LOOK AROUND YOU… THE SIGNS ARE EVERYWHERE… LEADING YOU TO ABUNDANCE. Telling you that you are abundant. It’s everywhere. The question is… what are you looking for?
If you are walking around in your life looking for lack, guess what you’ll find… lack. You will not have enough money, you will have a bill come in as soon as you get the money, you will see people doing what you want and feel a tug in your belly in your heart and wonder why can’t you? You will see broken things, you will see incomplete things. You will likely feel frustrated and cranky and wonder… why can’t it be me? What do I have to do to have that life?
And you may feel pangs of jealousy or resentment that the person you are looking at has the grass greener on the other side of the street.
OR… You can look for abundance. You can see it everywhere. In the smallest moments of each passing day. You will have random winfalls, often. You will have people take you for meals, coffee, etc… you will receive tickets to go to theatre with someone… you will have random gifts come your way regularly… people will show up as clients without knowing where they come from… people will show up in your FB feeds commenting and liking and you don’t know how they found you… The list goes on and on…
You will have an abundance of delicious food, resources and TIME. Oh… I think TIME is for another post… But yes… that too.
When you LOOK FOR ABUNDANCE… that is what you will find. And when you begin to find it… you will find more and more of it. You become a MAGNET for all that you desire.
It starts with a clear, aligned vision of that which you desire, which is where most people go wrong. Miss this step and you are throwing darts at a wall blindfolded… which is not ideal.
Then… do EVERYTHING it takes… I mean EVERYTHING… and keep going forever… to remove all the limiting beliefs and your lack mindset that you are burdened by walking around with every single moment of the day… Let go of that which is not serving you. Choose new empowering beliefs and live the life you are dreaming of.
If you want help in doing this… in doing the everything… if you are REALLY COMMITTED to creating ALL your aligned dreams… then it would be an honour to help you.
Join me as a VIP in FENG SHUI MADE SIMPLE and get 2 one on one coaching sessions with me AND the entire FENG SHUI TOOLBOX to move your stuff and change your life.
This is definitely the best way to test drive what it’s like to turn everything into gold dust when you work with me. Why put your dreams off tomorrow… when you can have them today?
Original Date Written: March 10, 2018