It starts in tears. Looking into a mirror and hating yourself, self-loathing for so long… and having to say I love you. And realising you may have never said it before to yourself in your life.
Crying, sobbing tears. As you see you for the first time.
Then for days, maybe weeks or months… wanting to avoid doing that again. It’s too scary. To see yourself that way.
But you go back. And you look again.
And the path starts. The path to opening your heart to love. Because gorgeous one… it’s when you can look yourself in the mirror without tears… or instead, tears that are of overwhelming love… that life changes.
That life is never ever the same again.
And once you get there… you can spend day after day… spending more time each and every day… with yourself… getting to know you… your cycles, rhythms, ups and downs… your thoughts, your beliefs, your passions and loves… you begin to listen to yourself because you finally find yourself WORTHY ENOUGH TO BE HEARD (and consequently… others find you worthy enough to be heard too. Remembering… they are a reflection of you:-))
And you start to look into your own nooks and crannies and see you for ALL That you are… and fall in love with you. Because gorgeous one… YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL… just the way you are.
In this surrender… in this love… you simply get to be you… and SHINE. Radiate love across yourself, your loved ones, your community, your country… the globe.
In this alignment… in this place of love… EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Magic happens.
It’s yours… it’s here for you. The question is… are you willing to let go… to surrender… to fall into you so that you can claim it… So that you can continue to find the deepest love for yourself and bring in magic? No one can do this work for you, but you.
**** Just giggled, remembering it’s Valentine’s Day… So perfect to talk about self-love on valentine’s day. Because without this… how could anyone else love you? AND… the most important person on this planet to love… is yourself. So whether or not you are with a partner on this day… take a moment to do something to nurture yourself… tell yourself that you love you today!
#selflove #loveiseverywhere #youarebeautiful #bethechange #loveyourself
#manifestingmindsetbootcamp #manifestingqueen
Original Date Written: February 15, 2018