If you are wanting to create influence in your marketplace, you have to show up. Every day. And don’t give up. And don’t worry about comments or likes. YOUR VALUE IS NOT IN HOW MANY PEOPLE COMMENT OR LIKE YOU OR EVEN BUY FROM YOU.
You are using this platform to create a platform. To make an influence. AND because you speak your truth. Because you show who you are. Because people resonate with you… They will BUY FROM YOU.
This commitment to showing up and speaking your truth to create a far-reaching impact takes longer than 30 or 60 or 90 days. It takes a commitment for as long as you want to grow your influence. Continuing to show up for them.
And for those of you losing faith, please know… the amount of people who come up to me on a daily basis and talk to me about things I have written on FB and start a conversation with me about it that RARELY, if at all comment or like any of my posts… is countless.
The influence of my message is spreading. The influence of who I AM is spreading. The reach is spreading. And as a messenger… that’s what I’m here to do. Spread a message far and wide. And if you are here for the same purpose… at some level, then let go and have faith that you are on the right path. IF YOU KEEP SHOWING UP CONSISTENTLY. NO EXCUSES. Your message will reach the fire and wide and you can create the level of impact and influence that you desire and more.
Follow your heart. Create your dreams. This is your life. You get to create it.
How far will your reach go?? Tell me below. 🙂
Original Date Written: February 6, 2018