After taking Kambo, I stopped worrying.
“It will all be ok. Everything will all work out.”
Words my husband, Hugh Norley, has spoken to me for years.
He always had the deepest sense of trust and it takes a lot of disruption for Hugh to really, deeply “Worry”.
He also surrenders to whatever will be, will be… and if we ended up in a tent somewhere, he’d make the best of it and be happy there too.
And for more times than I can count on my fingers and toes…. more times I have sat in complete angst, worry, fear and frustration… asking him… “BUUUT… How do you know?”
And he responded… “I just know.”
When we left Sydney to travel overseas for 4 months, the reason I finally said YES to the crazy dream of mine was because I wanted to deepen my sense of Trust. It was because all the signs were guiding me there and if I didn’t say YES, I knew in my heart I couldn’t sit here and write to you, speak to you, spend hours and hours a day sharing how to manifest your deepest dreams and desires if I didn’t say YES to every single one of mine and walk a life of complete alignment. I would have been a fraud and it would have eaten me alive and I certainly wouldn’t be creating the level of success on all levels of my that I am.
So i said YES… YES to my crazy wild guidance and where it takes me on such “insane” adventures. I keep saying YES.
And still… even though every single time… all my life, I prove over and over again to myself that I am ALWAYS ok…as a matter of fact… life keeps thriving and thriving and I am creating more dreams faster and faster than ever before… I still walked through life with an under-current of fear. Maybe you can relate?
Underneath the KNOWING that I of course will be ok…I still made up stories in my mind of “what if..?” I still felt the energy of fear, uncertainty and doubt… even in the full yes. I know my yes. I know when i’m meant to do things and when I’m not… and I listen to it always. It never leads me astray… but still a YES with doubt, a WTF are we doing… and I take a breath and then basically close my eyes and JUMP and hope for the best and that I land on my feet. And somehow… I always do.
SO.. with this knowing… proven over and over again… with some pretty small AND massive decisions and direction leaps in my life… I realise that after taking Kambo… since that weekend…. I stopped worrying.
My body is still empty. My mind is still empty. My heart is still so full. OVER FLOWING full. And even though financially we are still climbing out of a challenging couple of years with all the travel, and overseas move and my hubby not making any money for 18months… I’m not worried.
And today I realised the sense of freedom that comes with it. And also… the incredible speed of manifestation that comes with that too. I think it and it becomes my reality, quicker and quicker.
And so I ask you.. what would happen if you just let go of worry? What if you truly believed and trusted that everything is perfect, just as it is… and SOLELY focus on all the abundance, love and beauty in the world? To the exclusion of anything else?
And what if you believed in EVERY CELL OF YOUR BODY that you will succeed in life, no matter what you do? And that you are ALWAYS taken care of… so just listen to your soul and walk the path, in that moment, right there, in front of you… and let go of EVERYTHING ELSE. Don’t think about the past, don’t worry about the future. Just be here… in this present moment. IN this now. And in this space… worry disappears.
So… tell me… what would happen in your life if you lived in this space? What would be possible then?
Go on… let me know, in the comments below.
Also… if you want help to get to the space where you magically trust and manifest all that you desire just by thinking it and writing it… then join me in Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp. We will overhaul your thinking, your physical environment and your energetic alignment so that you RAMP UP your manifesting power.
Doors open to 3 gorgeous souls right now. Get in touch and let’s do this.
The time for you, is now.
Original Date Written: April 9, 2018