On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast, I have Lea Newman back on the show.
This time we are talking about money archetypes.
If you want to discover more about archetypes and how they show up in our money stories listen in.
If you want to know more about some of the light and shadow aspects of our money archetypes that are playing out in your life and not always in a helpful way this show is for you.
We talk about our own experiences of archetypal embodiment to help us grow our wealth.
This is a fun and deep show that is sure to expand your mind.
Resources mentioned:
Keri Norley
On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast, I have Lea Newman back on the show with me. This time we are talking about money archetypes. If you want to discover more about archetypes and how they show up in our money stories, please listen in. If you want to know more about some of the light and shadow aspects of our money, archetypes that are playing out in your life, and not always in a helpful way, this is the show for you. We talk about our own experiences of archetypal embodiment to help us grow our wealth. This is a really fun and deep show that is sure to expand your mind. Enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of the show. And I am so excited. We literally just hit stop on one podcast and we decided to go into a second podcast with Miss Lea Newman, who is here today to talk about money archetypes because she didn't tell me when we signed on to the podcast that she did types as well as erotic blueprints. So if you haven't already heard if you're coming in and you haven't actually heard some time, probably just before this, or just after this however they come out. There is an amazing, amazing conversation that we just had on erotic blueprints and pleasure and how that lights up our world to be able to live into our highest abundant wealth and money manifestations. Boom boom and today on this. On this one we are going to talk about money archetypes. So Lea is I'll just read quickly reframe her bio for you. She is bringing the sexy back to your life. She is a former high performance coach from Tony Robbins are for Tony Robbins and she helps busy women overcome the cycles of exhaustion and overwhelmed they can live their lives dripping with pleasure. Yeah, baby. She's an erotic blueprint master trainer, the founder of unstuck yourself a certified acceleration evolution practitioner and a life transformation cards. And she does money archetypes. So on this call, I want to talk I haven't actually had anyone come in. And I've heard about money outside for quite some time. And so I'm very curious to have this conversation because I love looking at archetypes.
Lea Newman
I think actually let's start with like before we even go into money archetypes, do you want to share what archetypes even mean for those of people who have no idea what we're talking about when we even go there? Yeah, it's an archetype is really kind of, I see it kind of as a persona. It's a set of, you know, beliefs, mental attitudes, and how and behaviors like how we show up in the world. And I really love how these were cultivated, because it really does show the diversity of attitudes and behaviors that we have around money.
Keri Norley
So archetypes can be for anything. And I think Carolyn Mace was one of the first, I'd say people to be known for her work and archetype. So if you're wanting to go generalized, you can go and look up her work, it's pretty amazing. But ultimately, it's like, we can look at the archetype of the King, the Queen, the jester, the magician, and each of these characters, or these archetypes plays certain roles. And so what are the the beliefs, the mindset, the energy, the way they show up the actions, they take the way that they interact with the world, their expectations of the world, their values, all of these types of things we can start to look at and go, Well, how do they play? And if I want to have more magic in my life, what are the skills tools, village values, beliefs that I need to then embody? And I think this is going to invite more of that in my into my system. And so I think when we look at archetypes generally I know for me, it's been so beautiful. Like oftentimes I'll be working with one or two archetypes like oh, this is the archetype I'm working to play into. Okay, so am I being that essence? You know, am I really showing up as and so we can I think if we get to get to many things all at once it gets a bit tricky, but like if we can start to play into like, I know for me, one of the big ones for me was stepping into Empress Leaving out coming from a trust fund baby, right stepping into Empress not playing the princess because the princess did not help me in the money archetype. Let's talk about that one. Right, so we had to look at like, what is the princess archetype? And how am I showing up? That's a very disempowering thing to do for myself, which is how I was raised. And then how do I step into this Empress archetype, especially for me, knowing that I literally my grandmother, we used to call her the Empress. My mom was the queen, I was the princess. So how does one step into that when the Empress is still alive? And is sort of playing with this, right? And so we get to start to play with these things and unravel? Like, where are we at in our worlds? And how do we step into the things that are more empowering?
Lea Newman
So I love analogy for exploring yourself, right? to understanding how, how you you know, in this case, how you show up with money, right? And it'll help you discover your superpowers, and it will definitely reveal your shadows.
Keri Norley
Mm, no, it does. Oh, it does. And they can get into the shadow archetype suit, which we don't need to talk about here right now. But let's talk about so the money archetypes, what does that all? Tell us? Tell us tell us about it? What is this all? What is this? All?
Lea Newman
Yeah, so the sacred money archetypes are essentially like a typing system, it's a way for you to identify, as I said, your, your behavior to reflect your behaviors and beliefs around money. And, you know, I find other than sex money is the, I would say the second like most triggering conversation you can have with people. Like, it is amazing. How triggered people get around money. Truly. And, you know, for so many reasons, you know, it could be societal, familial, what have you, we were raised to believe certain things about people with money, people without money, how you should engage with money. You know, do you save it? Do you spend it all of these things? And how do you earn it? And I just love when, through this lens, people get to really know, love, honor and accept themselves for exactly who they are. And it's also a method, you know, we've talked a little bit about kind of mentioned shadow work. It's a way of reclaiming the parts of you that you've made wrong as well.
Keri Norley
Yes, yes.
Lea Newman
So all of my work, everything that I do, you know, we talked on our last call about unsticking yourself what does unstuck yourself mean? It means about, it means loving, honoring and accepting all parts of you. And from that place, you are in pure freedom, totally at choice, you have access to everything, right, the entire spectrum. And now you get to choose what is most alignment for you in this moment, with the situation with the person with, right, that showing up for you. What, you know, what is the best choice, you get to be at choice, instead of run by these unconscious patterns that were instilled in you when you were a child? Probably.
Keri Norley
Totally, I love what you said about that. I'm, like my mind embracing the things that we think aren't so great. Right? You know, and I find that really interesting when we start to look at these and you're like, oh, that thing that really can be so frustrating about myself. It's not going anywhere. So I might as well love that. Right?
Lea Newman
How can I love that part of me too.
Keri Norley
I think the other thing that's really interesting when we start to look at these things as well, when I start to look at any sort of I guess, like profiling or archetype being system, or any kind of thing like this is the places where we are naturally so gifted. And we don't look at that as a gift. Right? Right. So even just now so before we got on here, I just did the mark the money archetype so that she could hear what I was. And it's really interesting, because certain things, it's like, there are certain pieces of who I am that it's like, of course, that's how it's gonna be right so like she said, like my highest was Maverick, which was like, I want to break the rules, which also for me, the shadow of that is I can actually like destroy myself by trying to break too many rules. And like not even staying to my own rules, because I'm like, You made that rule because I was supposed to help you and you want to go break it.
Lea Newman
How it shows up for me is I often just make everything so much freaking harder because I don't want to do it like everybody else. So and so the stuff tried and true and like a shortcut, right? Oh no, I create my own way to do that. And it's free harder than it needs to be instead of taking like, a pathway or blueprints or something that that's already been vetted and tested, and then just modifying it to my needs, which you know, would be smart and time saving and what have you. Freaking harder,
Keri Norley
right? But then even then we can start to look at that and go, Okay, so I know that about myself. Right? And so check in so I do now I check in a lot more about my rule breaking now. I'm not 100% amazing about it. But I definitely check in more around my rule breaking. Is this a benefit to be breaking this rule? Right, or is this like, oh, this would actually help me I should surrender into the fact that somebody probably knows something that I don't know.
Lea Newman
All right. And so can I tie this also into erotic blueprints a little?
Keri Norley
Yes, please go ahead.
Lea Newman
So the part of you that looks to break rules, that psychological kinky, like you like to be a brat? Oh, yeah. All right, coming out in business. All right.
Keri Norley
Interesting. So really, then I just have to redirect the focus of where that gets to go. To actually have that be met. Right? Because ultimately, all these needs to meet needs to be met. Right? Right. So how can we support your business and grows it not? You know, hinders you. Hmm. Alright, so what are the Okay, so I mentioned Maverick, but what are the market like just like the overview there's eight archetypes don't go you don't have to go deep into them. But what are the Okay,
Lea Newman
I won't because it you know, will be so good but it would take her and I know we have a limited amount of time. So the archetypes are ruler. So that somebody that's often deep in business, accumulator. These are people that like to save money that can connector. These are people that you know, their means of making money is actually connecting Person A with Person B and you know, creating relationships, an alchemist these are your transformational leaders. A lot of coaches and healers are often an alchemist blueprint.
Keri Norley
I definitely even though it's not one of my highest obviously being the wealth, Alchemy, alchemist.
Lea Newman
It is definitely a definitely like, truthfully, okay, so with all of these typing systems, it's really important to know that we all have access to all of everything. Yeah, but some of them are a little stronger than others, is all. Okay, moving on. We have the Maverick, which we've already talked about. They like to do it their own way. These are. The Mavericks are often like CEOs or entrepreneurs, the celebrity, they're the ones that are doing it because they like the attention. And let's see what else, nurturer. These are people that use their money to support themselves and to support others. And romantic is like indulgence. deliciousness. And you already alluded to it before, when you took your quiz. Guess what? Erotic blueprint most romantics are the sensual.
Keri Norley
Right? Because it's like I want to feel like oh wow. You're on a touch myself. I want to get things good on me if I'm gonna be here like I'd rather have the beautiful cozy comfy pillow versus the one that's going to be scratchy and annoying. Like just I'd rather not have one.
Lea Newman
Pillows are not allowed in my house.
Keri Norley
Okay, so once we know about these blueprints or sorry the archetypes then then what do we how can we work with these to help us? Well, so when I read actually, first of all, where can people go to get them if they want to while we're here?
Lea Newman
Oh yeah, um, you can go to www dot unstuck yourself course.com/s M A assessment. So again, that's unstuck yourself course. COMM slash S. M A assessment. Okay, perfect. Yeah.
Keri Norley
Now, you were saying how can we use these in our lives?
Lea Newman
Yeah, so when I work with people and unstuck your money, it's my upcoming money course. And we dive into each of these blueprints, or each of these archetypes in depth. And generally I begin our work together by looking at your top three, and your lowest your top three and your lowest your top three are the ones that are generally most ingrained in you. Right there they are your unconscious patterns that just arise naturally. And so from there, we're going to look at you know, what are your strengths kind of you were saying before, like, sometimes we tend to not really like we go through life. We go through the regular rigmarole of life and we fail to it. acknowledge the gifts that we've been given the gifts that we exercise on a daily basis, right? And so this is a beautiful opportunity to acknowledge those gifts. It's also a great opportunity to notice. Where are those gifts actually holding you back? Where are those gifts hindering you in life, I'll give you an example. My top archetype is ruler archetype. So you can imagine, you know, I'm a coach, I am out in the world, I do marketing, I love my business. So it is not hard for me to spend a lot of time on and in my business, because I love it. I'm juiced up, I'm amped. But one of the shadow sides of my ruler archetype is I can get so engrossed in what I'm creating, because I believe in it so much that I forget to go play.
Keri Norley
I feel about one.
Lea Newman
Yeah, I forget to go play because I'm kind of playing in, like business is it feels so good. It's so fun. Business is a game for me, it is fun, it is play for me. But you know, we need more than just businesses play in our lives. We need we need sex, we need nature, we do all these other things, other fun ways of playing. And you know, it's so for me, it is something that I know, honor and accept about myself. And so I consciously block off large pieces of time for me to go do things and go play. I schedule time. You know, my best friend lives down in Scottsdale. And so once a month, over the winter months, you know, because I'm here in Boulder, I fly down to go see her and spend a weekend down there with her and we play over the summer, she comes up here avoiding the weather. The weather, but we it's you know, she's not a CEO herself. Right. And so it is easy for both of us to like put the blinders on and get our heads down and be in the work all the time. And this is time that we have scheduled for ourselves because we acknowledge this pattern of hours. And this is time that we have scheduled for ourselves to go play. Okay, so Oh, so your top three so we're going to kind of explore the superpowers in the in the shadows of your top three. Why do you think we also look at your lowest one?
Keri Norley
Because it's gonna be where your weaknesses and where you want to? Yes. Which is interesting cuz when you said that I went and looked mines connector. And I thought that's really interesting. Because if you anyone who knows me will say Carrie like I I love connecting people in my network. So it's really interesting.
Lea Newman
Well, I mean, and also recognize it's a quiz, right? Yeah, totally. So the more you dive into these there, it could totally change and things it has a lot to do with how the question is worded, how you interpreted it, how you answered it, the quizzes, you know, both for the sacred money archetypes as well as the erotic blueprint. It's just designed to be a starting place for us to begin the conversation. And then and then we dive in, like when you come into my one of my courses, or you work with me, we dive in and we explore all of them truthfully, to some extent, but we focus our main attention on what you believe are your top three, because no quiz can fully tell you who you are, or whatever. Like, you know, every once in a while I get somebody that goes, yeah, that who is the way that was worded. So I think I actually think I'm this other one. And, you know, we lean into that. But the lowest one is the one that you've often made wrong. Oh, okay. All right. The the beliefs of behaviors that you've made wrong.
Keri Norley
Yeah, it's interesting because for me, like it's, it's a is a wealth dynamics, you know, that that profiling system, so I'm a supporter, so as a supporter, it's like, I'm supposed to connect people and support people. And this is my, my work. So it took me quite a bit of time to actually be able to be like, oh, so I'm supposed to make money when I connect people. Yes. Oh, and it is and I have to remember and I have to work that muscle for myself because I so quickly, we'll do it. It's so natural for me. And I still want to support people but then I forget to take money for it.
Lea Newman
Alright, well, you know, as so we're speaking to your connector archetype Right? which I believe was actually one of your lower ones, right? It was my lowest one. Yeah. You know, the making money from it part doesn't mean you say Hey, Pay me for totally every means that it means that your superpower is connecting with people and culture. Building relationships and from those relationships, you know, building trust with all of these people, money comes to you, you don't even have to think about it. It's not even something you'll have to ask for. It'll just come.
Keri Norley
Yes, well, yes. Yes. I, my, my, my belief is that your network is your net worth, you know, absolutely.
Lea Newman
But notice that your top one Maverick, who loves money, like loves it, and your connector are a little bit at odds. Your connector doesn't really care about money, like you want money, but doesn't really care about that's not the point of the connecting. No, it isn't. It's not the point for you. But for your Maverick, oh, it is the frame, fix the point. It is the point, like it's a big part of the point.
Keri Norley
So interesting.
Lea Newman
Are those things and help you reconcile that we help you reclaim that love on that part of you. So that again, it brings you to this place where you love, honor and accept all parts of you. And then you get to access the part of you. That is most I don't like this word, but like appropriate for this. For this moment, whatever is arising right now, who is the one that can serve you the most? Right here right now. You're, you have total freedom because you're not making any part of you wrong. You have freedom to choose, and be the best person for this moment. The best version of you this moment right here right now because you love, honor and accept all parts.
Keri Norley
Hmm. Above that i was just thinking about, like, all these archetypes and I was thinking how is it? I guess? By being in flow with the archetype, like I'm just thinking about generally speaking, right? Like, if I'm choosing an archetype to embody, and I'm in flow with that archetype, then generally speaking, there's more flow in my life in regards to that. Right?
Lea Newman
Most of that, right in regards to everything.
Keri Norley
So is it so if I start to look at these and we go, okay, so our top three are we wanting to basically like is the same thing I'm saying, right? So I want to take these couple things maybe even just to talk to and go okay, so I want to go research these and I want to say now, here's these pieces, my plus my my, you know, the positives and the negatives, I don't really like that. But you know what I mean? Light, the dark, all
Lea Newman
that kind of like to calm your superpowers in the shadows.
Keri Norley
Yeah, you supervise the shadows, I like that. Um, and we start to embody these, that's where we find flow is by being in that Yeah, and if I'm not in those top three, and then working to bring that bottom one out, that's when we start to fall out of flow.
Lea Newman
Um, we fall out of flow Lena mins opinion when we drop into the unhealthy expression of these archetypes so again, I'll use my top one, the unhealthy expression of a ruler archetype is when I get in that unhealthy space, I become obsessive about my business. And it depletes the crap out of me. Because I don't take time for pleasure. I don't take time for self care, I'm not eating well. It's it is like my press Yes, with my business. That's the unhealthy expression of the ruler archetype. Right? A healthy expression is I am in joy and pleasure, because I know that it's a shadow that I can become obsessive. I make sure that gets on the calendar first. And make sure that that happens. So that I am enjoy and pleasure filled and also a generator. I know you like the human designs as well. You know, my job is to be enjoy. Yeah, totally. It is my like what I need in life, it is required. That is my purpose in the world, Human Design wise, right. And so when I'm enjoy when I'm in pleasure, now I come to create in my business and I am rockin I'm having so much fun. And by the way, what I'm producing is fucking fantastic from that place. Right?
Keri Norley
You know, and then it's magnetic and people want to be a part of it.
Lea Newman
Oh, when it's the healthy expression.
Keri Norley
Okay, so as the Maverick, is it like being too obsessed with money?
Lea Newman
No. Well, I would say it's more about like doing it your own way. The ruler archetype is also like loves money, loves, loves it loves it, and use it uses it as a metric to gauge success, which can be a negative. Which can totally, you know, terrible as well. And Mavericks also love money. It's also a way they gauge success. But they are like really fixated on doing it their own way. And we already talked about one of the ways that it can be an unhealthy expression. Right, right of this, this obsession with doing it your own way can hamstring you because you're reinventing the wheel all the freaking time. You know, but what one of the superpowers of the Maverick is that they see opportunities where other people don't 100% and I will give you an example. We were talking before the call and you were saying about how you're starting your mastermind for crypto and web three. Like Duh, of course Maverick. So trailblazer and it has to be something new and exciting. Yeah, also my manifester. Yes 100% 100%.
Keri Norley
So there's all these in defi we have compounding interest, I make money every day, which is so like my accumulator self is like look at that every day, there's money coming in to do anything for it It's just accumulating over there. Don't touch that over there. It's so funny.
Lea Newman
Um, so that is your accumulator. But let's also notice the shadow of an accumulator is because you have this like Did everybody hear like this rule? Don't touch that. You have a you have a rule underneath is Don't touch that. Right? And what if you want to go on an exquisite vacation sometime?
Keri Norley
It has been over this last couple of years and has been because that's conditioning for me Don't touch that. My family was like don't touch that. I'm talking about conditioning and over these last two and a half years. Actually more specifically this last year, year to year and a half. I have played hard and I mean it like really like put like stretched this right in a really playful way and also a really challenging way of a challenge is my accumulators piece of to the magician to the magic to the alchemy of there's always enough there's always enough all none of that matters because there's always enough. And if I believe that there's always enough, then I can spend that. And, and that there will always be more. Yeah. Right. So it's a very interesting to get your accumulator and your romantic are at odds.
Lea Newman
Yeah, antic that loves luxury? Yes.
Keri Norley
It's like, Oh, should I really? Like, and it's an it's been a total total play with my mind to be like, an even as I mean, there's we're taking the quiz there was a couple of times I was like, but I don't it's an end. Because right now I'm really working to and piece I can accumulate and have the luxury.
Lea Newman
That's exactly that is the work, like both get to be true. Yes, don't have to make one wrong. And one is right, or we get to love all of them, and value them for what they bring to the table. These are all parts of you. I don't know if you're familiar with parts work. But yeah, they're all parts of you. And they all have value, they all have something brilliant and genius to share with us. Right? And it's how do we embrace all of them? How do you get to save money and indulge all at the same time?
Keri Norley
Right. I mean, it's, it's, it's something I think it really becomes like it's that mental space of and because I know before that it was just like it was over there and I can't touch it. I can't touch it. I can't touch it. Yeah. And I grew well, really well. Don't touch it, don't touch it. Don't touch it. Right, if you have a lot, but having a huge pile of you know, without actually enjoying it all is a bit stretch.
Lea Newman
There's McDuck with this huge pile of coins up, you know, who cares? And what's the point if, if you're not living life, right, you're not getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor if you're not getting to enjoy your abundance. And again, this all comes back to being at choice.
Keri Norley
It is it is a choice. And it's something that for me, like as I've been going through this, and I think it's a really interesting piece, because I don't think regardless of any of your archetypes, wherever you are with this, I think this piece here is a big piece. When I talk about even like holding wealth, I talk about it. So I have a book, I wrote my book, that's the new wealth magnetize abundance hold you off and leave a legacy. And one of the things I talk about in holding wealth, the way that I like the image that I had, as I was writing this book was an eddy. And so like the eddy, it's not like there's the current that runs and we get to be in this current that can be in total flow and total running, right. But then there's also like, we can be stagnant if we just hold it, which doesn't help either. So like, if your money is always going out the door, that's not helpful. If you're holding it, you've got like a tight grip on it. That's not always hopeful. So there's like in the eddy, it's like, okay, there's a pool that kind of sits there, but then it also kind of flows out, but it's not rushing. And it's like I can hold some and I can make choices of when this kind of leaks out comes out, you know, moves out of the out of the flow. And so I think it's just really beautiful, I guess, metaphor in all of this thing, because I don't think that regardless of archetypes, I think it's a really beautiful thing to to bring to the conversation. Because it's something we all get to learn. You know, and I think that for me, there's parts of me that went completely almost the other way was like, All right, again, Rule Breaker. Well, if I'm not going to, then I'm gonna break that rule too. And I'm just gonna go. And I've had to learn over this last, like, what is that place? What is this place? Where's the middle, but it only starts by actually learning to play with it, you know, and to be able to go through the fear of, okay, I'm going to let go of this. And I say this, because I'm sure there's other accumulators and people who are growing their wealth, that that are in that place, right? That it's okay to let go of it. And guess why when you let go of it can come back even more sore, right? Like, I'm looking at huge returns by taking the risks and allowing myself to let go of things. Excuse me. But that also we get to have the ends like, Yes, I can I can still have this. And yes, I can still have this and I can have worth. And where's that middle ground for you? Because I think we do. I think in order to find the middle, you kind of have to play on the sides on both sides.
Lea Newman
You mean, you need to be at choice, right? have access to the whole spectrum, right? I loved what you were sharing. You may have saw me looking and I was looking at the guy's name. And there's a really great book called prosperity consciousness by Frederick Lerman. heard of that before I haven't. So good. And one of the things he talks about is the flow of money, right? There's earning their spending and there's investment. And all of them have to be happening. Yes, for the flow of money to happen. Again, like you said, if you've only got money coming in, and then it's going right back out the door. You're poor, right? If If you're not taking the time to put some aside to have it actually built for you, you're not you're not accruing wealth either. It's really, really powerful. Huh, check it out.
Keri Norley
I will check it out. And I agree, like I think all of it together is so critical. And one of the things that I would say around that as well in like our, you know, the budgeting piece, when we start to look at, like money coming in money coming out and moving through, is that it's the place I've been playing is stretching, money coming in to meet a higher level of going out, while also still getting to accumulate, right. So like, I think so many people put this budget spend thing on, as, like, there's a catch the, I'll just reduce back because of my budget. But it's like, actually, if I stretched myself, because I want these things in my life, and I choose that I get to live this luxurious life for the whatever life or whatever we want, right? That I'm going to reach and increase my earnings, especially because most people on here entrepreneurs, increase my earnings to meet that. And I think what we get to include in that is also I get to put this money aside for growing my wealth. Right? Right. And so when we, when we start to actually have that focus on all of it, then it makes it easier to play all of the different realms of it and all the choices of it.
Lea Newman
You know what I love about being an entrepreneur? It's limitless. Yeah, basically, if I want money, I go make it. I literally go make it. And, you know, I come from the Tony Robbins world, and he has this guy, Keith Cunningham that comes to speak at his events. And he said, Look, this is the formula for business. Step one, find out what they want. Step two, go make it step three, give it to them. That's simple. We make it so complex and make it so complicated. Make it so complex. And you know, people sometimes think I'm very flippant when I say if I want money, I go make it but it's the truth. You can't necessarily do that in a J. OB. You can't necessarily what are you going to go to your boss and say, Pisa may have some more money. More money? How about a little more hours or some more money right now that's why I forget this statistic is something like 80% of Americans have a side hustle. Because their jlb is not meeting their financial needs. Not for living life, certainly not for accumulating wealth. Ah, and a gloved your point when you're saying like stretching yourself in your spending. This is the thing every single time I have stretched myself in my spending, the money always shows up. The money to cover always shows up when big, ginormous, huge Asterix when it is soul aligned, when it is soul aligned choice. Not this willy nilly. Like I'm trying to keep up with the Joneses kind of spending with this, like, Oh, I hate to do. It's that voice that comes from down here. When we talked on the last podcast. I'm thinking right? Your heart, your gut, or your genitals your in our case, your pussy. Right, your heart, your gut, your posts, he was like, yes. That kind of spending. Every time will expand you will grow you. Hmm. And the money always shows up.
Keri Norley
Oh, thank you, Lea. Do you have anything else you would like to add in around how any of our archetypes anything, anything about money related to business success? How you've gotten here with your business? Anything like that?
Lea Newman
Yeah, I mean, you're gonna hear my ruler architect come through here. I'm owning your own business is awesome. Again, if you want more money, you create a product and you sell it. And you can have more money. You know, in my case, if I want more money, I'll create a new course or I'll do outreach to have a new one on one clients or what have you. It it is. entrepreneurialism is like, Oh, I love it
Keri Norley
I love itI have a question for you around that. Yeah, there's people in the world who they've been at it you know, the ones we were talking last on the last episode around miserable. Like it looks really great from the outside and that like all looks like it's apart, but they're miserable inside. So I would even say that there's entrepreneurs in the world and I know, you know, there's a lot of them where they've been doing this They're kind of making it work. They're kind of maybe basically barely making ends meet, right? And they're like, what's wrong with me, I hear Lea say, I just go on create money, I tried to go out and create money and it lands flat and nobody wants to offer it.
Lea Newman
I would say there's nothing wrong with you. I would say that you're probably not following your pleasure. You probably just created a jlb for yourself. You're not actually an entrepreneur, you're you're a business owner. And your job is the business. The point of entrepreneurialism is to create freedom for yourself. You get to do it your way. That which lights you up my little Maverick friend, oh, my little Maverick Self does. The whole point is freedom. The whole point is for you to be able to engage in work that lights you up because you said so. So a lot of times what happens is people have a God, and they think they're going to go create something outside of that. But they're not actually following their pleasure. They're following what they think is gonna make them money. Or it may be a thing, or they're doing something that does light them up, but they're going about it in a way that is not pleasure filled. You know, I'll use the coaching industry as an example. And some people don't enjoy this, you and I love it. We're doing great, right? We love it. But I can't tell you how many times I've heard people go get on all the podcasts and they frickin hate being on podcasts. And so then there's shitty interview. Yeah. And then they wonder why nobody like found them. Because they're doing it by somebody else's blueprint. They're following somebody else's, you know, pathway for pleasure. Follow your own. If you don't want to do podcasts, don't freaking do podcasts. If you don't want to be on social media, don't be on social media. There's another way for you to find your people follow that. Follow the thing that lights you up. You know, in this day and age, we say everybody has to be on social media. I would say, well, first of all, it drives me crazy that we pound into people's head that they have to have a website. It's just so not true. You do you need a web presence, but not a website. Yes, you need a way for somebody to type into one of the search search engines your name or your business name. And your stuff appears that that is accurate. Because that's just the world that we live in. But it doesn't need to. It doesn't need to look like a podcast, or having been on podcasts or a tick tock or Instagram or whatever. If it doesn't light you up. Don't do it. Find another way. People were doing business and making millions well before social media ever existed. You ever said you can to find a way that lights you up. Because if it lights you up, then it's gonna call to the people that are your would be clients as well.
Keri Norley
Beautiful. So if you're banging your head against the wall, as you listen to Lea, say I just get to go write my own checks really?
Lea Newman
Print my own money into my house, then that's kind of how it happens. I mean, you are in so much fun doing the thing. You are magnetic, huh?
Keri Norley
100%? Yes, I will add to this piece, and then we'll wrap it up. One of the things and I've said it before on here before and I'll probably say it again. Oh gazillion times. Because it's been my lesson and I've watched a bazillion other people do this is that the thing that you are being guided to in your heart to go and do in your life? is probably the thing that scares the living bejesus out of you and you're thinking to yourself, oh my god, the people are gonna think about me, what are people gonna say? If I go talk about this? Let's just talk about Lea talking about sex and pleasure for her business, right? I'm sure there's probably some fears around I'm going to talk about sex and orgasms and vaginas and pussies. I'm going to use the word pussy on air.
Lea Newman
Why? Right? You got banned on Instagram, right?
Keri Norley
Like this. And, and, and yet, it brings you pleasure, right? And so when we do the thing that we know that we're supposed to do, that our entire being is lit up for doesn't matter how uncomfortable it is that we end up in this place that we're being guided to there. We get to go do the thing anyway. And that's when miracles happen. And I will say this has been my experience because I spent a lot of years in business, not getting frustrated. I mean, not not like actually getting frustrated, banging my head against my wall. What's happening, why isn't this moving forward? What's going on yada yada yada? And it was because I was teaching manifestation work which is not like a bad thing. There's a lot of people in the world who teach manifestation work. But it was so like wishy washy. There was somebody else on the street, you can go like, go watch Denise Duffield Thomas, if you want to go and learn about making money and get into her boot camp, right? But like, there's other people who are already doing it. And it was just not, it wasn't my thing. Even though it's my thing.
Lea Newman
I still do Alice's doing, you got to do it your way.
Keri Norley
And so when I started to talk to holding wealth, growing wealth, doing things with money that was like, Oh, my God, this is what I was always meant to do. Because I get this from the core of who I am. Not because someone told me about it not because I learned it, because I have been living this life since I was born. Right? It lit me up. And I was like, Oh, I can talk about this till the cows come home. But it was scary as heck. I had to overcome years of shit to be able to do it.
Lea Newman
Talking about is loving, honoring and accepting all parts of you. So what I'm hearing is, I often refer to it as the Woo and do you have embraced both the Woo and the the practical application, right? The Law of Attraction and the law of action, they both go hand in hand. And so often, you know, we idolize one of those. Totally the other one wrong. It's all here. It's all present. When you own it all. Love, honor and accept at all, you get to be at choice. What is the appropriate? I hate that word? Why do I keep saying it?
Keri Norley
But like, the best best thing
Lea Newman
In these circumstances in this situation with this person right here? Given on do that, oh man in my world, yes.
Keri Norley
And whatever that thing is that's inside of you. It's just like, stop avoiding it, and go do the thing. And I would have collapsed so many years of stuff in which I have since doing that, right. And that's why I say to people all the time, I'm like, whatever that thing is, if you're feeling frustrated, you're not where you want to be financially, go do the thing that's really inside of you, no matter how scary it is.
Lea Newman
Can I also call out though, that sometimes when we say do the thing, do the thing. It's it's like overly forceful sometimes. Yeah. And it's okay to look over there and say, that's the thing that I want to do eventually. And I'm scared shitless you don't have to take the giant leap. Take the first chargeless step, right. Ask yourself, what is the smallest step that I can take? Align step by the way, that two has to be aligned step. What is the first align step that I can take the smallest aligned step? It is so small, that it feels like no big work? First step is going to take me in that direction. Yeah.
Keri Norley
Exactly. Like if you want to start a podcast, right, you don't have to just go be like, right? I'm coming online announcing to the world. I'm starting a podcast. And here's the thing. I mean, I'm getting my no like, just go maybe look for a book, go to the library, or Amazon. Right, like, just go and say like, Okay, what's my inner Dwight, Do I even want to do I want to talk to somebody, you reach out to somebody who's got a podcast, hey, what's it like to have one?
Lea Newman
Like, all these different things, there's a million things that you could choose to do is that first step, whatever the one is that you're like, oh, yeah, that sounds interesting. That feels really good. That was really good to take that step. To walk me towards podcasting. Yep. Take that step. And then you go, I wonder what my next step is when you feel into my body, right. Not listening to the voices in our head. We're listening to everything neck down. We're listening when we check in. Hmm. Oh, I need to call my friend Carrie. See what? What's up with her in her podcast? No. Just listen. Yep. Your body knows body. It's always in your body. It's so smart. So smart.
Keri Norley
Thank you, Miss. Thank you. Miss Lea. This has been another amazing episode. I have loved this conversation with you so much juiciness in here. I hope that all of you have also enjoyed listening and you go and take your archetype and you start to play into what that looks like for you, the shadow and the superpowers that you have. And if you want to know more about how to reach out to Leo, please Leo let them know how they can find you.
Lea Newman
Yeah, you can find me on Facebook at Leo Newman. Right just my personal page. I also have a free group called unstuck yourself. I'm also over on Instagram I got banned so I had to make a new account. It's unstuck yourself with two underscores and then I'm over on tick tock is unstuck yourself.
Keri Norley
Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your amazing wisdom. I have loved spending this time. with you, and for those of you who are listening, we will see you next week on the wealth Alchemist podcast. If you are wanting to know more about any of these things around money archetypes, please do reach out to Lea. If you're wanting to do anything that is crypto related wealth creation related and how we actually take that money and grow it, please do reach out to me. This is the place I am loving playing these days and I'd love to support you. Until next week. See you later. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise, please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at Keri Norley And on Facebook Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.
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- Published On: January 15th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025
- Published On: January 7th, 2025