SELF-LOVE TIP for the MAMAS out there..
Do you have a child that is the absolute mirror reflection of you? The behaviours, mannerisms, thought process… Such a mirror of you… You continually see yourself in your child?
And that child… you love them bigger than life itself and you would move heaven and earth for your child… and even when they do something terrible… your heart cracks open with EVEN MORE love for them as you hold space for them to travel life. Right?
Your love grows everyday for this child. And even when you think it can’t grow more… it does. Their smile lights up your whole world. RIght?
***Side note: I have two INCREDIBLE children who I love with all my heart and more. This one… Sam… he’s my reflection… And any parent knows… your relationship with your kids (if you have more than one) is different depending on who they are. So when you think about this… think about the child that is your closest reflection.
Ok… so when you look at this reflection and you see yourself… this is a great place to learn self-love.
When I started to embrace this, it took self-love to a whole new level.
You see… I have such an immense amount of love for my kids. And Sam… when I see him do my behaviours… the great ones and the shitty ones… I love him. Ok… I Could live quite happily without the tantrums. But in reality… it reminds me of my choice to tantrum or not. Cause yes… I can still chuck a great adult tantrum. LOL
So… I started to think to myself… if I have this immense love for him… why don’t I feel that way about myself? Why doesn’t my entire heart light up when thinking about myself? And so… I just started to pretend I was loving Sam, when I wanted to shower myself in love. And think of the feelings I felt towards him (my reflection)… and feel the same things thinking about me.
It’s fricking magic. I don’t know what is making me tell you this right now or why… but I hope this reaches the people that are meant to read this and that it helps you deepen your love for self. AND… if you are struggling to do this… please know… you are not alone. I’m here.
If you are ready to deepen your love for self… if you are ready to love yourself so much that you are able to stand in your deepest truths and live a life of complete alignment… Join me… Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp.
12 weeks that will quite literally blow your mind. Ready to take off? Join me… Apply today. Doors are open NOW!
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PS- Let me know in the comments below what you think about this tip… AND… let me know what happens for you when you start doing this.
Original Date Written: April 18, 2018