I reached out to my mentor, because at the end of the book, I wanted to be able to refer people to crypto crypto educators who are doing it in a loving, beautiful integrity, amazing way. And I didn't want people to be scammed. And so that's when I reached out to my mentor, Roscoe. And he wasn't my mentor at the time, I just knew he was teaching crypto, and he was doing crypto things. And that's when I learned about defy and I was like, Oh my God, this just rocked my world, we actually have a new banking system within the crypto space, where we have borrowing and lending within the crypto space, it changes the game people changes the game. So that's when I got really, really, really excited. But also, the reason I did it was because I wanted people to be able to go to reputable reputable people to be able to learn because there are scams, you know, and there's a lot of I will say, there's a lot of direct sales, companies slash network marketing, slash social selling whatever words you want to put to it. I personally, I'm a big huge lover of a good network marketing company.
Keri Norley 18:43
Especially if I align with a product, I have no problems with those companies. For me in the financial industry, they have not worked for me. And I am not currently promoting any of them. And I have seen people get burned by them. And it's not all of them. I don't know, there might be one that surprises me one day. But we have to be careful. And there are coins out there that I've had my friends that have you know, showed me things and I'm like, No, you don't want to be in here. And this is why it's important to be educated. And so and it's also why when we start to get into this why people can lose money without I guess knowing because they don't know, like, they know that they lost the money, but they get into sticky places because they don't know what they're doing. And they just trust their friend. Oh, my friend has told me to buy Dogecoin or my friend has told me to buy this and I'm like, Okay, how's that going for you? And and so I Yeah, so I really invite you into educating yourself. And in the way that I educate people in new wealth krypton is that you learn how to make decisions for yourself to I educate you on the platforms on why you're doing the things that you're doing. I educate you on the choices that you're making and why you're making those choices, because that's what true financial sovereignty is. It's not about Okay, someone told me this, and I'm going to go do it, and I'm going to hand my money. Like there's there's programmes now that you can hand your money off to an AI bot, which could be amazing. I'm not doubting, doubting them, I haven't really looked into any of the AI bought things. You're not financially sovereign when you're handing your money over to other people. And I know that I have done that for many years ahead of my money over to financial planners for many years. And that's not financial sovereignty. And so what I really teach in the new wealth from crypto programme is around financial sovereignty, being able to make your own decisions and making educated decisions that are in complete alignment with you. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your money. I'm here to educate you so that you can make a decision and move forward and move through that fear. So what's happening in my new wealth from crypto programme now that I'm seeing with the people, is they are moving through these fears, they move through the fear to say yes to it in the first place. And then they move through the fear that hitting that button, I can tell you the first time you hit that button, when you go to buy your crypto and you're like, somebody's gonna turn off. Oh, my God, what happens because it goes into the ether world. And you're like, What happened to the money? Oh, and there is a little bit of like, for most of us, I don't know, anyone who didn't have like, a little like, here is here. And then it shows up you like, here. That's part of it. That's part of the journey. But it's also why it's awesome to be educated. And in my programme, I have tech walkthrough sheets, and I show you step by step by step by step by step, how to do each thing, so that you are educated in how you do it, you're like, Okay, well, if I did what she said, then this should, this should all show up the way that it should show up. So yeah, so I just want to come to you in today, I really just wanted to open up this conversation around fears and say, you're not alone, if you're afraid. And, um, and for some of the fears are probably really justified, right? Like I said, there's there are scams, um, and that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it. And I think to me, my biggest fear, and one of the reasons that I am so passionate, and so a little bit getting my I'm going to say a little bit getting more like in your face teaching this stuff is because I see that it's coming, I see that we have country currencies coming. Country digital currencies coming. And my fear is that you don't educate yourself before then. And what I can see or sense or intuitively sense happening is that when these other country currencies start to come, they can one of the beautiful things about crypto is you can programme it to be anything, like anyone who can do computer programming can create a crypto and programming for anything. That's what it is. And, and so the the government's also can programme it for anything. And that doesn't mean that they're going to programme it for your benefits, right? So they could programme it so that they're like, Well, you can never hold more than $20,000 in your account. We don't want that. Right, they can programme it for, you know, if some if some amount of money comes in, and they get to take a certain piece of it, they can programme it to anything that they desire. And so what we have to be mindful of is, are we getting into another system with that, that is actually for us or against us? Is it actually going to be helpful for us? Or are they yet again, going to be corrupt and working for themselves?
Keri Norley 23:40
So this is the question, and this is why I'm really passionate about educating before this happens. Because it is like there are countries around the world that are already trialling there's China's already trialling their digital currency, the the digital one, and it's I I'm a little bit scared for it. I'm not kidding. Like, I'm not gonna sit here and say that, I feel that I feel like they're going to be doing it in a way that's like, Yeah, I'm giving people total sovereignty with their money. And so that's what we have to be mindful of. And that's why it's really, really important that you educate yourself, so that when these things start to show up for us, then you know, the decisions you're making, you know what you're getting into, you're not just following blindly sheepishly like oh, now it's okay, because the government gave me a coin. Oh, now it must be good, because now we've got this government currency. This is amazing. Um, maybe not. It might be I don't know. And I could be making this up. And it could be like, I mean, fingers crossed, I'm wrong. I would love to think that I'll be wrong. I I don't know. I don't know. Knowing governments. Now, I can't imagine that that's going to be the case that they're not going to try something. So. So that's why I'm really really really really passionate because whatever the fear you have is my fear that you get so leapt into something that is not designed to help you is greater than whatever fear that you have right now, I'm not saying I can't tell you that it's greater than I just know that it's a really big fear of mine. Bigger than any of my fears to getting into crypto in the first place is around really educating you to be able to make wise decisions in your finances moving forward, wherever this market takes us. Yeah. And whatever, whatever comes up all of this, and not only because of that, but because right now, right now in the world of crypto, we are at the forefront, especially in decentralised finance is really interesting. My mentor said something the other day around how we have I think he said, Don't quote me on this, not 100% Sure. But there's about 10 million users in the defy space right now. I remember when I came in working with him last year, there was about a million, maybe a million and a half or something. So to see the growth is huge. And I remember saying to him, I'm like, How come more people don't know about this. He's like areas new, no people, people, like we just need to go share it with people. And, and so we're seeing the growth happen, we're seeing the adoption happen. And with that, we'll start to see more products come in, and all these different things. But also, right now, there is an amazing time to have beautifully beautiful, wonderful gains in the market. And that is not going to be forever, right? It's because we are on the forefront, because some of us that are here willing to take to be the to be at the forefront, to be willing to try something new, to put our faith into something new, we will, we will get the rewards for that. So you have that option right now, you know, like there's been I know, I've made amazing gains in the crypto space this year, because because I educated myself and I was willing to show up and do things that other people weren't, you know, and that's where the gains come. And so eventually, in a few years time when this is really, really mainstream, even more mainstream, we have more adoption, we've already got again, we've got banks buying in, we've got countries buying in, we have banks investing for their top investors. It's happening, you guys, it's happening. So the choice is whether or not you're going to educate yourself around now. If you would like to educate yourself further, again, you have a few choices with me, right now, as of the fourth of October 2021, there is an intro to crypto trading in my group, the new ELS you can go i'll put a link in here in the show notes. It's on Facebook, you can go and check that out and join into there and enjoy that get yourself into it that way it is free. Currently, I don't know that will be free forever, again. And also new wealth from crypto. Such an amazing it's such an amazing training, it is truly
Keri Norley 28:04
life changing. It has been beautiful to watch the celebrations of people when you when you understand the concept that you literally make daily compounding interest in the defy space, meaning you make money every single day, every single day money shows up in your accounts. It's amazing. It's such a beautiful feeling. And for those of you who are Journalers, or intention centres or speaking affirmations, and you've had the affirmation of I make money every single day my name shows up in my accounts every single day. defi will give that to you every single day and the amount of people who have come into the group and are celebrating because I carry on making money every day. I'm like I know making money every single day. Welcome to daily compounding interest. And so it is a true honour and pleasure for me to get a hold space for you to go through your own fears as you walk through this path into the doorway in and of itself. And as you come into the defy space, and you really start to put your money into the market, and then watch you light up and not only put your money into the market, because the technical aspect, if you ask me again these fears is it's it's a part of it. It is a confusing part of it. And it's really important to be educated with it. The other piece to it is overcoming these fears and being held in a space where you are seen and loved and nurtured through every single one of the fears that's going to show up for you and hit that button. And that's what this programme is for. And I absolutely freakin love all the people who have said yes, well, people are going to say yes, all of you who do you say yes to me or whether you say yes, some other way into the crypto space. I honour you. I think you're amazing. I think it's phenomenal that you are facing your fears. Please just make sure that you face them that you educate yourself and you do the thing. And I welcome you into the space of crypto wherever that looks like for you. I will put all the links to these things in the show notes. And again, if you have any questions, any stuff that's coming up for you now, please feel free to just message me. I am human. I do love connecting with you. I do love engaging with my audience. I think you're all amazing. Using and it makes me light up when I get to see messages in my inbox from you so that I can connect with you. Because this is why I doing to connect with you. So if you have any questions, let me know otherwise, I will see you on another show. Just remember, do not let your fear stop you. And again, even if it's not crypto you guys, like what is the acronym fears? False Evidence Appearing Real? Right? Do not let your fear stop you in your life? Do not, I find that for me? The more that I drop into my work, the more that I go? Yes, I know that if there's a fear, it usually means I'm supposed to walk towards it. And there is something magical for me in it. And if it's a fear, it's like what is actually there? What's underneath that because the fear is, is just ego speaking, generally speaking. And so now it's a matter of like digging up and going, what is the actual reason? Is it because I don't believe in myself that I can become financially sovereign, because I don't believe that I can actually handle money. Um, that's a big one. It's a big one with this. And it doesn't matter what you've done in your past, what mistakes you've made with money in your past, you are fully 100% worthy of being financially sovereign. And you can 100% Learn how to do so. And I will show you. Yeah. It just look, look be willing to take out a journal and write what are my actual fears and let them just flow and then do what it takes to overcome them. Because guaranteed on the other side, there's magic for you, whatever that is for you. And there's amazing lessons for you. And hopefully, there's an absolute abundance of financial sovereignty and wealth for you. That is all for me today. Have a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world. And I'll see you on the next episode. Okay, so I know I just ended the show. And I'm having like a little addendum that we're adding on because I realised I forgot to say something I know that I talked about in the Fiat world and the stock market, how we would probably be expecting some sort of a down word cycle into the into the market soon.
Keri Norley 32:13
But the thing that I didn't mention that I want to say, and I've said it on other podcasts, but in case you've come in on this podcast and haven't heard the other ones, I want to talk to you really quickly about bailing laws and bailing laws are in the bank right now, that when we had the 2008 Global Financial Crisis afterwards, well, in that, in that situation, the government bailed the banks out when they had no money left to be able to do what they needed to do. So obviously, the government didn't wanna have to do that again. So they have created a new law that is called a bail in law. And that means that the banks can freeze our assets within the banks, and utilise them to be able to do what they need to do to stay afloat. So, again, when we talk about fears, there are fears that are legitimate fears, but there's also legitimate fears that we can also hold for the fiat system for the current financial system that we're in. And so then we start to weigh out, which, which one like, it's not, it's not like one is 100% safe either. And when we start to take that into consideration with the fact that the savings accounts right now, if you make point 5%. If, if you can find someplace that's like that I've seen I've seen a couple, but generally speaking, I'm seeing point oh, 1.1% Are you kidding me? Like you guys, inflation right now? Is it five to six ish percent I've seen anywhere in these numbers 5.8%, you guys, you that means that you need to be ultimately creating that much interest to stay with inflation. It's not even like you're making money, you're staying at the rate of inflation. And I said, quote, unquote, here, by the same by the way making money, if you're staying with the rate of inflation, and if you're not making that much money, you're actually going backwards. And so that's the other piece of this fear, right? Like which side of the coin and I know that in the crypto space right now I can be making that much interest. I can't in a savings account here in the fiat currency. And so I don't know, I know it's where I went. So it's just something to consider that you guys there are risks involved in all of it. There are also fears literally legitimate in both sides to this coin. And so I don't want you to think I'm safer if I just keep my money sitting in a savings account making point oh, one 2.1% Because that too, can be frozen. And you may not get access to it has happened in the past. It can happen again. And it's a legitimate fear as well. So whichever side you look at, make sure that you're looking at the full picture to see where you want to go and where you want to head and and make sure It's an educated decision. So that's my little add on to the show. I think it's really important that you all know that because it really does help to inform your decision as to where, you know, and really understanding, like, going into looking into money in the corruptness and in government, and then you might start to see, like, Is this really a safe place? Is it is being in a banking system and it being in the fiat currency actually designed to support me and is it really safe, because then once you get into defy Not, not the crypto space itself, but into decentralised finance, in some parts of crypto, I suppose. You can also then create you, when you start to get into centralised finance you you pull your money, you hold it, like no one else can access it. And that's what creates sovereignty like you are in full control full access to your money in a bank, you do not have that they can look it up. And so it's something to consider. It's a really big something to consider right now, with the way of the world and the way the financial systems and the way that we're seeing we'll start to see systems crumble, you know, I think it's one of the most amazing pieces to what is coming out of it's hard, it's not comfortable, it can suck at times, I'm not pretending right? Again, we're talking fears here. I'm not trying to sugarcoat any of this. But it's part of what's happening in the system to be able to start to show the shadow to start to show the pieces that are not working in our systems from the healthcare from the financial system from all systems across the board. It's allowing us to see what's actually here. And on the education system, it's another one and starts to see what doesn't work and start to make some really amazing changes in it. And to me defi as a frickin epic change that is coming into this world because of being able to see the cracks. And those of us who are choosing to say, I don't want to let other people have control of me and my money. And so I am going to hold it myself. And this is the number one reason I teach this. Sorry, that's my addendum my adding,
Keri Norley 37:11
I don't know if I'm making I make up words, you guys haven't figured that out, I make up words, my husband makes fun of me all the time. My if it doesn't always make sense, I've made up some word or I've used a word incorrectly. Sorry. But um, that's my addition to the podcast. I hope that helps. I think it's a really important piece to add on. So this time, I'll see you on the next show. Have a wonderful day week, wherever you are. And I will talk to you later. Bye.
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