I want to make this a ridiculously easy investment because honestly… I LOVE THIS TOOL. LOVE IT. AND… I know it changes lives, ALL THE TIME.
WEEE! So excited! FENG SHUI MADE SIMPLE… Coming to you!
I thought my work was LOST, but we FOUND IT!
A few years ago, I ran a training (a couple times) around feng shui. I broke it down in such a simple and easy way to follow… teaching all the important things you need to know about how to feng shui your home/office. It was SO powerful.
I have been called for a few months to run this again, but when I went to find the slides… all I could find was the videos, meaning I would have to re-do all the slides… ANNOYING, especially since we had to design some special images to explain the feng shui.
They were in a folder, but on my computer, I was only seeing them as images. On Hugh‘s computer… the whole presentation, as is! WOO HOO!
Hours and hours and hours of work to bring this training together… And now I don’t have to re-do it! YEAH!
I want to make this a ridiculously easy investment because honestly… I LOVE THIS TOOL. LOVE IT. AND… I know it changes lives, ALL THE TIME. AND… honestly… I love empowering YOU to be able to do the work and continue to do it, instead of paying me more to do it for you and you not being empowered to do it again when you move.
So comment below with your fav emoji and let me know you want in… and if enough people say YES… I’ll let you know when this baby is ready to go.
WEEE!!! So excited to re-birth my feng shui work into the world.
OH… and if you have never played with feng shui… you are seriously missing out on an INSANE amount of magic and incredibleness can show up with SUCH EASE. I mean it’s mind-blowing what happens when you feng shui your life.
Original Date Written: February 28, 2018