On this episode of the podcast I share the amazing interview that Shelley Wasicki did to me. We have an amazing conversation about spiritual bypassing, awakening to the divine, the new wealth, and many things more.
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Keri, welcome to the show. I'm so excited that you're here.
Keri Norley:
I'm so excited to be here.
Shelley Wasicki
Yay. Yeah, I have to say for our listeners, we just did a quantum flow together. And I am feeling so centred, and so blissful and so grateful for you carry. So thank you so much. We can have a whole other show talking about just that topic in and of itself, probably. So as we were going over what we wanted to share with our guests and our audience today, we were kind of talking about people coming into their own spirituality. And you said something that really resonated about spiritual bypassing. And I think as people are feeling the shift as people are stepping into things that are familiar, they might not have all the pieces put together, I really feel that this is something that deserves and needs to be shared with everyone. So I would love if you could kind of ease us into what spiritual bypassing is and share your thoughts around that.
Keri Norley
Thank you. Thank you for having me here. Shelley. I love what you're bringing to the world I love I love positive spirit. Like it's so necessary. And when we when we were chatting just before getting on here, it was just so beautiful to hear your your heart and your light and see you shining in this space of really helping from what I'm understanding right nearly spirit of people who are just waking up into the spiritual path and and I think it's such an important topic because as people start to wake up, it's so overwhelming, really. Right. It's like, all of a sudden when you can see like wake up really means like to be able to see things in a new way. Right and all of a sudden where we were closed off and disconnected. All of a sudden, things are waking up and there's almost like I miss things like awakening there's more colour There's more tastes. There's more everything that goes on when we can have Yes, awareness, right. There's more awareness that happens. But with that awareness, there's an interesting, I'd say, power that can happen, right? This this, like we think we know everything, but also with his bypassing, like the spiritual bypassing To me, it's like, I'm better than all of that now, I'm better than being human. Yes, I'm better than being human. And so all of a sudden, we get into this place, we're woken up, and we're like, oh, my God, I, I'm better than that. I know, understand that there's more to life. And then there's spiritual space. And I am the divine. And there's these I mean, for me, like intuition, right? Like, that's a huge piece of awakening. And so we start to have these intuitive guidance. And, you know, at some points, whether you're where you are in your path, now we get to this place where we realise that we are the divine and the divine is us. And we are so deeply connected to that path. It's so easy also, to then, and I know for myself, like on this path, to go into the place of being the divine being the floating, like we were talking about this with quantum flow, right? Like when we start to get into this space of manifestation, and we start to get into this spiritual work, we can live up in the clouds. Yes, right. And then I know for me, I went through a period where it was like, I didn't want to be in my body, because it's way more fun to be in the clouds. can be in different emotions. I can visualise this, like you've talked to manic work. So I used to do like I did a certificate instrument shamanism, and, and I've done all sorts of work in journeying. And so when we start to go in that path, wherever you however, you get to the path that you start to journey into different realms, if you're very or not, that is available and open to you. Right. It's really fun to be in those places. It's blissful. It's joyful. It's like I can create anything that I desire. But we're not being human. Right, we're not being human then. And so the bypassing comes by then saying, I'm out in this place. I mean, there's many ways and I think there's many different conversations that can happen. And I just feel like this is what's here and present for me now. That that we can be out in the space, and then we forget about being human and then in that, we don't own our stuff. And it's so easy place to put it outside of us. So we can put it outside of us in the way that when manifestations don't happen. It's very quick to then go well, you know, God or divine or however you want to say universe. I said I wanted this, I visualised, I've done the work. I've done the journaling. I love it love the law, and it isn't here. And so now I'm going to go point my fingers to the to the divine that isn't here, right? So we bypass ourselves in that experience. It's not my fault, because I told you told me I said, if I did the law of attraction rules, then bla bla bla, bla bla, right? It can happen in in that way that we point fingers, as well as bypassing that we're like, well, I'm better than now. Especially our partners. I'm better than now I know more, and I'm more awake. So I definitely know more I've been here. I mean, I don't know any human being who hasn't been here at some point in time, on this way, meeting prospects. So I say all of this with no judgement to write that I'm better than now I understand this. I'm more awake, you couldn't possibly understand why can't you wake up? Why can't you just be where I am, blah, blah, blah, you're not better. And we're all human, right? And so when we start to get to the place of like, truth, I'd say like a grounded awakening, I've never used these words. I've never, I've never really had this conversation publicly. It's true grounded awakening, that we can then own our stuff. And I think this is where it's so important in this space that we actually start to go, am I taking full responsibility? For every single piece of my life? Yes, look around your life and say, I am 100% exactly where I want to be amazing. If you're not, point those fingers right back at yourself, take full responsibility. It's not God's fault. It's not your partner's fault. It's not your kids fault. It's not your boss's fault. It's not your best friend down the road. jackass got it up, look at yourself. And that's when we can take full ownership and full responsibility. And we stopped bypassing the humanists and also the humanists, right to like we bypass and I think in some ways, like we bypass it, we start to forget about being human and not liking our bodies, our bodies, our dens we start to get into the spiritual work, right? It's really fun to be in these beautiful places. Our bodies are dense and heavy and they don't move the way that I always wanted to move and it can be frustrating. But it's also the place where I feel joy is what makes us like otherwise I'd be a soul in our spirit and another form and I wouldn't feel drained. feel love, I wouldn't feel bliss I wouldn't feel as we Just went to the quantum flow process, I wouldn't feel this amazing feeling inside of myself, Oh, I can be this blissful human in this human form. And so with a comes pain, and anger and frustration. And in order to feel the joy, the bliss, the love and the abundance of all of it, we also get to feel the others. And so it's easy to want to bypass feeling the anger and the resentment to the judgement and say, Oh, he did that, but I don't of course you do. We're all human. Right?
So that, to me is a total rant on what I feel.
I was just gonna say, you hear so many times, you know that we are these spiritual beings having a human experience. And you're right, it's way more fun in the clouds. It's way more fun, Astro travelling and doing these fabulous things and having these experiences but we chose to be here. We chose to incarnate on the earth, with all of its challenges. We all have things that we're working on. And I really feel like, yeah, like owning your shit is a big piece. And anyone that's listening, that is going through the spiritual awakening, or that is starting to realise, wow, this feels good to me. And this is an alignment. And while I don't like how that feels, so I'm gonna stay away from that, and things are really starting to resonate. You know, it, you all have that moment that not so proud moment of girl, I don't know what you're doing. But I'm up here, and you're obviously not there yet. So we're just going to not be friends right now. And we have to laugh. And we have to catch ourselves. because like you said, we all are responsible. You know, with the shift with the awakening, I feel like there's more of a responsibility that we have. Because once you start to do this work, once you start to realise that we are spirit and spirit is us, and everything is connected, and everything opens up, there's a great responsibility to keep that safe, and to share that with people. So I'm so grateful that we're talking about this, because I really do feel that it's so incredibly important that we're responsible, we're responsible for our bodies, and to take care of our bodies and to feed our bodies and to make sure that we have enough sleep, and to make sure that we're happy. We're responsible for our energy, especially in times like or go and like right now. It's crazy. We're responsible for our energy, we're responsible with what we put out. So I think that this conversation is just super important for the time that we're in.
Keri Norley
Yes, it's interesting, you've had said a few things that made me think of, there's two things I want to say I'm going to say both, and then I can can dive deeper. But I'll say both of those. I remember. One is around feeling this stuff. Right? Like really feeling it because a lot of people will have in manifestation. The other so I'll come back to that remind me. The other is this piece that you said about being responsible. And it's really interesting, because especially we're talking right now the elections are happened yesterday, we're all still waiting for the results of the election. So whenever this podcast is, or whenever you are hearing this, you can understand that's what the time that we are in right now. And and there's a lot of anger, fear, worry, and the truthfulness of that, like we're either way, I'm gonna speak my truth. Either way, we look at it today pretty, right? And we're gonna have stuff that comes up no matter who wins, right? And I think to me, I said to a friend yesterday, my dream and vision is that we do this work that we're talking about here and facing the stuff. Because ultimately, the the people who are being elected right now are simply a reflection of the collective consciousness of where we passed, right. And so we can all be pissed and angry and all that stuff, but they do not get to control our state. They don't get to control our life. Right. And I think it's so important that it doesn't matter who wins, who doesn't win who anything right. Any person in politics from here until the future, it's we who get to control things in our own lives in our own energy. And it's because we choose to manage our energetic state and our being and body being here present on this planet, and deciding to move through the next piece, deciding to move through our own stuff because if they're just a reflection of us, and we You can really well and truly stop bypassing that. Right? If they are simply a reflection of us. It's filthy to look at the fact that at some level I am not to write it is filthy. None of us want to look at that. And I will actually tell you, I wasn't thinking to share this story, but I will tell you, I just did a ceremony where earlier this month, where I was very deeply forced to look at the persecutor, the persecutor archetype, and I'm not going to go deeply into the ceremony. I had to own into I too, and the persecutor, I, too, right can be that person. But we have to own the persecutor and ourselves, right. So at some level, I had to own the fact that I was the persecutor. At some level, we've all been there, we've all been a person who persecuted somebody else, not because we were mean not because we're terrible people, not because, but because we're human. And we do things as humans, right? And when I could own that, it was like, Ah, yeah, I can be that. So then I can insert forgiveness for those around me who are also that because we are human, and we are dualities. Right? And like, even this, oh, my goodness, this is going somewhere. Anyway, even place where, you know, like, we could say that, you know, murders are bad, right? If we look at this bypassing everything, right, like murder is a bad thing, we take it to that full extreme. I'm going to tell you, as a mother, if someone came after my child, you'd better believe if I thought that child was going to be hurt. I would do anything from heaven and earth, and no mother on this planet would sit here and tell me otherwise. I think that I am a murder. No. But if my little baby raised veterans, right, how many we may have been said they will lift a car to save tires, right? We are all in these polars. We are all everything. And that's what makes us human. And when we can own into all those pieces of ourselves, and we can free ourselves from the trauma of that. And we can look at that and just forgive ourselves and forgive the others, then we can move through it. And that's where we stop bypassing it. Right? And if we look at that, I mean, that's a global big picture. Because the reality is that most of us are not gonna go murder anyone, right? Most of people who are listening to this, right, but if we look at that, in our lives, it's the same concept of, I'm not willing to look at the shadowy part of myself that doesn't want to go and start my podcast that doesn't want to go and, you know, call the person, that's going to mean that I get to the next step of my business, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go and, you know, talk to the bankers, but I can get the mortgage to get the data, right. Because there's a piece of ourselves that we don't want to own that's like, Oh, well, if I go and talk to the banker, that means that I'm going to go get the dream house, which means that I am a bad person, because money is bad shot. Right? And I don't want to face that. So I just want to call the person in the first place. Yeah. And I'm going to go bypass that I'm going to skirt around it and say, no, it's this person at the end of it turns out like blame. Well, I didn't have that I couldn't make the money for this. And all of a sudden, you create this whole set of circumstances, to create the outcome of I can't actually talk to the banker and get my house. But really, you're not looking at your own stuff, saying Actually, I just think that people who have money are bad. Which is not true. Right? Which is definitely not true, right? But we bypass that that huge core belief by saying I'm just gonna go skirt around it. Yeah, right. And it looks at a bigger picture from the political place right now. Right? I don't want the level blah, blah, blah. But in order for us to heal, like I was saying yesterday, to my friend, I would love like, there would be nothing greater for me than to see in four years time, that we actually have two candidates to the, to the presidential election, that I like one of them are actually a person I like. Right, that is heart centred being that we actually elevate beyond these, the separation and the ego and the fear based politics that we are in now right? To it's like, oh my god, we actually could, if we chose to have a beautiful loving system, but it requires all of us to do our inner work. Look at the shadowy parts that are not so nice to look at. And love them to. And in that is the healing and in that is where we start to heal. And in that is also where we create our own dreams. And that is also where they do not have power over us at all. Not one of them. Because you create your reality. And when you can get to the point where you have stand fully in your own power and realise that you are your Creator, you are the creator. Because you've looked at all of that and you can go Yep, I see that I'm actually totally cool. Like I love myself. You're all of it because that is what makes me human life can really shift.
Yeah, yes, yes to all of that. Boom, oh, boom.
As you started talking, I wrote down Shadow Work. And it is it something that I think, you know, anyone that has started going through this shift that's like, Oh, it's gonna be great and it's going to be butterflies, it's going to be unicorns and it's going to be this wonderful. I'm going to talk to animals and see messages in clouds. There's a lot of shit that you have to face first. And it's not easy. And some, sometimes, if not, most of the time, you're doing it by yourself. And you're creating that container, that safe for you to sit in. And really just have a really hard look at yourself and have that tough conversation with yourself. People tend to shy away from conflict. And in general, you don't want to have a conflict with a co worker, you don't want to have a conflict with a family member. What do you think we do is conflict with ourselves. We sat down hardest, right? We sat down completely. Because there's no game plan for that. There's no and it's really easy to say, I'm not going to do that. And we're done. So
Keri Norley
I mean, that's the bypass. Right?
Keri Norley 21:40
I love that we're having this conversation here for the show. Because if people are coming into this in a new space, the space that you're doing like that we're attracted to you. And the reason that we're attracted to the awakening is the light. Right? Use the light, of course, like of course you want to be in the light is beautiful, right? And of course, I want to have light and love and unicorns and roses and all of that. But in order to truly create that heaven on earth, right, in order to truly live that it's like you're not going to live it if you're not actually willing to look at the places that are stopping you from having it fully embodied. On Earth.
That is not an easy thing. And when you start to see those patterns when you start, or when you start to see those blocks, you start to see the patterns. And once you start to see the patterns, you're putting your puzzle together. And I feel like that's a really important message for people to hear right now is that we all have work, we all have shit. We all have stuff that we're working through that we're managing that we're not managing. And it's okay. It's perfectly fine. To be where you are. Just take a second and look at your stuff. Yeah.
Keri Norley 24:11
I think it's interesting because I think at this point in time, you know, we've been through the, you know, um, you were asked about this to like the awakening, I think that we're awakening into the feminine to the feminine part of life, right. And I think the masculine is where we've been in this ego centric world, right? And so it's easy to live in that space of like, it's not mine, I don't have to deal with it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right. But as we come into the feminine and we move into this, this space, it's like the awakening is saying, We're waking up to we're waking up to this ego, we're waking up to the mask, we're waking up to the fact that there can be another way. We're waking up to seeing people in their falsity, right. Like we've now got social media whereas before 20 years ago Go. We didn't have that. Right. So now we're seeing people. And I think especially I'm gonna say in business and marketing, I'm seeing the people that if you're not in your fullest integrity, people don't want to work with you anymore. Feel that, right. But so in order to be in our fullest integrity, it means I have to look at the places that I'm actually not showing up for myself, that I have to look at these patterns. And I have to be real about it. And I think we're now at a point where like, we used to have, like, the gurus of the planet. And we would all like, Oh, I can tell you having personal development interesting. And working with many people who've been on those stages I've worked with, I'm not going to name names, but many of the big players on the pages are samples of them, I can tell you the lack of integrity is is grand. Right? And it's now getting false. And we can see through it because it's like, well, first of all, their life is online. And you can see that. Right? Right. Second of all, it's just that we can feel it, we feel the difference, the veil is coming down. And we can feel people differently. And there's more empaths that are really owning into this space, more spiritual awareness. Right. And so people are looking for humans to follow people who are real people who are willing to say, Yes, I can have the goodness, but also, it's not all perfect. being human is not like a bunch of roses and fairies, right? There is this stuff that does come up. And and I think that the more that people step into this, the more that you will find that you're surrounded by a circle of people who are also real and beautiful and full of love in life, and willingness and path with you that that is real. Right? Whether it's a mentor or a coach, and I would say if you're if you know, like, I would be looking to my spiritual mentors, to my coaches, to my business coaches, I want to know, all the stuff I want to know the dirty stuff they're going through, and the good stuff they're going through. Because I want them to help me through my dirty. That's where it's the best. Like that's where you need it the most not in the light of the lights fun to be in, right? But where it gets messy. I want someone who I can cry with and I can have those snotty tears with Yes, sobbing. Oh, my God, yeah, he's this and that, they're still gonna say to me, it's okay, you're human, keep going. You got this. Let's walk through it. Let's figure it out. Right? Because that's the person I want to be with, whether it's my best friend, whether it's my husband, whether it's my coach, whether it's the healer that I work with. And I think that in order for us to be the best leaders that we can be on the planet, whether it's from a business space, or whether you're leading your life and your family, right? It is that you get to be the realest version of you. And in order to do that, you got to look at all this stuff, and all the places that you're not showing up for yourself. And in doing so also, that will mean being the manifestation person that I am teaching and wealth stuff, right? It's that then then that's when your dreams become a reality. Because you can actually look that crap in the face that says that stopping you know, I'm not going to listen to you anymore. I'm not going to listen to that voice in my head. I'm not going to play that sabotaging pattern. I'm not going to go do that horrid thing that stops me, because you can see it and you're willing to look at it. But until you're willing to look at it, it's going to help you. And it's going to start seeing dream. And so like I can look at this ribbing picture, but like the reality is you not looking at this stuff and you bypassing your own stuff means that you are keeping yourself from your dreams. And so yes, it will hurt to go through it. Yes, there will be tears, yes, there will probably be some anger and frustration and whatever else comes out, but deal with it. Look at it, love yourself through it. Surround yourself with people with mentors, with you know, whoever is around you, that's going to hold you and love you through it. And then go and create your dream.
That's beautiful, huh? I always told people like, you know, we will be talking about things and it'd be interviewing someone for a job or, you know, it would come up in conversation and it's like, it's easy to be a good person when things are going well. But your integrity and your character that comes out whenever you're facing a challenge that comes out whenever things aren't perfect, which happens a lot. And I feel like you know, especially like you said they're like everyone's life is on blast right now, with all of social media, everything is instant, everything. You know there's a huge push for perfection. There's a huge push for followers. There's this huge push for having the perfect body and having the perfect relationship and having the perfect hair and having the perfect nails and it really is a block that is one of those bypasses that I'm not going to do with my stuff because I'm going to create this life that looks perfect. And I'm going to live in that space because That's what I feel like everybody wants me to live in. And that's what I have to contribute. When really, you're blocking yourself from getting where you want to be, you're blocking yourself by creating this false reality that's not you. And you're not living in your integrity. So yeah, that's, that's an amazing message for people to hear. Thank you so much for sharing that. Um,
Keri Norley
You're welcome. You're welcome. And I think it's Yeah, I mean, your your most important relationship is the one with yourself and the divine. You know, and that is, and it's definitely I mean, it's not easy. I'm not, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend and say, right. Like, for me, it's my biggest, my biggest work. And I'd say to all of our biggest work, you know, it's really, my book, actually, my book was an igniter. So I wrote the book, I fully, it was like a fully channelled book, for the most part, except for that piece, I think Shelley's probably got on like the piece, I wrote a piece in the book that's around the current financial situation and the systems. And I highly recommend that you when it comes out that you read the book, that section alone, because it's eye opening to realise that we are actually not being looked after. And that the financial system is not really made for us, and will empower you again, on another level to actually realise that we have some new choices to make. Yeah, go ahead.
I was just gonna say, let's digress a little bit, get the name of your book back out there and let people know how this whole thing because I feel that this is really important as well. And it's a big part of our message today. So
Keri Norley
yeah, yeah. So the book is called the The New Wealth magnetise abundance, hold your wealth and leave a legacy. And I'm sure Shelley can put a link to the link to it up in the in the notes. And, yeah, and so as I wrote it, like it's this whole book around where we are currently, and the new wealth, like, where are we moving? Because at this point in time, again, we just looked I just talked about, we're in this election time right now. And it's not working like this system is not working. None of us actually, I don't know, one person who's been like, Oh, my God, I'm inspired by the candidates that we have. It's not working. And, and so the systems get to collapse, like things will break down. And even this bypassing, right, we will break things down in order to rebuild them, you have to look at it and say, it's no longer serving me Let it go in order to rebuild it. And so this book is a channel that was like, okay, so if it's gonna break down, what does it even become? I don't know. I literally, I had no idea. And so I started Sham writing. And I'm like, wow, this is a pretty amazing place. Since I've written the book, I have found the physical things, the physical ways, we have a whole new banking systems that are in digital currency spaces that are way more secure, and all sorts of things that are actually already here for us. But it's at the forefront of this. Right. So of course, as we do when we start to open ourselves out, we move through the stuff, open ourselves up, trust, the divine and trust, the guidance that we're receiving. It's amazing what will show up for us, right. And so this whole thing has shown up for us but in the middle of the book. So this is like I'm going to call it the fan which is kind of like a multi layered approach to this book. And in the middle of the book, I go through this period, this these pieces, there's a section on the magnetise abundance, holding your wealth and leaving your legacy. And it's all from a very energetic perspective of how we do those pieces and holding wealth and leaving a legacy from an energetic perspective very rarely I've seen actually talked about so it's a really powerful, powerful piece. And actually, just before I got on to this, justice, I was waiting for you to get onto the podcast. The wife of i was i was saying Shelly just before this, that so many amazing things I've opened up again. So one of the things that opened up for me is being able to work with the one of the the person who is the who used to own the largest private Treasury in Australia for 20 years. And I had just given him my book to read and his wife and him or his partner and him were saying Sir, I was talking to the partner and she said she sent me a message that had said Carrie we've been talking about this and he's so easy amazed by this book and I was like what why I want to hear I want to be a fly on the wall. What is he saying right? And so I was like, What is it and she's like, Carrie you nailed what this is to hold your wealth you're right like every piece of it. And I'm like whoa like my from this person who this is his job like helping people with billions of dollars right hold their wealth. And and so what I want to say though about it is it's hooked me I wrote it, and from my own work, right. So like the reason I started talking about holding wealth is because I'm a trust fund baby. I grew up in a wealthy family. And the statistic is that 70% of trust fund baby 70% of people who who inherit money or who win the lottery Right in any way, we get large sums of money, we'll lose it with very quickly within a year or two, gone. And a lot of especially not now. But if you look at the statistics on lottery winners, they end up bankrupt, not even just like the money is gone bankrupt, right? Because they've gone and they've overspent all the money, they didn't have anything to back and don't understand. It's a fully energetic thing, right. And ultimately, money is currencies and energy. And so until we learn to hold the energy, it's going to come straight through and right out doesn't matter. And you'll see it with people who grow their business as well. So they'll start to grow their business, you might start to get your five figure months, your five figure launches, eventually, you could be a seven figure, I know, people who are seven figure earners who at the end of the year, they're like, I have like 10 grand in my account. How does that even happen? Wow. Right? Because energetically, they have no ability to they've never learned it's a learned thing. It's a skill, it's a it's something we get to to embody. Right. And I would actually say that as far as generational wealth was talked about in this book, that the person who made the money, learned it, they expanded their container out, we're talking energy and spirit here, right, they expanded their container out to be able to hold it. But that doesn't mean third generationally. I did. And so consequently, I learned how to spend it, I learned how to all these great things, being it being the energy of it, right, but the container to hold, it does not necessarily get taught, right. And the value of that doesn't get taught necessarily. And so it's this whole piece around that. And so anyway, as I wrote this whole book, go and check it out. It is really amazing. As I wrote this whole book, I really, really started to look at again, this piece of bypassing I've heard to go, it's like, hmm, I'm not living fully on it. I'm not living into all of that. And now some of it is very futuristic. And so none of us are quite living into all of it. And it's going to take time and the entire consciousness of the planet to shift for the whole reality to become true. But that starts by owning it myself. So I started to say, if I'm leading people to the new wealth, I just had this tagline heaven on earth comes through, but ultimately an experience of life that is blissful, joyful, abundant, loving, and peaceful, right, like really embodying that on the planet. It starts because I choose that first, because I live that way. And then I looked at as like, is everything in my life blissful, joyful, abundant, peaceful, and whatever the word I said, loving, loving, loving, is it? No. Am I always that state? No, I didn't bypass it. I could have I could have launched this book. And then it's what the message, but would it have been in the fullest of integrity? No. So my work has been the reason it's taken me like I've known like, it's part of the reason it's taken time for it to come out was because I had to go the journey. And I've had to look at all of those places and go, I'm not being fully in that. And in order to stand in that message, it was like, I need to lead from the front and be as most of that place as I can be. And let go of what the things are that are no longer serving me in all ways of it, right? People, finances, I mean, in my life, I have completely uprooted many things in my life. I have taken leaps that I have never thought I would ever dream of taking the stand and this message. Right. But I have to do that in order to lead people that way. Because why would you follow me otherwise? Right. And I think that's what it takes. And I'm not saying that everybody has to go off and write books and that another that or that right? Not at all right? Because you can do this on a very personal level, is to look at your life and go Where am I not living in integrity with that which I actually desire? Right? I desire regardless of this book, or the message or anything, I believe fully that we can live in that state. Now I can live a blissful life, I can live an abundant life, an infinitely abundant life that I can live a life of absolute love and joy and pleasure, right? We were conditioned to suffer, but I can choose the other just as much as I can choose suffering. And so for my own personal self, I was like, I choose this message for my life. And then I'll lead other people with it, because I'm going to assume that some of you want this to
Right. Wow. Wow. You said so much in that that just opened my heart and really resonated with think of the impact that you as one person are having by living in that space. And then if I do it, and the impact that I will have, and a member of our family does it and a friend does it and it will be a freakin tsunami.
Keri Norley
Exactly. And that's what it's gonna take right i mean heli tree right? That's Part of our part of our work right? Right right raise their vibrational level and the Healey helps to bring that vibrational level up. So it's like I clear all that stuff that isn't that anymore. Right keeps me vibrationally fine, because it's going to take each and every single one of us. And I love that you said that because it's not just me, it's like me. And then you and like, we cannot ship the conscious on the planet alone. It takes me one of the things that I always talk about when I actually talk about Healy, it's funny is that he really wants to put this into the hands of 5 million people in the next No, yeah, 5 million people the next five years. Guess that's the that's the vision, right. And for those of you who, by the way, who don't know, Haley, Haley, and Shelly and I both have this amazing little device that we love dearly, it has changed, I would say both of our lives, we have to have another day. But it's a vibrational, it's a quantum healing vibrational tool, that that literally goes into your energetic field and shifts your things with a push of a button, I think every single human being on the planet should have one period and a story don't question it, just reach out to him, just get it, just get it. Just get it, that's, that's it, you'll get it, it will change your life. Um, but the thing that I love about it is this that they they want to like, the whole reason is that it's here to shift the consciousness of the planet, right? So I watched it, I always forget the name of the movie, I watched this movie, it's about extraterrestrial beings. And, Steven, I haven't talked about it in a while. Close Encounters of the fifth kind. That's what it is. And it's all about how they come how we can interact with these extraterrestrial beings and how they're here for us to help ship health help shift the consciousness at the edge of this movie, and the guy who is a documentary and the guy who created this was in the CIA, or was associated with the CIA or something like that. And in this department, so like, it's, it's legit, and like he goes out, and he takes people out to actually connect with extraterrestrial beings. And and so at the end of the movie, he talks about how, in order to shift the consciousness of the planet, it will take 1% of the planet to shift 1% because I kept thinking, how are we going to change billions of people's lives? They'll say, 1% of the planet to shift. And then he goes, and 1% of the planet is, I know, wait a minute, I'm going to take this back. Healy wants to put it into 100 million hands in the next five years, 100 million hits, because his thing was, it will be 75 million people. It was like 75 million people is all we'll take is 1% of this planet. And I was like, wait a minute, but he really wants to put it into 100 million people 100 million people's hands the next five years. And I was like, wait a minute, that's, that's already changed. And then surely, and then whoever's listening here, and all of you saying to yourself, I want to be that person, I want to be the person who lives in love and abundance, and stops bypassing yourself and your human form. And allows yourself to go into the darkness and see the stuff and come out the other side and actually live a life of love and bliss and abundance and peace. And the more of us that do it the greater chance that we have in four years time to have two very different human beings that we get to have. Okay,
yes, yes. To all of that. Yes. Whoa, yes. Wow. I remember a very dear friend of mine that I was blessed enough to, upon the day that I met her, my soul instantly recognised her. And it was a mutual at the end, it was just like this connection. And Tracy, Charles, I'm giving you a shout out right now. Because in going through some of the most difficult times in my life, where you really are forced to look at yourself, you know, it's easy to get mired down in that as well. Like, once you get in there, it's a space that you you don't want to live in there. You don't want to live in that space, you want to look at it, you want to process it, you want to feel it, you want to make adjustments, and then you want to shift out of it and move through it. So it's easy to get mired down in that space sometimes. And I remember I was having one of those moments and she just looked at me and said the sun will still rise again tomorrow. And 15 years later. I have used that with so many people. I've used that with my family. I've used that with my loved ones when they're in the depths of it. Anything that's challenging or anything that really taking that hard look at themselves? And it's like, it's okay. The sun will still rise again tomorrow. And we get to choose it. It does, right? I mean, he, yes,
Keri Norley
we get to choose it. We get to choose like, yeah, we get to choose coming back out of it on either side. And you're absolutely right.
So, so yeah, that definitely came through as we were having our conversation about all of this. Carrie, we've talked about so many things. Is there anything else that you're getting, before we wrap this up that you would like to share or anything else coming through?
Keri Norley
I think that when you said, the sun will rise again tomorrow, it was like that feel so complete, it was so such a beautiful way to finish this jelly. Like, it is so true that as you come through this, you know, I really I honour each and every single human being on this planet for being human. Right, and being willing to be here in this time, as we ascend into these new ways of being it's not comfortable, right, and it's not comfortable to look at the shadow. And that's why we have these leaders here for us, to show us the collective consciousness to show us ourselves, and, and to look at ourselves and give ourselves a good hard look to say, Is this what we really want. And now what do we do instead, and we choose, we choose again, that the sun will rise. And then each day I show up and I can rise and it can be even better. And I know that many mentors is a 1% if I can be 1% better tomorrow, in myself 1% more in integrity, if I can choose myself a little bit more tomorrow, if I can show up for myself and a little bit more happiness and a little bit more joined before bliss tomorrow. It's not like I have to change overnight. It's not like I have to go and you know, change the whole planet overnight, not just 1% better each day. And if each of us works towards that, you know, and that the sun will come up tomorrow, and then I can look at it a little bit brighter tomorrow, then I think we have a really beautiful way of being able to change this planet and really, live live in the new wealth live in this new place that I truly believe that is here for us that we each get to choose the life of love and bliss and abundance and peace and joy. And if it's not here for you now I just asked yourself, you know why? Why am I stopping myself, and then do whatever it takes until it takes until you can stand in that and you can look around your life and go wow, I have created the most beautiful, abundant loving light because it is here for each and every day.
And that folks is our wrap. Thank you, Keri, very nice soul. This is so nourished by you and your life. So thank you so much for being here with me tonight. Thank you so much for sharing your message. And yes, I'm just so happy and so thrilled. I know that people are going to want to contact you. So what's the easiest and best way for them to get in your vibe?
Keri Norley
Well, It's kerinorley.com otherwise I do I love being on Facebook. And in my email if you just want to come in and say hi, Keri Norley calm and I'd love to see if there's any way I can support you to move forward into this new space. And then to show you when I have the link for you for my book, you can pop it into wonderful. I'm really excited to bring it to the world. I'm really excited to support as many people as I can to really be in this place because I firmly believe it's your role.
I feel it and it's so refreshing to feel I wish you all we are doing zoom call for this as well with the video. I wish you could see the theory radiating right now. Like it's so refreshing to have someone that's real, that talks about the good, the bad, the ugly, the everything that makes us human that makes us these beautiful spiritual beings living in this plane living on this planet, doing our thing in the best way that we know how so thank you for supporting us and thank you for just shining so brightly when we need it most.
Keri Norley
Thank you and thank you for your beautiful message and for bringing this work to the world and for being in your beautiful positive spirit and going through all of the shifts and changes that you have had to make to be here. Sharing your truth in the world to a takes every single one of us does not like it's not just one I think all of us
Keri Norley
Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise, please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Instagram. I'm at Keri Norley and on Facebook facebook.com forward slash Keri Norley one or Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.
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- Published On: January 25th, 2025
- Published On: January 25th, 2025
- Published On: January 24th, 2025
- Published On: January 24th, 2025