What would happen if you REMOVED them? Are you truly showing up as your absolute most authentic self… real, raw and vulnerable?
What would happen for you, if you did?
On all levels?
My dear friend, Megan McAvoy Matté, prompted this awesome journaling question the other day… What masks are you wearing? And so I went to town in my journal on it. And for a few minutes, I wondered… am I a fraud?
Am I REALLY showing up as completely and fully as I can?
And as I journaled… I knew in my heart… I do show up. I do share with you so much of my truth and honesty. I am pretty transparent. And yet… I accepted a challenge to myself… go deeper. Let more show. Let more shine.
I don’t actually know what that looks like yet.
Maybe it’s to tell you that sometimes… life is hard. Sometimes… even though I’m an EPIC manifestor… sometimes even though I KNOW all this stuff… and teach it… I am HUMAN AF… and I forget… I get in my own way… my ego comes in and blocks me from creating my desires. Sometimes…
And I know… I can often make it all look so dang easy. Because at the end of the day… when you GET THIS.. .when you EMBODY the stuff that I teach and share… it truly can be easy.
But also… when ego comes in… when resistance shows up… when we live in this human experience and get in our own way… it can be hard. It can be tricky to navigate. It can downright suck.
And instead of magical experiences happening… bills show up, debt collects, health goes downhill, accidents happen, weight gets put on, relationships get hard, you fight, you can’t sleep… you may want to collapse on the floor in the fetal position, tears streaming down your face wondering if you will EVER climb out of the HOLE…
the deep black hole that feels like it’s consuming you.
Yes… that and more can all happen… at the drop of a pin.
And I guess the reason I don’t write about it a lot (I do write about it and share that life has it’s downs, but I know it’s not my normal topic of conversation) is for two reasons…
1. I grew up in a family that everything always looked perfect… and the reality is… that for the most part… there was a lot of happiness and joy and smiles and laughter when my whole family would come together. I have so many incredible, fond memories growing up with an incredible extended family and we all got along and played and laughed and had fun. I truly grew up in a blessed life. But, if there were cracks, if there was a disagreement… it certainly wasn’t aired. And no matter your mood that day… when you walked out of the house… you put on a brave and beautiful face and got on with it.
My hubby reminds me of this… I could be screaming at the kids, wanting to tear my hair out and cry… and someone shows up at the door and it’s all smiles.
Of course… not with my dearest friends. They know. I cry. I get frustrated. I vent. I have learned to feel my feelings, to share them and to let things out. But… I know… this is something I was raised in. The mask.
2. There is no point in dwelling in it all. I know, on a very deep level what it takes to BE in the space to BE THE PERSON who manifests your dreams. And sitting and whinging, whining, blaming, dwelling on the PROBLEM… in the darkness… WILL NOT get you to your dreams.
It’s SUPER IMPORTANT to FEEL ALL THE FEELS… to notice and acknowledge them. To breathe into and through them… to have awareness… and then move on.
It’s a dance. Notice. Breathe… let it go and as quickly as you can… come back to the present moment… and in that moment… welcome in joy, love, gratitude, expansiveness, connection… come back to that.
And from that space… you create your dreams. So… whilst I now often take the time to honour where I am at when I’m in the darkness… I also chose to not dwell in it.
AND… if you have been reading my posts this past few weeks… You will know that the darkness, the pain of my Gram’s death has been with me. It has definitely been a time of mourning. And I will not and have not hidden that. And I honour it will take time to move through.
AND… even in that… This week… I chose light. I chose miracles. I chose to believe that all is perfect in this world and that everything I desire… everything I ask for… everything I am writing about, working towards and creating is all coming to fruition with ease and flow. And in that choice… everything shifts and changes and the world, people, resources… all collaborate to make everything happen, just as it’s meant to…
So… you see this fine line… You see the playing with darkness and light.
And… I am accepting my own opening… to share more of it all. To be even more authentic and real and raw… whatever that looks like for the moment.
With absolute love and gratitude for you being on this journey with me… I welcome you into this thought process, this conversation too. Where can you remove even more masks? In your biz, your intimate relationships, your day to day life? What will happen in your life when you do?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and response… please let me know in the comments below.
PS- If you want help removing those masks… seeing what’s behind them. Well gorgeous one… you know what to do.. PM or comment below. I’m here for you… to help you shine in all your power.
Original Date Written: February 10, 2018