On this episode of the podcast, I have Juan Alvarez on the show. Juan is at the forefront of the crypto and real estate space leading us to be able to buy and sell tokenized real estate. You may have NO IDEA what that means. That’s ok, we are breaking it down for you in here. We talk about What it is? How does it work? Why you would want to do this if you are selling and you want to invest as a buyer What are the benefits globally in the great wealth transference? What are the risks involved. And how will tokenising real estate affect the real estate market? We also talk about mortgages on the blockchain If you think crypto is going away and some sleazy scam, you are wrong. It’s only growing and getting more and more utilities in the marketplace. Real Estate within the crypto space is new. This is a hot conversation. Hang with us as we break this down for you! Enjoy the show. You can find me at:
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Keri Norley On this episode of the podcast, I have Juan Alvarez on the show with me. Juan is on the forefront of the crypto and real estate space and he's leading us to be able to buy and sell tokenized real estate. You may have no idea what that means. That's totally okay. We're breaking it down for you in here. We talk about what is tokenize real estate, how does it work? Why you would want to be doing this if you were selling or why you want to invest as a buyer. What are the benefits globally amongst within the great wealth transference? What are the risks involved? And how will tokenizing real estate affect the real estate market? We also talk about Hello and welcome to this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley and I am here today very excitedly with Juan Alvarez he and I met at sort of Florida Bitcoin and blockchain conference and he was talking on a panel about real estate and crypto. And I knew like I was wet inside of how excited I am to bring this conversation to the table. Because this is a really like even in the crypto space a very up and coming new experience within the crypto space. And I'm excited to have him here he has any myths about of education and experience in the real estate sector to begin with. That is actually his experience. He has over 15 years experience brokering luxury residential and commercial real estate. He is based in Miami. He has a Master of Science and finance, a Master of Science in international real estate. He's been tech certified from Harvard University as typical. He has led over lead transactions for total of over $400 million in real estate. He knows what he's talking about people. So basically, he helps people to invest and buy their ideal properties in the Florida slash Miami area, which of course is a very up and coming area right now more than ever before. And then he chose to go in and complete this FinTech certification in Harvard, and has opened his own real estate brokerage and Brett which we are going to hear about was born to become part of the blockchain ecosystem and start tokenizing Miami. His latest goal is to leverage blockchain technology and forge strategic partnerships and will soon revelate revolutionize Miami's real estate industry. I think it is so freakin cool. So it's amazing to have you on the show today. One. Thank you for being here.
Juan Alvarez Awesome. Thank you very much for having me. All right, Amy. I'm very excited by this opportunity to participate on my first podcast.
Keri Norley This is your first podcast. Yes, yes. Ah, super cool. Um, okay, so I love that. I love that. Oh, I love to break your podcast virginity. Okay, so to start with, let's have you drop into and I told everybody by the way, I've told one, that we have newbies listening into the show. So we're going to try and break this down as simple and easy as possible into What in heaven's name this means and to start to help you guys understand some of the languaging and what all of this means behind real estate and tokenizing real estate and yada yada. So, can you just start by like What in heaven's name is real estate tokenization which is what putting real estate into crypto. If you look at the technical terms, it's
Juan Alvarez yes, you know, just a layer lodging on the background. You describe about me Myself being an engineer? Oh, yeah, sorry. Go ahead. Yes. So winning so much time, you know, working in the in the business as a real estate broker and understanding all the ins and outs, title work financing, international investors different ways to, to work on real estate investment, as a corporation, as an individual, as a foreign corporation, all the advantages and disadvantages, tax breaks and everything you can do, and you should know about real estate, I decided to go deeper into knowledge and I went to get a master's degree in international real estate, for I learned many, many things about the business and about the way, you know, many people can foresee how real estate is a branch of finance, and it should be treated that way. And it should be analyzed and broken into a numbers. Many people make investments based on gut feelings or family traditions, everybody think we will say this good. And people tend to think when if they bought something for 50 and sold it for for 100. They made $100 or 100%. I'm sorry, 100% profit, which is not real. So So you have to understand finance, in order to, to get into real estate analysis, the way I learned. And so you know, understanding that was key for me, then, you know, I became the best student in the program. And after one year of hustling, managing a team of 15 people brokering 30 $40 million per year of both commercial and residential properties here in Florida, I decided that one master's degree wasn't enough. So so I decided to get a second master's degree in finance, which was back to back program and I spent total 2.5 years going into these programs, and understanding finance and learning everything about finance. And at that time, the year 2015 16 There was already a concept of you know, the crowdfunding, and in there was already some conversations in the field about digitalization of assets. So, that trigger me to believe there was something about to happen. Blockchain was already booming. There was a lot of hype on blockchain development. Finding a Iot developer or computer science guy with skills for blockchain was very difficult to find at the time they used to make back in the day 100,000 150,000. In today's market, they're worth 250 $200,000 per year, the least expensive ones. There is a shortage of blockchain developers totally. And you know, people started to to get into blockchain into bitcoins into crypto. And the concept of the utilization of assets started to grow in and there wasn't a way for me to, to understand how to tackle the opportunity to be honest with you. I was tired of the other time for two and a half years of studying and I needed a break to kind of like, let the dust settle and understand better what I got into my head and what I needed to. And so I did more research and I finally got a certification in FinTech, which is the best way to to explain in tourism people. Fintech is pretty much the disruption of technology in every single aspect of finance, or every single aspect of human behavior that involves morning. So banking, you know, the best example is how Airbnb broke into our lives and allowed for short term rentals and everybody start buying properties for certain rentals over and many p2p concepts, like you know, peer to peer lending platforms in China booming, the you know, like the whole culture evolving into a more diversified and decentralized systems where people is able to, you know, crowd fund for ideas, get funding for projects, how all aspects of supply chain for companies production lines on finding every single raw material and how to track and how all these materials or anything that can be sold on a supermarket that we buy from Amazon is already in the blockchain, that concept of you know, boom, and in in broad a lot of changes, were finally, the pandemic, you know, trigger the acceleration of all these changes, people being locked up at home, ordering groceries online. Now, we have online certificates for vaccination that you can use globally, that you can actually upload to governmental websites, when everyone to visit certain states or countries. That's, that's kind of just to give you an idea of how Fintech is evolving and changing the world. So, FinTech for real estate, it's, it's the most difficult concept, to be honest, I had to choose out of six different tracks, how I was going to do my thesis. So obviously, being a real estate broker, I chose my track on real estate, and I did a thesis about real estate tokenization, which, back in the day, like, almost two years ago, was already a concept. And there were already companies tokenizing real estate, mainly commercial buildings, difficult concepts, you know, like, parking lots, parking buildings, at airports, and stuff like that, in Europe. Lots of big banks and investment firms starting to start to kind of like, raise money and invest into research for real estate tokenization. And it's finally conceptually it's happening. There are many companies within the United States. tokenizing real estate, my company is one of them. They're all players in in the business, which I allow them, I actually look up to them, because they actually got started before me. And they have some, some lead in the business. So you know, basically, putting together this thesis, about tokenization of real estate is pretty much a concept where we use digital platforms to fractionalize Real estate investments that in the past were were sold through crowdfunding, mainly basing everything on a the Jobs Act law, where 506 C allows for fractional investment, up to $5 million, with no regulation whatsoever. That's pretty much the loophole that open the opportunity for real estate tokenization. So I can raise up to $5 million through the through crowdfunding through tokenized tokenization of assets. And I pretty much can just put a property on one of a crowdfunding platform and try to raise up to $5 million, no questions asked, I basically what I have to do is make sure one, the property doesn't have a mortgage, so that I can tokenize it. Second, I have to transfer ownership of this property to a corporation, a legal entity, where I can actually sit on a strategy for fractional ownership and say, I want to buy this property in 100, shares, 1000 shares, 10,000 shares, and set a price. And the key here is to make sure all these properties are income producing properties, and can actually can actually pay DV them to an investor. So people will be trying to pick and choose from the different alternatives out there for investment, anything that can yield a return. If the property is yielding a return and we can pay this return through the blockchain, once people buy the shares through security token, which basically a security token is also an idea that was pushed by the government to make sure you can convert a share of a property into an asset that's digital, that's a security token on the blockchain. It's called Security Token because it has a locking period. That pretty much prevents that the valuation of this token can either go through a roof from one day to the hour, we're actually seeing from one day to your all investors have to hold these tokens for one year, if they're within the United States, or for 90 days, if they're foreign investors, before they can actually go to a secondary market, and try to trade these tokens for a profit.
Keri Norley Hold on, don't go there yet. Hold on. Hold on one sec. I'm gonna ask you some questions before you go there. Yeah. Okay. So, to help break this down a little more, before you get into more details about all the things, all the things, what I'm hearing you say to me is in plain English, carry style. tokenization. So basically, what we're doing is you're taking real estate, whether it's commercial, or I'm assuming commercial versus residential right now for like, you're tokenizing things. Yes,
Juan Alvarez it will be residential as well. The only caveat is the property cannot have a mortgage. Right? You cannot tokenize a property that has a lien from a bank. Okay,
Keri Norley so someone has to own it outright to begin with.
Juan Alvarez All right, that's, that's the, that's the key. So with the tokenization.
Keri Norley Okay, so let me just get back to before we go there, okay. So tokenization will actually mean that like, ultimately, it's like, to me, what I'm hearing is like, you get a token, like you're taking like a piece of a bigger pie, and you're getting the token. So it can be this token could be like, you could have a block, you know, a residential property, that's worth a million dollars, and you sell off 10 shares at $100,000 A piece. And each one has its own token.
Juan Alvarez And what actually these implies is financial inclusion, which is very important when we talk about when we talk about advantages of tokenization is financial inclusion. Yeah, so I bumped into a lot of people from South America, who love to invest in in the United States real estate. Obviously, the the entry level for any investment over here is million 500,000 a month, right? Yeah, most people don't have that much that much. One. However, many people come to me and say, I have 50,000, I have 100,000 have 20,000. Okay, so we will be allowing an opportunity for people to buy a piece of a property. And you know, all these properties, let's say for example, this building what I'm looking at here, this office building is worth 100 million, okay? Only, like big insurance companies like big REITs, or big investment firms or very wealthy person could buy a property like this, but if I break it into shares of 100,000 50,000 more people can buy the asset. So this means in one end, for the property owner, he has more chances to sell the property or liquidate a portion of the asset at a faster time without disintermediation. I mean, we've completed intermediation without intermediation. Okay. And in real time, so it's a solution for liquidity for a property owner, okay, and a solution for financial inclusion for anyone who has any money and is looking to have a piece of property while making a rental return that's paid through the blockchain.
Keri Norley Head. Okay. So, I love this. It's like, it's like, it's a lot. It's a lot, so like to get your head around in the languaging. Okay, so you have this block, it's a million dollars, you're selling it off at 10 shares, we're just gonna call it for ease here at 100k piece, right? Those are the tokens. What's the difference between token is that tokenization and fractionalization? No, it's the same
Juan Alvarez No, no, the difference is the difference is you can own a share of a property without a token, okay. Which is pretty much the concept of crowdfunding you or the concept of limited liability companies that are breaking into pieces to you know, the advantage here is when when the token I mean, when when this share is assigned in the blockchain, it becomes a digital asset.
Keri Norley Okay, so the tokenization is actually the part that's on the blockchain. Yes, it's all what's your thing?
Juan Alvarez The main thing is, the main thing is once you break a company into shares, assign this share to a digital asset in the blockchain that's called tokenization. Got it? so and so and so we are saying these digital shares to security tokens To avoid volatility for the first year, okay, but then the advantage of tokenization is you can go to a secondary market once this locking period lapses. And you can sell it, and you can sell it for a profit. Where there is a market that's liquid. A secondary market could be an app or an exchange, like alternative trading systems like swap or compatible.
Keri Norley By the way, for those of you who are listening to me swap is a place that you can go and exchange things in the crypto space right now.
Juan Alvarez So you take this token, and you say, you know that I bought it last year for $400? And I'm gonna try to sell it here for 125. You know, as long as there is somebody willing to trade on our token, or crypto for that crypto, you're making money, which doesn't happen in the regular crowd funding?
Keri Norley You'd all have to sell it all out together, wouldn't you and like the regular traditional way of doing?
Juan Alvarez Well, you know, that was much depend depend on the asset manager, to set the rules and say, Let's sell these shares for a profit, or let's sell this property for a profit, you know, and then all of them have to be traded at the same time here. Now, you only talk in the go to a secondary market. That's another solution for liquidity. So liquidity in the first place is organization allows a solution for liquidity for the property owner who's looking to sell who's looking to liquidate, okay, but once the investor has acquired this token, can go to a secondary market and try to cash out, okay, for a profit or for or just the title of this token, and found something else that's more interesting, they can just swap it or exchange it for something else. So the only alternatives open, and I'm missing one more, which is you can actually put a mortgage, we were talking,
Keri Norley this is what I want to know. This is this was one of my questions. Yeah, I want to understand mortgage
Juan Alvarez Because platforms like like Celsius, yeah, are working on solutions to...
Keri Norley hold on wait, hold on, let me explain Celsius. For those of you listening, I actually have on my list to get in touch with someone from Celsius to come on to my podcast. But it is a defi platform where you can put your money in. And ultimately, it's one of the most simple places you guys can go in order to put your money in and start making interest through borrowing and lending in a really simple way. But that Celsius, just so you understand when you go Go ahead, so you can go to Celsius.
Juan Alvarez Or you can go to Celsius, and you can pretty much use give them your token, which they've they freeze your token or your crypto or whatever state they're in, they put it in a cold wallet. And, and they start paying you interest. Monthly, on you're talking whatever amount you have there, they're usually, you know, offering between six and 10%. Monthly for your token, so you know, it's the, there's three.
Keri Norley Okay, so you can actually put that up as for lending, you can actually put your house up for lending like you'd like is if you're taking a loan off of.
Juan Alvarez And that's why That's why I told you real estate is very low. And you know, it doesn't move as fast as or, or crypto or other financial instruments. But the ultimate goal from my from my end, and I'm actually working very close with salespeople and DG shares and our companies to come up with a solution where you can actually mortgage your token or we'll do it we can work with one of our our lenders that we use for financing real estate and try to get a a third level of liquidity for the token owner by mortgaging this assets, so it's it's it's it's work in progress. That's the last part.
Keri Norley Okay. So when you say mortgage, six months, you'll say it will you say it will happen? Yes, it won't happen. Okay, so when you say mortgaging it, does that mean because this is what my curiosity is as to where this space is going? Is? I mean like I still have questions for you and other stuff. But this is a bit all over the place where we're going with mortgaging, you're talking about that like I'm hearing it from two perspectives, right? I can take a house if I own my house, and I can go refinance it and draw down On my mortgage to take more money out and utilize that as a loan for myself effectively, right? So are you saying that is what you're working on with MySpace? And or, right? Cuz this is what I've been waiting for to come out into the crypto space is actually because in the real estate space, we can go to the bank, and we can get a mortgage to buy a house, right? Because most people, like you said, even if you're doesn't matter if you're in South America or in America, most of us do not have $500,000 sitting in our bank, you know, and even if we do, it's not leveraged to buy a house, alright, and cash. Like, that's not a very leveraged decision to make as part generally speaking. So, in the crypto space, though, in order for us to be able to borrow and lend, we have to put up our collateral. So for borrowing right in defy if you're borrowing 10k, you're usually gonna be putting up 15k. Right? So if I'm taking out a loan for a house, that's a $300,000 house or $500,000, house, whatever it is, I'd have to in defi, right now over collateralize that, and I don't necessarily like, that might not be my situation, right? So I'm looking, I'm kind of wondering when we're going to have this this period, when we're going to be able to get mortgages that are not over collateralized in this space. So it's two questions, two questions for you. Well, as you go, wherever you want with him.
Juan Alvarez Yeah, so you know, in order for me to answer those, those questions, I have to go back into the concept of the utilization of assets. Because basically, this concept of tokenisation allows for a the human race will be able to tokenize anything, any asset and it's already happening. So you can actually go and you can tokenize a bond, you can tokenize a stock, you can tokenize credit card debt, you can tokenize auto loans, there are auto theft, mortgages, you can tokenize all those products on the secondary market, okay. But when we talk when we talk about my platform and the way we work, what I look for is somebody who owns a property outright, and is looking to sell, okay, so I commercial real estate broker and I offer my real estate services as a broker and I say, I can offer you the same services that your realtor or a real estate broker can offer to sell your property, which is going to take me six months or a month or an hour to bring results. If the property is priced correctly. Or while I'm while I'm trying to sell your property to the river ions, we can go through tokenisation through tokenisation. We can go to be fi solutions which is tokenisation and we go in we bought your property on a crowdfunding platform where people ballsy why your property is attractive to the eyes of an investor?
Keri Norley So this is basically like a digital crowdfunding platform. It's not the same as going into like a traditional.
Juan Alvarez That's correct going, right? Okay? That's correct. So so we may be able to raise 100% of the morning, or we can raise a portion of it in any other generating any way, it's liquidity for the investor or for the owner. Okay? So the orcas, okay, let's let's tokenize the whole property. If you were able to raise 60 70% 75% of the morning, give it to me in I will keep 25% of this property in tokens, which I'm going to hold. And once my look into your lab says Am I go to secondary market and try to try this tokens for an AR token, or for fear. So at the end, whoever owns real estate will be able to liquidate 100% or a portion or actually make a profit one year later, once they go to secondary market. And they try to trade those tokens for a little more than they were trying to trade them one year before. Okay. So it's a different way to look at real estate investments, it's a different way to look at leveraging is a different way to look looking at mortgaging because instead of going to a bank asking for a long day, go to a crowd, which is people on the internet, on the blockchain, looking for investments and say, I like this property. I like the rental. I like the location of this property. Let me take the property. Let me hold it. And if I whenever I need money, I go to the secondary market, raise morning or get money from the crowd solder you basically in that's the concept of the fight is you go outside of central banking,
Keri Norley right? Yeah, totally. Cool. Yeah. Okay. So now let's say this person has put the house on the market, they've done this, they've done it, they've got their 20% 25%, and everything else has been tokenized out, right. And it's a residential property, I'm assuming, correct me if I'm wrong, we're now going to rent out that property because not 20 Different people are going to come and live in a house.
Juan Alvarez No, basically, most people will invest on a property based on location. And second is yield, which is the rental income. So the property this the seller, if he's only taking 75% of the morning, and keeping keeping some, some tokens for himself, he's going to have to rent the property and pay all these people who gave him 75% of the morning, a deal, or an investment, or a percentage of the rental or otherwise ishis effort on less, this property's prime location, and people is willing to hold the token thinking that the property will appreciate hence, the token will gain value over time. So in essence, tokenization allows for a new volatility, or any for the asset, because in today's market to traditional real estate, you have the the market timing and the market fluctuation of the value or time of a property. But through tokenisation, you also have the valuation of the token, which is based on the volume of transactions of this token in the market, and how how appealing it is for investors. So it will gain also value. So while the property may lose value, or time, the token will gain by your time, or they could go up at the same time, or they could go down at the same time. Or they could go like that. So you you're adding one more layer of volatility, to real estate, which is also something to take care about, you know, you have to look into it. And know we're doing because, you know, the way I analyze investments, it's all about timing. So, when you are the second layer of volatility, you also need to take into account the market timing of the token not only market timing of the real estate, so it's more complex, but it's beautiful. I mean, that's that's what that's what's happening. You know, I think people today is more prepared. People understand finance more than they used the past generations used to, I think so you know, otherwise, it's debatable. The fact that you're able to open a rowing account and look at all these graphs and all this information. You know, some people get it some people don't but more people is is getting financially literate and is looking to on Understand, at the end of the day, the real estate market overall has a size of 330 trillion, okay, over the next five years, 5 trillion will be tokenized. So it's happening, it's going to happen. And it's, it's all a matter of like trying to get there, you know, it's all these, all these statistics and information is on the internet, you can actually look for it, or I can give it to you. But you know, definitely technology is opening a new ways and, and new ways to invest new ways to own new ways tool to consider ownership. You know, there is more flexibility, there is more accessibility, you know, you can look for all this information 24/7 from wherever you are, and actually buy tokens within five minutes after you complete a AML.
Keri Norley I know, it's been crazy, like the thing that I think about real estate on the blockchain. And I can also see, like, I don't know, if you, I don't know if this actually exists for what you do anyway. But like, people will start using NF T's to sell their houses to like, you know, house will be an NF T or however you want to say that. And we'll be seeing things like that I know, I already know met somebody who's looking at creating an NF T around a car. So it's so fascinating how these types of things are showing up. And the thing that I love about it is I mean, they started because you said the speed of it. But like you know, I mean to go get a mortgage, and to go through all that kind of thing can take weeks to months to go through to buy a house. And now we can within minutes be owning property, like within minutes, people.
Juan Alvarez Or if you need to raise money against a property, you can do it within a couple days. I've seen I've seen organizations happening in a matter of like 10 minutes, a whole property's liquidated. Wow. $1,000 Wow. $100,000. So this is the advantage of thinking about organization. This is the advantage of our labor laws, you know, all this technology, and it's definitely a game changer. You know, it's it's something to think about.
Keri Norley How do you think how do you think this is going to affect real estate to moving forward? The real estate market?
Juan Alvarez I think the industry will phase first changes. Many people is unprepared, I will say 95% of the people isn't prepared for all thes
changes. Historically, real estate is the most illiquid asset in the most like the the industry that's most more most behind when it comes to adoption of technology. So all this disruption of technology into real estate is going to create big challenges for people to understand the concept of title, the concept of ownership, the concept of buying the concept of selling the concept of mortgaging. I will say it's going to happen within the next five years. We're leaders in the industry. Ironically, six months ago, we were calling people in trying to get people into a higher compensation organization. And everybody was saying, like, hanging up or just saying Don't talk to me about it, it's a scam. Two months ago, people start to accept him, not accept them and say, You know what, tell me about that. Please explain to me please share information, please. Let me think about in today's market people is actually calling me. So I know many people is completely behind. And my main goal is to educate. So I this this whole concept of tokenisation became now it's now a startup, you know, it was a branch of my real estate business. Now, I had to kind of like, divide tokenisation and create marketing campaigns only for tokenization when my main goal is to educate. I need to educate people who sell property to get them into tokenize assets. And I'm also doing a lot of marketing or education to people who is looking to invest to buy real estate tokens. Also, since so many people own crypto in today's market in today's world, and it's actually a something that you Any investment banking and investment firms already adopted like a year ago are worth telling people, you should own all of your portfolio at least 10% should be crypto. Okay, so now people on Krypton in my goal is to convince all these people two out of that 10% of the portfolio, that's crypto, make 1520 25% Crypto associated views. So, you know, the universe is, is very is very big. I see the adoption is happening. He will, he will like right that the momentum is there. But at some point, I will call it six months from today, it will just accelerate, and everybody's gonna jump into it. And everybody will, will be buying and selling properties through the blockchain. And you know, it's a good thing to know, I'm prepared. And I'm kind of like a leader in the industry, whoever is in the industry and would like to know more, please reach out to me. I'm a very open person when it comes to knowledge. I don't have any knowledge. I think knowledge is for everyone who wants it? And so, you know,
Keri Norley it's I have I have a couple more questions for you. Yeah. A couple more questions for you. Yeah. I still didn't hear Do you reckon we are going to be able to get mortgages on on the blockchain? Right, right now that we have to have them over collateralized. But do you think it's coming that we'll actually be able to get a mortgage to buy a house on the blockchain that I want to live in, that you want to live in? That's not shared amongst other people? Yeah.
Juan Alvarez But it's you will, until until central banks actually adopt all these methodologies and all these technologies, and actually offer people a mortgage, through blockchain, it will be a de fi solution, which pretty much you can raise money against. But from a crowd, you know, which will actually make it faster. And it will be a process that I call it will be also a little bit more democratic.
Keri Norley So do you think do you think somebody I mean, has this happened? Right, so let's just say that a Joe Schmo down the street, you or I, some person wants to go and buy an average home, $500,000 $300,000, home, whatever it is, right, just to live in for themselves? Do you think it's in the right area in the right spot, right? Because some of this, as you just said, is actually it's just about having property in the right spot, right, and it's gonna go up. So if I were to say, I want to go do that, and I want to raise money for a mortgage, does that does that exist? No, no, it's for everybody.
Juan Alvarez Virtually, it exists. And it's actually happening right now. Like, there are development projects in Miami, where developers are accepting crypto. So you can actually buy into any of those projects with your crypto. The key, the key there is you're not required to bring 100% of the money in crypto, you can bring a portion of it 40 50% 60%. And then the remainder, you can actually go to a bank alone, so so
Keri Norley the only the bank in the mortgage or Yeah,
Juan Alvarez I will say, I love the concept of the fi but the fi can not exist without sci fi. We need central banks, we need the government, we need the interaction of all these people creating all these markets in in opportunities. So it's happening, you know, just it's just the my own like adoption, but it's
Keri Norley okay, so if somebody wants you, thank you, thank you for that. If somebody wants to buy into this, right, and they want to start like, where do people even begin? Where are their platforms, people can go look at like, start to look for real estate, obviously, they can come and talk to you which we can get your details in a minute. Like,
Juan Alvarez you can find my my website is Brett's b r e t. S, that IO. And all the information is there, you can just go through a registration process that takes 510 minutes, which is basically a KYC AML filter, we make sure
Keri Norley KYC by the way, for those of you who don't know is no your it's not your customer, you just have to put in your details so that people who know you are going
Juan Alvarez making sure you know people is no longer in mourning and you know, people don't have any background. It's also a real person. Once that filter is is passed, do land into a page where you can see the different opportunities where you can invest, starting with $1,000 $10,000 with different returns different properties, different locations, and you pick the one you like the most And in a matter of minutes, you can own a piece of a real estate located globally, because we're getting started with properties in Florida, in properties in the United States, but this concept is global. I am working on projects for tokenization of assets in Colombia, Panama, Chile, Argentina. And many
Keri Norley El Salvador too, are you
Juan Alvarez in Sao Paulo? We went to El Salvador, we're working on tokenisation for Mexico, Mexican properties. And you know, you can buy properties anywhere from your phone at any time. That's complete disintermediation. 24/7 concept. You know, it's very easy, very
Keri Norley simple. It's amazing. So then once I buy it, so we come in, I come into your site, I buy it just like then do I then hold it in like a meta mask? Or where does it get held? Juan Alvarez No, it's not exactly when ask isn't gonna get out. Because this is actually the real mask, you know, is not, you won't you own a property that's real. And what you own is, is a piece of property. And what you get in exchange of your money is a digital certificate of ownership, which is a smart contract. That's telling you where your property is located, how much percentage of the property you own, how much deal you're making any any of the properties to be in, it's too complex, and it requires boring rights and so forth. Whenever we need to make a big decision on the asset. We will communicate the token and and it's basically a token that you store on your he walked through Coinbase or through any, any other platform that allows
Keri Norley a more centralized platform like Coinbase versus interesting.
Juan Alvarez And then whenever you're ready to trade your token, do you transfer it to uniswap many people who already on real estate I mean, own tokens know how to jump into platforms. Yeah, ranking and moving. And then just whenever your your price is fulfilled by somebody who's looking to to pay you, you stray, the token for fear, or for an hour performer crypto, and then just keep on
Keri Norley amazing, amazing. And then the money so my dividends from rent, or wherever we're getting your dividends from are coming into me to my Coinbase.
Juan Alvarez If we're, we were, you know, we want to pay dividends in crypto, but many times volatility kind of like, prevents us from paying through crypto. So what we do is we pay the dividend through fear.
Keri Norley So interesting, why not a stable coin?
Juan Alvarez It could be a stable coin as well, is that so many things?
Keri Norley So many things. It's like, you know, the beautiful thing, and it's one of the things that I love right now about this area. And and especially, it's always saying, especially about this real estate, like it is so new this and NF T's and it's like, it is so new into this marketplace, and there's so much possibility. It's like, why not this? Well, it's because we haven't gotten there yet. Right? We'll get there. I just think it's amazing. It's amazing. Yeah, I'm okay. And so yeah, okay, so it's pretty easy to do, I'd have to go in and buy. We don't have to have crypto I can buy on Fiat risks, risks are that it wouldn't sell, or that you wouldn't be able to sell it and make more money off of it. I mean, that's your biggest it's just like real estate, right?
Juan Alvarez You know, I think one of the biggest risk could be regulation. Maybe this concept explodes too much, and the government has to kind of like step in and you know, change the rules. Otherwise, the only risk is, you know, the holding period, you have to hold the token for a certain period of time before you can trade it. Or you can just keep it forever. Ignorance if you don't know how to navigate all these platforms and go through, you know, the secondary market platform and move it and change it and you know, if you're if you're not careful, you can actually lose it is very hard to track. I mean, it's not impossible to track because that's one of the advantages of the blockchain is that there is no there is no fraud and transparency. But for people who's not computer Lyrid could be very challenging. So those are you might
Keri Norley have, somebody comes in and starts working with you. And they buy tokens from you and they start to You know, work with you around this? Do you also help them like set up? Like if they're if they're in a new place? Like, I've never done this before? Do you help them like, Okay, this is where you buy it. This is where I'm gonna pay you like you walk through that process.
Juan Alvarez Yes, we borrow this startup concept is our marketing department or our customer experience department, a customer service department. And we have people here helping investors understand the concept of the tokenisation liquidity to tokenisation. And also we have people helping investors, understanding how to buy tokens and hold tokens and do all these different modes with tokens.
Keri Norley Amazing, amazing. Okay, so to wrap this up, I would love to leave it to you come back over to you. Is there anything that you feel is left to say that we've missed out on here?
Juan Alvarez No, I think we call many things and you know, I talk a lot. I will just say that I'm very thankful for the time and for the opportunity. If anyone wants to reach me, reach out to me can find me on LinkedIn, one Albertus or just find us on the internet blockhouse real estate and investments is the main company. The sister company for tokenisation is bread's that IO any questions? Shoot me up, text me? Call me and I will just try to answer to the best of my knowledge.
Keri Norley Beautiful by the way blockhouse is BL o k. H. Au s, right?
Juan Alvarez No care in houses and the country's German. Yeah. Okay, H R
Keri Norley That's where you want to go to find more about one and all the amazing things or Brett's stuff i o br e t s dot i o thank you so much. I'm just trying to think Is there anything else I want to say? This has just been like, truly to me it It boggles my mind what is possible when we start to look at at this and I think what you said, you know, I was thinking about the advantages and the disadvantages, and the in the benefits and the disadvantages and all the things that are you know, with any investment that we have. And I think the thing that I love about this, which is my favorite part of crypto altogether is the wealth transfer. It's right like being able to decentralize power. Because any any civilization that we've had in the history of humanity that has fallen, which are many of them, it's been because of a power, like someone, someone needs to have power. And in these ways, if we start to again, this is just another layer of how we can decentralize the power and bring it to the people. And by allowing people who would normally not be able to buy into real estate to be able to buy into real estate, we now have more people being able to buy into a place that they couldn't have to be able to grow and develop their wealth. And we will see like through crypto through real estate through D fi through NF T's through all of these different experiences, we're going to see a completely different experience on the planet and wealth transference. And that's what's so exciting to me about this. So thank you for all that you are doing in this world. Thank you for being at the forefront of this. And I love how by the way you said like 95% of the world is like doesn't know. And I'm like I would actually go to the stents that if there's 95% of the world that doesn't really know about crypto, I'm going to go as far as to say that there's probably 99.9% of the world that doesn't understand real estate tokenization. So you are at the forefront of some seriously game changing amazing technology in this world. And I want to thank you for being a leader in this space and for doing the work that you do. Go get them this has been amazing. If you're wanting to know more, please do reach out to him. And otherwise, have a wonderful day wherever you are in this beautiful world. And I will see you next week. If you love what you read, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise. Please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley And on Facebook facebook.com forward slash Keri Norley One or Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.
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