Walking in your Truth.
The question that Simon Scott (the awesome guy who led Kambo ceremony this weekend) asked me immediately before burning a hole in my arm… actually multiple holes. See the pic below… (Yes… that hurts too, but nothing in comparison to the rest of what’s to come).
The first day… With anxiety coursing through my body I said… “no, yes… go.”
The second… I responded… “Ready as I’ll ever be…”
Today… Sitting in the chair, sleeve tied up, with the look of go ahead… I responded…“No. Are you ever really ready… and does it actually matter what I say right now?” As he burned a hole in my arm, knowing full well… I was committed to the journey ahead.
Doing Kambo… something so intense… where you are FORCED to sit your ass down (literally you cannot stand on Kambo, cause if your legs will actually allow you to stand… you will likely pass out on the way up)… So you are forced to SIT. And the moment the Kambo is put onto your raw open body that has just been burned… the frog poison begins to take over.
An experience only to be understood once you play with the frog… but it literally takes over your body… and you MUST surrender. You MUST breathe. You MUST learn to sit in pain, in intense nausea, intense sensation that courses through your body… not knowing where the Kambo will show up next… what twist or turn it will bring you… and all the while… allowing it to work its magic… knowing that it heals. Knowing that it’s helping you purge on all levels that which is not serving you… and so… you surrender.
Each day… we went to the house… wondering what the journey would be like… where would Kambo go today… how would I react… how long can I sit with the intensity coursing through my body?
And with trepidation and fear… every day… I turned up and did it anyway… cause I knew in every ounce of my being that it was absolutely what I was meant to be doing, even though it was definitely some of the most intense moments of my life.
I had a friend, Renée Mayne send me a message today and one of the things she said… “I’m proud of you for the courage you had to go through this Keri.”
At first I heard it and thought… that wasn’t courageous… I just did what I was called to do… And then a moment later thought…Of course, it was courageous. Even when it scared the shit out of me… I showed up the first day.
Then after having some of the most intense pain, I can ever remember having on day 1… I showed up again for day 2. That… takes courage. To show up and do it again.
And the lessons that I learned from this 3 days go FAR beyond the short time that I was actually with Kambo medicine. I have no idea how long Kambo was on me for each time. Maybe 15-20 minutes? No Idea. Could be longer or shorter… time does not exist in that place. Only breath. Only you and your body…. and Kambo coursing through it.
So why in heaven’s name would I, or anyone else, who chose to dance with the frog show up for this? KNOWING… it’s INTENSE.
To heal. To go deeper into my soul. To challenge myself to take my work, professionally and personally) to another level. Because… every time I hear people talk about Kambo… they say how intense it is… but that on the other side…is bliss. Is clarity. Is spaciousness… is energy centres that are free and clear…. and that… is what I wanted. So… I was willing to have the courage to dance with the intense unknown to reap the rewards…
AND… the rewards… are ALREADY far more than I could ever have imagined. To sit with the spaciousness in my body. TO have NO THING in my mind… to feel peace… it’s worth every gut-wrenching (literally) moment.
To have taken my level of trust in myself, in the universe, in medicine to a whole new level… is priceless. To have a way deeper VISCERAL experience of the masculine and feminine playing out… priceless… to walk away with a deeper faith in all that is… no price can be put on it.
I know, in every cell of my being… this weekend has forever changed the course of my life. I feel it. And what I have read and heard from many who have experienced Kambo… the medicine keeps unraveling in you as time goes on… it doesn’t end here… it’s just the beginning. And in this spaciousness… everything is possible. It always was, but there is definitely a new level of trust in myself… and a different way of BEING in the world.
I am so grateful that even though it seemed absolutely insane to do this… even though I had to leave my family behind… even though it was a big time and financial commitment… even though it was not in my plans and stretched us financially and time-wise… I said YES. I saw this opportunity and just said YES. Without questioning it… because my whole body said… DO IT Keri.
Following the aligned path doesn’t always make sense. It doesn’t always come easily. It doesn’t always go the way you think it will… as a matter of fact, it often doesn’t…. but it’s always the perfect path to walk for you… and it takes COURAGE to do it. It takes courage to say yes when things don’t make sense… it takes courage to walk into what people will only ever describe as INTENSE having no idea what you are in for. And yes… there are plenty of people who do this and you only have to do 1 sitting of it… and there are probably people in Colorado who do it… but I knew… I had to come here for 3 days in Sedona… and I didn’t question it.
Following the aligned path… is ALWAYS. You don’t get to follow it ONLY when it makes sense to you… ONLY when it is easy… only when it is what you want or expect. You follow your heart in every moment of the day. You listen to your soul’s deepest calling and you say YES… even when it scares the shit out of you. I would actually say… you say yes ESPECIALLY when it scares the shit out of you.
It’s in these most challenging times… it’s in the places you walk through pain, fear, discomfort that you learn the most… that you grow… that you connect deeper into your soul, your Truth and walk stronger ahead from that place. And that, dear one… is magic. That… is all there is. Walking in your Truth.
Do you have the courage to do EVERYTHING it takes to walk your Truth? If not… and you want to succeed… you better learn to dig DEEP to find it and work that courage muscle… because that is what it takes to create your dreams. It’s not all rainbows and fairies on the road to your dreams. Be willing to sit in the pain and fear and have the courage to be with it, move through it and allow the freedom to open up for you on the other side… the place where dreams are made.
Original Date Written: March 19, 2018